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<br />l:,ettder's written agttemrnt or apptitabk Saw- Borrower shag pay IM amount ~ a8 tttartgage irtsttatecx ptsmitttm in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any arutunis dishuraed by Lender pursuant to Chia paragraph '. with inhttest thereon, shad becoerte addetional <br />intktrtedness nt 33orre>wtt settatM try this Mortgage. Unlttn Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />am: amts shall be payat4c upon notice from Lertder to Borrower regttestbtg pa€yatem thereof, and shall bear imemt from the <br />date of d'rsbttrsemrrt at the rate payatsk frcart time to time on outstsrtdlog pritttipai tinder the Nott tatiea payment of <br />interest at such rate would be comrary to applicable law, in which event such amotteHe shag 6qr iatRest at [M highesf tale <br />peamisaibk under applicable taw. Nothing cattsatetl in this paragraph 7 shag regtr3re Lender to inctar any ettpetme or t>lte <br />arty action hereumkr. <br />& tsapeeenoa, Lender may make or cattle to be made rcasonalak entries upon and impactions of the Property, ptavided <br />that Lender straff give Borrower rtotice prior to any such inspection specifying reaaonabfe cats therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Caedetasatloa. 7"tv_ prneceds o£ any award ar c{aim for damages. deroet or consequtmtiat. in cottttoction with any <br />condemnatiwr or other taking of the Prt>perty, or part thereof. a for conveyance in lieu of condemttat3ce, are hereby assigtxd <br />and shall 6x paid to Lendtt. <br />In the event of a tt>tal taking of the Proptrty, the pracee~ shall be apptiM to the sums aecuned try this Mortgage, <br />rvitfi the excess. if any, paid to Bortarver. to the tvrnt of a partial taking of the Property, unless Hotrower aced Lr;n~r <br />atiterwise agrce in writing, there shall t>< applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage stteh proportion of the proceeds <br />as is that prapnrtian which the amount of the sums secured by Chia Mortgage imtttediatety prior to the date of <br />taking hears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balms of the prtx,ceds <br />paid to Barowtr. <br />" "- Properiv is abatttftttted oy Bortoaver, or if, after ntxice try lsndtt to Borrower chat the condanttor alien to rtsake <br />an award or sett3e a Claim far damages, Bcarrnwer Caiis to respond ur under within 30 days afttt the dace autfft notice is <br />rnai~fcd. under is authorized to cat3eM and apply the proceeds. a[ Lander'r. aptioa. either to restoration ar repair of the <br />property nr to the sums secured by this Mangage. <br />fJnless f,emirr and Bornawcr otherwise agm in writing, any such application of ptrocrats to prim:ipal slug not eztmd <br />t?r }neaJ€rpnnt the dtK: dare of the monthlp installments referred to in paragraphs ! sad ~ heteaf or change the amount of <br />sttctr installments. <br />70, llarrevrer Not attteutd. Exkension of the time for payment r?r maditlcation of :tmartizatton of the sums secured <br />try this Mortgage granted try Lender to any suca^ssar in inmrest of Harrower shaft not tspcnte to release. in any manner, <br />tlht iiahitity of the original Borrower and Borrowcr'x succtranrs in inacrest. Lender shall root ere rxti7aircd to cammentt <br />praceod3nas agaitwr strch stx;cessar ar refuse to extend stmt for payment or aherwise modify amorti;-anon of the soma <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the origins! Borrower rand }krrtower's succeson in interest. <br />77. Pte6raranee fry fataier Not a Waiver. Any for3rearance t?v Lender in exercising nnv right or remedy hereunder. or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shaft not Fro a waiver of or preckttde iht. exercix of am• such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of [axes or other liens or charges by Lender shall oat t,e a waiver of Lender s <br />ri?lbi in xcceirratc the maturity of the indebtedness .secured by this Morteage <br />!2. Rteaediar Caanelaflre. Alf rcatedres provided in this Mnrtggge arc Distinct ane3 cumulative to any other right nr <br />remedy under this Mortgage or afforded by law or equity, and may t+e escrctsrd ; wcurrcntly. independently or s€tecesaively. <br />1 ~• 9eec.~a >~ Assigtta Satwrt; frill sad Sevecri (Skiiiy; Cttptirs -Ihr cavananls a;td agreements herein <br />contaitsec sha34 Sand. and ~hc rights txrcundcr xhatt inure !a, the resptcnve a,;dcesv^"rz atxt asig.-.s ~?t 3.en.ter ar€d Bnrrowsr. <br />subject to the provivicuts of paragraph 1' txreot. :yll covenants and agreements oC 13orrewer shall be taunt and sevttai. <br />The aptiotu grad hradiags s>f the paragraphs :•! .:ris Mnrtgagt arc fnr a~~nvcntcrtte _anly ::nd atx. rot to ht trsad to <br />utttrprei ar defirz the pravatnns ttercat, <br />Td, \tttfa'e. ixtcpt tar any !totrs;e regv:rrd under aptr!icatrit law to Ere gi+nn €n another msnrter, tai a v ttatitt [a <br />ltarr,rwcr array--ids'd fnr ;n chi. Mars=:,,gt khai! be €wrn !e,; maelieg ,rch net+c_ 4v c-rt€:ied ntait add .•sars3 t:a esor:owzt a[ <br />the `*r. ~. c~ ~t#rrn. .+:~ at such atte addrrss as Ffxnrwrr may dcsagna[e Fy notice ur t.ender as provided herein. amt <br />fh. -. €c- .,,'+er - -ve - - =t€,r`te+ m -. rriurn r .rap[ r.}us=s t. --z k ', addrr-s~ sled hrmn ^r to <br />stch rk3aer addrtas as Lrndt Myrc_k agnaz hk +r~- i:.e o 8t.+rra+.ver as protrdedrhere a. Any r€xi,~ nr••?deJ t<rr- ~;€ ,his <br />Mortgage shat'. ^~ dteanut to :ta~. trpea tt+:eu to Ben terser or {coder wften given in the manner designated totem. <br />3E. Utafrast Mnrigagt; C,averwieg t,aw; tieverdtBih. i>,€s form ..! mcrtgaga combines uniform covenants for nsnona! <br />trse and ru»rntattrrm covenants rvtth limited s-anaunns try ~unsDicuan to conaututc a uniform security instrument covering <br />roa3 property. 't'his Mortgage sttaii rte gavuned by tt>G law o! the lurisdtetion in which ter Prtrpeny ra :created. In itx <br />event that any prevision nr ctaux of this MntYgage a,r the !Vote s:onNis:ts with appiicahle law, such entrt3iGt shall rant effect <br />other prm ~sia»s of Chas Mortgage a>r the Nntt wha:h can frt gwen effect without the canflreting provision, end rn Chia <br />end the neuvisians of the Martgaye and ttre vac arc ckttaecd to tx severable. <br />i& t/srre+ser's Cnfy. Born~rwrr sha3f he turn shed a cnnferrrred copy of the Note and crf thas Mortgage at the time <br />of exacaatisrn nr alter rr.~nrdatiott Frertaf. <br />77. 71am¢er of tie Prapesty: Aswtmptior. I( ati ar stay part of the Property rr an interest therein is wld nr transferred <br />by Borrower w-ettxr€s€ t_ertaier's pr:e-r written .ortsent. tsciuding tai the creation of a Iitn or encumbnx`e suhatD€nate to <br />th,a Maretgagq ;ha the zrtaven of a parchxse mw?cy +ecuru}- +merest fat hotaaehold appliance', tit a trait-star by devst. <br />descetti .#r by operauan ,rt lay. u(a~n err death .,f ~ ;=,+nt [en.nt >+r €DI +t€c g[am of any leasehs?id €nieftal .+t three" vista «, irss <br />rrir€ .anaunnutg an :.p.t€xr ;.~ €.,,€s boor. Sx-;w3cr may, a; l.rnder's apt€exa, Aetlare all the .loins located by that Mortgagr a;, t+e <br />rmrned~aflriy due a•rd Cosy ah3e t ~nd._-; aAaj( base ,.arvei su,h optix w accelerate if, pricu ter the ,+ac .>; usrtatrr. t errdt. <br />anti tttr larr.xrE, ,,: w!a;.xr: the p-r~tr€; ~. ;o nr s,,d1 .>r !rans~fcrrrd reach agreement €n wne€ng that et?r =_rr~itt ,•f sxn pcru*n <br />:s sataf~toty :u i saexr er,d tba± ,*s =atrrta! psyah3c ,rn the +ums ses:urtd 6y €hts Mortgage ehali fie as suwh rats as t F ,her <br />aita3i request. le i-uadcr lus wa.v-rd rise r.ptran to aect3erate provided in this paragraph 17, sad it ltsxro+ver's sucea.or €n <br />interest has exnutdi a wrttta aaavtrtttaxn agreement accepted in writing by Lender, I endu shad re3esx Itorri er from alI <br />obttgxtie na uneier Chia Mcr•€gty}t sad the '.ain4t. <br />to €~,._ ~s. ~ _ e, ~_ - - _~ _. ~ u Barr sea ,suite ' t a- Bier t€c. - ~ a~ - -€ssanv-t wath <br />paragtapfi la here f. ~1ssch a._t st?a€i ,._ .~~r_.r t e! cx'ies€$than 't0 dais from ,3€e daty. rRc rt.axe it r.-,arics3 uarh~n <br />°-.`>ri.+. ~..=, -r:ay ace. €be .sours d~arcti due. it nnrzower tads as pay such soma grant €c t}+c cxpiratitm ,'f etxh prn.,d, <br />Lesttirr tnay, °w,t3aaui furttxr tatur .rr :ismand ar+ ftorrowrr, rnvolst any remedies permitted Fry paragraph i d hueof. <br />NrW-L;nttvraaa Cavtevaev tt.. tlosrrnver atW t esu}er ttutHer covenant attd agreC as toHows: <br />If. AxtY9ertMiae, RamNa: Eacxyt ss pewidN i• paragraph 77 Mrao/, ttpre Bsrrosreis bavae- of aey cevewanl a <br />'~ at O~r~tr ~ t11Fa ~, £etiut~ttg the t®vaeaets W gag wfue ~ rip loofa aecrred fi5 tittia Riarlsrga. <br />1_ r rariae rte .~.r.t.....s..~, Fl:~u ..,emu a... _ <br />giv+a i v iv ~a~Ci~tit 19 iRrMf aPOCA)'iCgi ilI tM OiYat6: <br />IEl tit actioe ngrdnsd to t-ase stag ~[ t1l is data. ,~! spy t~ }g ~s foals tie a'atr tit aaice is tsailaa is tlarrswer, <br />by wpi~ei atKi ttarsei atawt ie rtu^ea1S au/ l4J iMl tttileet to cure axle bartsei ere rt kefore ttit ritM sZraeiipl ie eke tsrttlat <br />~U reet~ is aax,da M fir tarsal aecertd by ttdt aaer~ag-, trtre+rlaaerr i7 )edictal praetwiiag{ red atria d t4 l tipsily. <br />'T3-a as afttaB fetHl+star fa~artB Artruwes M Nr riltkt tr t at[Yr a steel flat flight to assert ~ Case tuatctearee <br />ptaWtkati~ Ntr +we•,rairaeacs of a ~dtadl w err oAtr Arfewse rat #s+rssret fs aeceletatbs amt{ fsrecJ!e~ne. If tke beerti <br />Y oaf s'twl! ors as iodate tit a~tr t~tsafYad kr tAr er23ce, t softie: at I.erda,ls ~ nary rltelssr aft set We saatta starred by <br />m6a ~ as Ya trte+~riy ,ass *~ rrty;t > Ssrl~ see taa# furacla~ i5 iescrtiieg, t,seder <br />aietp-tar W eaBatt its s prang aft rapr~rsa >~ tae, feet. tint try ta. a ut tdaa-€erasrury <br />arlitteat, tdatlarcas ttwd t#.Bt rt}~tl. <br />'<~. ~a ~ ~. .~otw;it8au.rd,ng I.ender'+t al:'etera3 3Tt •.d ttrt surr_s arctnpd M; this ttr:rtgaae, <br />r€rir•~ srsarl iayva ink rigtt? Fc? hav€ anY ptaxa;ed.`n(ts tregurt t=v I rndtr to urtasas this r.tartgage dt»c~mtmucd as an} !:nx <br />