~,.~ f~ft~S&13
<br />I..ender°s written agitmmtnt or appticahk !aw Sarrswer shall nay eAe atrwpunt of afE mortgage inwrancc premiumx in the
<br />matgxr provided ssnder paragraph 2 hereo€.
<br />Any amdyms diyfxrrxd by [.ender purs;yant ro this paragrapfi ? with interest thereon, shall became additional
<br />indeh•edness of Hnrrewer sttrurtd b}• this h4osigagt. ;;mess Bc rrcwcr and I-ender agree to txhtr trims of payment. <.ucfi
<br />amounts shad) Err payatde upon ru»ict from i.ertder to 13nrrawrr rtquesting payment ihertaf. and sha[I hear interest from tht
<br />date of disbttraement M ttte raft payat,k from time to time art gtnnstamih[g principal uns~r the Nrue unltsx papitfen[ of
<br />isste[tst at xuely tart avovki be collars to appticaNc law. ;n which event such amduntx shall hear interest at the higlmt rate
<br />permiam"IAe nnder appiicahk taw. Nrnhing ax?ratained in this paragraph 7 shall require I-ender to incur am expense or take
<br />atry asYion herotttsder.
<br />b I.etsder may make or wttst to he made reasonable conies upon and inspections of the property. provided
<br />that Ix••der shall give Baarrt?wrr ntHtet prior ro an: sncly ,nspectinn <pecifytng rzamnabk cause therrf.?r related to t tinder's
<br />interest in dre Property.
<br />4. C-0niewsaNaa. "fFtt prnrc~ds of any award or claim for siama¢es. direct .-rr cansequenttal, in canrrectinn witfi any
<br />candcmnalinn ar atEyrr takin¢ of the Properfv. ar part the.Yrr?f. rx far rnnvcvance m hrv of cnndtmnaticm. are hereFry assigned
<br />and shalF Fsm paid to LcrW:er.
<br />Tn the event of a tgtai taking of the Property. the prcetxds ;hall M applieei tr+ the sums secured by this \Srtgage.
<br />with t+re excexx. i( any. paid to lbrrower In tht evert of a partial raking ,+f the Property, unless Anrmw•er seed Lender
<br />rHfieravvse agree in wTnmg. [htrc shall f+e applied to the <ums <ecirred by thix 4ior:ga¢e such prepartit?n of the procee&
<br />as: is equal to that prtyporrinn which she amovat :rt the sum< <ervred hr thi< Mortgage immediateh• prior to the date of
<br />taking',xars tq the fair market va[rtt of the Prapem smmediate[v poor io the date of raking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is aharrdt+tmi by &+rrowe:. or .f. after nnti.;e by !.ender to Barrr+wer that the condemnor offers fo ttsake
<br />-n arra#d er settle a claim fur damages. i#itrrawer farts ,., respond to i.ender within if days afar the date such ncuicc is
<br />ma.ited.. Ia^ndex is atathcriztd ro collect and .app6!r the prtx~tetls. ut I ender'=~, option. ciehcr co nwtcyration .x repair of the
<br />Propene; or to the semis seccarrdl hr t5tas fdlort¢a¢s
<br />E; atlas 1_cne3rr and 8s?rrnwtr exhenvr°,at agRte in urilin,Y,L mn< vuch ::o~pp3ia:;ueinn t+f pnaccedx to pr'huinal Shelf not extend
<br />or tptnxm :he dam Chat at pht dntmthf<- instal€Imcnra referred s4v i_n pa.ray'ra P7hs and ~ hesu:af a>r change the amount a~f
<br />scych ,rFrfatlimrms.
<br />10, ~rnrwrr NtM 1Reieoeed. Hztanzion +rt rlht umr fror prev~mrnr ~sr mraafi6corrrar of pima::rrizatrnn t,f the sums secured
<br />ny [hey, 3Mfdaaf gager, gramrcD hw L¢aaicr 6e any rucccsnr+* orrcea+^st nR 'I'3r>rrawea who@tl oat upmrnte to rebate. in any manner.
<br />(,r,
<br />rht hahd~ity of rhr ~srygiuat ~'Ekuru~.ew<r anti Elnrras i r- .,. , ;ntsnrerot t eo-d:cr ¢hatl oat he reyviroci m carnmcmec
<br />pmc'wcdtng,~w a¢arpsi stgaA 9t.nck'cssor a rr_Etsvu. sr+ ee.td ne 1- wavmrrr.n! :+ ntirero i•a: moeku f'r amaxritzafiorv e•{ the stems
<br />~>yr'ed ha• the hlortgagt ±?yr rtaxxt of ar, dtmard snadr: !+a the .•rtsinai lkxr,~ucr ,n;[ Aaurnwer's auc.e<san is+ interest.
<br />I1. Fsyrbeaitgsre b%' Leader BEd a Waiver. Ora !orR a: sore t,a t meet in cmrnwi~ :env right ,ar remedy hereunder, er
<br />-r,t .k w ,. ,,~
<br />athcrwisc -tPRrrdtd by appticablc ' +.hai! .. .e a<-r .. ,.: ore. fade '. hr esercise „f env .tch ngltt nr remedy
<br />77re prti6uretnent of insurance or tttt paw.nent •,t' tsaca ,~r ~•aher 'n•m ,•r . harec, he t etrdrr .hail nN ht i salter „f !code-r's
<br />right ne, accelerate the maturirv of fhr n?debtrdne,--< wc•rx•d h: th,. Non2ave
<br />iZ iitaerdks Caedalier. 411 rrmedie< rn,_uicd .:, rh,. t~iastcaar sec dollar! ,ref ,wnu@ahve to .:nv ^iher octet nr
<br />trines#a' under thn Sltrrtgags+ or afforded hr tau :,. ,yu,iv nd n a ha• ,. v-<i ,. , rntle 'ndr[M:ndcndv , , _ asively
<br />~c-•s`;irr sett! tstiy.~ ffptted: !rent ~aesd '~rrrx! i!a{v4Ffy- r~~;+tirss~~4cthP ,,a„+,nts ,nd ._ amn¢ate hermn
<br />,=nniat: i'-1 ~hz!! Err:d. -":w? , - ':ts !~'°. ~[nl.°r ~.-- ~.. .,.~ .-.. ~ ;..c ,c.~..,.,,,- - ..-.twit em... .., 4:x mow-e:
<br />subj:mct ttr rhx pars•isx?ns c f traragrapEe •ret es~l p.? .inns r., :iri,..rean.. ',t Ht rrt un.r af.;.,@6 x ~ ,nt and ~.<rrat.
<br />'The ctpa~wrns and hs~admgs o¢ the poi a.µ,rat+ti. ,. 'h.. 4#~•, tttawr .,i,- ~ .nvcntrn,:r .,ni. ,.,:, .~.,. ,„s t„ he ,.zed era
<br />inlet r•rrv cu one tht prnvrsians hrrs.•<af
<br />I-0t. "4otittx. 6,sctpe for env :.__tca rcyt:u'ed ;:ra[c,r .,p;divairl:r. :, ,a .., tar ti +-., s„i heir nta:incr. .. .+nt:cc ;n
<br />Na=rt=~t+°cr ptm-~yFcsi fur -his 'rfetrrga;se ,rha.ii tl i~,r ~:, a,+. ,. . lieu ,~I tel.,, > - A .,. .aa at
<br />the Prrnse eta' 3zfdrew,s ;sru at wxh ~,.Mhei adrfra ,3 ~ . R. -..... n.r le... snnla .?, , . .tc . _- __ . _nct
<br />ih t .1 ,n59i.r .,r€zK:, hat. hi ~ - .-, x.i*.trrrJ - ..,. :~ts i .. ,. . it...,,i..,i. ... , , ia,..E ... r:.: e, ,.i
<br />,,,~ m... ~-.+. ., _ :aa .,.r ,:: a, r ,,, . _, ... _. ,~ t .n. ,_ .net
<br />Mcmtt;ua~aar ehait tk :itrrmed e,,e i,~n ., r. en [t. wu ~ [ d, udwr .tie. _ r rc -a3..nat~ . ~-t,=ueiad ._ a
<br />}i= l.,~ntfnllII ~'1nrL'f~are: #aflrftaylag E.,.`n: !searfaldllle. ...., .., .. .i{h;: -.. .1!` v ., .. v„ ., ~t.a.,. '.:i,E:vi..i
<br />ityL' and tkat-UnlfeNin i ~~Cilama wi!tr ern\itra a•1!"t.4t.. ,.r it f ,•. i. ,: • .•,tr .+ ., . [,la' .!r<triUnen! „.rrlnK
<br />teal prranzrty 'flay Mangag<!~ha[I tnc ~ ad +a t~. hr a+.rw =hs- „aha e.,,n -,~ .•- e pr,i+rrty ,-. na.,<rd In the
<br />event thxt ens i?ruvisa+n zn daux- of tht<<~Ci<~ngyaa -. she ~,:rc .. ntii~i. .. ~;h : oM+~+i,iic @. .,.4 , _, nOt~: ,hall ,.:,i =tic.t
<br />ot4eer nrarasx=rts ar( rhrs tiLsngage _r iEk. hro[c whi. ti ,.: .- , rf[e.i ~- .,: ,, she .:tmdiannK i '+t.icn,. .uni to ihn
<br />ersd the. peas.ions of elk ~tnrtgagr sod d,c \,ae see dr~f_r eti •,. [ar,k'•
<br />16. ltamawer'v {.rosy. t3urn?wci ,ha,i ~>~ h,r.vshrai .: „.>„ rnucie ~r'.p:.,i •hr `=ni,~ .. n.i , , rtv. lk,rtKagc ni e i.mc
<br />at ese:<utiann oar once era ordatirut IxreoY
<br />19. Fratades of t4a Esre'erty; Lcaors>~ioa. It alt ,'~ .na ,. •.r :.: . n.;xn* , r t~ ..: tsnircui r :yid o tranafrt red
<br />by t~~n'awe; .a tffA+ot Le,nkr's or++x w-tints, a_r ,cot _aai-a;lmg _: 'her' ...at .t r. _. _.t,uirtbr;wcc +_:?++rd;nute n•
<br />i3rrs !ktc r[gagr_ ~ht ttx .rraenx, of , p'r-r' ,. >t..,,.,r :a .-a _.. K+., !:, ,. [.{., _ .. .. a-.t _i na ,.:vise.
<br />deM:eete ire 6y ~>peiattaut,.t ;aw ulwn .-r:wach .via , su,e: ,- rn.. _: .o,+sehoid~~ncr=•si ~,i••inreca ,,,; Irsa
<br />, axt <e'mlamrtxg an ,~nsan ,o purchasa,rri.e~drr •ns? ,t @ c,~.tci - ;n - ., ,. ~h: ,,, . _.. r. u .s.. p.1:.ggeEe i. he
<br />u- w. i.-, , du; ~'ui n- .bit 1 r,+dar .hail n. , a -,, t i., r. .,,,, u.,i :ha~ lie .ester- (ri vat
<br />drsxf ttk, prrnnt ~ .. h.+m~t .r i'r-.matt r, ,n tk ><q;i ~.Ja:: _ s. n. - . r ., r e~[n . t .u ~w. .•.
<br />s aaLrsfa.tr,[,, cosier sod '...: the. late: r,t na}~n[~ , ..a ., ., `I._ tti . „i - ,_ , v a , ides
<br />s~.aii reyyuca; R <ar +er hw..a a~:r., ihr faau •r, as ra.s __„ ..eac .,[h ~ .,t:d i H,•r r,,,*c- ,_. _ ,_.. ..,
<br />rnft{rbi ryas rxcs~utsd a wrcttrn aasumpnan agrretrrent ai<etaed in ur,r=ny, iav [ caster. i sndet ,hail rrlcax liner,+wct ?from s?I
<br />,>lrityatnarn< uiadvr this Nort¢age aswl the Note.
<br />Ef l.e:,~}tr ^_:zrci:cs ,fah ,>pts>n rc, :+i.ekrsir. n,ier .?tsd r. ,i Horn.- +. :d :rtet nt.,-m -., ,,,.ordat;..r .uth
<br />uarag:ra~~th ': Mia~f Cash - 4 ~_ .ire i y }.: . ~ •V:~„ 11. _ . _. __ .. , _ .~._.,_, . •1 ,.,..,,_
<br />~h. ~ [lea n.~e ehz v . dt,.-a,<J ,fur. ~ U H. „r.wa, , ,a ,,, n ~, or . i t ~he c t:tstr u, h : r,.:u
<br />1.„fir: ~:- ..,...,. ,,..,._....,,n... , u. ......... . ..... ....F ,.~,. . ,. - ,a ,.r .q,,.. , ., r.. ,s,„t„ . ,:,.. ,
<br />~:yys..E`4e€slE=J, erv-...:.... e3:,: t:.we...,e_.. r;+akr ,-., r4tu.... ,..,r ,.,v r.=..,, ., ~ . ws
<br />#gi.. AsctiRtafia+s; #ttsrrrdlri. k~.acrat a Peas ided m paragraph t? Rrrrxl, vepnn &uruwrrs breach +rf sap aosrnrat rxr
<br />a~astNloaM of Oerrarar is rlrla s4ar~<. ga:rltsdiaa ikt ruyraaaf. ru pap when der any tuna xcund h) thq Olarigastr.
<br />Q,snldttr psiw fa accaieratidq+4Y sail ,artier to 8aerarrrr r pros Wed in paragraph ii herrnF sprcctpsag: aft fhr hmaa'.A;
<br />cif Nee actiata reyalasNF to carer awzM Ew-tea:ir_, , i1 a elate. war k~ rhsn ~ dry.. #r.,_ t_1v' dm_r fife +.._ai, r, .,~drd_ t . t#wr_.:.
<br />(f5 w`a3t'O srac6 hita:M asa,rt 6r aatrsk sad 4;f that faikars t.r ,'are <w:h lurw:it r,n or hefurr fhr dace +prelfird in fhr mriica`
<br />spry raias6 lst asraMragan ct siya sastn rrr;srred En that slersgalCr, Soreciawrr M IsWicial pracredi~ aiyd self rd the 1'nyyrrtr.
<br />/•-ta arol4cr a1saY Forties Waa>s Wrmarr d rhr rgtht rn reiaNate alter as;arkra#Eua sad tlyr right to assert in ttsr iorrz'hwaxe
<br />paslma~d6g1 ttaa srtsrnetistraae rd a defaais cu sus ether +setrave c.f 8urrowrr so aa'arkratNyn and frur,:hywc<. [f tixr iurrcit
<br />u4 Aa~i rtsos# era err hafare tIM dale ypneWed tat ttk ,wdtirr, f railer rt t x`nder's apses too. rhs-Fare all .:t rhx *ayatr secured by
<br />itslr !1a~r re htt giwttridltr/alj dtra asd isryalda wrthaat further drsuaad and tray lure. bee M Fuds'!al preuerdSxgt. lemur
<br />siYPN lea saliliC! tin rwNas:f fM peA pr>otar'td4t sit rxpaeaac rsl tesrrfwarr, im'iadify_. bat rrW 1#rraited try, r tarts u# dsa~asnrrdar.
<br />arlfkaxtt, aYRrtecfa artd ttala rapatri.
<br />1'1, 'A4W4aaslfa Mfg/ M AalfxAaN. '+a*t w::naawnaiist~ i rrwr:r + ,ai ,,.,, `tk , _. .a e _~ +ti s \f.,r tx.aH<.
<br />>~ ..ter- s~.i '§a~rE ",~ : ~ - r r c r, ,
<br />