<br />~. The mortgagor eoveaaa» sad agrees lkat i[ be slid[ [ail to pay acid iadrbtedtaeat or airy part tha~±cr when
<br />+~ w du[l faii:to perform ear covtwtant or aFrecm®tt of Ykir iatstntrtirtrf or the pmmitrory Hatt seemed hern:r, ths.
<br />attwiar indrittedruaa hereby secured shall immediatrty baerrtae dsir, payable, spd rolieriable +vitkout Holier. at the
<br />•pEiatt of the txorigsgrr or aaaigas, rrgsrdleas of maturity, and the morttagee or hie aaaagna may befave or rftra tttitr"y,:
<br />atdi' eafd propaxtg without appraiaemmt i the taorttiasor havittg waavrd and asaigraed to the tiaortgagee a~ }
<br />>I~tYaNOCaiI ; - -
<br />t i at )udsrtal ask pursuant to the pt»vtaaons of 28 !'.ti.t...Off1 ~ a t ; or
<br />tt) u tiae opetaw d ehe mortgagee, attar bg ane:ion or by aolieitatioa of aeekd ltida.'ros theetf+l
<br />Ixst !r>d implying with the tetesa of sak sad mrmer o[ payment specified is the pet6Ltied ttotiec q~ wie., fill!
<br />givinft f«rr rrrrks' naiee of the time, terms, sled place of seek sate. by advertiaefnGnt tact leai~san ones
<br />during each of xaid four weeks in a ruwepaper published or distributed-in the caaratp i^;which aQid property
<br />is aitarted, all other aWiee baag hereby waived hg the mortgagor {sad said taortgagrer w asy pasroa- m
<br />5itkrlf o[ acid mortgaget, may hid wick the unpaid indehtedtter eridaateed by :rid oom>. Said Bale a§a[[ 6e
<br />` ketd at or ~ the proprrtr to be nId or at the Federal, county. or citg ettnrthr+nre for the eonnty ao whixb the
<br />prgpeesg is teeatrd. The tnertgrgee is Iterehy atithnrised so execute for sad oa bekalt of the ineltgrg0r and to
<br />delivear to the ptrrchaaer as such sak a solgeaerit conveyaoee of aaad property, which cptregattrt dta11 eentaia
<br />rsrn3slr r to fise heppeninq of she deianit npea wltie6 ihr cs«atiua of the power a sate he:rin grattted
<br />da}reada; said the acid eaertgayar hetrbr eonairotes and appbiata the mortgagee or say agent or attorney o[ tlK
<br />taartgagea the agent sad attorney in feet of acid rnoriftsgor to make sect rrritaib sad to rzecute said
<br />oaayeratmx sad hereby corrnanta acid agms that the rceitab au merle stall be rfiretns) to liar all equity w
<br />rash) of rademptaoa. homeetead. dower, and all other rsemptaona of tfic mortgagor, alD of which arc herrhy
<br />raprrrdv waived atsd conveyed to the iHartgagee; or
<br />EUI! idteeag~aRlt~Ct appRSp[iale action pennant to stair err Federal statute zither is state or Federal
<br />route-~grlNrtfiiatic~~~Ortkasltlaprtition itf the praprrtv
<br />In the event uf'ti sate- as herrinabove provided, the mortgasor ar ant prraon in poanraiioa udder the mortgagor shall
<br />thtm became earl Ire tenants haldiaa ern and shalt farthwiih driirrr poaaraiinn to ihr purehaaer at ouch sale or be
<br />sammaraly diapnaatasa~d, is seeordanee with the provwiotu of law applicable to tenants holding over. The power
<br />and ag_:__y l~a:.hy granted ue conpkd with an mtemt and err irrcvixab{e by drsth nr ntherwiar, and arc granted
<br />a cumuWise to tba rewtedin far cniiertiam of sad ittdebtetlneas provided lty taw.
<br />i, The paaeeeda od sap uk at acid property is aeeoi+3aasr with the pretedius pae~rgraph. aha17 be applied first
<br />it pay rite eotM. sad es~ewaa of earl Brie, the eapataara inrarrrd by fbc mort ftsge ,far tkr pnrpwe of protecting or maio-
<br />coming a,.ad pr°nprriy, and rrawuablr ,attorney+' frra:.nrondly, to fuv ihr tndrbtrdne*~r eerurrri herrlty: xnd thirdly,
<br />is ~. as=_= as~.ra_tr-:= ~ r sa ale prt^a-~ ~,- r ----- #`~}#. _tt:itl~d eh'r+fia.
<br />S. In t}~ c_rast ,Hid _~~_ t. ...~._. f,..t:..:l t~!~._ ..=~ ~. ,~. ~__.._ t!~- __. .ter ~tR ~rM~t,~
<br />ttruertt, and the preece~ err not snlgeietti to pay+ihr tau! indrbtrdnesa secured br this imtrntnent a~ cridcnectl by
<br />said pramataoeary aura, ibe snsrtgstta~r :sail 6,e rntifled to i drfictarrr )stdtextrat tar the siiwant of rise deficiency aeitt4ara[
<br />tY6lafd !d e~plNfeminl.
<br />n- In ihr runt liar mrrrtgagor faun to pea an+ Federal. stair. e.r local tax aasraamrnt, ancamr tax ,:r usher tax lien,
<br />ehargr. ter. ur euhrr rxptrs~ charged asainrt ihr property. sky mart gager as hrrrby authorized xt his optaan to pas
<br />the wme, Aay asttm w Arid br the mnrtsagee atiall tse added to and lircomr x part of ihr priaipai amoatnt of the
<br />iadrbtedateas rvadetsasl by esid Hate. -subject to the Name term: ,and runi7itiona. tf ihr mortgagor eha{I fnay and
<br />diaekargr the irsdeberditrna rvirienced by +aid pramixnory hate, aml ,hail pat surly same sad aha31 diarharr.r all taus
<br />and liew grad eke a°aata, firta, utad rxpcnara of makirtq. en(arvin¢, Hied rxecutnta thin martRagr., ihrn elite martgat_te
<br />aftitrl its rattaried acid aurteaderrd.
<br />'.. T'fir rovtlaaata ltercin easnuirted akafi bind and iht brnr[ita and advantaaer shat! uiure ro [he respeetivr aur-
<br />tsesr!•tra earl o[ tka partly: hereto. ~[setaever used, Clue ainattiar numircr sisaA inclodr the plurei, ehe plural the
<br />airgw6rs awl tIa- ttw e[ ray getatier :bail s atl gredrta.
<br />°- ~ ~ '~ eat sarrha or .>€ ilia altligatioa nrrntevi htxrhy stall ai ear time thrrcafsrr br Field
<br />its lib a araivt=r of t~ terms fierruf or of the sole nerszrcd hereby.
<br />~. Ii eewpiliatoee wick asetiaa 1~1_t?d l of the Roles sad ffegiiiritoru of the !+tnall Isttaiwss Admtrapetratmn (l3
<br />G.Y.N. lQi.lidl ~. tide iea/awaa~t is a 6e aawateaed sad enforced ire aetardaaoe wilt apptisabk Federd law.
<br />fa. >k }niiieiaf daerni~ arrder, ae j>tidAgs~a', haldirrs say prmirime or prorisoai of this YraNrvtaeat iawafid or un•
<br />ifds akafi teat is any svay iatpair nr preehsde die eniorcrmtnt tat the rrmasnxtiK pm.xsa+sa oa itorttaxr. of
<br />this ice,
<br />-aa rn.., ra, <~ ss
<br />