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~0...: (1Ci!5915 <br />Lesxkr's written agrcetrxtrt or appticabk law. l3orrawer shill pay the atnafm of alt mortgagt irm~rartce premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragrapb 2 herrwf. <br />Any arrfounts dnintraed by Lender pursuant to toes paragraph 7, with interest thereon, sfiaTt become ad3etionai <br />itfdebtedtxss of Borrower ~curcd by this Martgagt. Unroll Borrower and Lender agree to ot#r terms of payment. ~ :stir <br />nmtsents shill he peyabk upon notice from I..eader to tiorntwer regaESting payment thereof, and aMti bear interest from the <br />date of dhbursemrnf ai the rate payable frtmt time to time rot tnrtaraadhsg ptincipat titater the Notx tmkss payrarxlt trf <br />interest at such rata woeid !x esxrlrary to appticabk law, in which evert stteb am[amta shah bear interest at the hIg'tsat rate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing ctaftained in this paragraph 7 shah regrsirc [,ender to irretrr atry etrpensa er ttdte <br />airy actetm hetettnder. <br />& Iesyeed~s Lender may make or cause to be made reasonahte entries upon and intpations of the Prtgfetty, ptoWded <br />that t.end,•.r shalt give Bontrwet• notice prior to any such inspection specifying rcascmabk cattle there€or re'.atta3 to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Cam. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. d7rat or consequmtiat. in contuetlon weifi any <br />ew+demnatinn nr other taking of the Property. or pan tfrrreof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnatiam. afro heretry assigns! <br />and sha11 tx paid to Lender. <br />in the event of a tats{ taking of the Property, the proceeds shaft ire applied io the rums srxttred by this Mortgage. <br />wi#h the excess, if any. paid rn Borrower. Fn the event of a partial taking of tht Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing. there shalt be applied to the sums secured by this Motgage such propouion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that prnpnrtinn which the amount of the sums secured Fry this Mortgage immediately prior m the date of <br />caking hears to the fair marker value :rf the Property imtnediatety prior m the date of taking, with the hiltrrce of the proceeds <br />ptrid to Borrower. <br />If the Prapeny is atrandaned by Borrower, nr if, after notice by [xnder to Borrower that tlfe candetanor often [o mate <br />an award nr settle a claim for dam;_ges, 7larrnwsr faih ro resgntrd to Ler~r within 3Q days aher the dax stab nrtiee is <br />mailed, Tsnder is avtltarirtd to collar and apply the proceeds. at Lender`s rrptian, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Froperty or to ttte suers secured h}• this Morr¢age <br />Tireless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such appiicatim of pracsxds to principal shalt not extend <br />nr postpone ilie due dz±e of the monthly mstallmen!s refr^-d €o in parxigraphs i and Z hereof or change [he amount of <br />latch insrallmen[s. <br />IU. llorrawer !Bol Released. Extension of the time £ar payment or madificatinn of amornzatian of the sums soured <br />by thts Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor rn intcrcnt of Borrower shall rat operate to release, in any manner, <br />tfrc lia6slily of the original 8nrrcwer and Borrower's successors ':n interest. Lender shall not he required to commence <br />proceedin{,~s agaimt such successor or refuse to extend tame for payment ire otherwise modify amartizatian of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Hnrrnwer and Snrrmvers successor in interest. <br />11. Fmrbearaaree M Leadsr !Vol a Wainer. Anti fartrearance Irv i.cnder in exercising env right ar remedy heretmder. or <br />otherwise arTnreted by applicahic law. short not Fe a wailer ~f or preclude the rxernse of am such right or remedy. <br />'Ehc prncuretrrem of insurance or the payment of razes or ,aher irons or rhargcc h_v Lender shalt not he a waiver of t order's <br />rig_ixt to acceferare the maturity cif the hrdeMedness -aarrrd hr rhrs .Mortgage. <br />12. Remedlea Ctrraaisine. All remedies pre++rded m this Mortgage err distinct and cumulative to any other right ar <br />:etsed;~ unCs•r tb:> .'.;.^-••E ge -`- rtT<,rrkd fiv ta~+~ „ rquav :nJ m.rr ire c•+erciaed concurremh•. independendv nr successively. <br />13. Soccnsots and .laaigas Beaad: )Dial aid Several LiabilN}; Captiofn. The covenants and agreements herein <br />enntaitnd shall hind, attd the rights bewunder ;halt rnurr tn. the respective succrsa,rs and assigns r,t lender and Iorrower, <br />suhje,:t ro tizr ¢rovisicros cif paragraph i? herez,t AIE ~ovrnants root agrrcrnents of Horrt>wer chili he joint and several. <br />Ttie .:,;petrol ant lseadrng- of the t:aragt::pttx err this Mortgage :ere t,u ,smvs;mrncc .,ply and an not to he used to <br />rnterrrce r+.r define the ns hereof. <br />f4. '.tiMwY• Exsa{rt tar anT ranhcr reyunrd under app!{cah!r Lane rt, he <.uven in another manner. !:u am' notice to <br />ltarrrrr ~rr n-,v:ded f;. . s htr,rtgagr -bait err ~rvrn hs~ rosette{: ,u.h rr~+tri.•; rev ;: ^.rtrficd marl ;tddrcsscd to Hnrrawrr ac <br />rbe Prupett x+drrrc .~a!nsarch c>;lxr .:dfr:=xs - &~ :r:v.+ .-era: 3€=:gna s •v :,on~~ r„ i.en.,er „ rre:iJrd heerin.:o <br />`qbi ii '.n - ~, r -- ri Fir gr=e!r h eC(11ti{ti Irtaal. rrtlfrn rL^~'e':tH rcyr~cnlel!- r l 4nJirr ~- address listed irerefn (r rte <br />vucFarotharr •addresz sasrLernler mat dreianate by notice nr Barterwrr a rvuic._i h ... env ,tin t for i-. this <br />°sinrtgay,e .t ` is t+e r;it€rrtexf -- >e tneen t:rver, !a Harr.=~+-rr „r I.;ndcr worn gr+~ccn in me manner drsrgr areal irzrein. <br />iEi3t~ 3c»rr, `v+~rarriag t.svr: :~rrcra83itt. -t Ar+ r „t mortgage ~„mhinen rrnifarm v,rvrnan:s for ravonat <br />use and non~unifotrn a,cenants with limned +artauons by uunJrcnon nr .onsuh rte a ruulorm staurty inrtrumen[ utvrring <br />neat property. 'T6is Mortgage sha0 tk: grvurre~d by the law ,rt the nnrsdrcoon re ~»hid+ [he Pro{xrty +s located In the <br />event that any prnviseon or clause of lhi, Mangage ,rr the hate ~~cnttiia; with applicahic la». such rondret shall nut alTect <br />ether prntrsions of the Morigagc t,r !hc foie which eau M> ewer N;eit wuhout the .onttra ing nrovicwn. and to this <br />errd t1h pro+isions of the Sinrtgage and the hs+te .ere :-i~larerl t„ l,e v:vrrab7r <br />I6. 7lartsswe~s Cape. Ttorrowtr chili fK funushcd a con(ennrd .epv n! the tiote and of this Mortgage a[ the time <br />at txea-uticua or trot recordation hereof. <br />17. Transfer of tint Pro:pESty; .4ssamPliorr, N alt ,.r arty pan of thc~ Prc+prrty or an :ntrrca !herein i•- «oid r~:r tramtermd <br />6y $Cfrrsr»cr »ilhuut tender's prier wn[trr, iousent. cxduding tai the crrauon cT .r !ten or rncumbcancr suixxdanute ao <br />rfiss Mortgage, rbr the ctaaue+n rf a purchau moocw °ccun!} n»ercs! tar Irnnsehold appharces. :cu ~ oaus(rr by d _ <br />r v;sr <br />descant or try op,:ratwn of !au a{1sm the t{eath oP ., µrrnt tenant nr ,d} the grant of u:ry Irasrhofd uacre~t of three +can or less <br />nut lirtd«::>t,^.g '.. ;~`Xiiril :c: l,liriira5i;. ta`ndc; iira7. ar 1dCr~~. „titr•,rr. uu..i .+li r ~unr+ 4.. . ,x'ii i-+ ;.:rs ii„riKeli~ r.. <br />rmnfeaL:uriy duc~and payable under stroll ~.« aed s:ch npuoo t.= .ucelerace~l poor r ~ ihr -.ale „ ,. ,_.+fet tender <br />and the lxrwn to whom the Pnrpert} r. pr M ,;Hd ur transicrr'cd reach ogres rotor , ,t Wring rhar nine . eda .a. ,r .:+ {,en,rr: <br />s S'arisiaEtt•t=_ !.~ t s~tt~,er a-.d th:t. the ttuerc;t rayahlr „ the -:.un+ ci r{ h+ :h:i `t:,t:t>a.e .het! f'E~ ,, ,,... ,,sae •, ..:.%dcr <br />~atl ;ey~i If under h~ waste-d rite rrphon - celeratc ! 2Cd rr rho parag:aph~ i' 8_rtrowa r « , <br />n[etast has oleo utcd a wnttrn assunr¢auxr ayrretnen[ accepted an ~., rsung by I ender, !.eu,icr .bait ;.la::.;.: Actrr.: coot !;.,r., a+i <br />rrWigauons undo-r this Mortga~ and {he Hots. <br />If I etrder eatn'iser such aptiart to accclsratr, t,erader cha{I rnai! &rrrawer ounce ,~f accelet atr.~n .%, sordanu• with <br />paraZtspb 'd trerectf Stsdr ni>ltee steaft Pnavide a prtaad „1 nu! Irss than TO days from the date the n,atse •ic mailed within <br />w-h tin aw-r.,w . f -. ,h€ stems ri~.;rue~+i der 7? tst~rr.s-,.rr ?seta ~ , t,av , :s t:.:,mx pri: ,. !hc r•xpirat;rr . , ..r.h ~ r;:,aV. <br />I.rXtict mr-t. wtttr.+ut further nou,:r or drnrarat :gin ikrrrrrur.r ..ns,ke . «ntedrr tr,:t;,~,i : - o-aph r. s r _rr.,a <br />Ntas-L%>witua wt t: rrve.r,AUas Harr++wcr :end i.cnder further c,++enaur ;end agree :,. t.,itawa <br />t$. .Arredsattaa; Reipsdiie+. £scap o prasidtd in paragraph 77 hertoL uparr 73arro»ri s !stack of an} cavcarant rw <br />itfle'esarat of 1t;.tf iterrnM ~ drit Mwt~s. iaafadirag [tar ntsenauts to pay »hra der say sanw srcared by 16it Nurlgagr. <br />Ixts$ea 4siar to ar.crderyiaa stay raaY aaatice to Borrower at !sir»ided in paragraph !4 ktramf specitytag: (i; tfte breach; <br />?.i : tle~ t'a~#iv~$ t+s c~sce sw'Y hftwlr: tat a dtMa. rat kys than 14 day. intro ttt [tale the rrWke is tnaikQ !o Bormwtr. <br />iy #f+ie3 aatq bract rtraW M ewt~ sad idt t1aM faYart fa cart lath breach ae or before Ilse date e.acitsM rn tke nrltuc <br />sty, rtmaM to arotnkrattaa rtt tlfe aware searaead bt this Nerylai{e, forre4rsare fiy jndirlil praraxatina sad sale rd lhte Pntpegy. <br />Tps aarlist sbr~i tafetker ~+wf fetmostf at rife rlRkl fa rcharrtrie after accdetatioa and tM titt6r to asatrt is the farrcltabwr <br />pnocaatfiK t!v aoia•e.sitar:ast uI a 4el:alrh er say alMr drltane +t/ Mrrawer to acctkrsaareta aaad larecitwrrt. !! the Mrash <br />it aa3 eYafd an ar before the thbe tFe:e9fiti 6r ikt sake, I.rtwier ar Ixaders rsPlhw ma# declare aif rtf thr soma srcared hr <br />tAik M~ to >>0 tasaaa6tatai; dare aar$ faiaatk wit6ayt farikea rMmaatd sand was} fwertaar a> jadiciil prorr:dlrr8. i en0aa <br />saaaft lee gFtltia:b b catNart M tack grtarsr3ksQ arR rt}esaes M fortcfewre. iaclardtrq, bat run ittaired ta, crrap +rf dacanaeatar} <br />aritiaars, ailrfrala`nr trod titAe ra}wY. <br />=t. ~*os*e~a ##~t R,r iErfl~lwa. - -t» ' xac-acr s =. e ~ t ,t x - sr-- ~.r. -i °rl #. - -.f tF.ars <br />rrnwvr xhili hate tks rtsetar tr have , ~~ :vae~, v i -r,A... -. .,-.._ !tit , a3g ..,r-. - .,. <br />