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8E1~ iJ(-5915 <br />Ut+tcosta Cr3YfteiV75. Borrower sad Ltvder rrn~enant and agree as foibws: <br />I. Ih d 7-rbtigd ated Eulereat. Borrower deals PromPdY WY whrn due iht principal of sad inEere6t on the <br />irtdebtedaeas evide~ed by the Note, prspaptneat and late tdtarps as proveded in the Hatt, aril the prir~iPa! of ~+? ±RUre.~ <br />t[n any Future Advances stxirrctf by tfih Mtx[gage. - <br />d. Puck fm Tawas sad baaeatrce. Sublect to apyriiraebk taw rx m a writern waiver hY lender, Bortower rt~a8 paq <br />to Lends oa the day monthly itmaBroenta of principal and imvest arc Pagahk uttan the Note, until the Noe re paid in fukt, <br />a etas[ (herein "Runde^) tgaai to otsctwxifth of the yearly taxes seed ttsseasuter[ts which may attain pritxfty root ibis <br />Mortpge, sad gnowtd rates oa the Ptapettp, if anq, Pius tmatwedRh of vCUiy premium irtstaihrnmra for hazrtrd inautate, <br />p~ ove~rwelfth d YtadY pretrrirem inatsitmcets for mortgage krwrrartu, if atry, ail as reuovahiy estintaxd ivitiaify end from <br />tuna fo time by Lender on the basis of assr~rrtenta and bilks and reasonabk estimates thereof. <br />The Ftxrrls sha8 be heW in an itsstitHtinn the depoaiss or atcotrrtta of which are irwured or gtraraoteed by a Fedtrsi or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lcoder u each an institution). Lender shall apply the Funeis to pay said taxes, asspampets, <br />irtes[rartw premiums ared grtrtr[d rims. Lrtder roan rmt charge for so hoktfag a[td applying the Fureds, analyzing said account. <br />or verifying and cosr[piking said asressmrnts am3 bilk, unless Leader pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appti~bk law <br />peamits I..trrder to make stsclr a ehargt. Borrower at[d Lender may agrce iv writing at the time of exectrtioa of this <br />Mortpge that interest nn the Funds sha8 tee pair} m Idonower, and uttkss sttdt agreement is made or appkicabde law <br />requires st>~ts interest so be paid, Cruder shah not he required to pay Bortowtr any interest or tarttings on the Funds. Leader <br />shall grvt to 3orrawer, withtwt cMrge. an annual accounting of the Fureds showing credits and debits to the Funds attd the <br />' ptrsp[[se forwhich each debit to tht Fute~ wu made. The Funds arc pledged as additional security for the soma setiured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />if the amount of the Fronds htJd by Lender. toget!>xr with the future rttonthly insadkments of FunM patrabk prior io <br />the dtx dates of rues, asseasrrrenta, imurance premiums and ground rcva, shall exceed the amoum teytrired m pay said taxes, <br />arms.. irgtrrstsce pet-mirrors sad gmur[d rents as they tall due. wrh e+ccess chaEl be, at F3orrower's option, either <br />prcrtrptly repaid to Btvrozvtr car credited to lorrower as monthly ~naxallrntou of Funds. If the amount of tl[c Foredo <br />kasitl by Levdtr shall not 6e suffr.`pn[ to pay taxes, atnesunents, truuranct ptetntums and ground rents u thty fall des. <br />Borrower shall pay to Leader any amount. reecessarq m make up the Jed~r~rcncv wi;bin 30 days from rite dal notice is mailed <br />try f.daidat [o Burrower requtstiag y~yrrxnr thereof <br />llpix[ payraem in fu8 ak all soma secured by ihts Mortgage. t.en[ltr sha8 promptly retut[d to Borrower any Funds <br />Bseld by I..tntfer. if under paragraph IS hereof the Property es cold ar iht Frraptrty is otherwise acyuircd by !.ender, Lender <br />shat! uepplY, err lair than immadiaroly prior is the sake of [he Frroptrty' nr ass :ecquisinon by Ixteder, any Funds htid by <br />Y,eas4ar at :ht nmt of application as a _redit against the sums seGUrtd kr~y rhos Mortgage. <br />3.. ~ of I!agasauls. Unkss appkiabie taw provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the <br />Note attd paragraphs t and 2 hereof st[atl tee applied by Lender first m payment of amounts payabk to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph Z hereof, then m inferrer payable on the Note, then to the principal of the Nnre, and then to interest and <br />prratrpai un arty Future Advances. <br />0. Cam[ [.iras. Borrower shall pay ail taxes. assessments and uthee charges. fines anJ tmpnitrons attributable to <br />tt[e Prapetty which may attain a priority over flits Mortpge. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />tNUViskl under farsgr,aph ? `tra?f nr ,r r,et p:uJ m srrctt m..nrter, hr Borrow-sr making payment, when dire, J[rtctly to ttte <br />pays thsttx#. Borrower shall promptly €urnesh to Linder ail nmicrs bt amounts Jur under thu paragraph, and i ,the event <br />Borrower shalt make paytnant dire try. Borrower shall premtptly tumuli to IrnJer rcreipts rvrrkencrtsg stab Pay rrur[ts. <br />darrower shalt pts[mptJy ~acharge any !ion wteieh hu pr~rxrty :,vet tun Marygagt: pruvukd. Thai Bortt[wer sha8 not fx <br />rt~~trrsd [^ di~hargt a~ such lien su lrrg :,€ ixrrvwer steafi <grrr to ~..rtnng to the pagmcnt a,f [ht obligation -,rented by <br />such lutn ,n a rnaaner acmpeabk eo Leader, w shall u; gaxi troth .~~~ast zurtt hen hy. or JefenJ entnrs;rmtnt of such fen m. <br />ks~sl )s.~rerdrr~ which operate iv prevent the rotor ~tmrm of th< i~rsn or iorfertmc of ttx Property nr any pan thereof. <br />;e. ~'sf 6a..~aacr. Borrower shak9 lee ttu un rxav - <br />t lass-s bY. fuR. k p P tmtms non rstziutg a,; heaealitt crated on the Property insured <br />sgaettF -~sds .t.~kutkd vrttkstn .:.. term -extendcJ er.vrragc'-. and sorb sober hxEatds us 7-ender may reyuut <br />at;. - sµh a;,:.:raut. w.++ i,r stab peraxie as Lturtcx i~ v :rya wide) that l.ertukr ,ttalf m+i rc rc that the amount n+, <br />4,+! <br />ssah s.overage exceed that autaunt of cvveraee rtuuued_ m Pas rix ~-.:e;:.•~ !,; :,y:, sa--•-..-- <br />7"fse msuraase sorest kn'av-tiding rite .risurarrce shaiP he ahaaen i,y Borrower suhta i t , apprvvat nY 1_ender: proveekd. <br />,~h =rte=vim' £. as [',ri ~ raz-sM;+va#rtj wunrrshz. , premrurm „n mwrar,sr pohcits ±hal1 !+t pa[d ~n the manntr <br />provided under paragraph Z herta or. if ,tut paid in sus:h mant[rr, hg &rrrowtr making payrtatnt, when due, dnertly to the <br />iaaurattce curio. <br />All insurance pola;rea aril rtreewals thua,f shall hr an form ..~rrptabk ru l.enJer anJ shall rnrludc a st:ua.larJ mortgage <br />elaust an Canoe of and m form xr:ePtabk to Leander Lrrrder shall base the right t.. hoiJ trx Psdnirs and renewal. thtrrut. <br />sad Borrower sksall promptly futruah to Leader aiJ rstxwal names auJ .ell trs:eepta ut paed premmms. In flit event of loss. <br />BOrrarvet shall gene prarr[pi nsyscz to the mwrarr a rartrtr and l..erxktr. !-ender man make pray[ of Ives tt nut made promptly <br />by t3errower. <br />Uvleas !.ender amt Borrower othetwesc agree in wnttag, inauranrr prrtrez~als ;halt be applied to rcwwra[ron ,,r repair ,+( <br />the Property daaugeJ. peovrdesi such :tatunuun w~ rtparr is tcunomtcaiiy irasebk :.rid flit security ui flits Mortgage i~ <br />not thtresy impartrd. It srar6 rraiGrattOri ai repstr tz Hui rrotxrmi:atly trasrWe or sf the serurtty of flits Mortgage would <br />be tmpaared. the trrsuraa.e practests sirail br applieJ to the stubs aerated h} this Mortgage, wnh the earr,.r, et ,ny. paid <br />#n Harrowsa- It its Pr:-;xrt: ss,:bo-x;;.;,~; by &rrc?wet. r,r ~i Borr<~wer iaii.c tr, respond to Leader wuhrn 3t7 dap from the <br />date rwtax is marled M lender ro lEortowrr that the ntwratert .:amrr vfkrs to stole. a rlarm Ivr mauranac benefits. I.enJer <br />es authiu+rmrk in collect and apply the utsauanrr pruzmeda .u [.enders opuun euher to reswrateon or span r~i flit Property <br />ur tc the stueer at..uted 'r} than sNtortgaye. <br />Ualsx?.tryder and 1#rrowtr atfxtvrtar agree :n wntmg, any rush appiicanov di ,xucs:eds m p: m,=rpet shah nnl extend <br />or pustpsmrt :Res dot da€e a# rhr nn+nthky«„ty rrtern.•t! u; an paragraphs ! aoJ ~ hereof err s:hange the amount of <br />such tnstalimeats, 2t eur{tr paragraph ig hetroot the Property a a:ymred by l.xnder, sal right, tide and interest ok Bnrrowtr <br />is sad to anc rrreutams pW[cels a[xf an and to the pr<x:trrfs iherwt resutung from Damage to the Property prior to itce sale <br />or acgatsuiota drat! pass to Ztitre#at to the extent of [!te soma securN by rhrz Mortgage inenxdraitiy Helot m .ueh sate nr <br />~:~. <br />e, ?saaei+~atiaa ar[i :+:~~~x of PtagarErF L.ld<t e.~:ms: Plsnaed iaaki tTevz7.~-.«aaM. Fk,rr,,..rr <br />stook! keep rlae t4opxarty in g.,rxl report and shall rest rcxnatrt waste ,~r ptrmn unpatntserrt or Jeteriura[ran of the l4apere} <br />sad alto!! comply wnh the pruviseons ci any frost rf than Mortgage ;, ,m .. iraschold. if tht± Mortgage „ ,ur a :. uttt .n <br />coadonsurium nt a plaranrd umi dtvetvpment, 8ntrower rt)rali perlerm al! of Borrowtr~s ohliganona urukr flit .IcYlar..han <br />ar coveaatus creauryl rte governing the 'asrrksrtammm ar planned amt Jrvtlapmtttt. the by-laws amt rrgtila[rom vt the <br />enndott[imtmr ru pkanatal unaa dtvcloprtteni, anJ c Keurtreent Jzx: urncnts It .r a~undomtmum or planned iron Jcvciopn[ent <br />risLtr is c'xd:utsxi bi Borer+.z-er a.,.. ..sndt9 :ogethta wash th,a M,xtaaar. ~F.e _ vc ,ants snl _ ~.=h <br />ihrd7 bt ;az~arporattd rntp atuf %!?all amtmf and suppis[rxat }tae ra.rnanta anJ agrtemenu of thi>~~Ma,rtgagc as .i nc ~i.itr <br />wars a Put lsercaf. <br />7. L"refaaYss sit iw.adar's '~saerreit;~ kt Borrow~tr Carl-s m perform rho ranersanta enJ agrnatnun<n ~r+mainrd m rtru <br />I~regagt, or if .spy astnalt .h procoadtng .s .unutre:rttJ ,.herb materially aflsrts i rnskrs !ntctest in flit ProPens. <br />kncludiag, istit nw !feinted tu. emmaru 'lsYraain. €malven:y, ..rdt evtarertmnt, ,~ arrangrrratms .'r prr+rrtvwEmgs :naot+ing .s <br />Bap;truks or rftxtdeat, thus E,essist at t ead®`s optror[, spa[[ nutrxe to Fkarrrawer. ~naV malt ouch appraran4ca, disMnsr lush <br />aa~zm oaf srkt reek ac'.traet es K rata.-twuy fo Protect k..cradtrz ~nwreu, ;rniudang. btu not brourd nr, dssb;tnernent .- <br />ratisesenablt attRPnay's faa~ sari entry spun rhr ksnuPsrty to rooks rekm;r» it Lesrdcr reyuire,.i m.+r[gagc :Haar e,e.e .: <br />."iYaaaaeo n3 tna,rtty ltrr Innate ssaurJ try this Msxtgagt, E4atrsawtr rhai4 pa;' irk {±rtmnum .eyu:rea! u: mauuaia s;:~h <br />t.€- T^ ,-mod -_a`~~'_ -a,:h t;~ a_ t,`w ~.a~€ ;;~~r =x^ :rtsG: a. teen.nat.; a xs:a~:s-.:.r-nc s-„th Bw-r.rwcr. ani <br />