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~ti 1 ~ Q 11 <br />i;ta[voast Cav€aaxts. Borrower std Isrrder crzvmam and agree es fotlava: ~ ~ t ~'" ~ -` <br />' 1. 7 of PrL~pY read latteseN. Bornsvver ahaH prtzmptiy pry when due the priacipat of and intertat on the <br />i~ evidcrroed 6y Noe Mott, prepeyttacnz a~ fate charges as prmidaJ in tits Mott. and ttte principal of 2nd itrteresf <br />_ on any Future Adx-ancts secured 4Y title Mrrngage. <br />2. iBruda tsr 'last ad has~aas Sr+bjaet ax apyticabie Msar or to a written weever J+Y Lender, Botroer slap pay <br />-. to lender on the day raoatMy iratalinxttis d principal and irrrcresf are payahk under ttte Nate. uhail tfte More ~ paeti in ftdt. <br />a sum ±herein "Feuda"l egttat to one-twei[ffi of the yeaxFy raze: asd a~tmnents which [tiny aaanz priority over dtis <br />- _ - Mongmge, amt gttamd retm on.tlx Property, if aatr, pia onc•t+Mftb of yearty prtnnittm instalLoents for harard isRtrtaKe, <br />- - pftu-sstte-tsrcifth of yasady premium irrssaHatenh fi.: vsortgrgpe irrsurutcc, if atty. sit m reasombfy estimated itdtialJy attd froar <br />urns to titnt by Lender on the basis of asmssnensa .usd bi#h and reasanabk estimates tharro#- <br />"i'he Fords shall be Reid in an institutron ttte deppaia or accotmts of which arc insured or gttarantead 4Y a Federal or <br />state agency rinclyding i.esder if i.,ender h such an itsstiiueionj. Lwtder shall apply the Fords to pay said taxes, assesttmttb, <br />ioauraace premiums apd ground rants. [.ntdc rosy rent charge for so bolding and applying the Ftttds, atraiyziug said account. <br />tx vtrifyiug and compiling sad assessments std bdb, unksa lender pays Bwrrowu imer~ op the Frmds std applinbte Mar <br />permits f.etder tc mate such a charge. Horrower aed [.credo shay agree in writing at the [tiro of execution of this <br />- u Mortgage rtes[ irster>si tw the Fueda sktNl he pad to Harrower. and unless stteh a@reetneru- is etWde ~ appiicabk less <br />regteres such in[¢rest to Fee paid, i.e_mkr shall not let rthyuited to pay Horraver any interest of eaminga-on tlrrFunda. Ltotkr <br />shad give to liorrowcr, witlwut charge. an annual accounting of the Furth showing credits mrd debits to the Funds and the <br />far wfirch each debit to the Funds was made- 7~e Funds arc <br />- pu+P~ pledged as arfditionat security for the strsre secured <br />- by this Mortgage . <br />ll tM amount of the Funds heW by J_tstder, together with the fWttte mtrnthly instaFltmnts of Funds payable prior to <br />- the due dares of taxes, aastasmasts, itpp[artec premfuats and ground rrnte. shall exceed the amount required ro pay said taxes, <br />arstsatmupts, rmurartca premiums sad grourd tents as 'they tall due. such esctsa shall be, at Borrrrwei s option, eithtt <br />J~ixdY repaid ztt Hortvwer pr ctaiiteA to Borrower on rsuwibiy irsuaJfntents of Furls. Jf the atnamt of the Ftsnds <br />.troll by lender shall not be strH6cieat to pay rases, aaarsacmtms. insurance premiums and ground rents a: [trey fait due. <br />Bprrow¢r steal! pay tp I_tmler any amount netessary ro makes up tlae drftexney.withtn 3Ji days from the date notice is mailed <br />- by lsttdtr to Harrower teyttestiag payment thereof. <br />Lipsm paymem in fu6 of ati swm secured by then Mortgage. Lender shah promptly refund to Borrower any Fonda <br />lseld try i_tnder. Jf under paragraph Ig Jurcrrf the Property, as scald ar attty Proprny is otherwise acgwrrd by Letuler, Lender <br />l shall apply, tw later than imneediattly prior to the sale of the Prope~ny ar tts aqursiuon by Lender, any Funds held 4Y <br />i ~ ~ lisedtr at tha turn of application as a credit aaarnst the sums secuued by thts Mongage. <br />` ~ 3. Ap}iktafae d P'ay~enb, l;nitss applicable taw prc+vhles otbrrwist. all paymentx recticaxi by Letder under tM <br />Ntnte and paragraphs !and 2 heron[ shalt be app{ret! by tender lirsr to payment of smaunta payable to Lender by Borrower <br />~ ursdtr paragraph » hereof. [late to interest payable an the tiote. then m the pnnctpal of the Nnte. and there to interes[ and <br />pnncrpa! an any Faturc Advaseccs. <br />d. C`Wges; Liens. Borrower shall pay a!J La SG', a. srssmznts and other charger, fines and tmposietons attrrbutabk zo <br />' the Property which mmy attain a pnarity over this Mortgage, and leasehaid payments or grouml rents, if any, in the manner <br />ptoxided ureter paragraph 2 hereof ar. r[ not yard rn streb manner. by Harrower making payment, when dtte, directly to the <br />~_ payer thtrmi. Borrower shall ptmnptfy furnrsh to Ltndet a}t narices of amounts due under [tees paragraph, aed in the event <br />1Lxrnwer shall make pavnttnr duecth. Burrower shall promptly ~lurntsh to Lenrkr receipts rvidencmg such paynxnts. <br />-_ Bareuwtr shall prarrrprly discharge any tern whtch hax pneurty ~rver rhea Mongage; pravtded, tits[ Borrower chat) n~~E tp <br />- requirtxJ zo discharge any saxit lien u+ Jong as Borrower shall agree in wrumg m the payrrrem of the oblrgatiart secured by <br />- sr„.A !ern in a mant~r a;:;~ptals!t trt £xr. :.: shall in gr:rad faith contrsr u:.h lien try. ar def~td rttfarernrem of such Jiro in, <br />- legal procecditsgs wlsuh operate to proses[ the rnfarcentens or the Irrn :,r iorfenure aC the Property tx any pan theceof. <br />5. 1el~rard lanrarese. ilarrawror shall keep the rrnprovemems m+w rr [sung or hereafter erected on the Propeny insured <br />- again;;[ ;.~ ;,: fire. teases[-afs irx-Jaded witinn the term "rrtenc"re=f c:ovvragr~~. and such mftnr batards as i_er>sier may reyuirt <br />attd in s+~it a~~tzms and for ~zxh prtisxk ax f.cadtr rr:ay teyu:rt; pxov:gkrJ, Ibat Ltndcr chalk tint rryuire these ahc amount of <br />ucJi cs+z:agz r,ac~at flat sumo . cl cuveraar trquitred to pay the sumx secured by mrs hfnrtgagt- <br />_ Y"bt im~',urastee carrier proving the tnsuranct sJralJ br alx»an by Be>cruwer subtect to approval by Ltnder. oruvidari, <br />#izat sae approval shal.i neH i+e unreasaxratKy-wubhrld. ,-1kt premiums an msuraace pahc-tee shalt bt-paid ,n the manner <br />- - prcetie-d ur~r ~rag.~ts 2 tt~.'irs£ .;;, tf rzn pad in ++.>iir manrn_, hi Hc=rr~.vsa m~cmg paYmeut. when due. drr~-tiy to the <br />imurance carrrer. <br />AU inauran.~e penurrs and renewals [heron[ steal! be to Form w-ceptabic to Leudtr and shall rrniudr a -tandard mangage <br />clasur ut favor of attd m Ibrm acceptable to Lerakr. Lender shall have the right to hold [he paiicles and renewals thereat. <br />amt Borrower strati promptly furrwh w Lender a6 renewal Wooers attd all receip[s of paid premiums. In the even of lass. <br />- Bonavrrr xhafl g:vr pntmp! trcrircr to the tmuranc:= carrtee arxi I..ertder, t.ettdet may make pnwt of Joss tt not made promptly <br />- - by Harrower. <br />' Urtltsa t_tndee amf Hprrpwer otlurwrxr agree in writing, insurance pr nerds shall 6t applied to restoration ur repair of <br />the Property damaged, prandW stash or rcpxcr n ecanomrcally teasiblt and the security of [tees Mortgage „ <br />nut thcrtbt' irnpatmd. Jf xtnh rtxtaratzaNr ar rtparr is rent es:atunzzscall}- fcasiMr ar ti the scv:unty of [tees Mongage would <br />be rmparrexl, [he insurance prucedts xhafi be applied to the emus swured by this Mongage. wnh the escesa, if any. paid <br />to Borrcesver. !f the Prnpen}~ n aLSandarted by Borrower, nr it Harrower Y:erls !n respond to Lettakr wuhrn 3ti days tmm the <br />dart rxti:.e r.*_ maakil by £.e:~r :: Brxnx+a~r that the rnsuranrt easrter otftxa to ><~ulr a claim f:.r rn,uranee h,.netits, Lrmkr <br />' xs~ anttrar+zrd to stiles:[ amt apply the rtrwrmm:r praureeds ai £-ender-s .~pttan niher err teswratton or repass err the Property <br />ter ue s.'ae sums securest by the Mortgalpc. <br />I; rites I..enet;r anal Hautowrr otitrrwtx agree to wrong, any such application .tf p:<xstds to pr:mipai she!! teat[ estrmf <br />- oc pexstprroe llzt due date e! the tnsxuhiy inata!lrntnts referred ro :n paragraphs ! and . Nerc N of :hange the amnunr of <br />-- stxxb rastalttseenss.. It ouster paragraph t% heretH the Pnrperty a acywred by Laadrr. ali ngbt, ark and mteres[ of liprrawer <br />in aril to soy lerstttarrcr peilusea amf in sad to the proceeds tbeseef resuinng from damage to the Property Amur m the zest[ <br />su acslsusttissn abaft pass to Corder to the eztem of the weer secuiCd by [tux Martgagr rmroedrafrly prttu to such ask ar <br />i~tpesrilion. <br />__- 4. Yerta~s*dew smi Miste e£ Pt~rnty; Leaaekpida; (~; I'faaped Sitar [h~vdpprrnts. Brrrrowcr <br />steal! Arrp tJso Ytn-voersy ,n ,zvoti rcparr stmt sirall nor z:nmsnzt wrote ar permn .mpatrtt~tz ar ri~~ratnvtt ^t e_h! Ptspeny <br />"rirsd shalt enmpiv wtth r'Rr ptovtaixsns of any learc if thix Aisusgagr :+ on a teasrhald. tt rhr. Ms: rtgagc n stn a unit ±n . <br />_' csxa;tfrttdttrm or a plmtynesf amt ~vrtt3prntpt, Bsnrrpwrr shad prnorm al! of BaNnewers ablrgatrapt under ibt der:farattsrr. <br />- ur watnants 6=raring or govrrmng the ecrtsdcrtmmum or planned amt dtvelopmcnt, t}k. r:y-law. seal rrguiaztrrn. of the <br />a- - crroSdga2nrtLLm ~ pimtxned uey devrh+proen4 seat ccrnstiutcn[ rtrxwttcros. 11 a ca.ndsnnmium ur planned unu drvelaptnenr <br />-~ - rrdor :s esectued 4Y Honsrvtr red recorded crytefher with ihtx Mortgage, the usvesunta seat agrecmetits of vux:h nder <br />- - - - srbaiJ Jra tarorpcvated into and attest! arzsrtul and supplanrent tits cuvenanta am! agmmentx s+Y this Mnngaae as n the rider <br />. ."Res a f~ htropS. <br />- 7. t'4eKCiiA of I~deri Secrlty. if Bnnpwer fat£x Fp prnorm the c;avenanss anu agneemerets contained to this <br />~'W, ur rf coy w;tscrtt ar pttvarssheg n: cnrstnstta'xd which material}y affrc'ts f.enfers intrttat in tits Property. <br />duelled+n;. ben r.rt Jrmet~t ra, epnRrrtt dateairt. iresofvtsivp, c,rdt eni:.rarmrnr, a,; arrsrrgetttents ur pnxreuttings invaivmg a <br />iiattdtupt err d+iy.tiattt. they. i resticr at t.endrt's aprnw, upcttt rkx:cr to Hnrrtwer, r:xay make such appraratskt,:, dnhursn au~h <br />4sares aed taro ssarbF abtxwt ar n turcasaary s:r prrtt~t f.,ensiefv mteresa.:rr.~htding. not n.x lirnoed ta_ distxrrermtru rr, <br />- i.a@6s atavtratyx fees and entry upori tfx Prapeny to make teprure. if !_axfer restinrrd manYage insuramce as <br />_. i;om&teun e+.t rn.>sitiAft ttlr krrrn sw,a:rueal b}' trues Mcsrt}a~, Hierrxrwer xfrafl pay for prrrnmrns :eyuired t., m:mtaar: t+rah <br />_ ituvsran:x in aff~t ttnlil sv.h sitnv as tut teyuettuneat feu such etsrarranrr ternsroafes ,a accptdara-e w+th ikxrower ~, aad <br />