<br />Ltn-teatas Caver:atwra. Harrower std I.eoder ovnettaa[ sad agra as follows:
<br />t. tatty ar sad liwetaf. Borrovrer oaf! praaptly PaY when due the principal of and interest as rim
<br />irtdetxedrKas evideaccd Try the Noee, pte#taymear sled late charges as provided in the NsHe, aid the prnicipid of and -ntistest
<br />as any Future Advattoea sacttrad by this Mortgage.
<br />~' ~!s !er Tsai lead 1laaaea~ee. Subject t0 >t~rlicaEde law or to a wtjttea waiver by Geailar, Borevwcr shah pay
<br />to Lep+ler on the daq tamittiy imtsHmertts tst principal and itderest are Payable uetkr the Note, ttntB the Note is paid is fuB,
<br />a anal (herein "Fnnds'~ equal to one-tweitth of the yeary taxes std astteaameaa which ta.y attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and grotmd rent Qs the property, if any, Pius oae-twelfth of yearly pretnittm ittstaBnteata for haraaM iawraax,
<br />Pita ono-twe#ftts of Y=a+rfY Prcmitmt irtstat#atpsts for mortgage insannce. if any, all as raastutably ~afad ittiti'aity and from
<br />tirrie tv time try Leadea on the bases of asseametta aed tsiifs attd reasonable esnn-.~rn thateof.
<br />- 77ie Fattds steal! fie held in as instittxiaa the di;posirs or steppes of which a.2 inaUred a guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency f incitt~ag Leader if Lender u such an itutittstiou). t_eoder shell apply tte Ft[~s to pay said taxes, aaxtsraeea,
<br />iriffiuranee premfima std grmmd rcnb. Gender may trot atgige far so ho&ting Sad a~..fying the FUiu1s, analYang said scepnnt,
<br />or verifying and mmpilirtg said aaua..mena and bile, unku L.ead~ pays Borrower imercst on the Fumk and applicable law
<br />permits Lander tp mxkt such a charge, Burrower std Gelder mxy agree in writing az the tune of execution of the
<br />lt6rntgage that -mgeat an the Fords shat! be paid to Borrower, irtd UOIW setch agrmment o rrsadC W applirJble law
<br />rMuirea such itttetsu to bt paid. Latitkr shell trot fee regairal to pay Borrower any iateretit or earnings on the Ftt~s. Leader
<br />s#ud! gi+re fo Barrowcr without charge, art aanuai accwtating of the Fsittda showing credits and debits to the Fnotb and the
<br />ptuppx for which each debit to the Funds ores nude. '1La Fstads are piedggf as additional spctttity for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />Tf tba aenmtnt of the Fuais field by Lender, together with the fumrc rmothly ins[alfrasna of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dire tL[ca of taus, assessetteaa, itnurance premitata and ground react, sltaB excesd the amount cegaired to pay said taxes.
<br />asstYaments, imttratxe premiums sad groutd recta as they fall due, such excess shag be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />nrvasmtg re~~ m -~+±'rexw-r ^r :.•aditrd to Bvr~wzr as moa[hty instaiimaeta of Funds. Tf rtes amamt of the Fob
<br />lat3tl try Leader shall not he sutlt~M to pay texas, asttesenena, insurance premiums sad ground read as they faH due»
<br />Harrower sftatt pay so lxisder any amoittn etcceasary to make up tMt dr.Gciency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by t.aoder ¢o Borrower reyttest.ing payrtxm thereof.
<br />Upon pxymam in ttrB of dl srims secured by this Mangage, !,-ender shall promptly reload to Borrower spy Funds
<br />hotel t:y ).xtder- Hf older paragraph ig F.xteof the Property is sold err the P'rpperty ie vtherwdsa acgwred by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, sw laser than imettedtately prior co the sale of the Property ar its aagtrisition by Lender, aaY Funds held ley
<br />Lander ram the trine of appticalim as a credit against the sitars stxurpd by thix Mortgage.
<br />3. Alan a! lYafsuaY. Unless applicaWz taw pravtdes~ cxhecwi~~sc, aII payments rzttived by Lender wader the
<br />Note ataf Puragrs,'ptrs i std 2 hereof steal:! lx apptted by I..eader flint i',n payme~at n( ~anmunu payable tv Lander by Borrower
<br />uadcz paragraph 2 ttersot. tktai to interest payable on the Note, then to the principal of the Note, and then to interc:t sad
<br />prioapai on any Pollee Advtai:ss.
<br />J, fu'h~ [ins. Bprrower shall pay a-t taxis, aasesstnents am# other charges, fines and tmpnsitions attnbutable tv
<br />fix Propmty which may aztaer a Pt'tvntY over this Mongsge, and feaaehdd payments or groutd rears, if env. in the tnaatter
<br />~`+d~ under ftragraph 2 hereof or..t not pa,d m such manner, by Borrower making payment. when due. directly to the
<br />payee therwf. 7rsrrnwcr steal! pranPrtY turnrsh to t.tpder all notices of ameuttts din under this paragraph, sad ip the evrnt
<br />Horrowea shall make payatep€ dtrCCtIY, Bvrmwer slsaU promptly furnish to Lxrtder receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Horrowxr 1hall prarmp+ty discharge any (im which teas pnonty veer Nis Mortgage: prvvtded, tfs?t Borrower shall trot be
<br />'.`~ ^ dam' ra`a =ay >t,:.. iku .a Sang as Horrvwer shall agru m w~ritrng to the payapo-nt of the vbhgatinn secured by
<br />studs teat is a manner acCCptafa7r iv -~eadgr. ~ sh_aII m g~x+,st faith caaatest such thin by, r3r deland en(=an°craent of such Ilea in,
<br />-cttai procecdtttgs which operate t<r prevcat the entvrczmcat +zf the tern or lksrfcatwz tsf the Property rK any pan ttierevf.
<br />~ f1la~eel ~„ Horrawet shaft keep the imprvvemeats nrns exusuag ++r hercafsre' ertxtad va. the Property insured
<br />aaa;a•,st 'Maas by Era: #te~!L ig#r~tcd widen the Serm "eatrodcd cav=erager". and aiarir c*thrr haEards as I endee srpYy rcyuirc
<br />aster ors >,sn'~ai atrttarests scarf iCt sttctt perrodes as #"arkr may ;rsgvlr€: prvvided. ¢Etat #_aaadie m ad.rite rr~urr€ t3sat tls=z arnvupt of
<br />=r'"="' :r ` '. '~i t'a• t?a i3.~; ••i Luveragr. rYqusrezi is r a a ~ n.e as #. r+t,7 h+,r :fits ~~tta+rt,gagr.
<br />s}~ i:,raara slier providing tltc iasurtma:e vfsatl fx atstssett hey' -BVrrowen~ aubwst uv aperc+avai Prv}~ Ls~er, prvvsd~
<br />is at ease arnp!'.+vay„ mzta'3 ::~~ w ~.s~,~.,.arrt3 w;rh-seid, ~nli prrmeuntz ors iruuurattls~a p.~iactea shell t+r Paul in tree manner
<br />prnwidcd r aaratyx°aplt ? Hux~~ a~ sf rtat paid m sr~h rssxnr~r. h'i tlorrawer meting pay-rvaut. svaen dito, drrea:tiy to fix
<br />iasara~e carraer.
<br />At1 imurarsce pvliciea and reaewsls thereof shall be io ivzm aw~eptahk ro -.rnsicr and shall uxisi<te a standard mortgage
<br />clessse in laver c+f and in [term acceptable to Lxrider, txnder shall have the right t.+ tepid a!te parsq;tra ana4 rcrsewals thereof.
<br />sad Horower shalt promptly furnieft to Lender all rcrcwal nutters and ail reaetpts at paid prcmrtims. In tt+e scent of loss,
<br />Borrvwu shalt grv~e prompt tmtiec to the imurance currier and Ixtxkr. Lender may mai,e prorrt ;+t iurx st iua made prvmptly
<br />6y Harower.
<br />uatcss #.ender sad Borrower vtlterwise agrce in writ+rpt, maurttnce proceeds sha!- tx applied io rebtntatian ur repute of
<br />the Property damaged, provided aw:h reatarativn ar repstr ra ec.xsomtcalty reassb#e and tare +eatuny of Ny Mtutgage ,~
<br />cwt titerrby #mpai:rcd. tf such reatoratxxi nr repair is not ccueixwrrca7ly feauthk .x' ,! the sciurny n: the Mortgage wvuid
<br />be tatpatred, the irwurap+~ proceais shall be apptkd iv rise slurp smcrued by tMa Murtgag€. se,N else eacesn. if any, pall
<br />to Hor; o+a~er. [t the Property is abattdur+dt by Horrowz:. ar it Borrutirer lals~ty rzapra'ai to I.etsakt wiNin 3(i dayo lever the
<br />data twtice u; ensiled by lxtrtkr to Borrvwrr that the +nsuranr..z eanaer :rRen ;<; ;zuie ...Sts.: ter r:,surarice cctiefi-a, tensicr
<br />is atathgri~ztat to as#les:t seed apply the trpuraMe proceeds er Lenders npuvn exNer to restvratton ur repair of tMc Property
<br />or to the ssutffi secured h}• ttus Mortgage.
<br />.'Jttlesr, Lertdzr sad Harrower uihcrwrse agr~ rte wrnirg, env such appitaauam v*t prvsxeda to nrtna:rpai shat; v:.w emend
<br />or rwatpma the Jae'. data of the mcutthiy tnstaGrtusts referred to +n paragraphs ! and 2 herwt ar .:hinge ifx stunner of
<br />attch aostallnients. I± warier pa[agtaptr ! b fteievt the Property a acquired by txarirs, alI right, utk atsd mter,~t :st Borrower
<br />rn sad to any -nsuraacs poticiea sad in and to true prviceeda thereof tewltittg frons damage to the Property prior to the auk
<br />ar atxtuositivn shall pt+sa to Lender to the eaten! of the sums aewreJ by this Mortgage imtitediatefy prror w such sale or
<br />ecgtdaitiaa.
<br />£ P~~r- rtriasy slid '~a~€es~e;e al Tiopeasyt t.caiielaBidf~ t'eippp; PlMaid Unit taes'a3atweatw Harrower
<br />shall ke>•tt ttte Ptcp€ .y w guvtf repair and shall trot commit waltz or permit tmpeumerst yr delettarstrun of she #rtaFrr
<br />a~ shall aamply with ttte proviaians of say tease ,f this Mvngagc n uv a leasehold. If this Mangags: is on a mot +n a
<br />eoadc>tiroiaium ar a plrattud wait devetvpment. Born+wct shalt l+erfurrrt all of Borrower's vbfigauone under the declaration
<br />or coveaa crzati~ err gvvermtig the eartdopsiisium yr p#anned unit devehspatcnL the try-lawx and regUlaEips+a of rhz
<br />+~adotainWta ur pianaed staffs davaLypeaent, and wnsiituen[ aloawpems. F(a cundomiaivm or ptaaned unn devcbpittent
<br />rider n cuecutad by Borrower and rzcordgt together with this Mangage, the covenants std agrawntznts of such ndcr
<br />'# br. ir~c+tgoraEad lulu and s~-1 araiarrd and seippkmeni lire urvznarts sad sgt€eawn[s of this Moetaage :rs it the rider
<br />~A7. l![talsetlsa d f.eader's ~. If Htirrvwer fads iv perfnrm the ca:vcnants and agreettxntc can[aittad in [tell
<br />6dns~tgagz, rsr ii any scrim ar pruraxding to cummeaced which materially aRata Lrtsder's interest in the Property.
<br />istrluding, but nut timrtxd W, cmvetrtt domain, tnscsfvertcy, a:cxk cnfvrcumenL or ai rangeiacpa nr pra+;e~+diags ,nrulverig a
<br />hsttkruPt or dtn,wdeat, rhea 3-=ruter~ at t,sasdr:r`.s nptian, ttpcui trutirx to Barruwtr, rraaY make ,note appaarxncas, dtsbursr such
<br />terns .arj sales :. wtipn as it tira~ssary sa ptvfect l_enskr'a rntcrcst, i:a:itrdtng. lent tax Iimtted tv, dssbtuscttxxxt a-
<br />rttmgatsy{rra attortasy's [tea acid eartry upon tree #*ropertY iv make repairs. tf lender rwoired mortgage ittavrartcs as a
<br />rsiar, of >~vacsog tt~ loxp secured try tarp 14ivtgagr., Horrawer st+a-i pay rite pretnruma rzgwred tv maintain sash
<br />i°` `_'~=t ter: 's~#s Sims as trta seyuir¢rsant Ear such :rrwraru:c te:nu:xascs m au~ors#an,;c w'tt#t Brrrlk+wC{5 and
<br />