's?F t~~~ t~`t lil"l~
<br />L TLa eoamta6r aatd tyeaaa as itidw: w7
<br />at. ~ ttrifl 1Fa"'OY~! PaT the itsdedaedres e+idaat~d by acid proatist~y note a the tiaos tad a Hs `.
<br />ca[[[rer iLttt~ pasaidad
<br />f . ~e trlfl per all [user asereetaum, traRet nttat, tad other Fereresattal nr mm(etPd ~ first[[ R
<br />itepaaitiaer, fer trLirk pro-itiaa Lea ooa Lets [nude hea~i«n. cod y.il1 ptospdy tLrliyer tLe afieyal netxipb
<br />tLt to tLs acid osantp~w.
<br />r. He will pay such eaperuee and feex as [tray be enrurrcd in the prtttcetfnn and maiatenaoce of eaid
<br />proprrty, ineludin6 the fees of any attorney empMyed by the mortgaRx for the coileeaior. of any tx all of
<br />the iridcLtedineaa Lcreby secured, or for (orertoorre by mort4tatroe'a uk, or east! proceedtn~a or in any other
<br />liti6atiaa ar peviceedine aRertiaR ±aid premises. Attorneys ftxa retraonably incurred in atw Whet way shall 6e
<br />paid Ly she mop+~apto*-
<br />d Fer 6eaaer aeauritr of the indeLtedaras hereby scented, upon the reatttaat of tLe-'°'!c!>s-o-~-. its tme-
<br />azatan tar scripts. lre shat[ rsecute and deliver a supplemental marttCatte or morycal{ea eorerinlt any additio[te,
<br />ispaovearenta, to bc1teraaents madr to the property hcrrinebove descriLed :wd all property acquired by
<br />lit after dte date hemaf i sil in form satiefartnrv to mortaap[re t. (~ arthermoro, should mortga~tar (ail to taro
<br />any de#an# in rise payment of • prior ar tnfenor rarumitrane: ort the property daereibed by this itutrumeat,
<br />mortKaytor Iwrrbv aarr.a~ ter prrmet nrrreticaRrr to r. .nth efcfauft. httt rnort ga(tee is not obligated to do so:
<br />and such advatteee chat! becamr part of the rndrSatrdneav xrrurrd hr thi: !nee rumen!, eubject to the name
<br />tet7w asd ronditioer.
<br />c, 7`tte ntClxte rrcatrd tsv rhea rnnreranre shall re mar to full forcr a +, rKert dunng nnv postponement
<br />or ratertaion of rtrc umr of par mrnt of !hr rndrbeednrse rrulrnrni trr std pnrmtw.orv nntr or any part thereof
<br />+dnret r) ttrrrh..
<br />7. Hr w~rti rnn¢mnon.ls mamtaro harard rr ar auer..,f .nth npr ..r r. nr. std m Hoch amounts as the
<br />moripager erta• frnnr trr:u to ttmr rrgwrr •,rtthr tmprnvmrnte r r hereafter an Kard nropertv, and
<br />affil par promptly when due any pitmttaaa therefor. All t¢sataraace shalt be carried in comwniea .eraeputyk
<br />to soryta®ae sad ifte pnfie-err sad renewela thereof .hall ttc held by mortfa,6ne sad have aitarhed thereto
<br />Mr payable rtatnea err favor of end in form am-tfeabia r0 ltu mort{p~ee. In rr~eot Of Man, marttaptOr will [tire
<br />ceamediata n:>;ttt in writ*sttt to m+artgttRee, atad mortttagee mac make prtwf cal Iona if ant made promptly by
<br />tttort~r. and taeJt itawrr~re eoapaa• axnreraed is hr-rrlr: arrtberaa~f and dirsccrd to make paytaent !or etttL
<br />tar dir>vr3y to >~a>~ ~a~ ~ m .; ~~a :_ taett~a~t,? ~-.trtt;y. aua .,.i• ..-,:ar:a.~ pruro.da, or am
<br />part thetamf. may lee apfrli~ br niort~attee ai z_s aotcr~ raker ,a r .>^c¢¢€€irra s¢ the t- -atedaaa isess`ny
<br />ata,atrea ar tat lire reaterrurra ar resatr of ~ prstgearts daar:a~erd or ehnrtrosael. fa s': ~€ r3f ~rzeMaure of t'a're
<br />Rro~r==. :r.-_,~. sstr~__ ..f tt.. a.:>:~,_r~ .~..r.~; ~r~~;, alS
<br />riFftL tick: sad iatetratt of tkre ea,rrr:.:.r. m aael tw arcs tm:ira~ ~,ra,. xt F-~ =a ? _~ .l+~tt _
<br />prraiaaxr or mortata+'e err, at the opta.m of the mnrtgasrr, rna. tw currcndrred for a refund. i ~ a x~
<br />q He wtll keep all Emiidinge and r.ihrr tmpnxvrorrnt on card pxrprrty rn rexsd rrpatr and condi¢inn:
<br />will permrt, commt4, +. tulfrr ern waatr- tmpaermrnt..irtrnora€wn :•! •asd pnrtrenv nr env I>art tttrrenf:
<br />in the rvrot of failure of the martgagor to krrp the hutirhnem ern card pmmtsrs suet thetee rmtrd ua said
<br />ptmmiar~s, ur tmprrsveetenta Ehrrron, in gux,d rrpatr, t4sr nurrtraR-rr may mak< Hoch rrpatra ae in tta diarrrtton it
<br />may rieem neresrary foe the proper praarn attar thrr+vrt...nd dtr fee 11 amnane of a-ae~h and evrrv aarh par-ment
<br />.hall be rmmr.#ratrlr .far an+I paralsie and nhaii br .r -urn! h. the Irrn .,f tlrte rnortyagr.
<br />h. He €r€l2 Hat vntuntnrrfv rr«ate nr lrrrmtt to hr + raird .raaen..t tltr } rnprnv :nbtr.-t t.e tissa n.oriuage
<br />am }fen or iiene infrnur +. au tsrnor to the lrrn of thtc nsrtaartr wnhoat t}sr wrrtten ~„u.. ra ,.[ tl+r n..._
<br />aaaee: and further, far wt[i keep anti murelatn the ramr (r«+• from the rlatm of all Irrraarna nuppisinK !shat or
<br />mstervatai for ermstrurti,m n( err aml aft hudd~aga ..r tmpnxvnarat+ n ,w Ix-u;e rn-rtr.l nr to hr rrrrtrd ,-n
<br />std pnrmaar=.
<br />+ Nr ce [i Han rrn¢ nr at„r~n nrr Iran of the rent ni sad a.rrtaaard prayer[. or deme,7tah, or rrntorr,
<br />or aubtemtially alter ant tntrdding without the wrntrn ranw•nt of the mnrlRaerr
<br />%. All awards of dsmxRra in e-aearryriiea with any roademnatrun for ~ntbli; u>r of or .n !acct to mtr ni ..
<br />prwpart* sarla~rt to tires msxrtgaae srr hcrtlrv apiRnrd artrl aria it i.r yard-En mortgaaee, »ho mar apply the
<br />natal-e. to say-.i.w. of ~.i ei~ ;..,.. wlt~_~ t~_. ;-~ ur'~i•. _war, note. an+i morigage•- i.* iaereuv aut7horraed, to the
<br />r=an€r of tfer mc.rtrtaaor, to rarrntr acrd +trisrer .-ahd aryutttanrr. tiarrraf and t+. appeal fnrm nnv aarrh award.
<br />k. The atarttager r1ta1l hire ttx teeth[ ttr inspect the naeaetaa; ~ premtara as ant reasosabk ttmr:.
<br />iiRauit tit nnv W the rarrn.ant+ a r~fattona of stets in.trument nr of ehr r„ue or Iran axrr.-nernt .. nrd
<br />IterTby shall teaaniaate tltr. swrtaaftot~a; rr~itt to p,.r~*w,axm. +aer, ami rntnermnt rf t!er proter ... at the .~l:tran of the
<br />autngattre e.r hiw a.segrn ttr txrnR aRrrr.t rtes.[ the monxagor airs!! ha+., ,...h t,attt -~ns;l ,irfauit! i p..n ana aurir
<br />de(ssr1L ait,r martaaarv .,hart twrnmr the aswner .rf .rlt ct the rents and ¢-rr,trt, ..r, rtnna a#to-r +ief.ault wrvnty
<br />fat !fat' rralkbta.dateas srrtrrad txrrrler, aeth tt:r xaght t:r rntar upsn .nrd Isrnfersrv I.rr the trurposr ni , otir.*itnc »urh
<br />[care stud pram: 7'Faii tsatranwnt shalt attrrale as an aasytrut¢e^at of any rrntata .an card prnprrtr en that rxtrer.
<br />