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Lender's wrinen agreement w applicabk law. Borrcw er strati pay the atxxrvnk d ati ttxorxga@e irmurarax pkemiurku in the -~ <br />naaaner pr;widsnt under paragraph Z hereof. <br />.>,ny amounts disbursed bw I.enaer pvnuant to dais paragraph 7, with ieatest tttpreoct shall heeome aafditianaF <br />mdehtedrxss of Banower secured by thts Mortgage. Lrnk~ Botraaarer and I.sxrder agree to aher terms d pay ~rnt. sash <br />saxtaunts sha{1 he payable neon nmire from 3.erder to Borrower requeving pavmete therm!. and shaiF bear itttcrest frc..t the <br />dare of disburserrtpnt ar the rate payabk from time to rime on outstanding principal under the /Vote tattlees paemtmt a>t <br />interest at such rate wanld Ex contrary to appGcabk law, in which even! stxh amoeteat: shall bear irdaeat N the highest rate <br />pprmisstbie under applicable law. '+taxhing mataitted is this paragraph 7 shat( raagtaire Lendu to i>xar arty e:perxrr ar take <br />aety action hereuadcr. - <br />& Caaepeaiae. Lender may make or cattx ra•, be made reasoeabe ensries upon and itxspectrom ahNke Proper[}., providM i•+; - <br />thax !.ender shall gyve Bnnawcr notice prior xo any arcfi inspecsirnt specifying teasonabk cause therefor relaxed to Lender's _ <br />-interest in the Pmpcrt~~. <br />~. CaedrrsRUiae. The pnacxeds of any award nr ciatm far damages. direct or r4ttsegttemhl. in comteaiatt svidt any +'~ - - . <br />candetstnatlnn for other taking of the Property, ax patt thered. ar for conveyance in tree d condemnatimx, arc ttexcby assigned. ;; <br />and ;hail'-te paod I+, i.endrr. <br />~. <br />fn the evens of a r.>tsI raking of the P:nperty, the proceeds shall Ife applied to the stuen speared by [his Mortgage. ,~ <br />with ;he excess, ,{ ant. paid to &un•wer. in the event of a pattiai taking of the Property, unlm Btxr3wer oral Laxtlp: <br />anc~rwise agrer in writing. them she#i h applied to the sums seturtd by this Mortgage such proptsrfioa of fhe proc~c <br />as iw eGttaY m that ptole,rtion which the amount of tfu sums xcxved by this Mortgage immediately error to the date Of <br />raking Isears to the fair market value r,f the Pra(terty rmmadiately prier to the date of taking, with the batartce d the proceed <br />-paid to Ba±r rover. <br />Cf the Pmpe: n• ie shandc+nrd by€?wrr. nr if. afk~r notice by Lender to IIonawer tfrat the condemktor oMars to make <br />au award +~r sef7te a <%arm t,ar damages, Harreswer fails to respond to Cznder within ;0 days after the date such nositt is <br />t,•-''~~ t~°.`='der i` .Y,.n~.,.~., v...:~c; arw aptly tFre proc€cds. at C.,prder'`s opriort. either to rpsfaration or irkrair d th¢ <br />Praprs'vy' :}r :n ~{;~ *um, sr^,cu.rrd i+s this hYartgage. <br />C3ntrsv I.en.fer and B¢xrower ethersvise age+ec in writing, am• such apptir:.atrar: d proceeds to principal shah not ezttmd - - <br />;x pfasipnne :he sue ~.tate ,+i the mnnrhh' insraYtmpnts refvrrd tarn paragraphs I and '_ hereof or change the amount of <br />sack instaY',ments. - <br />tib. 8orrowrr 'Vox Rrlearatd. Extension of the time far payment or mndificaxion of amottizttian d the svrrts secured <br />by thrs Mortgage g~mntuf 1tp i amder to any wrccessor an inferpsv d Borrawtn shall oat operate to rtkase, in any manner. <br />thr tialti;lity r:f the :arigin:+.l Bnnower and 8earmwer's succesaurs in innerest. Lender sba11 not rte required to aatmmettce <br />pros audi~ngr, a ains# such ~suck:pssar cu refuse rn extend tune for pa+ment ,+r athptwise modify amortization of the sums <br />u~curnd by ~..~, arty demand made by the origins! Borrrrwcc and Bnnawers sttcccssntx in 1.merest. <br />i (• !Nett Wstirer. Anc farhearunce by Lender in exrtrtsing acv righk o- remedy hereunder. ar <br />atherwrsc +> :shaft oat he a waiver of or precinde the pxercix of any such right nr remedy. <br />The prnevre ~'~-- - ', paytrtetst of raze: nr other urns or charges by Lender shalt na he a waiver of I.pnaier's <br />rigltx ro accelerate the maturity of the inakhtpdness srcored h}' this Mortgage. <br />12. Rrettdies C.nesrWive. 41t rempdtcs provided in zhis Mortgage are :tistinct and cumulative to am• other right ar <br />remr.iv atn,ier this M:.;tgage ~+r afforded by law nr r_quity. and may he esercrsed c+>neurrpntly, independentiv or successively. <br />i3. :mreeaeots trei A°dRns Borg Joint and 5eteral (la6~tytrCaprirtts. The covenants and agreements herein <br />canratne+! shall !.rr+.,f .,nd the rights hon. -order ~ ~ti.. -, <br />-. „ ,e,..f. .. ... .... • -nd 9cr rover. <br />suM1rrat ;., ~;,€ tar -" " ..,t paragraph " hersxst. 331 .o:znantc a:r9 agrezmems'of 8crrcrwer sh Yi be faint grid several. <br />T'hp captions and 3apadrnlrs .:H the Paragraphs of this Mnrtgaae drys fr:r ~nnvrmencc nnh~ and are !oak to t+e u-~d to <br />iniEriNet err define the hereof, <br />I{. Yatire. Fzipt for any' naztcc reyusred ,,ruder ;,ppYK~altYe law ,,, hr ;ttvrn ur aru>thrr manner, Ya) env notice to <br />Burnrwrr pmrrdcd ;nr !n :hi, Mnngage .hail M green t.s ma¢}ing ouch nmacr by crtifled mail addressed to Barrtwrr ax <br />'the Pt- •m .r, +, e.~° ,,- { °,;xch ,+itx+:r ..ddress -, Bnrr,rw-rr nay desrgnatc t+r' uoncc to tender as provi[kd herein, and <br />t€a: ~ 3 n~, + Lc~:~cr :haft nz x;vcn try corn ned matt, ru r.- rec..,-^.t •s~uestet'd. •n ! ansh+r`} ad+lrrsc s:arc~ he€€in <st to <br />1 gk+e ..eft.;-~i :, ! c-: tf^ - s wig ,t.e b tsrt~ a t., H r - - v a.ip ,ere n :#rv n.nice <br />M ,rt i. shoo k• .xK..,na,a , !,~ ...~ .. ,, r :vxr n € srrdvr w=hi Prided £,t in this <br />g ~en in --_ manner dpsitrnaled ha tin <br />15.. t`a@rtrro ~1ia+etgatie; k:avereiegil9+*: aEe«rra6Yity. rhiv r:.=.,m nr m tkagc ~ mhanes nn<fnrm ~_ yens r na~aaai <br />n5~ anti Mrn-tinefnrn{ .{.': enanti •nittt limited x'±r:ar;.~JtY h: I,rr:5111~tr+X: f,r :i,a}wirfa[e a ur;tfr>rm :N'~ilrif\` Inatrament covering <br />real property '71t:s Me!'tgage analt be governed by thr law „t the run4dtcuon rr. which tt:r Prtpery ~s located. lr. the <br />evrnt that env Previsrrxn ;,r :tams ~ f *.his t(+>rtgagr .x the ?"i+NG <.a+niir.~ts uieh :rppliCable law such cantfict ihell not affect <br />other nrovosirus ,+f :his Mnngage •~r rite w++ta• which tan he gtwnn cdect without the cantlictinK prnvisiun. and to this <br />rnd the prxrs isian. ,,f the Mortgage and the 'vote arc declared tc> be searrabte. <br />36, Barextwer's CaPr. Barmwrr :hail he firrmshrd a <ottfnrmed copy of the Noxe anJ of thts Mortgage at the time <br />ezesutinr :'r .:fret r::, nrdatxm here±£ <br />11, TntaNrr of Nye Properit; .;saunp{yw„ 7t sit ,rr am• pan of the Property or an interest therein ii sold nr transferrrd <br />by Barn=avcv w:thou*, Lender', prier w~rruen :on~,e=v, cxcludirrg +ar ehe vrcattnn at a hen ar rncumbrance sutfordtnatc to <br />this 54raaxgagc. rFi the emotion ,'f ., purchase money ssxurity rnteresi tar tu!usefxxtd spplianres" :ct a transfer try devise. <br />dtsc;°tst nr Ley ,rperauttn of law uPmt the rleaih .rf a front truant or tdt the Brant ,*f any tcasehnld interest of three years err less <br />oat comaimrtg sn :rpfiorr t<+ prvchase. Irnsxer tender's spoon. declar< ail the sums ucnred Fv thra :Noneaae to be <br />u~t~+lfaiels date and l~yahir.. i ender shun hart warwed cu;;h npunn n: acceleratt rf. prior u+ the .sic :+r transfer, Lander <br />soar the' person .+, wh.+m th:• l+rnprrty is to hr saki or eransfrrrcd ;each agrecmrm in wnttng that the cndn of each pers+m <br />rs sausfack;n to [ender and ti;ai nc~ interest pavaMp t,n thr sums secured hM1• this Mongage shall he at such rate .is L.endpr <br />sJzali resYatt-xr [€ i.eadcr has svaty-ed :tw .,P?:nn rn acstcraee provided in this paragraph . ` sad if &rrmwer': sucrx:.seu m <br />trs=~ -sk 1sk rxrc-coed a svrt€en assumpesan agreermnt acarptpd in writing hr Lender. tender shall release Borrows: tram aYl <br />abligatioax cuxdcr ttas ;vtangage amt the Aram. <br />!t bender ezerceses stash option to accelerate. I,eoder shaft mail Borrower notice of nccpkratrtm in arcardance with <br />paragraph Iz hyrrx+f ctrrh reaxicr shall pruvtdp a Prrind of rrc>t [pas than 3fi dayi foam the date the notice is mailed within <br />mfirch Borr?wr.~r may pay the sums declared due f f (ytit•m.v..r carts +a pat. s,ru!e yarns pr==-v ,;; ;s-i .•sp:, <br />t.rrader rosy. wrtlwut further nrxrce :=r :tenaaetd orr tforrnwer ,nvokr env remedies permrrtett by pxrag aph ! W t+- + <br />?4x•11-trtnaa se t=ixv~xrt~rs Baxre9wer and t. ruder further cevenatu sad agree as fofYaw~~ <br />!g. Aasdertliarx RaatadMs. Eac+Pk as wnvi+ad at f 1 tsereaf, upn )fartewtr's 4rtarb d any cettamM ~ <br />npreasestx of tiarra.tx itt ~ '-~gtlsltt. iwrluiyyg tie rarttsawb u. Pat wMea doe awl stws sremea by tWa '•iatlptge, <br />ti~ar error ka aecHrtseiaq sittdl twit tsuriet ea Yartovrar r (essaYeJ ie p~ ll Maeeef speettyfrg: 11) r4 Araaei: <br />/~ tie aes(um tdpdtad xa atge aryl !resell a3t a dNa, set Mss Ntrkt S@ dadts tours tltt ate tk rttAlre !a ~ ro iareswtr, <br />ih 4r1irY area here! strut br aart,k sad ;~ tihN faRrrr ro tyre .ate! te>s.r- ~ _~ n.~ st.. ~ -_ - - <br />taa}-rtaeri( Yet trct'si@aNar of Ntt strras tarestd 6r this Matrrrisgd E~ac(a~ee M ~V ptancrrdfag ttrd sale N f4t Pr+:L•artF. <br />77wt artist sMpR fsRrtltrt irfsstrt Aasanea at rite rfRitt ro rsderttra atW aaYCleretbr asd tlka ~ ~ Bert itr tht l+sRelonre <br />gwpsdfrkg tYt aw•wzMasstrr d a airTaoit as arty tiller Arlrrst at( frtrrssrei M tttpeeeMtariatt aed fatrrrJattsre. H Me 4trarh <br />M Bar ctrtad rm ar Ur[a~r kiyt daft sRreJBeti !s Nis trades, latr4ir N t,rdrr's gdre tsr,Y deeWa rM d Cie arts reerted br ... <br />-Alt iHrrlplgyt N 6a ~ vhf artd Mtyaidt w1WM Neetlev aMttttawd tad ter? fererlase ti` Jrdktat t-ee+iex <br />tgrrdl #rt aaENei m eatgrst N sam+A !i aft, taprwra A farseiatrrt. iaeirligc. lrtt oar Mttiaatl ta, cards of daeeasrtstrry <br />r4riirsse. aia~tcrt trri ~ rr#ne1s, <br />i7. ~a R9]lt M R~aYlptNt. !,atwitiryxaxsJaag (.exskr'+ sea~rterattam c+# the attars sec-ureti t>v this Mexfgawt. <br />Bnfasrrar tlsa# hsv€ ttse xtgxsx art Nava any pntw+ra#iaga ttagwt k7. 1 etsdrr k, anxaxce thn Mangagr .tixrxynnnurd ar any lynx <br />