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<br />litrttroaat fovete.4+rrs. Biftirnver and Leader COa•eRaRt atkd agm as follows: <br />2. PtYraeM of 1PrkaclpaJ tud LRtest Borrower shall promptly pay wtken due the principal of and irssterest on ttx <br />irrdehtedixsa evidenced by the Note. pngxyment acrd late charges as provided in the Nrne, arkd the principal of and interest <br />an any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />2. Fads for 7a>aes tarp fesar®er. Stfi)ect to tipptigttale Eaw or to a written waiver by Lender, Borsowu ~tra8 PaY <br />to Letrda on the day moathty iratattments of prirtci}rel and interest are paytsbk trnda the Note, until the Note rs paid La full. <br />a quit Orerein '"Ftmds") equal to vela-twelfth of tike Ycar1Y taxes and assts which trray atafn priority aver !his <br />Mortgage, and grotmd carts on the Prapet9y, if any, plus ono-twdith of Yearly pranitrm i~alhtrerr~ for hazard fewearrce. <br />phra Doestwelfth of yearl±r premirus iastaltmatn for mortgage itratrratrce. if airy, aB as zeasombty estimared Lrtitidly and from <br />tune to time by Lender on the Rase of assgmkems and bills acrd reasocabk eadrnatffi thmetrf. <br />The Furkds shalt tee heW in an irmtitrstiar the deptrsits or aecaums of which are insured ar gnaranteed by' . Faital or <br />stare agency (indudirkg Leader if Lender is such an imtitution). Linder stroll apply the Ftmds to pay said razes, assenttrmts, <br />imnnnca premiums asd ground rams. Lender may nix charge for sa holding and applying the Pueds, analyzing said ttecotmi, <br />of verifying acrd compiling said atnesamatts and bills, unless Lrndn pays Borrower interest on the Funtk asd applicable tasr <br />permits Lender to make such a ctarge. Borrower aed Lender may agree in writing at ttte time of eztxvtioe of this <br />Mortgage that interest on the Futkds shat) be paid to Borrower, and unless such ag[etment is made or applicable taw <br />require each interest io be paid, Leader stall not be rcquirad to pay Borrower any iratxot or tarniagt on the Faar4. Lemkr <br />stroll give to Borrower, without chargt, an annual acnytrraing of the Furtda showing credits and debit ta the Funds and the <br />purport for wh~h each debit to the Fnrs~ woes made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If tbe amount of [1te Pttum held by Lewder, togaher with the future monthly installments of Fwids pagabit prior to <br />the dt~ dates of taxes, assessrruuts, imuronce prtmiuma and groin rents, shall exceed the amount re9uired to pay said taxes, <br />.a. ®.~r~. -s :ors a prsaairr,ss and groand recta as they fail titre, such excess shreIl be, a[ Borrawat•s option, either <br />prontpdy repaid to Borrower ar credittd to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. if the amount of the Fr:nds <br />Maid hY' Lender shall not tsc suffioieat to pay taxes, aneasments, inaurattct ptemiutns and ground rents az they falf~due, <br />Barrawer shalt pay ko Lender any amawrs uueaaary ka moke up tlx dcficieruy within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />try Lttadar u`s Bsrrrawer rtqueatiag payment thereof. <br />Upon paymem an fu8 a! all twits secured by this Mortgage, I.suder shall promptly refund to Borrower airy Fonds <br />held hg Ixnder.. If urnder paragraph Ig hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />afall apply, rro lattr than kmmediarciy prior to the sale of tht Property or its acywsi£ion by Lender, anp Funds held by <br />Lxader ai the titnt of appiicatian as a credit against the auras secured by this Mortgage. <br />3. 1tp¢~tpN~ of Pgmeesa Unhnas applicable law provides otherwise. all payments rettived by Lendtr wader the <br />Note acrd paragraphs t oat! '_ hertet shut be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Cendtr by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then la interest payable nn the Note, then to the principal of the Note, and then to interest and <br />prittcepal on any Putarc Advantta. <br />4. Lhasees; 13eas Bvtrowtr shalt pay ail taxes, assessrnerrta and other charges. fines and impositions attnbuable to <br />the Property which may attain a pnarity over this Mortgage, and leasehold payments nr ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />provided undr, paragraph 2 hereof or, it ntH paid en arch manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, ditatfy to the <br />payee thereof. Harrower shalt promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts din: under this paragraph, and in the event <br />13orrosver shat! make payment dtreedy. Borrower shell promptly fumrsh ro i.ender receipts evrdertcing sxh payments. <br />HarrCmer shut pmmpriy discharge arty fitn which has pnorrty over This Mortgage; pravyderl, that Borrower shall not be <br />r._~urs=2d tea .~:act~rgt acy s•rxir lien ~ tang s Hartawtr shall agree m .writing to the paymen[ sz( the obligation secured by <br />xexh &rtn ur a mattoer accsprable [u Ix.udtr. ar shall hk good faith cuntnst such lien by. or siefend enforcement of wch lien m, <br />legs) pnxtedrngs which operate to prevent [he eafureettrenf of the: hen ar furfeyturc of the Property or any part thereof. <br />~• f'~~-'d r -. Bunuwer .;Trail keep rht irrrprovemsrua nnw rsisung or hereafter ern:teti an the Property moored <br />ag~un's< i,:>•;W by his: har:a-rda iresluded swithtn fht ttren "ext_~ded carvtrage.., and such ether ha:,ards as izn:~r may rtyuue <br />:s z= t.r sa,u:~3r a ,a::t: ;s ,:;:c i:r: sr:~h yFr isaLa as [.xnricr mxiy rcetutrs: provided„ [€tnr Len.ier shah not reewrc rftak tare amount of <br />ouch cos~eragr csr:ted that amount of cavtragc regwred to pay the sums secured by this Moneage. <br />-, .c te,`isuraurs carrtar providing fix irtsurarr_z shall ire et[oseu by Borrower subteet to approrel 6y Lcndcr; praveded. <br />r~-"~`- `~: h a,=-.'-r=`al °--~`'t ra.~ K ~~'.~sacitably svuhheM. dH Pf>:.rriums on insurance poli~res shaft tin paid ~n the maur,zr <br />pravrdpi wader paragraph 2 hereof or, if trot paid m such manner, by Harrower making paymatt, when due, drrectty to the <br />igatinrttet carrier. <br />R!1 insurance palicits and rcrrewats thereat shall be en form aeceptabit to Lenskr and shall include a +tandard mortgage <br />clause in raver ak acrd to Form acceptable to lender. Linder shall have the right n. hold the pcdiekes and renewals [hereof. <br />and Borrower shall promptly fwnfah to I.turler sal rerkcwal rwuces and a!i receipts of pard premiums. In the event of bsx, <br />Bormwer shall give prompt nonce to tfw rnswanec carrier and l.ersder. lender may make proof at lass a not made promprly <br />by 8orrowa. <br />Ualesa ).entice and 8orcuwer otherwise agree to wriung, inwrarres prareeds shall M applied to restoratfssn or repair of <br />the Property daniagarl, prnvrded stash reuorauan s=r repatc rs ecssrromically (tasrMe and the security of this Mo,.gage r+ <br />nor r_hsrslt•y imparrod. 1t srich rcawrauun ur rcpatr » twt ewrranrxally Ieauble or rt the security of this Mortgage waved <br />be rmpaarwi, for ityaurans;e pnx-eeds shah be applied to the srunx secured by this Mortgage, with the crease, if uny, pard <br />tr_> Borrower- [f fhe Pi=_~psriv ~s atandaxsl hs H.~rrawer. .x ;t Barrrwet tails to resfwtnu' ii, Lctirdtr wdhm sit days tram the <br />data aouc~ as marled by L.err3u to 8orrowsr that tike insurance canter nftcrs o> +enlc a Mann for ~r>sursncc Ltnc>;ts, 1 ender <br />in authoritad to s:alles:t and apply the imuran.:e prsx:eeds at Leadcr'a option eirlret to reawrauon or repau of the Pmpeny <br />or to the arru» ~scured krv khis Mortgage, <br />Urrle7rs Lends. acrd Borrower uhsrwiae ague m wrung, any ouc to appi a:ataut of prrx:ecds :o prrrrcrpal +haf3 not extend <br />w pa'>yrpttx tlic dire date of the mcurthty fostaflrtnnta [eterrsd m m paragraphs ! and '_ fiereui er ctrawgc the anxrunt u! <br />ouch iRStagmeuta. If utahx paragraph 1S 6ermf the Ptopnriy is acgwred by Lender, all right, trth acrd interest of ttorrnwer <br />m acrd to any it»utatn:e policita arxi in and to tM pruceata thtrtoi rawlhrrg Irum damage to the Proper} prior to the sale <br />flr acyuisician thafl pass to Lziufcr w ebe coact of the vertu se~ura! try [brs Mortgage rmruptraiely prior t,t wch sate ur <br />~"=s`+~ <br />u. iasaservttliea aria 1}lauhmtnse ra lrnsparty; IttatehWa~r C'oeaeR:tRLuete; Pleased L%rgi 4)es etopasears, tiarrasvcr <br />at$Y# kcep rite F:'opany in gwd repair sad shall not s:arrrtnit wazre ar permu rmpauknem or deterisxatiun of the Property <br />and shall corripty wit}r kha prtwrsiuua of any Inane tt this Mortgage is an a :easchald. tf th» !+fortgegs » ou a .:nu m a <br />c+~sftafsizututr . r a planned nun .kvcl.~{uutm, lkuruwer shall perform elf of Borrower's obhgeuous under khe dcclarataun <br />or cavanaats crutrrrg ar governing tike candswrunium or planned oral devela:pment, ttx by-laws and ttgutatwns of the <br />corxlotntntum of plaaapl trait devtdopnteru, and conatituem dacunrenrv If a wndorrrrnitu» or planned t~mt developarent <br />ndea xs e-xea;uted by Ba[rawer and rrtotdtd together with this Mwtgage. the +ove;aants and x_¢reemenks +st such rider <br />rirait be .nwrporated into and ahrdf a[~tnl aced supplement [hc cosenants atx) agreements of this Mortgage ua rf the ritkt <br />watt a part harbor. <br />7. Prasaeties d f.RSdar"s SaesrkY. It Honuwsr fads [o pr:rinmr the covtnanrs and agrccnrents cuntatned in thee <br />IsSartgagc. or it any acrrorr .>r lsraa~dusg as .txuttcenced whah materully affects tender's interest in the P*.rpcn}. <br />itrC[iading, talzt earl Iunrt~i tu, entiattyl dcmaair., irrsolasrscy. cods cnforceoxnt, or anangemen4s at prt>teedings inv,}tvurg a <br />bankrupt w cts.sDettt. ttsan I.suder u laaslsr's apttan, upcsu rmtycs a: tlorrawer, ma} make strctr appeararrsxm, drahurse such <br />Anna acrd S$kff auGir Et'taafr as }a l1eG25ra{fy' tG piW.p:i I.erakr's inFCrtfr, eM;kraling, bsri nut trrrtrrtd tit, d!aberratment •~ <br />retaa+na arit.inaey`a fray oral artily opera rises !'sopeny to tsuke repay:.. if t crs6rr rartuired mtutgage irtsuratr4e a+ <br />ssas,~ at ra,akusg tree laaa. svcrrresi ir} thin Martgagt, Borsrswuc shalt pay irk prsmiwns regtured to mamta,n +uh <br />izr~~ ~ v ~~.~ ' a. ,.~ t~~sir€~vtya €ot r~.t::trc €er~-asarca .u a..:.~~rstarstz Krrfs Bcuwv:-at', ua.3 <br />