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<br />tir'rSr'atas Cov&ann:s. iiorrnwtr and i_enrler wvtnant atW agree as follows: <br />I. lslasear of Trbdpal ad lareresi. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principa! of and interest an the <br />itakbtsdaeas evrdettcsd hY' the Note, prepayment and late charges as provide6 m the Note, and the principal of and inmrtst <br />an acv Future Advances sect[rW by this Mongage. <br />3. Ra~tlr foe Taos tmtt .ngrane. Subject to applicable taw or to a written waives by Lender. Borrower shag PaY <br />to Leader on the day rttatnhiy irataliments of principal and interest are payable under the Nme, umil the Nnte is paid In toil, <br />a sum therein "Futrds'1 nyual to orwtweifth of the yearly zsxes and acsessmtntx which may attain prinrily over this <br />Mortgage, and grotmd rMti an the Property, if any, pies ene-twelfth of yearly premium irtatalimenrs for hatted iowrartce. <br />Pelts axle-twelfth of veaefy premium fntttatlments for trmrtgage insurance, ii any, all as rt~sonabiy estimated initially and from <br />tittle to iittse Ery Lender on the boas of astteasmrnts and bills amt reasonable estirnatts thereof. <br />Ilse Funds stroll txe held in an institution tht deposits or accounts of which are insured or gttaramtad by a Federal or <br />state agency (iricltding Letxkr if Lender is such an institution). Lenrkr shall apply the Funds to pay said races, assessments, <br />insuratsee premhtmx std ground rents. Leader may oat charge for so holding and applying the Funds, anaiyaing said account. <br />of verifying atsd compiling said aaaesstttenrs and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest nn the Futeds std applicable taw <br />puntits Lander to make such a charge. $orniwtr and Lender may agree in writing at rlx time of execution of this <br />Mortgage tfmt interest on the Ftmds shag Lie pad ro Borrower, and unless such agrttrnent is made nr applicable law <br />requires such imereat to he paid, la:ader shall not be required to pay Borrower am' interest or earxings on the Futteis. Ixtder <br />akafl give W Bnrrmver, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debiu to the Funds and the <br />pttt•pose fur which each debit to the Funds was made. "iiu Funds are pledged as additional seteurity for the sums secured <br />by this R3cngagt. <br />It the amount of ttte Fnrtds herd by fender, together with the future monthly mstaliments of Fonds payable prior to <br />eke due dates of toxin, aasmsment:, imurance premmms and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, irssurarax premiums and ground rrn[s as they tall due, such excess shall bt, at Borrower's option, either <br />prote[pHly' rtpafd to Borrower ar crtxirzed to Borrower on mcmthl} :nstai6msnts o[ Funds. if the amount of the Funds <br />kaki ley Istdrr sbaB riot he sutlicieat to pay taxes, assessment:. insuranc= premtums and ground rents as they fall due. <br />Bianttrrer sPtai.l pay to Lender any attrount rtea:essar} to make up rht deficrcncy wtthrn a0 days [rom the date notice ss mailed <br />b)' I..etder [o Borrower requesting payment tlttrent. <br />flptm paymem in fuH of all sums secured n) thcs Mongage. 1 ender sha1V promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />hsW by Lender. If under paragraph Ig kercaf the Prnpcn} ,> si>Id or the Proptrts is otherwise acgwrtd by I.cnder, Lender <br />sbaB apply. nu :ester tJtan immediately Door to the >aie of the Prnpcrn~ :x its acgwmnon by I_tnder, any Funds held by <br />Lander at the nine at appLscation u a credit agatrot the sums secured by this Mortgage- <br />3. Aytliettefaa u! Tryt~atsg. Un}ess apphcabic law prnvntes „rheru tee, all pavmevts rttervcd by Lender umkr the <br />Note sad paragraphs 1 and '_ ketmt shall be applied by I ender first ;n pavmtm of amounts payahle to Lender h}' Borrower <br />under paragraph Z hereof. then to mteres; payable un the ante. !hen in the pnnnpal of the Note, and then to interest and <br />pnncrpat on any Future Advattca. <br />4. ChasRes; f.iese. Harrower shall pay ail :aces, assessments Duel .uher charges. fines and m:pnuuons attnbmablc to <br />rfx Pronem• whicY. ttOY orlon a onority rsvcr they Mortgage, and leasehold payments ur ground rents. d am, m the manner <br />pr[w+def :u[dcr paragraph '_ rte-rtvf or. tf ncz pa+J m soh marner.,r Ba: ran-zr makrntt payment. wtcen due..iuectlY to the <br />„a),ry .:...._..: sLsn „»..t,t,a.. rrrro,.h .,, i ,....r.r ..n ...........: ... ,......,ors dnr , _, rn,s n a n the event <br />- 4-: T'~~°._- ,ruJ.. ash rid i <br />fkxrre}wer shop, make payment dtrectiv. Harrower +hail pmm~tiv turnnh !„ 1 ender reeesprs e~idenctng such payments. <br />Bxttrrmer ska1: pmmptfp discharge any iron ahtah has priority . « ,hrs Mortgage, provided chat Borrower .hall not be <br />raq weld to dtsulsuge ant' utrch Iicn w Iuog as Brtrrowex .hall aarcc rn +ntuf¢ !e ehc raymert at !hc obbgauon secured t>Y <br />1tL.h fern ,^ a nxanrret aeceprabit to Lender, :+r -.hail :n ,;.+.ri t,,rih .,~ntcsr su.:h lien hv. r,r defend eniorcewcnt •>r xnch hen m, <br />Eega: i~rrtzrarrg..a wkx:f! s.ixtrate tc, prevent ihx e•nrorenrem +'t the I,st..,r tn[tetture ,xt the Prapeny or a__ pars !hcrmf- <br />~. ffa>aed !#:rrstwtr <ttaH k~cp the ,m[~r.~a<nrc::,€+ ,,:,» :~+:sung „r herraiur eree;tcd on the Property insured <br />~~rt.t ._ h„~ w-~. !~-_~~ ., „ ... ... ., ..,. a-age ands hat-zru. s cn xr _fyu:re <br />atsi.i a*. such :unarnn[rt and for soon pcrrudxF as lycndtrrn~,ar - 4~! +-_ . ^irhd. that !turd.. ,hal! rim rcyurrc ih i ha amuuru of <br />su_h :.overage tarred that airxruni ,=f .nvtrags rtstwttd tr, pay the sumx ~:teurtd h} luxe Mortgage <br />"fVit rmuratx.'e canter provdiug else inwranae shall t+e ..hoses h} Harrower +ubtec[ to approval by !.ruder, pruv!ded. <br />shat swh spprevat shal n<,t he unreas.maFly w-ithhefd. 411 prrmwm> .m imurance peireres shall ne paid .n rttr, manner <br />prondW utnkr putgnpn ? herttxt ar. d trot paid in umh muuxr. hs Bsarrr.wer male mg payment, when due. eucdiy to the <br />tasuraacc wrtra. <br />Ail insurance pssfu.m and renewals thert+a snaei t>r ,r. form a~ce•ptnbic to I rndcr and shall rtiJude n standard mortgage <br />a~urs m foyer sf and !n form ~s~pznhk !u Ixnder i.t elder shoe ha•c the right !.. hold the po6cte> end renewals ihereoL <br />and BJROwer shall prompty tu!'tush [n l.ertdcr all renewal notices aitd all receipts ut paid premwms In the is ent of lim, <br />Bortuwtr shall give ts+asmpt rnxt4e to the ::nor autt ~_arncr .>::J i tnr:er Lender n nakc grout of loss d oat merle pnxnpdy <br />by Bcxruwer. <br />L%nhw }.tnier atsd Borrower .xhtrwisc agree ;n .: rung- rnswance pr._a,enis .hall he applied to restorauon ++r repair .,t <br />the Fropert) datxraged, pturi.tesi >uch rneorah.m .,• icpa:r a unu+miaaUv teaa+hic and the stcunt} of t1n !stnngage ~. <br />-.a# tt~sefxy :~.rosrd. ., son rrsiorateun ar report + nut . u u.:ali} r sihit , ,t iht +caur,ty ,>t tole Mortgage could <br />be rmparrtsi; the ,nauraw:t ptax:eais shall rte applieu3r„ rhts+wm xsure.i ah} thr+t Mongage, with the rxcesa, it ..n}. paid <br />m Borrtrwcr tt the f$o(tens is ahandarxal rs Iktrtower, .v it W,r rawer rain t,t iesprud to 1 ender wnhw 3O daY+ Irom rhr <br />date :exu:cs s r.:a;ieu ' + Ltndtr :,: its-,rower ! - -hc .=aw,- -e --.., r .--t eu :.:.en.e • .ia;m fni uisurnns:e i+entha. t en,ier <br />a auttWnrsd ru .ofitct artd app{} the .nw:an.r pt.rccrds at tenders .,pti.+n euhtr to resiurauan „t repair of the Properis <br />or to rtx scum sscuresf [+} true Mortgage <br />Utdrts Ixtxkr sad Borrowti othsrw[st agree ,n unung, an} suih appiscanon ut pr:xeeds to ptmctpal ehah nut catrnd <br />ar pustpax~ else dot sWtt of iM monthly mstaflnstnts referred n, m paragraphs i uml 2 hereof of change ihr amount of <br />stash mxtallmeata. 1! utterer Puagraph Ig htraN ttrc Property is a.:ywttd h} under, all right, utte anJ mttrest of Hor:nwer <br />s ,sue to ari5 ,r~::zars,;t a;:d .s a;;:; ~. ih€ pr.n.ctsia thete.,i rtsuiling Irom etamage to cite Prnpc_ny pour u, me sale <br />ar ~ju~nra,n ehal; rose to Lzndsr ts> flit entent ;tt the sums >eaurtai h. this tilur [gage ImnsedrattlY Mru~ I„ sues h aar< .-: <br />segws:itnn. - <br />ta M+nnrvatiN sell :NWSCwante M Prapitrtv; IeaseaeJds; t~oudoaeiruarts; P4taxd flail 1?evelopxteets. Hnr«+wer <br />aaatf keep tkx Prt>peny is guard repair anti sha31 not ::amtmtt waste .rr perms wtpatrntent ur dtterwration .,t the Pmpert) <br />sad shall axitpiy with [he prov[vnns at any least :t Ihra h4nrtgagc „ .+n a teaxthoid. I( rhea Mongage umi i a <br />crmdomeuaus. .,r a planrsed unu drvt{apnitnt, Borrawtr shall perform alt nl Borrower'.+ ubbgauons under the dedaratum <br />ur ccvauae[s c.-rtauttg w governing Ehr coxcsiomin:um nr planned !+ntt devela>pmxnt, the hyInwa and rcguiauuns .H the <br />-~`-- -- - c.r piarmed can deveiapaxru, acrd .uristiuxnt dacumcros. It a .andnmimunf or panned ,~nst devcl.yrnxem <br />rrdci is'enpputsd b) BNmwsr and recorded agsahtt ,r-rth role btortgage. tha _aeenants and agreements of .uch r,der <br />stadi Lxe insosputrdcd inw atx# shall antsrd arxi supp7tnre[u the euatnants and agreements of this Mortgage as ,t !hc rider <br />were a part hnttttt. <br />`• lbaMtNers aE f.aMMri '• If finmxwer taxis to pert,vm the covenants and agreements suntamcd in this <br />Mortgage, ax rf say aetrsxi .x pmceas:sng i* ~umntsrktd which ma{cria}ty alfexts i.tndtr's ;merest in the Property, <br />mrJsrdurg, isut tort }trratraf tci. esnrmest dumaur. ,ysolvcrxcy. ~.xtx cniontmem. +.r arrangtstsents ,•r pr,><redm6x ~nvoivmg :. <br />~r u+ d~S:larf[. t43t:. f,e:.der ., txssver'a <+pten:s, upon t[atict .n iiatrs:wxr, near make such appearances, ,+!e,wise stein <br />=.'~ r se•!: -~:ta°.:;. :..,>.c~-a:) tr> prar~r 1 srmbtr~+ ~rterest, :nci+tdtrtg, but n.x hmaicd ru. ;vburxemtm ~~I <br />e'eaatrnskda atusresays fees aad swsry :apssh the Fto{persy tq rtwkt rtpa:r+ tt lender rtaaurr..f <n.ut^~,= nssura^.::s a ., <br />taaa~t.sat ar ~ rigs loots mcurxst try tgra Mrtnga~. &rrrowtr shaft ra} rot pnnnsium. n. namta!n .- <br />utaurwte€ sir effect uaCak aw.~h amt as rht rtyuttsmsnt leer s,,;t;n +_vurancc rermarsees .,. accardn?uc a,, i Hornwer\ and <br />