~3~-- t) Ci~~ i E 5
<br />Letwt' is written agtmmeat or npp}[cahk taw. Hortower strlE pay [he tmtnttnt of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />maamer provided under para8rapfi ?hereof.
<br />Aay amoscntx disbursed try tender WrsuaM to thin paragraph 7. with itxeresl thereon, shall became additional
<br />intfat+redotss of l3e+rrower secured by this Mari8a8e. (Jttkas Herrrwver and Lender a8tse to othee ternta of payment, strati
<br />amatMS sital} be pxyalae upon notice from L.mdar ra Samtwtr rcgttttsting paytnera thereof, and shag hear interest float the
<br />~ of dislxtrsemrnt at the rate poyahte from terra to tuna ore cxmtandin8 principal under the Nrne tmkss parmetrt of
<br />et~tnd ai srteh ram world be casrtrarv m ap;,Siicabk law. in vrhich evatt strati atnouata shah bear ittterist at the hiHltest ram
<br />permis~k cinder app}ieabk law. Noltt6t8 rnrtmirted in this para8raph 7 shall requite L.ertder to inevr arty expens0 a take
<br />asry action frereutukr.
<br />8. Lrw~ncliaes. Lender may mate ar torte to he msdt reasorcalrk rnrries etpon nerd inspectiats of the Property. provided
<br />that i ersder shalt Hint Harrower rtMit:t prior FO nny such itnpoctimt spxifvirtg reasoosbk cause therefor related to i_estder'a
<br />interest in the Property. -
<br />4, CedestsiNee The proceeds srf nay award nr claim {or damages, dltect or cntraegttemial, in connottion xrith any
<br />catnathtn or outer taking of [he Pra6erty, nr pttat thereof. ar foe tonvtyance in lint M coadannaNon, art hereby assi8ned
<br />and shat) i+e paid to L,ettdar.
<br />In the evtra of a total takmH of the Property, the proctads shsH he applied to the sums secured by this Mort8a8e.
<br />wigs the ezeess, if soy, pxrd M $orr[swer In the ty2rtt of a partial rating of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />alhenvise agree in writing. there shall ht applied to the cams sectrrcd hY this MortgsBe such proportion of ±he proceeds
<br />a¢ is equal to tfiat pmfxtrtian which the amarnt o! the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior rn the date of
<br />taking hears to the fvr martct +~xhtt ra the Ptxtgerty tmmdfiaeety Arta to the dart of tak inL with the balance of the proceeds
<br />{said r : Harrower.
<br />I{ p!ht Prnpertw is alardortM by Hc+rrosrer, nr rf, afres notice by Lender to HarrrnYer that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an awe=red ur uttk n .:laim ern dsrna8es, Iforrx+wer fails ro respond to Lender within t0 days after the date such notice Ls
<br />mailed. Frntfer is aulhcuired to colket and npply tfx proceeds. at l.eetder's option, tither to restoration or repair o[ the
<br />Pmpent: nr ro the sums serttrrd hs thts Mortgage
<br />Ln~kss f ender and Hnrrc,arr :?rherwtst agree ,n writing. anr.~ such appticatian of prnceed< to principal shat: not extend
<br />or tarmpont ;tx dtst ,tare of ttiz tteonrhh~ instatiments referred to in para8raphs t and 2 hereof nr chan8e the amount of
<br />retch ;rrv~laflrnem-s_
<br />111, Borrower V®1 Releawd, Extensmn of the nm for payment nr modifican+m of amartiz;attnn of the sums stx:ured
<br />by this MnrtLtaBt granted t+v l..tnakr rn any o-uccesx+r rn inmrtst of Borrower shall not operate !n release, in any manrrcr.
<br />the h$hr}Hy ,~t the nrigtn$i Borrower attd Harrowers srsc -exec: rs rn interest tender ,halt not he reyuircd Fo commenet
<br />pnwztedings xgamst such sutcenor nr refuge m extend irrnt for pavmtni ,+ ,uhrrwice modify aau,rnzauan ni the sums
<br />smtutd eta !hw Mnn3agt by ttascta of ..ny demand mark by the original flnrmwrr and Borrower's <ucrtssors in interest.
<br />11. Porbearmtrct hY lyder AIM a WtWer. 4nt fnrhtaranct by !ender in cxen~nrn¢ an+• right ,~r remedy hercundtr, er
<br />nthetwist aHurdtd by appticxhte 'aw. +hall nsn he a waiver of or preciudt the exnrciw of arn~ wch right ur remedy.
<br />The procuremenF o? insurance or the payment n} taxes or other bens or , harges by Ltndcr ,hall nM tr :+ w aivrr of t.ender's
<br />n8M to atccienee rhr maturin• n£ the •..^.dehttdnra neared by ;hs \lnttgage
<br />li. RteteatHp Ccaau}asiee. Ail rerntdies prnvdtd a rhrs \iortgagt art drsnnrt and ... u:ative rn xnv other right or
<br />rpati<:3:• :.:rimer th,s Mnriga{t .+ a•.fiardert E-y ,aw- ,-r .... - - .. ,,:. ,;apron<ntn .: +uctcsstvety
<br />i:.. `iweressees and 4adiss Hoard: Jaial and Yrstrd lia6~ty: Cs.• "tTte~.n -rants end agrremenn herein
<br />.nn[sntmd ,hail i+ind..md the rights Lerenntkr ,hall :Hurt ra, !tic rrstxcn•.r mc.r+so;~ and asn¢m :~f 1 tneitr acrd Borrower.
<br />subyta•t to [he pm,vistnus :tf paragraph 'r'• !tarot Alt c~nvenants and atCrrrmtnts „t Htsrr,-ate ,hail t+e ,,,m[ and several
<br />The .:a£Hi..ns an l headrr.2s n! !ht :+at agtaphs of .his Nnrgaa. art for ,.tnv<nrt.~e :,nly ..,.s. ., r_ .tn[ :n in used to
<br />,:etert,r;i ..- .ky'ssc ,tic p - =rEiaas Hereof. - -
<br />i+i, 'xtatkr. Bxce>ft+fnr nay Hance rcqutred ,.nder appf4sh!€ Ias+ [,, frE g!ticn tier ntanntr ._. _ rtoh~t fn
<br />He-rn?wer o:rxs•.ded fu. .- •hfs Lt,tttxagr x ai3 it et ar ,. ..,:Irng - ah ~.- !.s .. r[ fire ,d.rrt .Kd • -• Rs.rmsser ar
<br />eh~ p.., ~.u., _ _ ____ _ _
<br />, - - ..,.,.. ., .~. .-. -. s. ..,~. c9r..v„-rt c ,r.r- _„ , -,-,. ...- ... „- ae. .,nd
<br />ihi an x h.-e t~+ 1 tnd<r ,n t! hr ¢=+ct• hry txufitd mad ~rt.~r . - a<,pr eUrtes.rd ccI + ,.tr ~+ddrna +rah•<1 'terein , r to
<br />sstcfs writer a6rrss as { enamor m;+y deciHnatt n+ . , Btx.twrr a nre,•edcv h -. {m :tutu,. pravrdtd !or ,., thi.
<br />Mnngage .hart he cltemed tct ha+-< hear gt•.rn rn Narm+ser +rr i <ndtr .+hen Ei+rn r:r !ht manner dextgnatrd herrm.
<br />tS. t: Mfornl ktortiaiv!t C.evrrssiaH Law: Sererttbiily. f h„ !,,nn .,t mnngagc ;.++mhtrtes un,fnrm aovrnanis for nanonul
<br />use and ac+tt•unfFamt :.atenacts with limrtui s.;nan,m+ 1.y r.. ndunnn n _nnsnr,ue ., unrknrn .awnn- instrument .ovenng
<br />real {narpGrtq- fhn ffartgagc sh:rl! t,e ¢o+trned h+ 'hr i ~,t rt>r rrtrcairaunn , ><hreh rhr Prc,f+env ~•• 4>ti'atrd in the
<br />evem ^.h¢[ ant ar:r;tsi.?n „r ..-lain :~f tMi Mangagt .,r !het V;.tr -..,nt?rs:a ..uh ., p, irrshis !a u~:h ~.,mtl:Gt ,halt na,t :dfect
<br />(Nltrst is„+e+iert~, of rtai Mnngagt ar rhr ti,xe 'r-h<ch ,.an hr s•. 4en .•dr.': -.vrhnut the :nµflrc ~rr.~ nrnvi<ion. and n, this
<br />end ehe fxn ~+t3inns ,>? rhr !stongage ,end the ~: ate ere dedmcd r•, he , verahle
<br />16. finrrowe~s 4'npx. Borrower +hail hr f.,:n„htd .+ „,m;,mxdr..=py , , ?hr '<:;tc ,ta ~ !h.• '+tnr[g;xge ,:t the '+me
<br />lit C\Y.a Uittttt ++r ,rtlCr i61 <trd$[hm htrti>{.
<br />Z?. Ttttaster of Floe Ptv~tvtyc AswwflUun. i? ail ,+r ,ns r.:rt of rtre Preprny ur an merr,t rherew r ,aid „r rran,ftrred
<br />txy ~rrrnrcr wdhtwt f c~ndt[~s pot+r wrtrter .cu»eni, rxeludrng ,.., rhr .rca nun „! .. ~. r.n.:unhrnn:t wrtx+rrirnatr to
<br />t k.:rga~. -`<; the ,r- --.rr ~ , pur>rhax money ,e , + r tryst !nr h.,uuh:,id appi,un: e, .. .. ;ran,trr he cieyise.
<br />deW.Yat „r by nperanoa =,! is+>, nfx,<, the .kith .d , _: rot ~nan: ,,,
<br />1 melt[ inn>...t !ruder, npuon. de:farc .dl the <unt, ,cured h1 •h,s ltortgagr ,,, be
<br />:ns ttt-..ate+v ;t sJ p _ - !.Cadet ,teal! have ,~. -, ed ~, .. -+..:rieeete •t • n, < '.: rhr .. ansfer , a~+der
<br />aa,! thM. perv~r .- nd nt :hr }'n.pcn} n ro !K ,a1.; ar =.ramtt~rru reach -,greemenr "„ ar,rrng u,ar ~~ a ,.t ~ -
<br />' _sust a.:[ors :-, t <.t+scr .,eM than the rntettst pas;,bie ; the <:nx +. _ut<d ht ~.. , \t:trcgage -..,ail h2 . ,.... a.a _, (r`, ndtr
<br />shall rCStttts+ t(t ender hat warytd the .•ptron 'r. ,atlnxtc peso-r~td :n rhr+ ;+ar~agraph 17 end :f €tnrrt,w<: , .
<br />rmer~[ has exrcrned a wrdtett asxumptKm agtctment a+cepted sn v-:+dr>r by I cn<!er. f <ndar ,half ,cl<asr &rrraurratrnm al!
<br />'tMtRat aryls :;et,#•r rtt+s !ef=,ngage aml rim titate.
<br />.'t[~:~ n :err+; .. cceia-ta:: v cn.ter .nn,t ~ ~ d. r ~„t;.e r .., e, r , ,.. r r, „h
<br />'a ~r-~d+ ~... , : w , • t, sc -nau r :c,ae , .xr .>,t ;.r ,.,,_ + rho„ ur ,r,t.. ,. •rn .t . :. .-r r,. ,: .hell ,:h n
<br />wh - i, Bs?r-, ssr ntas . rhr . y'ss::ared d-rt Ir Bnrr.>«er ~.. s .r,h ,m, n, , . ._ , yt . , . _,h r ~, xl.
<br />fcmler mar .,tn+nh fort ntr rNrer „r ,x>maod sn (h-n?wer- ,na .nx .mau~„rv_rm-ur.. s a rsfh ,creed
<br />A,xtw-Latts,au f: ns-r rs.,. YS lk rr+,wet atxt ! etx}tl turrnr, . -. a: -t„ .:nu ,gree~ .,, ...,, w+
<br />t4 4tccraeradaa: Re+aadiew Fxrrpt as ptevidad M peraira~ 17 Itrrwet. open Htrrniwrr. txtruh •rt goy cevraanl nr
<br />aari ~rr,aw-ta is tie \ir. iasldrYa* tltt rvsewawrc to Epr} whte Age aa+ +mm wsurcd by false Har[Hat[e.
<br />l-"a i e.'"`~. ~ "._~,- s`ar rsr~ii ~atr is °aRrewo ~ pre+idad ea parapapi [. nrrrus +Kts{yWt: t ii rim ircrar'h;
<br />42l Thtr atsioa r¢tlsdtad to case aech ltv araH fli a dMe. gel etas 1haN 3i days trwr the doe the rtatMe h nyikA to Horrowtt.
<br />M! trtldtls catch taaaab tsasN ba <arnk gad i#1 llgl taa"hue to ors sari hrerh s.a tx be{err tin date spttifkd in the Halite
<br />rtstey rxrttM F• trazeilQatioa ssf ike rvtaNS +acurad by Ilit . ftrnslmarr try Wdiriat ixaaeediai acrd sak at the Property.
<br />Y11se tt~esm siar6 fatbar ietatw Harrower tcF tlta riikt w ra~astase arfM ash rmi the right hs nasrrt is rhr [curatvnatr
<br />pstsalarNYy der w.a.exiaatiwr of a deftsdiR or tray alley deleaes ssi lorrxrs+a re acs:elertutiae sod torrchrswn. if the Mrwh
<br />tC Has rstwd as sv Morro Uw daUr sRaefflyd is rltt na/isr, i.endrr N I,rafrrS gsiaw may drriut aN ut the sroeas setursd hr
<br />lAla •~ ~ @e Fe:aee>dia4e4y Asar aard payable witMna funhrr dsnutW atttA may lerre~sa b's jstdk ial pratesvthca, E aadtr
<br />t1arH br to re~ett is rmr_.a p.atr's~{teH aM >•st --- .>t tw...~se..=mar. i~l tryst eat f±r_rf!zd t~ : axle .:{ ouser,retttx?-
<br />r'<'idrf4t5la £ak-r~irarb w.ed tMk le/er1a.
<br />Ii. ~.arYSYitT. ~ re ° - '•:.+iwnssstarsl,ng : -. _., .eRai.e4h , e ~ m. -:^,. .,_C- ~t rt. ~f,.r: e.r$c
<br />ii;r: s:twt";<i+ i+'-, iht 'ig.Rt ". 11a s-x- ~+, rw.xrdtna -C g:n, , :....ir, .,. ,,,. all c. ,p..n:' K.. „e.. ,. . +,
<br />