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$j)ri:Ui~f~i93U <br />d. Far bttter st~ttrity of the itidebttdness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its 5ticcessors <br />€x assigns, mortgagor shall execute and dttiver a svppkmenta! ttfortgage err mortgages covettiag arty additions, <br />improvements. or bttier[nenis nia~ to the ~operty haeittabove descYilfed and ail property acquired by it afar <br />the data hereof (all in form sfactary to ttttxtgagee}. Futltermore, should ttxtrt8a>#>f fail so care arty d.-€at[Et <br />in the patymant of a prior or in€crior ens imbrar[ce on the property desaihed by this instrument, m©rtgagor titre- <br />by agrees [c permit mortgagee to care such default, bat irtartgagee is not obligated to t!e so; and such advattses <br />strati become part of the ~s secures by [his ittstryeMttt, su6jtxt to t~ same tams and cottdllvoa4. <br />e. The rights cleated by this txmveyatue shall remain in fttN fore„ and effect during any pastpttttmtent or <br />exttnsittn of the tittle of the payttmtet of therttdebtedaess evidwaced by svd proatissory ante ~ rates, ~ arty <br />part tUattof teetered ttercby. <br />f. To csmtimtoualy maintain haiard inauranot, of such type as types and in such amounts as the truartgagee <br />stay from rime to time require on the improvetstenxs now or hereafter oa said property, amt will pay promptly <br />wlxrt due any prerniutns therefor. All insurance shall be carried in campttrties accepaabk tit tnar€gagx std the <br />polities sad ttttewats thaeaf shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto loss ppyabk classes in favor <br />of and in form acceptable to the marigagee. to event of loss, mortgagor wilt give imetxdiate notice in writing <br />to tmmgagee, atxt mortgagee may malts proof of loss if ~[ made promptly by mortgagor, and each ir[suratsce <br />trompany mncctrrcd is hereby authorized and directed to maker payment far such loss directly to mortgagce <br />instead of to mortgagor and rt:ortgaget jointly. and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, tray be applied <br />by ntart$agee at its option either to ttte reduction of the ittdcbtedttess hereby secured or to the restoration or <br />repair of tlx property damaged err destroyed. In avert of iorecteisure of this mortgage. or other tta[tsfer of trtk <br />to scud property an crctinguishmcnt of the undebtcdncss secured hereby, afl night, title, and interest of the <br />mortgagor in oral to any insurance policies then in farce shat) pass to the purchaser or mortgagee err, at the <br />option of the mortgagee, rtwy be sumndered Cor a refwnd. <br />`. To keep all 6rtildings and otht~r improvemests ao said property in goal repair and wndition; to <br />permit„ r_romttiit, err su1"fa no waste, impairment, deteriaratitan of said property err any par[ thereof: is the event <br />of failure o€ the rtttutgagor to keep the bui}diugs un said premises and Chase erected on said premises, or <br />improvemmnts ttureorr, in good repair, the mortgagee rosy make such repairs as in its discrttion it may deem <br />necessary for the proper preservation thereof; and [Fre foil amount of each and every such payment shalt be <br />iminediatehr due and payable; and shall be secured by the rein of this mortgage. <br />h. To rat voluntarily create cr permit to be created'against the property sub}ect to this mortgage any lien <br />err liens infmor to the lien of thee mortgage without wrinea consort of the mortgagee; and ththtt, the[ mort- <br />gagor will keep and maintain the same free from the claim of all persons supply%ng labor or materials for con- <br />strut'tton of any anti al# tsttiidirrgs err tmprovetrxnts now being erected or to be eracYed on said premises. <br />i. To amt rent Fu ast[att any part ~af :etc rent ref said tnor'Fgaged property err detnalistt, or retrieve, or <br />substatttia~lly niter any buulding +xithoat the written consent ol` the mortgagee, <br />i All awards .tf darts itt c._>? +~_~±~ ttritft any carv.JFem~~tlo~,re for public :.n of or i[tjury t:± a.^.y of the <br />prr,~tperty subject to this mor[tfafee are heretry assigned and shall the peed to n[ortgagee, who may apply the same to <br />payanent a€ tlK instaflr[sents ;ast due under said r.3te, attd tttarigagee is hereby authorized. in the name of the <br />mortgagor, to exetaite and deliver vakid as:quittan~a thereof and to appeal from any such award. <br />k. The mortgagee shall have the right to inspect the mongaged premises a[ any reasonable time. <br />i. To comply with the provisions of any tease if this Mortgage is an a ieasehoid. If this Mortgage is on a <br />unit in a etmdcuninium err a pianrted unit devefapment, Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligations <br />under ttie dd;}aration or covenants creating err governing the condominium err planned unit devcloprnent,the <br />by-laws acrd t~egu}aticxrs of tlx candominittm or planrtad unit drveloprtwttt, atxf constittttnt documents. <br />2, L>efault in any of rFre covenants or conditions of this instrument or of the note or loan ageement sPr:ured hereby <br />shall terminate the martgagar's right to possession, use, and enjoyment of the property, at the option of the <br />mortgagee or assisiia (ti being agreed that the mortgagor shall have such nght until default). Upon any such <br />daCauti, eke mortgagee thrall become the owner of al! of the rents and profit accunntt after default as security for <br />thrt indebtedness txcured hercbp, with iha right to enter upon said Property fur the purpose of coikxirtig such <br />rergs sad profits, Thin irastrnmeat a4atl operate as as aasigrattettt of nay rentals on 8a~ property to that latent. <br />3. 1€ tFae Twct~ dtfatalts, sad fair to stake arty payttiertts whets dttt; or to i.°cxttarat to sad catnt>•y with any of <br />lino csmdhinttx of agrtxatents contained in this martgaee err the tta[cs which tt secures, then the entire prira4apai <br />sum sad accrued interest ahaU ai antx become due and payaklt, and draw " par cent t1S SQgs? mtarest <br />thare~f~ atatil paid at the tk~tiria of the mar[ and this mortgage may ehtreutton be t'cue€loscti immedtatety <br />for tlat wkoie of the itult~katetittess hereby setvred. including the cast of exteruling the abstract of title from the <br />date of tftia mortga~ to the time of coiturreacir~ such suit. • Fifteen and One-nal f <br />•. fn Slrr tveru of a fort~C#oaure or defatdt ss providat htrtin, the tnartgagre shall at once be enttelcd to the pos- <br />sessitat, tom, Cud tnjoYttiem of the real estttt aforesaid atul to the rent, issues, royalties, and prafhs thereof, <br />lento tiro aett'uing of suck rights and dunng ttte tx'rtdeitcY of farecfasure Praceexiitetts and such pusxcssaon:. etc., <br />at be ekliovtrad to t#it morfl~ee upon requext, upon failure such deluvery of such ptnsasetan may be <br />tatfared try ot+trtti~ee, by arty aptttapriate ie;al protxatirtgs, irwludiug a receiver ear a#ae property. <br />!. 7'tx prods of arty tak st# satd p€attar~ty in accardaxtc~ with the prtccdirt$ para~raptn shall !x applred first [o <br />A~1t rtyr •rosts tend expettaa of said sak, iba ~ incurred by the mortttapsa i x the purpose of pratectmg cr <br />- - - smxti pr:x~ty. trt#kt', ro pay the ittdett<edrrr-ss raeoi€tt herehv~ and ahirdly- to paw an. ,trrpttrs ,~r <br />r~tr~ txt the perycro sx pser'sotts bettalty rmrtitkd therat:a. <br />