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/v n -+ <br />L 'tis taeatafex esmottttb reel atP'~ r t!-irtrs: , <br />a 13e wiII peotttt+ptly peT the iadehteiasts snidsoeed hT acid ptattairrsy taofe at the rise std is alts <br />ttttotre thttttsia pae~idsi <br />6. Ne trill pay ttq racer awettmeaur vrtNar rates, ttttta other g+t~erammtat er amttairipd ~ fiesa. ar <br />iapu~r t~ ylhirh ptroiioe has taut bets ttttatie 6e~imhdot e, sad tyili ptrooptlT deliver the oidal ceeltipet <br />tlteefar w the said <br />c. Ae will pay aue6 eapeneea and fees as map be incarred in the proteeUOn and maintenantx of said <br />property, including the far of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the +xilleetion of any or all of <br />the indebtedness hereby assured, or for foreelosare bT ntorigagee`e ale, or cottri proeeedinge, +n in anT othFa <br />-itigation ar proceedin¢ alfrnio¢ said premiad. Attorneys' fw rcawnabty incurred in anq other way tthall be <br />paid bT the ttwrtgagor. <br />d. p'or irt~ tocasiiv of the. indebtedness hereby secured, upon tfu rean+tat of the moetgafpee, its am• <br />+:ernn et arf¢rta, Ise shat) eaecutr and deliver a supplemental mongsge to mortgages covering anT additioaa, <br />improvements. or hettermente made to the property hereinalnve described :tul all property aegaired by <br />i~t after the date heaoaf f al! in form saiiafaetorT to taortgatttx 1. Furibermorc, should mort¢a¢or fail to cure <br />any dedanlt in the paT»um o£ a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this ittntrument, <br />mort¢a¢or hereby a¢tces to permit mortgagee to raze such default. Fart mortgagee is not abli¢ated to do eo: <br />and »txh advances aha}I become part of the indebtedness secured by this instrument, snbjeet to the same <br />terms sad condition. <br />e. The rights created by this conyevanee shall remain in full force and effect during any postponement <br />oe eztenaion of the time of payment of the indebtainess rridenenl by said promissory nntr or any part thereof <br />secured hereby. <br />f. Ifr. wilt rontinunu»k maintain haazrd insurance, of Hoch type or types and in such amounts en the <br />mortgagee mar irnm time to time require nn the improvements now or herraftrr on paid property, and <br />-ri0 PrT ptompilT when dtu anT prcmittme therefor. All inwrtttttx shall be carried is companies acoeptabk <br />w rsart}ptgee seed the policies and renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto <br />Iwo payable ciaraes rn favor sf and is form aattptahk to the mortgagee. In event of toss, roari¢a¢or will pre <br />itntotedia4e nettu in vrrititig to rworegsgtx, and mortgagee may make proof of Fria if not made promptlT by <br />mortgtysar, and eu~ isteraaee companT coaterneG is hereby snthoriaed sad diteeted to make paTment far such <br />lass dirty t:. morigtsgs~t+ i,a~sad of w maC.gagar and raartgager jaiatly, and ~e :--~~:anee prueesda, or sy <br />pats tltes~ttd, may be applied bT mortgagee ai iia apiion ri'.hrr to the rrductia:t of the iadebtrltteas hseehT <br />rs!ured ar to the tetiaratiaa ar repair of ells property damaged nr destzored. Ia event of forecloanre of this <br />taszrtge~ nr nihsr t_•rtttafer of title to »aid Property in eatingaishmr~t rte tlrr i-- - - <br />:j ~s # : r.rvaa of ibe mortgagor is sad to aav ituuraac+s galicite then in lures shnll par to fthe <br />purchaser or mortgagee or, at the option of the mortgagee, may be aurrendercd for a refund. <br />g. He will keep all buildin¢e and nihtr improvements on said property in goal repair and condition; <br />will per»ti4 commit, or vier no waaie, impairment. detenuranon of said property or any part thereof; <br />in the event of fsilarr. oC the mori¢a¢or to keep the buildings rut said premises and those erected oo said <br />praatiata, or improvements thereon, in ¢oad repair, the mortgagee may make wch repays u in its discretion it <br />may deers rtrxessary for tine groper ptz+aervatian thercol: xod the full amount of rash and curry »uch payvnent <br />shalt be iattnnliauly dot and pryable and »hall Itr secured by the lien of this mortga¢e. <br />h. He will not vntuaurity eeeair ar permit io be created a¢ainsi the property subjrct to !hf» mortgage <br />easy Hess nr Liens ialrrior or superior to tree tiro of this mortgage without the written consent of the mort- <br />ia¢tt: and further, be will krrp and maintain the same free from the claim of all Itrt•sons supplying labor or <br />materials for raar+t ruction of ant and all buildings car improvrn+euts nu« being crested car to tae erected nn <br />raid <br />i. i{r will cwt rent car aaakn xny part of the rent of card mortgaged property or .Femoluh, ue remove, <br />or stthstratidly alter any fruilding without the written nmsent of the mortgagee. <br />i. All awacda ai dsma¢es -rn eenruetion with any contktnnation fur public use of or +n jury [o any of the <br />property subiaet to tft» m.xt¢a¢a are hercln arigtted and shall be paid to mo: tgaaoe, who tnay apply the <br />ataae to paytamt of tie iaatailaunta fast d~ udder said mete, and ntarigagee is 1-.crelty aptltnsiroi. in tha <br />natar of tlt+r mortgagor, to execute seed dsFiyer yahrl ucqu+ttancrs thereof and to appeal from any such award. <br />k. The mortgagee chaff hart the tight to iospcct the mortgaged premiser at ant reasonable tutu. <br />L Usdauit in any of the rwyrnaut» or ctrnditwns ayf this instrumeut or n( '.hr note or Iwo agreement secured <br />herel~_ahallYCfmCaair the nt~urtgytar'a right to pussess+on, rue. and enjn.mvnt of the property, at the ..ptiun of the <br />ettgtstf{a¢re or Isis sa.i¢as tit Frying agreed that tier mortga¢nt sleall have such right anti! defauiti 1!pwt arty such <br />drttattll, the morlgsgra shalt became she nwm+r of all of the rend and profits aren+ing after default xs security <br />ftni Ohs iadebtrdmrr secured hereby, with the right to enter upur+ *aid prnpertr fur the purpose of cntir~rtin¢ such <br />retests seed Pts+4is. Tdia ittat*ttnrrttt shall npttate r aq asai;(,ttttttmt of any reseals nn aril property !n that ezlent. <br />