<br />C.etxkr's weitten agttxmtnt or appticabie Law. B#srrawer shag pay the amoutti of aB «rortgage insurance pieariums in the
<br />manner provided under paragaph Z hereof.
<br />,Any amounts lisbursed by Lender pursuant w tlsu paragraph 7, wsdt ittteteat therson, sha11 bescorru adtiitiooaT
<br />iralrfuedtsess of Harrower xc»red by this Mortgage. Clydar borrower and Isnder agree to otiaer terms trf MYme+¢¢, such
<br />amaasrsfs shad be payable upon Crafter from !.meter to Borrower re<}uesiing paymem ttferea#. aru! sbatl [xar interest from the
<br />date of #tizbutstsnent at the rate payable from terse to tame on twntapliag prirrcipai ember the Nok emkss payteeat esf
<br />ip~est at rash rate wemll be coptnry to applicaDR law. id which event nsch aarmttna shag bear !reseal at t}r highest rate
<br />permissible Cooler applicaide taw. Nothing c~tait¢~ at this paragraph 7 sl¢~ require Gender to !scut any ezpeme ex rate
<br />amq action itereuader.
<br />g. EsApesrfas. Lettdcr may to°r^ or cause to be made reasonable entries upon acrd impectioos of the Properq, oro ided
<br />that Leader shad give Horrower notice prior to any such itrspectiatt sptxifrittg rcasapabk cause therefor related to t._waekrS
<br />interest im the Property.
<br />4. Cnpdtmavlbn. "the pmctsds of soy award or claim fo: damages, direct ~ cartxgtreptiat. in csmnection with any
<br />candemnatian ar other taking at the rraperty. a part ttee:reof. or fez cwfveyatrct in lieu taf ceaeeiemtrrion, are traeby trrQarerd
<br />aml shaft be {laid to C.etuier.
<br />Cn the event of a Cara! taking of the Property. the proceeds shall 6e applrod to the stress secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess. if any, paid to Harrower In the event of a partiat taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwi~ agree in writing. there shalt ~ applied to the sutras secured by this Mortgage such preportion erf the proceeds
<br />as es equal to that proportion wfiich the amount of the sums secured 6y this Mortgage imrtrediately prior to the date of
<br />~. taking tsears to the fair market valeee of the Property immediattty prtor to the date esf taking. with the balance of the ptncer3s
<br />paid to Hitrraw~er.
<br />Cf the Property is atsfladotssd by Harrower. ar if. after t.atice L+y L.rder to Bor:osvr• that rite t.ans4rertor oflys to ~
<br />an award cr ssntt a claim for damages. Borrower faits to respond ra Lmei¢r within 3t) days after ihE date strait tenses is
<br />thaiYasi, Lcexkr is suthariz¢d to rogect and apply phe proeeteda, at f..¢ntkr's aptiesm, either to restorafian ar n'Pair rfi the
<br />Property or to the sutras satcdrtd by this Mortgage.
<br />Unless I_endsr and Harrrawtr otherwise agrex in westing, an3• stork apphtatian of proceeds fo principal shat! teat eztastd
<br />ar pnstpovts ttx due dart 'f then rtsanihty 'rnstaHmenfs referral ro in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount at
<br />s~uclt instatianents.
<br />im. BereTO+rsr Nest RatEepeeni. Nxtrneron of rhs time for paytts¢rst or m#adiflcation of amortization of the sutm ucurcd
<br />tsy this Mssrxgagt pranced by L.¢naicr to any setccesvar in interest of Batrowsr shall not aperete to tx:kase. in any manner.
<br />¢tat hahiliry of ttte arigmat Barcowtr and Borrower's auccsssors in in¢,ertrst. i_emder shall ram he regtsnred to eammemce
<br />practsdings against such sveressor er refuse m extend time far payment or aterwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />sss;urcl hx this Mortgage by reason of any demand made 6y the original Borrower and Harrower's successors in interest.
<br />E 1. Feu6e~ace h [.ender Ntrt s Wairar. .Any fottrearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise atCortfed by uppiicabk taw. shat? oat he a waivsr of ar preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />the prarurcment of insurance ar the payment of fazes or other li¢ns or charges t,e [.trader shaft not ht a waiver of Lmdes's
<br />riche t<. acsekrate the marurirv of the mdehtedttsss sscurtd by this Mortgage.
<br />F„ Reasaifas Cr7rwiaMve. .Ai? remedies provided in this Mortgage ate distinct and cumulative to any rnher right or
<br />rtmtd;• ender this Mattgage nr at7a+rrkd by taw or equity. and may tse,exercised concurrently, independen¢iy or successively.
<br />i3. 5acteaaors trd Asrgas Saepd; Ieriat nod 9erasal f.Ea6iilyf Captlwas. The rvenants and agre~menrt tfsrein
<br />etantai.ntd abaft hind, and the rights nsreamder shall :Wore tu., the respea;nvr. succtssars and assigns of Linder and Borrower,
<br />attbjx°ct t+a she provistans -rt paragraph u' ixreat .Art covenants and :agrcsmtnts of Barrtrwtr shun he intro and several.
<br />The cappi~esna arri Fttatlsngs of the paragraphs of thus Ms+rfgs$e rare for amveneence _-.nty and rsre oat to he used to
<br />inttrprtT .^r dehn¢ Ctrs prcn: tsion+ hercoF
<br />Ei, ~»«glrt, t^.xcept €or any notice rrs~u*.red vndtr appiicahlt. lat.- rc t+e given :n another manner. taS ~=ns~ notics to
<br />llt,; :srvs-d.~ tar in t:rir ",Si.,; gage sltatl l?s giver, fiv neat tng yuck niHece isv :-ertai5td tna,i alr3n~ssed !+ Btrrawcr ae
<br />the i°d.~6~trfv ndaire;ss or at suic'ii aerate eddrcss as Fuurrwer enav dessanate by ~x?tirt fo Lender >s ;t nun?esl herein, a:feE
<br />Q?I any aaa~~tticc to l..cndtr sha:4l be riven by certified root!, rslu'rrt rsg_tept rt~t;.>eet~i. to t ,.~d¢r•. ~re;y},:raasd lxreen ar s..
<br />s;,u~lt ..Nu~ tu-llreis as Lewder near dcsig~nats by norncs to Bar-rowtr as pn:svstkd htmn.. Acv notice provided for in tF,is
<br />Mr~iQ~g< ~ a? n tif~d "sn h-<=-e =Y~i ~'.tn to i3t,=-raivtr Ur i znlir wirers p~:vin in else manner deaianated herein.
<br />IS. 1.l>#eupr Mortgage; Garertdeg Law; 9essrahiks. Tlns form ut mortgage .amhitta uniform covtmntc for national
<br />ux arui tx±n-uniform cnvsnants work limits:! vanaaons by ~urrwi~ctson to camttntte a umtarm sectmty imtrumem cm+tring
<br />real properev This Mortgage shall tx gsrvtrned Isv the law ++t the :unsdirurn .n v,hich the Prapeny is taa:ata;l. Tn the
<br />event that any provision or clause of this Mangage nr she Yott a,atlicts with applicable law. ru.:h cnnflref shall not affect
<br />ot7xr ores:muss of rhea Mnrtgagt nr ohs 'store which can he g~vtrt epee! ~.vtthnut the .anfiirting pmvivian. oral to this
<br />sod the prov pions .±{ the Martgttgt and the 'tiett ate .tsrtarel ra tae •tverabls
<br />tB. loerosar's !ropy. Borrower shat! tie furrttsired a ..tnfatmsd copy ;,i ttx Vat and rf rhea Mortgage at the time
<br />et extcutian nr after rte:ardatian herrx>f.
<br />:7. iraaafar of tba Ftpperr:; .~wawspriew. If ail or env part of tM Pevpern• er an tntercst thercm #s snid or transfeered
<br />M Horrowcr wiihou*. S.tesder'a pear wriuen coasstat. ezdudeng gat #ht :rcatton .*f a liars or tncumFxanet subordinate to
<br />Mrs M.are;gags, the the rrtatren e?f a pun: base stn,ner)• serunty meersst !ar household app#ian<¢s. pct a transfer by devise,
<br />-~.~..t -~;:r hs -opz~rativn .€ ,a,. ctpcn Ehc c'azath c€ a ;+:sni ;ensnt or ~ti~ +hs gram <tP ony ltaathuoid sntertxt of three years nr less
<br />tore comaining an option t<+ putt.haeae, ! t:sder may. at Len~r's opurn, dtc"tart all she sums stxured by ;hes Mortgage to Fx
<br />smmedr;u rein- due .,:n! payable. t.eneMr shalt have wasvcd cock ,+E~t~ott ;~, arceierate i!. prit+r r,t the .ale nr transfer t.snder
<br />~# tt: ptrxen :,> wt::rtt the Prnpcrty ss to be xoiat ;sr transierrrd retch aigrument rn a~mtng [etas tesC credit ref stash petsitn
<br />cz ~t.~`a:;rce,:-: r.: T.tnc:er axl that tFrs in#erest payable „n the sutrts s:~s:ursd by ±his Not*.gage stoat! he at such rate as Lender
<br />than rte{tmtat_ if 'irsedtr leas wsi*~sl the option to acce¢trau laavsded :n this paragraph i'. atxt if 8orrawer's stn:ressor in
<br />ibttrtes# Lets tsexuted a wnttm aseetmrptitaa agrxtpent accepted in writiry Fry fxetlet. t_em.kr shall release liorrowsr tram art
<br />esbtigsttasts utrtsr Chas Mortgage send t}r tioer.
<br />if Letrdar ei€reurss sis.b optaetn to acciserate. Lstxkr shat! mail Harrower tsarce of azs~sleratian in a.-coniaer<e with
<br />paragraph i~ aartc€. Stesh nt9ict sFaiz pravaete a ;.metal of r tt less than 3#} ,lays from the date the notice is mailed within
<br />svtescSt ipso r.rret .nal~ v-s} tort awns ~riarsd dt~. tf 8ormwsr farts to pay :ea.-h .,acre pr*x u! the tzpiraiinn ::C such +tt ';=~.
<br />L¢nc;er rpay, veet's,:,et ftartiett ;tafeie r*r +.femaexi cars FSs;rrawtr_ +maitc an} remedies prrtnttted by paragraph t E hereof.
<br />Eitai-t_-r7r~suss ('vv~rsattrx. Ho. rrowsr amt t.emkr Lurthtr covenant stn! agrx as Iettows~
<br />[& Aoedasrfea; AwareYra Faesp w prawirled iw paaagrapA 17 ttarsf, tepee Dorrewer's teeaci of say teneea~ ep
<br />ageaeasaas of leerr,v„~ ¢w trey Nis, irtfodlttg f!a cpvepapb fo pay wbaw lee rr seems aetwad by Chic MeeKag*,
<br />Iateiet passtrr to areAratsaa siaA ~ settee ro Lerrewer r gtorided la prat;rapA '1 -ereN specityiaig: ill LLe broach;
<br />433 tlra asriea w ease scab braatht {31 a lase. pot less titre ./1 else^s feat: tbs elaea the aetdce t; raUed to /prrevres,
<br />ti whisit seek iseneh aoites 4e sareeh acrd idi the fagree w tree arch broach a a blare the risk spetlfad m fir entice
<br />neat' rank is aeceleratisw aai the scrap aacwM Ay tAia 'Hertg+tas. fsresbwre Ay !~ PraeeterMg vd site d the FrwlersY.
<br />'TJx waaiae s~ teathet iftem t{arpwex of tAe eiygAt ro reiaasw #1ar erecasuatfna sad the right to waert in the toseciasare
<br />pnetstrdhtg airs ~w>sa a[ a dafaati +rt ry arbor desaaaa of Rnesw+mr re asatiiarWoa and teseetseaaar. Ef fir breech
<br />is etes raawd aw ar before fie tier niweiisrl bt lire sotka, Leader w I.tadar's mptiep ray dashtw ag erf [hen sty seeared Ay
<br />tlz4 m ha ehae ud pwyssde riNrear twrhar dawr~g red way feesciess by f> prwxeetitag. E.estdar
<br />tauaY hs rnsesllaas ab cNeet a xecdY prweaarWeg ai npetrsw rd terrstsrree, isrMrWg. Aar awl Nrpkad ew, tars od dorwaerrrrry
<br />ariiirace, aaiwwrae~ art ttdt raporis.
<br />tS: ~ ~' -_ r<letwtat~, d.c.,tl€r'9 :~~a.°~»-',:.a.~ +- ~.€~ s;--.•.str~t M- this 44r~,~s~~-
<br />13es_rsieet .3s.:? ?`.~vx >#r r~ ro '~vQ sx.y ,wr.y~~d,-=sy `-,»~r,,nx n, _ ~-=,~? S., t•;t~r~•e r..,. *~?areas ..,,,:.:ce?!.n?~ a, ens ~t:.,a-
<br />