~~--°~ tl C~ ~ 9''_ 3
<br />L'•xa+nut Covm^r.NZS. Borrower atld Lender [xsvenant and epee ai fellows:
<br />f. d !¢inc3p[d aai Lrterest. Bortow2r shall ptompt{y P1Y whet[ due the princvtal of and irfaeteaf on rite
<br />irdnEirsbtes evidenced by tix NMe, prepaytreut aa8 fuel chtxges as provided in the Nole, and the prutcipat ~ and iateteat
<br />an any fluvre hdvanees sacutai by this ltfortgage.
<br />1 Frat4 far Ttttta and 1'arrratsee. Subject m tt~+ticsbk law sx• W a written waiver by Condor:. Borrower shall pay
<br />m I:ceder an the day toanthfy ins[si>meats a# prin[:ipat utd interest m paytzb~ ttoder tM No4e. «rnit the Norc is paid in fait,
<br />a tarns (herein '"Fund") egtul to one-twMetfth of the yearly taxes and assesattents which may stfb+n priority over tlss
<br />itfortgaad, attd graved torts on ttte Property, if any, phrs [rno-iwdfth of yearly premium itt~ten[a for hmrd itiwerance,
<br />pttu otwtwdRh o€ yearly premium insialimeota for mortga6e ittsttrutce, if ate, tell as msooablp et~[a[cd initially and form
<br />time za time by Lentkr on the base of assawnaeh a>«I 6i(b and tpwnahk tatimatea thereof.
<br />Ilse Ftmdc shall ix held in an ins[ituti[zt the dep[nits or aaamts of which are irtSBred rn gnararuced by a Feder.: ~x
<br />slate agency iirtchding Larder if Lcnrler is such an itaatitertisyn). L.eadv shall apply the Ftmda [o PsY said taxes, asbertrsatlt.
<br />insurance premi[trrts and gttstmd recta Lett:ler :tray not charge for w hatdirtg anti applying the Ftmds, anatyting said acwuat,
<br />rn vrsrifyiog atnt eeretptinj acid asamsrreenta aced bilk. unless l,aadsr pays Bonnwe[ itttereet on the Ftrnds aced appfieabla law
<br />ptxntits Lrat[kr to make sash a charts. Borrows and Ir`der may agree m writing u the tirnd of exeetttion of this
<br />Morttate. that irtterext an the Fuwfa shall be paid to Borrs'rwdr, and unbsa st[e6 atrserrtant is made or appdicsbk taw
<br />tnquira sash rn~.'rett to be pouf. IRttder shall not 6e r'MWKd ro pay Borrower any interest rn earnings on the F[tnds. Letader
<br />sha{3 give to Borrower. wiiitout chant an annual accouattnt of the Futrds showing credits utd debits to the Ftmds attd the
<br />purpose forwhsch each debit to the Funds was made. 1M Fuetds ate pkdted as additional sect¢ity for the sums secured
<br />by ehia Mortgsta
<br />3f [he amount of the Frm:in bald by Len[kr, together-with the future tnonthly instatltaents of Funds payabk prior to
<br />:.ht dix dates of taxes. asscssmaau, iaattsru:e premitmn and ground rents, shall exceed the anttwat required [a pay said [ttaa,
<br />aaaesattsrnts~, ittsutancc pt`esnisttas and ground rants ac wsey fall data. such euass shalt ire, at Barrower'a option, either
<br />protp;prly ra~puid tu~ Borrusser ;x ttaiited to Borrower on monthly instalhncttts of Fuvda If the amatmt of the Funds
<br />)enki Yry l.estdrr shall mst be suYBcie~nt [a pry tasea, santxsnw+nts. itxwrance premiums and ground rents as [hey fait due,
<br />Barzwwes aftaEk pay to Letxker any amotsm necaswsry to make up the de5aierny within 30 days from [ltd date notice is mailed
<br />Ely La'~ndar fa B[ytrowtr regtlestimg payrrxnt rhtncaY
<br />Up[ns paytereakt zn Put{ of all atmts sac~[tred 6y thss Mortgage, Leader shall prosnp[ty rtfwnd t[s Borrower arty Funds
<br />held 1ny E.xtaocr- ifundar paragraph lg lxeeof the Prnpery rs sa'atd ar trove Propeny is otherwise acgwred by Letxler, Lender
<br />sliest apply, no tale: than iauytadiatrig~ prsrn rn zhc sale of the PropdrCy ur in +tegviaftian by Lender, any Futtda held by
<br />Ltstndaz az rho risrte of appfira:d[7n as a credit agau:at the aunts secured by this Mortgage.
<br />3. Ag~eadoa d Ptpsrs~. Unless apphcatrtc law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the
<br />flute and paratraptzs t and 2 !retool shelf be appacd by Lender first m paytttcnt of amounts payabk to Lender by 8ortower
<br />under paragraph 3 txreef. then w :merest payable as the tae, ttcen to tt>r prirtcipa{ of rite Nate. and then to interest and
<br />pnttrapa! oa any Future hdvattea.
<br />d. C~ea: 7jq[a. Borrower shall pay all taxes. asussmenn and other charges. fines and tmpasdwns attnbutable to
<br />fix Propety whi.:h tray anaat a prw.>rity over this Mortgage, and leaxhold payrnrnts ar groaad renza, if any, in the mantxr
<br />prmridtd under paragraph : kxrwf or.:f net pasd m such manner. b~ Borrower making payment, when drre, dirxtfy to the
<br />payee thctcot. tlarrewer shall pram;ptty Eurmsh to Lender all maces of amounts due allele: thts paragraph, and in the event
<br />Borrower shall ttsaka payment dt€rc[fy• Bar€awer xha{{ pr[mtptlY turtush an Lestdcr receipts cvideming such payttwnri.
<br />f)oaz~dt ~.b-a',# map:ix° d~~-,-.;surige site ;lets wkt~h has pzr#uHy a.ar :hrs Mortgage; prt5vedcd. chat Borrowe: shaP¢ not Yre
<br />rrystirred to dzacttarga any such {tan s[t trig a Harrower shad agree in wnang so the payment of lire ab{igatioo se[:u[ed by
<br />such hen m a manner accap#abie to Lcetdet, or snail en good Path uxttest such lxu Nry, or defend enfarmment at such lien in,
<br />tag-m; 3rnrt~-.^ar:iags ah~h ;~ara#e #ri psxven# tRe znfarseme€st a€ ttne loan .-,r farfa::ure .-d eha Propett`r :x arty part tlte:eot.
<br />~. ~ Ena~. B:~era *~r =flail 1:~. rhs :anprp=anzent. raga ,^xrxeiag ar ttercaf¢er crectr3 an the Prcpartp insured
<br />agaaaat fraas by urn. rsar~rds irtulu[icd wsrhin tiro terns -'careaafi:J cnvarage', and such a[Yrer hazards as fender rtay zryuirs
<br />cedar ns such. azrtounts and tar such periods as Lender may require; urovided, that Lender shall net reginrr that the amaum of
<br />sa~a;h eetvcrasa ex-rew,t that saaount ..t e~ veraga raqutred to pale the slams ,asurcd by !hrs Mangaga.
<br />-r:.a e=sa[rrazs, tattier i~g ft's i»=vran,-e strait ae $asen by Borrov.~e sub¢~°t .a. appzc~:ai 3y [-t~rs.~a: prrsvrdrid.
<br />chat such approval shall not tse unrdawnably svithhe{d. Atf premwms on insurance polices shall be paid us the mancer
<br />provided uzsder paragraph ~ baratt ar, :i not pad is such manner, try Borrower mainng paytttene. when due, Juectly to the
<br />itsaursrxa artiu.
<br />het irtsuraaeo poitciess awl ratawa{s thcraot shall be an form acceptable to Lender and shall ~ncludc a ,tanJard mangage
<br />etaoxse +n favor of aced in form acceptable to Lender, tsvder shat! bare the rsght to hold tftr policies and renewals thereof.
<br />sad Borriswer shall prktapt)y fi:rttiah to i n,,.t.r ate renewal natrtxs aced alE receipts ut paid premiums. In the event of loss.
<br />Bormsvr.r shall give prompt Douce to the tmsurancc causer artd Lcadtr. Lenskr stay make presrt of !oss sf not made promptly
<br />by Barrsrsrer.
<br />U» Seca Lxndcz and Borrows: a+therwtw agree m wnang, tnxwxncc proceeds shall be applied ra restoration ur roper: of
<br />the Praperxy dsmaged, pmvidad such tt:swnuum or :spelt ss tturtomtcaf{y Eeas[bk and fix security of [hrs Mortgage r.
<br />tort thereby impasrad. iP such restraeanon .x ::parr ss rx,t rsanamtcaily frasible or if the secunty of thn Mortgage would
<br />be :mpaiz~, il~ .~»u: «.ni~ pru..~acts~ ;,.art ba applied za thz sunta st<urad by th,s `dangagz. wuh the excz+s. it wry, paid
<br />to Berr!twet. tt the Pntperty rs abaitdsinal #+y Bornrv.er..x ~t Bonawar tails to respond to Lender w:titm 3U days from the
<br />w,ac arrtds:a us matiaxt by ixnskr z,> Barn~v[rr that the wxurarne earner afters to aeHle a c!wm for insurance hetxtita: tender
<br />sx au[iwrr€a:# to ia4kct alai .spp{y the :ttsuratn:c prcncaks ae Lettdet'a ipttao cribs: to rtararat:an or repay of tits Proper!}
<br />oz to fix xtutrs reared by zhh Matt2ga~e.
<br />IJakss Lrraiu and Borravars otherw ix agree :n auuag, any such applisztr[m of proceeds to pntn:rpal shah nut :'`stead
<br />a postpone the d« cfttle of the tttaoth{y instaiirrscnes referred ea in paragraphs { and Z hereof or change the amount of
<br />such i#txlat{men[s. lY under patatzaph 18 htneof t!m Property n wa)wred M Cooler, all ntbt, title arsd intercat of Borrower
<br />in sad w any iuauzatoce poiiciaa and sn awl [a the proceads tltcrcol resulttnt from damage to the Property pacer to the sale
<br />ffr aa:,lunztistr sutal pas. m t-araizr r;, tits eczdne ai t)x sutra set-ured ts} tens Martgagt +mrnedratziy pacer to ,uch sale or
<br />ra_ itxsn.
<br />§. Pwar+ar~a aai Mttee of P['apestY: l,taselotic C"oa+aasi Phtmaad 4aC fkvda~eae%. Berrav.cr
<br />:!sett k,~t the Property lit laud repair sad shall :oat c[tmmit waste cr perrwt srnparrr[xttt cr deterxrraaan of the Property
<br />astd strait ratng)}' wnh tfsc pravisiurro of say lease :t tt[ss Mortgagd rs as a IeasehoW. IY tats Mortgage n ore a anti sr, a
<br />cvtdomin+urrr ar a ptaaaed unn ~velaQsrteM, Bsxrewcr shall padarnt ail of &xrowar's obhgauores under tfu dtciaration
<br />Ar coveoams srsxazant ar gxwernrtig the cawiottumum or platttxd and dcvdopnsent, the by-{aws sad reguluaans ~ the
<br />ertndtstniaaaurrt or ptatsrna3 unit rkvalcspn[rret, xnd constitucm dastuttenu. Ir a couJamintum or piaarscd e;n,t akvrlopmcnt
<br />rrdt~' is raset,~d-by Bztrrawat atW z'as;sxded :egttMr wHh inn Mortgage.:he cosr»utu axP agreements .af sus:h nJer
<br />;'d'sy ;x :w;,orptrareaf uua atal shah att[cad and suppietrterst else wvenann aced agreements of zlva Mangagr as rf the nJr:r
<br />word a part lsasmnf.
<br />?. P~ d Creels:`: Sce[risy. if Hssrratsver falls r.: perform the covrnants aced agraementa cxatamrd :rt thn
<br />!~, or if any ~uon ur prucadding ss ~vmrntrterd wistch matesza{tY attests F enJei s :merest to thr P-:ytcn}.
<br />~utcng, btsl n~ tim+tei [a am.nazu dawsvits. rnsafvenc}, :cr3c etsforremeeu, a?r arrangamen[a or rarrxecdmgs :nvwv:ng a
<br />itatakrtan or d+ssxaitmr, tftaa l,esttker at Laarkr's aptson, upon [salter txr. Harrower. may make such appavatxxs. dsstattsr such
<br />ostma and :alert sascb a~xta av a rusasasnrv to prrsteci {xaafer's .mere+z. r+43;tdirtf. beer tau hmntd to, d~ctnsrsrrrterH .~(
<br />craavrtatrta z[t»szsev s fras arm tarry upon tree Prrepcny to make ::parrs tt i.:;.ttder requrrcd mortgage msuran.r as ,+
<br />c.-.~ ~,€ t;-.~ ~~ ~-r:=~ ~~ rl~s ~iga~. f~ar:t~cr sue: ;,a) t~<e ,~ra.~:was e:ztr::tr i :e ;~ar..w - s.,_.,.
<br />vrauxsc xn eri~-s tarsi` nsaca Haar as +ne r s{orranactst fort suczt ~naurartce *rrmrnates ,n atu+rdar.~~ ,!•arh Barn,wrr , _,-w
<br />