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~~,_: 1~ii~813 <br />list!=aus Cavezrnr+z~s. 9orrc+wer sad Lender covenant and agrce as fnlfows: <br />i. Pa>~ri eR triatlpal as Borrower shalt prompt:y pay when dssc the principal of and interest on the <br />evidtnced t€y the Note, prepayment std ?ate charges as pravidaf m ttte Iyae, attd tiu prmci{g1 of acrd interest <br />~ any Ftaure Advances sd:tuad by ihts Mar gage. <br />X iris Ne Yeas W >iweaaee. Subject to applirzbie few ar to a vrritten warner by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender en tke day monthly ittstatltrtetru of principal amt imerest ue pavabk ottdtr [he Note, until the Nvte is paid ir€ full, <br />a sum Oserein "Funds°) egtut to one-iwdith of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over the <br />Siotfgapt, and grwtad meta at the Ihoperty, if any. plus nee-twethh of yearly pr«nitun itaial:[rlettt3 for hazard iriw:artce. <br />plus arto-twetfth of yearly premium iastaBtttsnta {at mortgage imurance. if any. a8 as reasonablg eatietsated initially and from <br />tittae to time by Lender on tlx basis of assasmcnts xrd bsils and reasonable eshmate3 thereof. <br />"ITtc Funds sha71 he held in an ittstittttion the deprnits at accounts of which are insut'ed or guaranieet! by a Federal or <br />stare agtxy tirxttdmg Lender if Lender is stech an institution). }_ender shall apply ttu Funds to pay said roses. assessments, <br />+`^^ prernia.-rrs acrd grand reefs. Lender may not charge Ear .n herding and applying the Funds, analyzing said acccttnt, <br />ar verifying sad rnmpiting saiA auressrnWis and hills, unless Lender pays Borrower intcreu on the Funds and applicable law <br />pveafts Lettdes to matte such a charge. Bnrtvwer acrd Lender may agm in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage than interest oa the Fonds shat) f>t paid to Borrower. anti uNess suet! agmrrxnt is rraade or applicable lave <br />regt>S1es such imercst to Ire paid, Lender shat! trot tx rtgtured to pay Borreswcr any €aterest or earnings an the Funds. Lender <br />sltail give in 8artt~, withwt charge, an annual accounting of the Fonds showing credia sad delrits to the Fords scut the <br />ptrrpt»e for which each debit to the Funds was made. 7]te Funds are pledged as additional secunty for the sums secured <br />tnl Nu htot'tgage. <br />If the smount of the Ftmds behl by Lender. tagethtr with the future monthly €nuall»tents of Funds payable prior m <br />~ d:~ dam of taxes. a~.~ ;. €~auec pry€nirrrns ae€,i grourrti reran, shall exceed ene a,nount requitzd to pay said taxo <br />asscmncmts. unsurattce pramitemss and ground reins an. t#r,ey rail dtac. such ¢xcess shall be. at Ikrrrower'v' oprron, either <br />prempdy repaid to Borrower or aediied to &>erower con monthly inve:tllme.ars of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />ked by Loader ska8 wt Pie suNrcivti to pay assn. avsessmentx.:nsurana~ prertuums and grouts! rents as they fall dtte. <br />Batrtntrcr ells!! lxy to Leatder any amoun¢ rrecessary to make up the .tefic,r, ncy wnhtn 3i7 days from the dire notice ,s marled <br />by Leader to Borrower requcsun,g payment char«at. <br />Upon payment rn fur} of all wins sccutcnd by this Mlortgagr:^. !..ender s~hait pram ptly refund to Bnrrawc:r any Fends <br />head {?y' [-etrdtr. if un~r paragraphs iM Ixrcof the Prvpertr :x 4:ald or nc~: F'r<:iprrty ,., ,uhrrx-€se a,:yr.ureet by [.ender, E.rnder <br />stoat! apply, tro Inter than imrned'iatety prrar iv the sale a±f etae Fro{*erty iar ns acyws€uan M' l-ender. any Funds held 6v <br />I.esrtier atl ilse tame of apphcatirm as a eredi[ against the hums sr:cured try khu Mn¢tgage. <br />3. aF 1!armerta. Unless appbeat;k law pr:=vrdes ++€hrrw zsc. ail paymcros recneed by fender under the <br />Note xnd paragraphs i and 2 hereof strati be xppi€ed by !.ender first ,n patmrm o! am€runts payable to LeuJer by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 trerrnf. rhea to interest payable :=n tde vote. tiu:n ie the pnae:pxi of the Note, and then u+ interest and <br />prutrrpal cxr any Future Advatues. <br />4. f-~IF+¢ Liras, Forrower shalt pan aft uses. essessmrnis and other . herers. fine. and rmpe+swons annbW able In <br />„~ stitch may attain a prority over th€s Nongaac, and leasehold payrtrents ,>r ground ;cots, rf soy. ,n the manner <br />pruvtckd ostler paragraph 2 hereof ar.:f rot paid ,n ssach manner. hs &=rruwer maA,n€¢ Pavmrnt. when due .brertiv rn nc~ <br />pa}sc a?a:reuf. Burrower stools ptaxoptty rurrusn.tu Lender a:l noucrs ut amounts ,tor under ¢hu paragraph, and an the event <br />F.FS tcs-.rcr si€sis rrakc paryaier€t d€rectj~, Bixrnwer shalt prc+mpttt fumrsh :o Ccndrr reieepts e~edene+rtg s h pavmentl. <br />Bvrrawta sf>~lt prta>sprly d~chargs est, hen whu~h has nr=n€atv ^:rr rh€~, "4i -rtgape ,d°sE •. - 9r-rose -:art n-'t he <br />requarcd~ to dtxbarge a¢w sur;h Bier. vt long a Bi,rrsaurrr r,hald agrr< n~~ wrs4rtg to fhc pa}mcra oii•:}ta uhhgatnun 4ecured by <br />~~auck ixtt in a tttantxrr aasptatNC re l~sukr, ;x hxl! :ra „r>'x! faotla ,, i,tata^es r;zi:h :ern t+...,r ..etrnJ entt,rccment :=t ;nc t5 I6ert ,n. <br />Vial ?rta:ee~??ags wh•clt ~-+c=_:xtg to ~-nee=_ ::`re r.^-t.,~ -¢tt:•r.:€ r_. -,_ _,_~ - t=.;t_,.._._ _. . = pr:rTr_ .. _.. .. '!xrref. <br />e. Naaart7 ltersr~ra- Borrower shall `seep its -tnn.,:.~rrn_:a.._,.w ,.r er r r.><c.,a=1 n -Fe~Pr icy :nsurecl <br />.ng ,- <br />upy3'r' }. _ 3u~ .. - >: , .fie .err. ._..:uia. .. „d„ .,., „a,,.u.c.. _ ... ..... , cy,; .:. <br />and en ettt,.h attvouats and for stn:h pcrtvds as LeaUter rrsuy rey„ ra., s ,~u+udarJ .hat i`rniks .l,al~ rlii~t u c~y,uvt [loos the ams=n.nts .,k <br />atx •~irra~ :1~~:'J Shat a$,.;:int' -- 2_~~e res}ue_ac c~ i~gy -t•- _ t r -_ `'x a±r3,aag: <br />"l9x €razi€3t4zi _artxr t*t~td;~ ~ ~r3ai2 u~~ ~ _ +~~ a _ n.. _ - '., •-~".:.,.. - -_ ~-;Sf.~-'d. <br />!tear such approval snail ever be urueasunabiv uuhheW .711 prrmrums :+n msur:rrir~pi,l,s::es r<hali he pard ~n :he manner <br />pmvatkd under paragraph Z hereof ar.:f trot pard .n si:ch manner. b•: B=xr:+wrr makrrg paymtni, when due..l;recily to the <br />[6Sllri>412 Carets. <br />All insurance ptaireses and rctxwais tMxcut +lsali be ,n lone, .c ,rprabtc io 1 ender .mcf shall :.t~{:sdc e ~ianJard mungage <br />dataae in favor of and in form acceptable u+ isnder !.cosier shall ha=c !hc rzght m hold the px=haes and rrnewats thereat. <br />and Bartawer slaali promptly furtusti to txndtr nA mnew sl nat~ -es end aH rocetpts r=t paid prenuums !n tFu^ ev-rot ut ins. <br />Borrower sMtl give prompt runa.e to the iraurancc catrrzr and i enskr I rn:ies ,nay make pnrot of loss st nw made prompus <br />t}y BairawCr'. <br />ItMass Lemfer and Barrdwer otherwrsc aptree m wnt,ng, ua,urancr ossaecils she!( 6c ept>ated n? « st<sratiim .;r repau ~t <br />itre Prapztty Jatttaged, pravaslad such resiora[u,n or repose :x ~ . uxnnady irasshir and the cecutuy of this RttxtgaKe '• <br />opt tberslty irrtpasrttf. If such reswratuur ur rcpa€r is ns=t reusa,?mscativ fee+rh;r i ,t the .:.ur:tti~ :=1 rhrs !~},+rtKat;c , <br />tx stRpatrsxl, the msuraacr prix:ersti .hall be apnhcd t, she .uses ...~:srzJ h. sh.s. M1f:+ngag -,rh ;hr :r _ _ ,., .+,.f <br />tc Barrowcr It [hc Prrper¢s rs abaadcaud to ltorrov.rr .., .t Bumw,tt (n Ls sn ,cary,isd is i zadr €h+o su d o. ~ n+th~ <br />date rAeiiu:e o :nailed v ,der :o tiovru»er :`.a! :i'n^ uisuranse < ret .,tlerw to +rfuc a Jean tut ~, >arun~.r hencnn. l rrdcr <br />rs authortud to salket•and tappts the uuurari.,c y.€saAresin et 1. ender s .,poi+u e,thrr t€, tessurativse ,.s crease , t ,hc 1'+r,per!s <br />cr tv the soon sc'.:trrsd :n ttass bfartgagc. - <br />4~rs: L.ezttler :ttHt 23sxra:wer atheMase egret .n wrung. „ny s.r:: hi appsieatsus: +H p.r,.vreds , pr:n~,pai ,h.€u not e:trnJ <br />rx postpone tits dtte dada atif the towitbly iostallmanta referred n± m paragraphs i and herevi v ~hangr the amount nt <br />wok iasta#Inteass. It weds paragraph I8 herevt the. Pr€rptrty =s acyurred by I_esrdet, all nght, sstle and :ntcrest of Ba+rmwrr <br />in std to any tstsutaa.e puttcits rood to sad tv the pnxeeds iherevt resuli,oy, tsirsn Janra~+e to itte Pmf+enro prior to the sale <br />r .a ..i.€ <br />ir~'3~S1t~!Rtli 3. <br />6. lMaerralSeia rod 3iaiafeaastet of Mropertr. LesssholA; !'aadominiums: P{anaed Lint tkvettpssaenns. l3.x roster <br />ttsall !tarp tlta isrvperty in gutid rtpaar ntui }hall cwt sammn waste ,;t pennsr unpa:rment or detenorxnora at the Property <br />cud drat! eaaalily with the provtsaans aE any kstsc „ :tun 'Hi,ragagr :a ,=n ., asclauld It rho ~#ortEugc , , ~ ;ns ., <br />4onflCntintnm ;~ a pfa>aaed unu devainprxtcrat. Bnrrowxr sha3i pertern aN otLBax rower, ohhgat€ pis under mr ,iee]ar ntum <br />to cx++aat~ara crtatidy, €m' guve+rarng the csuutaansmum ar planned non drvek=psnnus. the by-iaw-n and rrguiauom :,f she <br />ealtdt'ht^t4'xtai53 car ~iaract or»t ~-etcsluae~ asd rnsttitsent ,trurirents It „ ii=a,f stn^um ur plannrJ ~~:,,s .i .ri,.inncnt <br />raver m cae~taw isp e'ocra-wu and ms*;tied ~zgrrirer +nh rhrs ~t..=rtttagt. !€:e. .,.. Cants ,,na ngs::eincns~ .,:Eis ;,ik:r <br />Usatl trs :tu:otpwnataf into sad shall amaxsd :s€xi supp! meet rise .:t .r.ssants arui aye ecnicnts .•i ,h,s .42s,etgagr .a.€ ~.t €hc r€drr <br />wCS¢ a ttsr~. <br />'q. lmateCKwp of E,rallx's Seerrfty. iE fau>• „_ fx~r: r,rm ry,. >"vsnan!s su„ .i;;izetnrat~. .^us aau"if ,n tR,s <br />JH~, rxF tf aciu~ err pr€seex+'aesg n cxamtrxsu'ec: wh,cn ,raterraiFy at#ccis 1 coder'. ,otcre+t n, ,itr PlPtrt'1t4. <br />K"++~w6t~`at, txFt earl! ttmttsd to, tvsasrsr#N ttontatn. ,staa=tvt':x<y ,.csie crs4orcerxsert- ~.~_ rrauyenrcots o_ pr:>t redsnXs ~nvnis;ng :: <br />E>aRiTa(t4 ar +te t}tE8 I,EriEler bF l~€SRa#.'ra ~Tpti,rt . ~tpun :ix%st;Y r., Bf+tranwrit v ,akr sulh d:iht,lu ,. .., <br />ws7# sib ac-t ae ~ ~essa.~ to tN'rHat€ €e€xicfs :nicrvat. .- €,r~ ~Hpi +•.+_- rim;ieJ en. daYhursemei,€ ~ -, <br />s€=:se "t `~v ;ussi et¢a~s -~, -^c i'-a;~rr.; tr= m-s rcpa;r c{,_t:e.i .. f<ga~e , ~, : - <br />c~eodttri*u ;'>t ta+dsirsg the lnu+ s~:vesu to rtt€s M=-+r,~ta~4<- Bi-+rr.- _= vt•a? ,-` _ --.-__ _, _. ~_.. <br />tsixaratxe €rs »ilar:r ran::, s;::h tm€t a# c~ ;¢ ta.€ ~wi.n ,zs.s. a.r€+_ rrn,,,a.,:s : ,rtt ., _:, ri, <br />