<br />Lmdex's written agrtemeni a applicabit law. Barrover stutl pay tIn antoerai of aH tttostgage ittauranee premiums in the
<br />tstatsntr pravida7 utttttr paragraph 2 hezatsf.
<br />my atnoatHS distntrsed by Lender pursuant is [ha paragraph 7, with itttesest thereon. stwli hetarrle rational
<br />imfrh!edt>ess of lbrrower .scored by [his Mortgage. Lrdeaa Ilorroaer attd Lrnder agsae to other terror of paymc.:. such
<br />arttaunts shsF7 6e paya7t7e upon rm[ice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall (sear imtrest from the
<br />due of dlsburaeasent ai the rate paysbk Eras time m time m oss<bart~ pritteipa! tattder rite Noe rmkn payment of
<br />ineervt u ssuh rue wtxrid he carrtrary to applicants tan:. in tchich teem stxh amoums ahaB Isar itdet'est u the hi¢test teas
<br />parmiaailde imdei apptisaitk Iaw. Notttittg NlltalrtM in thin paryraph 7 shtR Pogmre Lsaader to laser arty .,tcpeme ar take
<br />nay at.Yiotr Iternsrtdrs.
<br />6 EageeAr. [~-nder may make or cattae to be tstttde reaaooahle entries apon and ittepatioos of tlx Property, prwi~d_
<br />that Lender shah give Harrower rratCY prior to any stub impaction specifying tixaOnible giHi tlterefnt related to Lender's
<br />inaarest in the Property.
<br />4. Cotstiettartlae. ?Ix proceeds of atry award rn claim far daaugea, tBr+ect ar cansegttrmtiil. in cottrtrstmn with any
<br />cotsdsmna;inn ar v~ftar takirsg of the Property, or part thereat or tar catveyansx in lieu of condemnation. are hmeby aassgrted
<br />and shill be paid to Lemler.
<br />In ilte evdri of a total taking of the Prepaty, the praceada shill be applied to the staes 9eeared by thin MartgaQe.
<br />witft the eatxu, if any. paid to Barrowsr. in tht evas+t of a partis! taking of the Property, unless Horroarar arsd Lender
<br />otht-twits agree in writing, throe shalt he applied to the wore secured by Mrs Mortgage stuff proportion of the prorzeds
<br />as n egail to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured bf' this Mortgage immediately prior to the dads of
<br />taking hears [o the fair muktt viltre of the Property immediately prior to the data of tatirrg, with the 6aFbtce of the proceeds
<br />'paid to Borrower.
<br />tf t!m Property is abandoned by Harrower, ar if. after tsotia h5' under to Borrower that the rnrtdemratr ot!gen m matte
<br />an award ar stitlz a claim far damage, Harrower faits to respond to [.tsetse' within 30 days afty tlx dam sssc6 atatits ig
<br />mailed, Lender is attthorirsxi to rnileet and apply the ttraceeda. u Lender's option, either to raxmatfon ar repair of the
<br />Property or to the tams sscursd ty this Mortga¢-
<br />k `mess Lender and Harrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of prectsds to principal sMB eta extend
<br />or ptnupaste the duo date ,=t the ttronihly imtatlmtnts referred to in paragraphs # artd ? ttareof or change the atttount tsf
<br />sash installmeats-
<br />IH. Barrarrer Nat Ralawed. Esunuiort of the rims for payment ar tnadtHcnsion of amatiucron of the wore secnrdl
<br />trY rhea Mongagr granted by t..ender to any succes~r in interest of Raxrower shill not operate ro tekax. in any tnaatrer.
<br />the #i~aFti7lty of the original llon'rawer and 8orrtswsh srucesatn~ in intertst. (.,order shall na lts tngttlted to caminanee
<br />proceed7ags agaitsst Such susecss<sr :n refitse m extrnd nime ~Por payntrnt nr othrrwix modify amorti78tion of the tams
<br />teetotal by this Mortgage err mason of any demand made by the nriginil &ttmwer and Horroax>3s successor in internat.
<br />t 1. Porhyrs.tt by I~saier Not a wetter. .4nv fntbearancz by Ccrdtr m ex¢rciaing any right car remedy herwttder, or
<br />atlurwise atTnrded ttY applirabk taw. sh~li tuu he a waiver of or precistdr. the exerc"rte of anY such right or remedy.
<br />T'he pracurertsent of insunncs or she payment at teats t,< other #iens nr charges by 7-tntkr chat( not he a waiver of Ltndar's
<br />rigtrr m accelerate the maturity of the ~rtdetstedrttss vecurM try shn Martgttge.
<br />iZ Hrw~_dka ~1wnhNrs. !SII remedies pmvtded in tfiis Mortgage ors distinct and cumulative to arty other right or
<br />rcmedv omelet thts Mortgage or sf[artkd hY !aw .u ea=axry. and msy he c<ercrsed .;ancurrently :ndependantly ar scett-ecaive7y.
<br />73. 9wrseaarea atad Aad~w Boaad: Iaiat aai/ 9eresal I.WYftyv Cam The covenants arsd agreements heron
<br />corstmnni si'tail #tind, and rise righu herruifder shill enure tu. the respesnve sttemsan atni sssigm of t_rnder and Borrower.
<br />sErhssyt. ,. .` - _-- _ -- ;±aragra,^#'- #' '.'---~r»t. ~## ~. sects :r=ef xgr'~sn~tt- ;,f ~rTV9re: shai3 !te ;uent and ssvsral.
<br />i'he -options am#vgisa+7ings of ihs paragraphs of :hta \Inriaags are ter :onventerres onFY and are rwt to be aced to
<br />intstrprs5 «•- dtHne ohs proi':surr>= hersof.
<br />#¢. !~. t-xs E_~' -. i a he hf- tai
<br />_ +ept ... aFtY e~<r 4.Y , _ jrnr~2 =~n~r appf5:ai'+~ 3+x e._ _ a rEe! ;n ~ ;:._. tnancfSt. any nJricE rn
<br />Hcrr.:uw,r nr::vtded for :n rhh Mortgage shall etc stern tn' maftina ~rmh euntc-c hr.:sritAW m,u# addressest to Harrmvxr ai
<br />t ,~: ~`Ct~Y'Y-t 'e?~ ;` stn!? aN~ :bra: - #k:rr '7 a- ~e~ ifs S: rna,~€ - ! grater rr.?~EV h4retG, et?a;
<br />(h: ant iaonaa to t.ctsaier ,(tali E?e green hY :c-rtttFtd marl. •at„rn t~s-crpt rc~trtsred,. to i ender'. addrssa stated Nrr•-:n or to
<br />~ :'^~ . ;..r#~s .:.tdrie . e~n~r - ,,. ate - Mt ~_ ,.~ F~r^ ns tr.:e.:s~7 he ... 3:;. ;+*~ ^rir:-idrit fur .r, .hr
<br />S+te-^igac she!! ?tc~~lrtrsees:! :t.. ~ ?,s.~err~ = Htrroasver .,; #.erxder Lshcn even in tree narr:rer rlesignatexS herein.
<br />f$. t:alf.rrat Mertgatr: ~f;avsraiag f.aw; SrrerahBkv. fhr= farm of mortgage ,+rmbines untfarm covenants far nations!
<br />ttse and Mat-undorm «wenam<, w-tth timard var:apaYrs try ;urralicuor. to enmUn«tc a umfarm sex:anty instrutrnnt covering
<br />rsal prnpst*v Ihts Mortgage sftafl ht gavcrnsd by ;hc #aw ,tl the iunu7icuun :n whtch the PraixnY ;v ictcated. In the
<br />er~rst that eery pravtst;xn .:r -: #atrse ~tF rhi~ Mortgsgr ,,r the tintc cnn8icts with applicaF>is law. such crmfl;ct shall not attest
<br />othsr era,. rstcros :.,f this Mortgage .u the 'v<ne uhrch tan be gtvrn efln:t wtihout the cnnAictirtg provision. and to this
<br />steel the pore+smns of •hs 'vturtgage and the 'VO[e care deslarsd to bs s¢Yerable
<br />l6. Hotrawar's f:stpy. :Borrower +hai# rte furnished a conformed copy of rhs tints am! of the Mortgage at the tune
<br />n( eneciaioa yr otter rec.=relation here,,,f.
<br />79. 'Trtwtdtr of tlta hopply; Aatrapeiaa. If a17 ar any pan of the Pmpeny or an interest thcrem is so#d or tramferrsd
<br />by Bormusr wrihiaut i.cetdrr's prior wrtOSn -rnrtsrnt. excluding tot the creation of alien nr rnet+mbraixe wtmrdinate to
<br />thts Martgagt, hf test .rsation ,?f ; ?urchass moose :scurry ,ntcrest f+=r household appfiancts. ~ .-, Iranvler by dea'ise.
<br />desrsr'd +^r hY uperattctn nt ;aw :!pan the .kath of a mint tertanr :u id: the ream :>I env leassltold mtsrest of thros Ys:«rr nr less
<br />nun cr+otaming ao =Lptlatn to pura~ttass. Lrtnler tree. at tender < upuiu+. drdatr .ell •he +ums Ss:ured by m;x 1Nnrtgags x rte
<br />nrinaa;atr+v dos and ,rvavsh#e. !rode: ;h ail Rave wmved .u:h optx;n e ,.; risratc ::_ ,~nur ;:; :hc w#s of :ramfcr # ender
<br />--rr 7 ."rr :=e r.--;n :+ whom the t'r,+per* -_ ee sWct rr !raa>ie~rrd each - r•n-t..~ .. > rte oat Inc .- r:ut .:t ~. .n ^er.on
<br />s~rv:iact=+ -.corder i. d ? a 'tx> :ntrre=t ra a k ,. !ht : m. x ..u-u ~ •.:• U. tr~uae ~i:a-t _ a ;:,ch n. .• _:;iier
<br />ra = .r-;sneer enz<e* h~ t, a;~.e=t •tx, ., m:tn c ~.,..rre.:.t,_ •r„e .craft - :ax. a,^t; ;:rti i,~rr:,wa ,t+.cisu., ,.
<br />;ntersat ha+esesuted a ~.v r=ntr, assutne[nus ar;reetncnt accspted ;n wnontt by . rnusr t _tt<ler +hail re#easc Hnnuwet from a#f
<br />atttligations Linder ?his Mongags and tree V att.
<br />#! €.erntet v>erctvc:s Such „(•a,un. ir, nc.e#srate t.rnd,:r ,raft mu,l Sur o=we: .wt;,e =f a":sleratta+r. :n aaecrdancc with
<br />t<+s d.n~r: -as ;,a t --; mr ,,__ r-_,~t,s y..-,..... ,... .. _. .. ;R. .__ !hc __ v~'.
<br />+°nsicr mat -»+YF~tti 't3r.?C. ni!i'.tie '~'r .tema#ai t .i hi+f rtn-er. -_f v+,At ,r.t t'atcLHY M'1 m..ttat •lt' pa agraph r4 neTCt`t i
<br />4a+e-L'vtt:att=a t- cw, n- .eqs fIs over an,# under tut*hs -. cc-: ta,=t ;nd -«arr._-.t, -.,If?ws.
<br />tg. Aca-akratWat iirmediss. P~rrpiC as Fn*tiad is prw~apM t7 herr.st. apu Barwwer'r brrta.-b ,rt aw} aav+p~t o:
<br />a#tseetwaat of Bsrrewer ie t-y MaraRaga, iseledksa the arorraawts to pry when doe oar .awn treated br tb4 Hortgrate,
<br />Law~a ' sa as€ ~exaticm sbaY aia~ aeries m ~tessa as pu.Mrd is puagrrsph 19 hersert ~erify~; f71 t~ breath:
<br />b9' wlsis4 saxit hare#eb vast ba cared: anti IN tMt fa0wr to case rash ttreas4 ar a before tba date sperifted na the rwtfer
<br />saty rerdt at aesbieratiws e{ flat rave saswsd br efts MsugtAte. ferrcWm by pedisud MK'esdia6 sad sde o! t!e Yrrtptrty.
<br />31s aMias rRaN frrtrtltar lad+~tsr Horaawar at alts rlKtN sa rriswtaaa adier ace:iacatlo+s sad !As rptM fn arsart m tba faerimu+r
<br />t 1hs aaa~etieaerace d a dafarh a nay attar entrees et irrrawa b ~ asd larer:lrwsa. !t the breach
<br />M asna sward oa ar bslws tba titers +y+raflMd is eba aatkte, LaaiMr M t.rntber`s oplbs our dasiNe aq of the .wan srrpsrd br
<br />dtri: It;atat~a to Iw ~as'mdle;td) dtsa aw6 ppadds w+elratu ta:rttlrsa dasraad atsA +~X fsrraaiaat by .~SaHelrl praceed4g. I rider
<br />~ ~ ralfka! tys m wtah r_ -_aa!~ a44 ra;rta.,~ 9t f+xet~ea. "tae[relleg. tw! tss! tfndte+d r~ :~ of dacsatretarx
<br />rsfAmx ar.ersieu« a_sti eltla negaara.
<br />IA. ita;raswat'x Rtdr! d;e )A16tettfate• .`vanwNhs4andtna lxnder_a .x.crssrat,im :d the =omr ~cursd by tors .lti,rttta«3s.
<br />~ :~:+ ~~ ~ rrg'ht :s, ha' a anF cwt:.'rvv:~1~ .try. £tagi*:& *~. t cad~€r [., €reta~,rcc ih.. t.#orgagr ...va._nnnaiefi sa .c.ta.
<br />