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$Q-~ (~C-59I6 <br />U+;taoast L"av~a-an. 8anrnver and !.s'~der covmtam and egret as tetbwx: <br />?. iaYastt rrt hisrilY tad Borrower stsatl prerteptty psy whin due the principal of and intarrwt an the <br />;rwdebtednees evtdenord by the Natt. piapapment and late charges as provided in [lore Note. arwd the pti:ecipd of sere imsreat <br />on seer Funrre Adwaaces ~tdW hY this Mottgaga <br />2, Pwis fee Taus sled tenrsaece. Subjett to applicatsk taw or to a written waiver by tender. Borrower shah pay <br />**-o Lender nn the day moathiy irtstnJlments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, tmtii the Nutt is paid in full, <br />a stzm !herein "Funds"i egos{ to otse-tudfth of the yearly taxes and asssaments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and grneuui rrn~ on the Property. if any. plus orre-twelfth of vr;ariY premium inuallmenta far iwarard instttarace. <br />plwu one-twdfrh of yauly premttmw iostilttraents Erse rrwortgage iraurartea, if say. all as reasonably estimated irgti.ny and {earn <br />time to tirtrt try [..trader ora the basis of ants and bifh and reasmtabk estimates tliercaf. <br />21we Funds shall }se held in as irtstituiion tbe deposits or acccnims of whidt are insured or guarantdd by a Fedora! or <br />state agency !including if Lendn is such an iustitutian). Lender shaft apply the Ftads to pay said •laxes, asapRrienb, <br />irtsuranca premiers a»d ground rants. Lemter may not charge for so hoktirag and applying the Fursds, analyzing said account, <br />or verifying and campitirag said asaeszmrnta and 1silis, unless Lender pays Bntmwer imerest an the Funds a~ appligtwk law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. harrower seed Leader may agrrx in writing at the time of execution of the <br />Mortgage that intertsi on the Fonda shall ere paid to Barrows, and untas such agreement k nmde or ap~icirbk iav <br />require such irueres[ to fie paid, Leader shat] nM he required to pay Harrower any interest or earaings on the Futds. Lender <br />straB give to Bor; aver. without charge, an annual accauMirrg of ifte Funds sftowing credits and dtAits to the Furls and Cho <br />purpose ftY which each dehit to the Funds was malt. ilx Furls are pledged as additional severity for the sums secured <br />fry this Mortgage. <br />It the atttaurat of tht Funds held by [.entkr, tagerher with ehe Cuiure monthly inata{Iments of Funds payable pr;or to <br />the due darts of taxes, asseaamems, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxq. <br />---- - - - .wrarsw;usns atwd ground rents as they fail due. such excess shall ix. at Borrower°s option, other <br />prampidg repaid ro Bortowtr or credited ro Borrower ort monthly wstafiments of Fonda. tf the amount of the Furry <br />hdd by Leader shalt not Ix sa~icient to psy taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground reins ,s they fall due, <br />Borrosrtr shad ~y to fender unY arre+wnt rrecesurv to make up the deficiency wititin 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by tttstfx: to Barrawer requesting payment [heeeuf. <br />tJpara paymeewt en tut} of al] sums secured by this Mortgage. 1_ender shall promptly retool to Borrower any Funds <br />hard M Ltrtder. Ili ;ender paragrapa 1 g hertot the Prtrpeny is sold ar the Propern• ~s otherwise acquired by Leader. [,rnder <br />shaft ap~,ply, m? tarsi thaw imirr~iatdy poor to the sak of the Property err its acqursinon by Lender. any Funds held by <br />{.radar ai the oral of alrpticatazw as a credit agairot the sums ~vecttred by this Mortgage- <br />3. .4gpBeafietw of TtrytstseY. L'ntess appitcabk law provilxw otherwise, all payments received by Leader under tM <br />Note and paragraphs I sad 2 hereof shat) he applied isy Lender firs[ .n payment of amounts payable to tender by Borrower <br />under paragraph Z herxaL then to interest payabk vas the Note, than to the prrcipal of the Note. and then to interest and <br />pnucrpat an any Fwttrc .ldvancxs. <br />•a. U~Rss: I3ism. Borcowtr shall pay all razes, .tssessmrnta and ,uhcr charges, fines and impositions attnbutabk [o <br />the Pr, illy +vhoh may attain a pnariry ever this Mortgage, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />pros+rtkd under puagraph Z 6ereot or. if nix paid m such manner. by Burrower making paxmeot, when due, directly to ifre <br />payoe tfwereof. 8orrotver shall prornpdy tumtsh to Lender all iwncts df.amvunts due under this paragraph. and is the evrnt <br />Barnnvn sha11 make payment d:rtcuy. Borrower shall promptly turntsh to Lender receipts evidennng such payments. <br />l3orr~2- shif[i pis+mpifg diacRarBe any Irea whrtlt has pnonty over rhrx Mortgage: provided, that Borrower shell not fie <br />rs:aurrad to .#~A' ~ .auy soh !kc ~ kaag as '3errawar she}; agree in wrsttng to thz payn~m of iS~ obiigaticm shurai fie' <br />such 8aee m a manner ar: eptade to Ltn6t[. er shall m gwW forth contest ouch lien by, or defend enlnreemcnt of such lion rn, <br />regal pras~ttthngs watch operate to prevsnt the cn}orcemcnt of tMt Ilan ar forfeiture of the Prvpeny ar any pan thereof. <br />g- t tit. Bee: c-vser shop titp tt~ :mprveratnrs n..w zdstiog c,r hcrcaficr crec:ed nn the Pn*per[y insured <br />agatesz ;€o-rs t>y tier. harards inctu~i wiLhia ,M terns "czternfad ..out-rage-~, and such oftwer !uzards ss may require <br />.,=J ,.z„ a,.5:#s ~" u_. ~_ __ -_-- s!~ ;~ti~gs as f.e#r~r n - -. p:u a.;a.i, ;,,-i LenJvr ,hail nsit rcyurrc that the am„um of <br />sera{: ;: rt sa~rattc exciW lost amaunr of coverage requred rto~p'ay~the sum-+,ecureJ by ihrs Mun¢aa_e- <br />°st~, 3a61i~~.:-::arras-r r o=:.di#,.,g :'~ u;ss~'arc2 slraei hC- C:!lll,an oy Eiorrawer YIrbJC1f '.n afrpr4vai ray t_anater: pFOVidad. <br />tl~t sir?: •atxwrovaf sl~tL3 r_-tt: t+t wtrea•.,,.:=t+ty ~wthhetd- xtS prcmtumx ~:: nsattrarxa p~;iu::t, =fut#i tse paid :n ttwz manrwtt <br />prov:r~ vtarttt- paragraph , ixreof ar, ,f rxx paid in such moaner, by Bornnvtr making payment, when dde. utac4Y ro the <br />taaurarace curter. <br />Att irtsttrut:e puLcu•s ant rear.-alt tlxrmt shall M to Corm accroptnMe to Lemke and shall incline a ,tanlard mortgage <br />etanse to favor of and in form al+xptabk ro Lrmkr. Lender rhall have the nght u> hold the }xlictes and renewals thereof. <br />atwd Bnrrvwtr shat! promptly furrsuh u. l.ttwtkr all renewal rx~trces aui aN retxtpis u( paid premwms. In th% event of loss, <br />Batn>wer shalt glue. prortwpi rasxtcr to [he :muram;e earner sell Lender. Leruier may make provl vi toss it not made promptly <br />by Barrowu. <br />L#nlear Lender and Borrower vtherwesa agree rn wrumg, inrurance prsxryeeds sha71 be applied to restoratgn or repair of <br />[fee Properly damaged, proveclel such testoraiian ar repair u aartorrtnally feavhk and the sas:urity of ihts Mortgage :s <br />swot ttreratry' impaired. if ssx-h resuxau,m or rcparr is nut twnamrcally teasthk or if the security of this Mortgage would <br />Ee mip;lead, the insuraru:e f>su<'ctds shat! be appiscd to the swm sa:urcd by this Mortgage, with the excess, if any, paid <br />to tiorrowcr ]f the Property is abamferrad by Borrower, cv ~1 Btxrowtr f:uls ic. resprmd to within 30 days tr:mt the <br />lists zsaUCe: • dx L`y Ltttder tc~ Bvrrtwer that tlwe msurara:e earner utfars to seulc a farm fns tnsuram:e twenefits, Lender <br />is autactnzd; .street and apply tits ;asurarace protteds at Larder's option other to rratorauon or rcparr of the Prnpeny <br />or ua the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />Unfess ttrtdtr sad itorrawer :uherwxsa agree ut wntmg, any such application at pr ,cteds to pnttcipal +hetl non eteeru! <br />ar pos[p(.=ete t4tc dot daft +?f the mc.n37wfy inuailmenn referred w ur paragraphs 1 and ?hereof or +:hange the amount of <br />web irxsWlmants- [f itWaa paragraph Ifs hereof the Property is acquired try LerKltr, all nght, tick attd interest of Borrower <br />m a~ to snY iraauraa:e pdeciea sad in seat to the piocaeda thereof resuftirig [rum damage to the Property prior to the ask <br />ar ata}tatutioa shaft pate to I..etwdaz to ibe extent ut the sums secnrai 6y rhea Mortgage rmmsdtatety prior to such sak or <br />~ ~~~-, <br />t£ f'rsatervatla,e std ••-'-_.-____ of Y; L.aaastsetiMi ('owtfo~ksssat Pta4tsed Unit Ikvelepmeaas. &xrosver <br />sirali keep the Penpenq iu gavel rapist` and shs11 Writ commit waste or permn urwpmrmen[ ar detariaranon of the Ptaparty <br />and shaft eemply with the pxaviuaas of soy !em tf thta Mortga~ a vas a leaachatd. If this Mortgage is on a oral in a <br />e ~ m a piaramd trait devewtoptneut, Borrawar shall perftxm nil vt Brxrower's obhgauvm under the deciaruian <br />oT ctwetasnia +aeariag +x gctvesnnig the candomutrtxrt or planned oral dtvelapnrent, the by-}sws arW reguluions of the <br />wmadominitsaw +a' ptsuaed unit devdopmitn4 sell crrrrstilvent dta:trrtrents. tt a cvnlaminium or planned trait :kvetoprnent <br />t~tt ~ by $orcowzs and recorrkd tagethtr ith this Mtxtgage, tlwe caveannts arni agrtxmenta of vxh rider <br />-~_s =~~t-.>a~e'c~ -mtv and ~a ef~d and suppieemaw rite covenant: ancf agrnemtnis :+P this .4Sangstge as :f rfte rrdsr <br />wars a part hanxtf. <br />7. PllasysMau at I.atiali 4• tf Borrower fails to perform tfw covtrtams and agrmrunta contained rn this <br />hfentgspa, w if aay aeries i~ praomrding is ~~arruwxnced whxtw maurrsUy atkcts I.cader's mterast k rite Prepenv, <br />feei-aritug, fain m~ iersutei) ta, emresptt danaut, trssotvwu:y, roll enf+srcxmtnt, or uraagemrnts ar proceedings mvartvtrig a <br />~ d~adant, ti'saa f.rndtt k t.mdet"s trp4ara, upaa orsuse w Borrower. may rwwalte such appeuano¢a, dubu.rse such <br />ors asi ta6t aura ac-tiwtit a at titxawy ro prarer:t Ltnekr's ;menu, rrtcfwxitng. taus rmt tim;tetf [o, driibtrtxrnena of <br />r>rssuaack atrtsrney~s feaa sad lorry upon rfit Pragweny u? makt repairs. if Leader required rmmgaye insuram:e as a <br />""..e;R~ o€ ratska+3E «a~# Ssccrosd oy tfus Mcmgagc, ~rrsowts srsati pay the prenuurrn rcquued to mriataw s:nh <br />iaaupt5isca Fe tftect unfit ssav§ isms as r_he earku±r~~t f. s ,:~aran:~ rtrxtti.~at~ to ~t~;}r~-k-e s<~:tq &~rrtR-€_*', are' <br /> <br />