<br />.. --.()(i~,S55
<br />LetuieY; wrinat agreemerrt or applicable law. Boria'wer shall pay the aanoum of afl mortgage insurance prarriuma in the
<br />maaxr provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Arty arrmurb dislsursed by tinder pursuant to t}tia paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt becotnt additional
<br />irtdebfedmas of Borrower xs~€rrwd by this MaRgage- Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon noire from Lender to Borrower req€rtsting payment thereof, and shah bear interest from the
<br />date of dnhnraement at the rate paysbte from time to time an omstattdlttg principal uttder the Note unless payment of
<br />interest ai such rate would be rrmtrary to applicable law, in which event such arnotmts shall bear interest at the hishesi rate
<br />permisaibtt under applicable iaw. lathing wntairted in this paragraph 7 shaft require Lrnder to ittctar any experue or tales
<br />arty actioa hereunder.
<br />>R iopetBae. Y_ertder may matte or cause to be made reasottabk aortic: awn and inspections of the Ropsrty, provided
<br />that Linder shall give lkrnower notice prior to fry such ina~.--tian specifying reaanabie cause therefor related fo finder's
<br />interest in the Prapery.
<br />9. GwtdearnaMau, T'h¢ proceeds crf any award ar claim for damages. direct or consequentiah in cormxtion with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of *ht Properly, or part thereof, or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />acrd xt€atl be paid to Tinder.
<br />fn the event of a fatal taking of the Property, the procroeds shag be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with tfte excess. rf any. paid eo liorrawer. Tn the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall t?e applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the provide
<br />as is aquae to that proportion which the amount of the sums s€xured by this Mortgage immediately prior io the date of
<br />taking hears to the fair market valu¢ of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balena of the proceeds
<br />paid fn Borrower.
<br />Tf the Property is ahantbned by Hoarowe-, or if. after nmice by tinder to Borrower that the caodttmnot offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim far damages, Hartowcr faits to respond to finder within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is au[horirtd to collect acrd apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />>'roprrty ar to the some s¢.^-aced by this Morsgage.
<br />Unless Lender arsd Borrower aMerwfst agree is wriairtg, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or poatporrw the doe date of the mrmthly instalirtrtnts r¢~f¢rred to in paragraphs 7 and Z hereof or change the amount of
<br />strcts instaltrraems.
<br />f& Horroarer Nat 73teieaeed, Extension of the aims tat payment or modillcatian of amortizaiian of the sotto secured
<br />hryv this Mortgage granted hg E-ender to say sucrxssar ~n interest of Harrower shall not opcmce to reteasc. in any manper,
<br />ihs liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's saccessors in interest. Lender shall not t?e required to commence
<br />pracesdmgs against such successor ar rtfase to ¢xtend time for payment ar nthsr?viae modify zrmortization of the soma
<br />secured by this Martgagt M' reason of any demand made by the original Bart»wer and Borrowers succc~ssam in interest.
<br />il. iraefa¢mrfure isy L.eeder ^lar s Wadrer. Any forbearance by Yxnder in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded fiy applicable law. shall not ere a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The prxurtmxm of insurance or the payment of faxes ar other liens or charges by !.ender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right €a ac~eierate the tuaturity of the indebtedness ucured by this Mortgage.
<br />li. Netatedias Ct®alaflre. .All rmedies provided in this Mangage are eis[inat and cumulative to env other right or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage or afforded by law or equay. and may M exercised concurrently. independently or successively.
<br />13, 9aeewsswta sad Amdgas Ssued: )oiat aatd Seers! I.kalaitlty: Capdotw. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained she}! hind. and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respsxtivt successors and assigns et Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof 411 envenoms and agreements of Borrower shall ere join[ and several.
<br />The captiom and hcxdings of the paragraphs .,( €hia Mortgage are far convenience only anal are nut Io he used to
<br />itilerprt[ ^( dhtd'•„, iii ^--- -•-';53C-? i;tSYi~f.
<br />1Q. ','1 shits. Except (~ ~ arty notice required under applicable tau io he given in another manner. (a) any notice to
<br />Harrower provided far :tr :his Mortgage shalt trc given try mailing such naNce t?y certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />t~ Pln' cry 4.;i:fr=aa ;r c", ~r}:: add€ess ..s P,orrawer may iwcignate 1*y n,~rict to I_endtr rte provided herein. and
<br />fE•t to nratc'x at= Lender r€alt pt 2ivtn by ctrtifu+€1 mall, cream rtL.tpt rtgrxt~slC'tf. m Lender's address stated hereto or to
<br />e - :srr =- R" -> -a -r- _ ai ^"~ egr^•ate Yav ' ~t nt t,r Rix rrwet ~xx praviclari hereon. Any notice provided for in this
<br />M rigugt sirau inc deemed to nose trecn given to ffc,: rnwtr nr 8',c ndc.r when gtvtn in the manner dssigna!td hter`in.
<br />:>&, yr-..rat hiia'e~ct '3rsvstnia>R law; 3es°srabiW,y. Thos form r?f manylagc camllinea uniform envenoms for national
<br />'+13-f- a-d ~~-3-'tea-^^-- ~'=vim- »r€ts wi!h +imi(sJ vsrixt.ans by iuri~dic-ticn to canstitutt a uniform securit)• instrument covtnng
<br />reef proo¢rty. -Llris Martgag¢ shalt be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the
<br />event that any prorision ar clause of this Mortgage or the Note conflkts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect
<br />other provisions of this Mortgage or the Nate which can tx given effect wiaho€€t the conFlicting provision, and to this
<br />tint the provisions a( the Martgagt and the Note are det:iared to ht severable.
<br />16. Btamwer's Copy. Horrawer she{I he funushed a conformed copy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the time
<br />of esecutiaa or alter recordation hereof.
<br />t7. Traar/er of tYc Prst~etty; Aarartptiea, i! aU or any part of the Property or an interest tfitrtin is sold or aansferred
<br />by Horrnwcr witfrtwt Lender's prior wrintn consent, excluding fan the creation of a lien ar encumbrance sutx?rdinate to
<br />this Mortgage. 1t?I the creaGan of ;€ purcl€as€ trtanty se€;urity mmrtst for household appliances, {ty a transfer 6y devise,
<br />descent ar by optratian a( iaw upon tine death of a joint retain or fd) the gram of any Itasehald interest ct' three years or less
<br />:rot csrta€nvng as option €,: purchase, l.r€rdtr may, at Lxndtr's option, declare all the sums secured by this Mortgagt to 6e
<br />imnrui€ately d€re and paya±rlt. l._ndtr :ns1i ha-e ~asved s,rch optic;,-. ~:; a.:ccltratt if, prior to ehe sale or transfer. tender
<br />and the per s.m to wham tint Property i+. to be satd or transferred reach agrweniem in writing that the credit of wch person
<br />is aatisfacton~ w l.tnsttr and that eke intereu payable on the sums secured fiy this Mortgage shat! tit at such rate as Ler€der
<br />rlrall riaiursr If Landta h€u wziatd thx caption to ae'.cwMtatc pravnded ~n this paragraph I?, and if Borrower's succesa?r in
<br />iatwrssi has txttuied n written zuumpuc~€ agreeratnt accepted in waiting r?y Lendtr, Leudes shall release Borrower From all
<br />«faiigat:aas urtslaa [Iris S.iar:gtge acrd the Nare.
<br />If !..ender exercise,; such option to a€xekrate, Lerrdsr shall mail Borrower native of aarok»tion ir, accardancs with
<br />paragraph t4 hersaf. Such notstt shall provide a period of nos Esau than 30 days Fran the date the arotice is mailed within
<br />which Borrower may pay the sums dalattd dot. If Borrower fails €a pay such sums prior to the expiration of such period,
<br />Lr gip, '~+e; :;tit €e;: ;r.s r€ct:.:€ rr =;¢maod ou liarrawer. invoke an
<br />y remedies permuted by paragraph 18 harts!.
<br />€.-r::-it*;ia~iaras iwt~~N7s, Barrowtr and Lender turthtr covtnan€ and agree as follow:
<br />!$, Ateeleradoa; RwtaetYrq, Fnceirt as psaelda0 lea paragrapY 17 basest, rtpas Borrower's bnratk at stay cereoaat m
<br />t~ ~ Barr*tw^rr fs east Mtatgage, br¢ladlsgl firs tavctsaota to pay wires date any roofs secwad fay tMia Martga((s,
<br />lirsr3ar pdar !e aftWarwlea siit$ stall ttWles to dorwwsr a prarided to paragtaylt it 6ereef r€pecHlisK: il) toe hseacht
<br />¢) tle as9las rsgairad sa ewe ttrsis {rrwacbt 431 a slate, not lrsJS flail 3t1 tiaya Tram !4s tlasm fYa sorter ~ aaaiiwd to Eortxrwar,
<br />erg asx$ ttaesaeit r itR turad: alai €8) Uttd faBare ie crte web ltreac6 as at 6e{ore the dare sptcifiad is ehe tmtke
<br />.:+,r" . e $ axs~suata a>i its swag astared by thla . fereeloaare fY jadicfN psaeeeditg seat wie d the YtapetaY.
<br />TAs twWise aka6 fnal6wr iaieaan lisasawwr ui ~e rigiM as wiashts a[!n accelaaliaa sad tMe rie6t to groats is t1s4 tsesdaxve
<br />patmeaeNag the stoa.tahtenca uy r €i as sag attar ttetestae of Bottarrer to accetuaNoa fed farecloarse. if des 6rraett
<br />W tool ttttwi art ac ktfaee floe darts apaciitd is IAe raottce, [.wader ai /.strirr'e aplfea nay dfsktrs ~ d rite sty cecstre6l by
<br />tBk to hs iawttsiy daa asd payable ivitheat faeUta• aieaaaed sad easy laracic€ee by jtstiieid prxrceetifaB. [,ea€fer
<br />chef! Ls stilidad t2 tseRact !a sax9 pracesaHag all ezpsaaar a/ farar:iawre, fadadlaR, br sat Bwitpad to, caaLL of tiacraaaatuy
<br />erlittaeL aiaAraeb sad dNtt rsporla.
<br />i~ ~+>r;sfl'a Eif€+ is ,':€6li€6fitiE. NcH.vtthafandiog Ltsrdar'a asa:t:srvtwn .N ohs sums w~ureai by iht; MortgnYc,
<br />ll~aewwa= a„.z?? ba:€ t~ :~~; :u hex a.,y prs:.ea,`darrgs fssgun try f.endsr tt, rnfur.:e €has 4iarxgagt dia,:onu:rutd at xuy t€rrre
<br />