~'~..~..-tl (i S ~ 3 7
<br />3. 1'tre mortgagor torenaaa aed agttw that it he shafE fail m pay raid indebtednea r aey part thet~vi w•brr8
<br />dta, er shall fail to perform any covenant or agreetnevt of thk iosirnmeM ar the promiswry Hate secured hereby, t~
<br />mere iadebtrdttew hereby seennetf shaft immediately beeam dtu,,,peysbfe; rLid eollittitaAe wr}thoot n6tice, at Ebe
<br />aja{4at of the mortgagee oesasigns, regardless of maturity, sent the mdiRgagee or his assigns ins;before orafttt tatrp
<br />trlf said property without appraisemena 1 the tortgagor havioE xaired and assigned to the raert6agee al! regftfs aF
<br />appraiaeareat) : ~ ~ S _ ~ n.
<br />i i ! st judicial oak puranant to the provisions of 28 U.S.f:. 2001 t a) ; or
<br />{ n i ae the optiae of the moregasse, either by atseROa m by solicitation of sealttd_bids,•!'srtbe hi~testatatf
<br />bat bid eoerplyitag with tiu term of ask and roaeor of payment specified in the pttblwhed aotia of wle. fief
<br />giving favr weeks' notitt of the time, recces, aced place of soch sak, by advMisetamt not tea thaw Drees
<br />daring each of said four weelu is a newspsptr perblished or dktributed is Ilte ebuatp in which said Property
<br />4 meaad. sli ether netioe beitag hereby waved by the mortgagor (md acid ttaortsagee; or any person eaa
<br />' beltsif -of aid raoetgagee, may bid with the tmpaid iadebtrdnea eridett«d by aid note 1 • Said sate shall be
<br />held at or on the property to be sold or at the Federal, county, or city tnurthooee {or the toasty in which the
<br />osooertr is iaeated. The mortgagor i. hereby suthor~ed to exesate for and en beha~ of the mo-'tSag~ sett to
<br />deliver io the pnrehaser at such uk a wt6cirnt eonveyanee of said property, which conreyaote shelf contain
<br />reeitrL a to the happening of the default upeo which the exeentioe of the power of salt herein granted
<br />dtrpertds; and the acid martgagor hereby cenatitvtd and appoints the mortgagoe or aay agent or attotaq of the
<br />ntoregagse, rho agrnt sad attorney is fact of said mortgagee to make melt rertab amt to exetate said
<br />wareyan~ and hereby rorenane sad agree that the recita4 so made shalt 6e elfearuf to bar all etpaity or
<br />rrght of redemption, homestead, dower, and aiI other exemptions of the rnortgagw, all of which are hereby
<br />expressly waived sad eoaveyed to the mortgagee; or
<br />! m) take any other appropriate aetioa panuant to state or Federal statute tither in state or Fedora!
<br />court or othetwix foe the disposition of the property.
<br />In 16e evem of a salt as hereinabove provided. the mortgagor or any person in passrseion under the nortgagor ehdl
<br />then become and be tenants holdiog aver and shall forthwith drlivv poescssion to the purchaser at such sale or be
<br />anmmarily dispoeoeseed, in accordance with the ptovistans of law applicable So tenants holding Deer. Thr power
<br />amt agency hereby granted are roopied with an interest and arc irrevoerble by death ar otherwiat, and are grantni
<br />s• eumuialive m the reeaediea Ior rollasti!w of .std indebtedness ornvided 6v taw.
<br />4. Tha.proeee~ sf. any alt d said property in seeordwtt with the preceding paragrapiv ahaf9 be applied brat
<br />to pay the taa4 and exp~nsea of acid salt, the exposer incurred by the martEap.e for the purpose of protettitag or tatairr
<br />Earning said ll>roperty, and rtasamab{t attorneys' lees: aecaudl}', to paY the indebtedness secarrd hemby: and thirdly,
<br />tea pay aay surplus or~exersa to~ehe screen er p~rsesaa T~aE:y ='stti;kd ihrt'rto.
<br />5. Is the went said property is wld rt • judieiaf foreclwurc oak or pursuant to the power of sate hsreinabove
<br />gntated, and rite proceeds sty not auLicimt io pay the total irsdebledttess secured br thin instrument and evidenced by
<br />aid promirory note, the mortgagee wit) be rntitied to . defideney judgment far the amount of the de)eciencv wiabort
<br />regard to apprtisescaw,t.
<br />b. In the runt the mortgagee fai{s to pay an} Federal, state, or local tax aseraantem, income taz ,rr other tax lien,
<br />rharxt, fee, or other expense charged against the property, the mortgaxoe is hereby authonxed at h,s aptiva w pa}~
<br />the cams. Aar sutras so paid by tht ttxsrtgagee shall be added to and become a pare of the principal amount of the
<br />ittdtb[tdtte:a evidrnrrd by said note, soltjtct to the same terms and ,ronditians, If the mortgagor shall pa} and
<br />discharge the indebtedness evidenrr•~ b}' said promissar e:ele, and alts!! pay sash aura and akail diu-hargr alt taxes
<br />sad hats and the costa, fete, sent expenses of making, rn(orcing, and executing ibis mwigage, then thin mortgsge
<br />shell be rancekd and surreudrrtd.
<br />i. The coronaata heroin rwetainad shall bend amt the benefits sad advaatagm shall inure to the reaportire anc-
<br />aaaa ~ arjw of tfsa parties hereto. plttntever vied, the ai®gaLr number .hail ineittde else plural, the pintas she
<br />aiir=elae, and the tar of uy Feeder shall iaelusk aft gtmdaw.
<br />if. ~o waivsy of sup eovenaat herein or of the obiigatitm secured hereby shall at any tiros thereafter bt herd
<br />t1 be a waiver of the forma Iternof oe of the Holt secured hereby.
<br />9, In eompliaece wish saotiae i0l.lld) of the Rates end Regulation at the Small Btwneaa Admieistratioa (13
<br />GP.R 2@l-ltd) 1. chi. iwrrssaa~a.:..a ti ___.__-_~ -_~ --` _-- _ .
<br />~- -- .- -- -...,..~~ ewarrsa to areoraanae with appUeabie Federal law.
<br />1tA A jedieir# deenee, order, er jadgment bolding say provision or portion of this intrnmsnt invalid or uo•
<br />ale staff neat is aay way impair or prectudr the rnforecment of the rematniug provuieaa or portion o!
<br />1fw ittrytrtnnaat,
<br />~ ' w 4tT ,}•!at
<br />