Form 808 B ~~"~" ~ (1;~ ; r~
<br />Lender's written agterment or applxable law. Borroww shall pay the amouvt of aB mortgage insurance ptemitmu in the
<br />meamer provided under paragraph Z hereof.
<br />Arty arttwrta fisburacd bq Letfdty ptrrsuant [o this paragraph 7, with iotetrmt tbereon, shall become tWditimtal
<br />irtdebredrresa of Borrower srxasrtad by chin Mortgage. Ltnkss BrnTaarer and l.ettder agme to other terms of payment, such
<br />atssounta shag be payabk upon tttxice from Lender to Barmwtr requesting paymtrsi thermf, artd shall heu interest from the
<br />dull of diabutxment at the rut payable from time to time at otstrtattdka6 principal tinder the Nox »ekss paytamt of
<br />ireeereat at such info would be comran• to applicable law, in which event sstcif ustotfttu shalt bear inMtlst u the hightdt ram
<br />ptasnieai6k under applicable Isw. Nothing cotta{trod in thin paragap?t 7 shad regaiea Lender to incur am expmge-ot rate
<br />am action heretroder.
<br />i. 5aareedea. Lemrler may mate ur pose to be made reaaonabk entries upon and inspections of iht Property, Provided
<br />that ~ ender skull give Borrower notice prior to any such ittapectian speeifvireg reasornble eauae therefor relatsd to Leader's
<br />intert,st in tht Proptny.
<br />4. CsdewttaNww. The prrteeeds tvf any award or claim for dtsinigss, direct ex consequential. in canneeifon with any
<br />Wnrkarttnation or Mher taking of the Property, or put rhereo€, or for cortvepance in lieu of e:ontiemnatiwr, are herebq assigned
<br />and shall he paid tv Ltnder.
<br />Jn fbe rotor o€ a rota! taking of the Pmptxty, the proseuh shall !re applied to the soma centred by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if any. paid ro Bonowcr In the [vent of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower attd Letfder
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shat? ?te applied to the sums stxttred by this Mortgage such ptx>ponion of the protxede
<br />u ix equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums soured M' this Mortgage ?mrtudiattdy prior to the dm of
<br />inking bears to the fair market vedtre of the Pmam• immed"eatery Fnar tv the dart of !skirg, with the 6alancs a€ the pttt^et•~
<br />paid ro Borrower.
<br />'lf else Property is abardtrrsed by Bomrwcr, or if. after notice by Letuier m Bormwtr thu the twatlemtwr ol€ers tv tnalte
<br />an award or !ramie a datm for iamages, Bnrrnsver fails m rrspond ra Lender within YO days after the dart such notitx is
<br />rtsailad. Lentkr is authnrired ro cMlen and appal the proceeds. at [xnder's optiar, tither to restoratitm or te7uir of the
<br />Property ar tan the ~urtts secured by thix !Mortgage.
<br />lnltss L.tndtr and Borrower +>thtrwtse agree to writing, any stkh application nF proceeds to principal shag not extend
<br />nr postpone C?roe due date of the monthly mstailmen[s referred to in paragraphs 1 and Z htrcvf or change the amount of
<br />stub ietsta!?mtnts.
<br />t9. Battgwer tin Released. I.urnsron of the ume tar pavmrnt or mvdil?canon of amoRiza[ian of the sutra secured
<br />by *.his Mongagt granud by i_[nder to any cuccczscr :n interest of Borvwer shall not +eperate to rekaae. in any tnanner,
<br />the liability of th. ++rigmai Hattnwer .rod Borrower s atccemars m inRrest. I ender shall not Ise required to commentt
<br />proceedings sgaiost such succasnr or rcfuu to extend time far payment :+r othtrwtu mrdi(v amartirdhon of the sums
<br />stcurrd by this Muneata by reason e•f :+nv demand made by the ;+rigmai Borrower acrd BMrnWers successors in inttreat.
<br />17. ~Porbtaraece by ?rnAtr Not a Walter. Any forttearanct by i-enrkr in esercrsmg any nght or remtdY hereunder, or
<br />otherwise aRonin? by applicable taw. .hall not he a waiver of nr preclude the csereisx of any wch right or remedy.
<br />T'ftc procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes nr other liens or charges by Lender shat? not he a waiver of Lender's
<br />right ra accelerate the mautnty of the :ndehredneas secured by this Morgage.
<br />?? L2etaeNee CtaataWke. .All rcmetties pms-ufcd :n this Mortgage arc distinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />remrty- under this Mor*gagc ..r aRerded by law ..r equltv...nd may fir ezercrxd .uncurrrntly. independently or successively.
<br />13. Serreaaan aWd gal~av total and tie.eral t.tabdltyt t:rafytaro, the -cvenanrs and egreetrrenh herein.
<br />ctantaened strut? hind, and the rights fxrcunrhr'shall :nurc to. the nnpecnve successors and assigns of Lender and Bormw¢r,
<br />rut.;its:t re the provisions of ,^arag aph !' htzeof. A!I cvvcnsots and agrecmrnts rat Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />Tht ::a;Hr+.rns atrst hudia€s ::f :hc pa: agrapns t+t th:s Mnr!gsge a.e ror :_. nvcnrrtx~r only and art oat eo !~ :tstd m
<br />inftrpart ur deYme rht prov+yruts ttcrcof.
<br />ta, 'atdlet. 1'xctpt fora ,_. __ -_,ue*.J ,enJCr n;+t>; abFa !ax :. .. ;yen : oncrther tnanncr. tat any ntrtix ra
<br />:in;-.r.+: ~€t ?r*vrkd t!;r ,n ;%tis 59rrtgyge sbai3 ht ;:rven ?+r, •:narilnq :ut:it u:sncz why rertt8td mad addressed to Hortower at
<br />tix; Pr~,~tt.~ ..-odd - - - r.ber - --- - e, m , e?~,gnatc t+. Hotter !tr ?.ender as prnvidtd herein.:;nd
<br />ibY ~arn- mon_e !o !,ender ,'n:dl Fs gnrn hy',,rrufied mod µrcutrn tree+pt :cUttcsred. tc+ i.rnder"". addrPas stated Fxrein nr to
<br />strh t:thtr address as i-ender :na: +f :gnats hs gut: n.~e rv Bttrttrkcr as pro=-Ide.l hem:n >nv rwtice providtai fur In this
<br />Mengagt nball he deemed !o itusc hero grvrn m rkrrowa or Louder when given in the manner designated heron.
<br />i$. i;tri[tum MotttiEEage: (;averring Law; VererahYHy. flan !orm ref trningage rombinrs uniform ce+yenants for national
<br />use and non-umfomt covenarn w-ith limimd .anaonm by puradau<ut to cansuune a uniform ses;unty inaifurnant covering
<br />real peuperty Thes Mnrtgagr shalt t>e govenad by ;he taw rf the +unsdicnon ~n which iht Property s located. In the
<br />event :bar soy prowswa or Matt.,: ut this Mongagt or tfie Nute .onflicts with apphcabit law, such ronflia shalt not affect
<br />othe€ provexiuas c+f !h+s Slottgagr .+r :hr, Na,It whrch :an fx ataen effect without the conNining provision, end to !his
<br />tin! the pox-isurns of th< Mortgage end ihr R,@t :arc sitt:}ared to ht veverahie
<br />16. Bwrrower's l:vpy. Borrower shall he turnestrtd a :oniormed uipy of the Mort and of rhrs Mortgage at the lime
<br />.+{ exctuticm nr at#er t~orrialirn hereof.
<br />1?• 7raat€er of tin Peaprty, Arrw~att, ?f alt c:r any nun et the Property or an +nterest therein is sold or iraosferrerl
<br />by Ronstwer wrthtatt ?_carteis poor written amsem, exchtding ial the rrcatinn of a lien or encumbrance aubord+nate to
<br />th,: ?Marti"age, ;bt ttsn ..-tesitor+ :, a purchase manly ucuriti' tote rest ror househoM appliances, +ci n :ransfer by dcvtx.
<br />dtsccnt er by »{xrauvn ,+( law upon the :loath of a ,:amt tenant :,r W t the grant of any leasehold u+tercst .d thrar ocean of leas
<br />not anuaintag sn :+puan m purchase, l.rndrr tna}. at Lrndera npdun. sledare ail .hr sums st<ured by thin Mortgage m hr
<br />uttrnr=-are!y dew end ~ stahlt- Lcudtt shah :aye wmycd ;ash ,rpn.~n !a ac.~iltr to sf. poor ro the ~+t transfer, izndcr
<br />rand !hr puts..+n tr+ suborn thr Prcrporiv i. to i+t ;ald .rr tmnstcrred rcxh agrtetnent !n wniutg that !hr tirr.l!t ++f su.h tr!s.m
<br />+s saredap„ry us tsndcr arrd that the interest pas"ab3t ror tart s+,ms ses.ured by tins Mongagt .hail ht at such raft as i ender
<br />shat! rtyVi3i. ?f I.tnder has waived the npttoo Io acYClclate provrdtd to thW paragraph t7, and tf Borrower's succeswr to
<br />interest has rxas'utM a wrdteh sssumpuon agrttnteai acetpted in venting try [,cnsler. 1 ender shall release Horn>wcr ! «sm all
<br />dtliganotss under this Martgagt tad the Nall,
<br />,, i.eeraa€ ezcrc`:xs sur?r option io acce?era[c, i.rnder +hall mad Borrower nonce o- accelerant+n m u~curdanye ~salh
<br />t=aragraph :a rerc.,f. ~stch noose shall ptondt a ;xs a+d ,N n++t !tan than ttl days tram the dai•' the n±i l--•_, rs rttat!rd ss-ubu:
<br />whteh Bcetrowet 'nay :+as' thr .ums dtciarrd due It lbrmwcr falls 'n pas such +ums poor to the c~spirneon „f nerh {!enud,
<br />Lcrtdtt ma}. w:iMwt tur[hcr notrre or ,lemarrcl ~+n Nnrruwcr, -nsr?Ac anv rrmedres permute) r,y paragraph ! v htrcof.
<br />-' >cx.-4'Ktr.mra C~rnt:~x,~:rs &+rtowtt and ixndtr nuttier rr,.enant end egrte as luilawx~
<br />- ig. Asccekrulao; Artaadlatt. irscepf tp pravitled b patagrap6 11 hereaL upon BOrrowtrs breach uC any roveaaal tx
<br />- eve+~sat ~ 6wrresser ~ t~ 44nrtgegis. ioribdhtg the cosearap Ia pay wpeu dot snv satuv seraral h tA6r
<br />_ y tvrtgage,
<br />- - t *r ++w ~ri~ ~ tan auote to emrawer as pruvlded is paragrtyfit 16 hereof vp[ci€yiag: !ll flee 6tearh;
<br />fY> eht aetkaa t<®uirwd sa core staci bseaci; 137 a tMb, rwl tar than ]k Jaya tram the QaM the nWkt iv snaiied to BWroWer,
<br />ip ~ieh wx# brralei ntwY b cwedl sad [31 thou [alhue re rare suet breach va w be€ort the date ;,gecilitd la the arNke
<br />may resl7f is iwraduatiraa u[ tie vuuas eevared by Boa MtMgage. fnretiaetue by ladleful ptwct[diag and salt of the Proptsiy.
<br />t'hs eegke ahNd farther itdarag Iarctawet of the right w rehrtale after accekrsfba sad tit right to assn in eie lwerlware
<br />lha ttoa-aa[satsttt rd a 4faaN w uy ut4r sitfasat ul 6ofroWtr M acrt/ara.'7oa sad farzsJtwure. it tie 6rtach
<br />L awl cawed +.w ar it~art tit dab slttsiRwd ~ the . l~eades et l,ewdar's option may tleclue ail stf tit swr vscatx+d by
<br />tMr.t !m be tax+atAFats3y doe sad payaik Wf171ard futliwr deuaad sled cant iwteiwee by jwlieiN Proca+t?irK• !.ender
<br />siatl lea mt~ed fa r-diary is aurh ka°'?7 atl expertaes ed fltteciwaart, lssvis, :rsa tsai ilmiied fa, crwra ai dara.eeaUry
<br />avkRwas t, a:lwtsatas sad ifNe repwrtp
<br />ig, itaaastatr's at ~ xnwrtrta.aas?+ug ?-ender"• :tit=. anon ..f trtt sums .rvurnl ` thu Mortgacc
<br />ltl5rirrrYi :. •.. bare :Tw rlafsl :-.,azn nn) 1'rtn nadnlgs lX•geeR !s .ehtitr t~, ~-nt,x.¢ stirs M,s«t?ayr .Itsi+,ttti_nnc+I zi ~n) !.nee
<br />