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st~-=ac~as~a MGM i GAGE <br />aaa <br />v <br />TGis atta'Ei~e made t!ntved itno eltis t 7~ day of ~+~r <br />!~ 8tA , M' atal ttetwmat 19te~cse 17. ,3ameotr, Pertt~oaal ®saatattve tm~= the :w3.ib of ttte~ <br />Jataatrtr. - Dacatsaetd - - - - - - <br />fhercitsaf~r referred to u merit add Cot»ttssrtittt:i+tattattai-Bank uK4 Trost Cetspany <br />(rareiaaftct' ttifia~d-ta as <br />rtunigageel, who tttairaains tm office and place of bosfrtess at 424. W- 1~~d sftrxt in Cinatd E~ndq <br />Fall Conaty, Ivtebraska. <br />Wt'tt~SS~ti, that far the rnt[sideratiaa htreiratfter stated, receipt of which its hereby adctwwkdget3, the>~ <br />dread hereby rnottia~e, sdi, grant, ast~t, attd convey unto the trtortgagec, ict stteccuoa attd , alB ai' i3er fat- <br />kuwitgl $eset"shad property ritnated and txittg in the Couety of Kali <br />State of lilelxaska. <br />fot~ lame 6~). Samson Suhd.ivisio~n. in the Gi,t+y oT Graad Island.- hall County, <br />ththsa:trka. <br />td:e,Qt~?trr w'.tlt ~It tke e..»nasxentc xararrsn xn.•rc ,k.. rrnrc ~cure..~ x ~ rMrne,f,'~ _ xlI <br />.~.,.~.....r._.: r T ..,.po.._n-...~.......rCt#? ..~"C~lL}';'4:m3!',`.'. a,. !!?4" ._... ,. ...,..._. _nd ^rJi!!... an' _ <br />e++~+~~~+tx, rights, roraltie.s, tninerai, ad and gas rights and praf~rs, water, water nghts. and water stack, and including <br />all teiatlrtg, plumbing, [efrigetatioa, fight+rtg, cttutfsn'-en+ and ail fixtures of zszn dzsertptian #eiangittg !.s the <br />trtwtgagor [tow cst htreatfter a[sached thertto or used in ::omteruan w+th the prem+scs hzretn desert#eei and in addiuort <br />thereto the fatlawing deai'ritxd Rropertits which err end shall be deemed ut he fixtures anti a part of the realty, and <br />arc a portion of the security for the indebtafness harem stated. I l f none, irate "none"! done <br />To have and to hold the same unto ehe 4iangagee, as heron provrded: <br />1'be swrtgagor is lawfully seize[! and possessed at and has the right to sell and convey said properly; !hat ;he <br />same is free from all crx7rm#rattcts except as hereittabeave recited; attd that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and <br />defend the toile afaresaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of all persons whamsaevzr. <br />This instrument is given to secure the payrnem of a promissory note dated ,.._ _....,-.~Y4?t~~. 171.,_.1380. -_ -,__, <br />in-the ptinc~nal stun of 5_._._3St,fl4Sl,~----~._~-.__. vgnrd by _ :tom se Pl~~;~~__.__._ <br />in beftalf of - ,pmr9GttBl .RRRlat>~tdtitc4 stlidr= Lh+: Wit t ss.€Siks.~d~l4BGsF~,__~ceased --------- - <br />alw, as sw:i tta~ or [totes stay from time to tithe be modified, renewed or ex[entfed in writing. <br />3n tfte evcai the fiife fa said cal e+daK is tramferred, or coraracted to tee transferred, from the uttdenigned far any <br />of try amt mod wttatet, the entire frrine~ipal ;urn dent aec7ued interest shat; a[ ancr hctvtne slur and <br />pt~ at the iw:,.Yiou of the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer c:+i title as above stated <br />fa lt+r shah m7t ctttmtattse a waiver of the right to exercise [ire came in the evenr of any cu#sequent t ranster- <br />L. 'Tic traat~ot cavsraots dad agrocr as follows: <br />a. Ta prattttuty ;eay the indebtedrtess rvidem~ttf #y said promissory note at the !rmc~. and ut the rnanncr <br />thtft+i Pra+'+~tl- <br />- lt. Ta traY aB texts; as#CSSmamts, water rater. and other tts3sTrramc~ttai ar mrmrripai -:harxc~: :++cs. :rr <br />faac+ugsciems, fen a+<trfch prtavisieat Etas hat heart matte her~ttbefxrre, and writ promfstly dthrer the ofttaai ,:weipn <br />thls~€tsn to the sap! ttttts'!~. <br />+;. 7',.Y gap earl'![ expenres arh, fees a» reedy lsx incrsrresi in tfre t~rcrtertten and rnarntznan~e „f .;+rr1 r~:ohcr., <br />i~ the faro of A83 attorrrc^y a.~txfayt.l t!y ttte tttortgagae fcrr ttte e's~#t±^t?estn .•f an? +,. p'pi of rs+~ ~n€~#riretrrr.• <br />t+StrE'rv sexrr ~r t-lrat_isn:xr- by znattge€"n sad. a,r ;vrurt p.:w~^°ditte= _..... ts. ' +xa , ,~",a _~, ,_ <br />atfpct!ng kA6St w4Ht~ert4 - <br />