<br />IINtFrbt4 COVENANTS. q,rrower :ili/f tender COVCnant and agfea a8 falbws:
<br />f. Pa9tawt of TrMrlpai a~i lialaraat. (iorraner shall P~pttY Pay `"'~ due rtes principal M and interesa on the
<br />etuiefieMtxs evidenced h7r the Nate, ptepiytneat and late charges ac provided in the Nate, and the principal of and interest
<br />[m sap Ftaure Advattcss stsitred by this Mortgage.
<br />t Pottle for Taarts ~ Laaatree. $ubioct to appticahk lax or to a written wais2r by Leger. Borrower shat! WY
<br />to Louder on ohs day ttamddy i[suaikarems of laittcipat acrd itttsrtsi are pwgabte under the Nae, ntttll [he Note is paid ht fait,
<br />s wen (tacreia "Ftsttab°j egos} to ~[sreHth of the yeatty - caeca acrd a~assnrenrs whie6 tn.y attain prpsriEy over [his
<br />Mortgage. and grtwtM rents on tLe Properly, ii any. piss tstartwel(th of yearly prstttisun irsstaltmetna far harard insuratace,
<br />pdtn orao-taeff[h of y"~~Y pndaiotn insartimersta for mortgage itwurartce, tf any, aR as reaaanabty estimated indiaNy acrd ftm
<br />time to time try f..eader sxr the basis of auartsataass sad bills and reasoaahk estimate tMreof.
<br />T'he Precede shall Ix tKld in an ittatitetioa the d~paib or attirounts of which are insutetf or guarantad hY a Federal or
<br />start aiensY tittctuding Leader if txdtdtr a stash ao imtitrnton ). Lender shad apply the Fvads to pay said taxes, a~nertts,
<br />imtuaane premhtnu arm giouvd rents. i-etalar rtfay !sax charge far so holding a+rd applying the F[rnde, analyzing said actwrmt,
<br />or veri[yiag sad compiling said asaesanamrts std bi14, unless teoda pays Borrower interest on the Ftsmb ud apptiwbte taw
<br />pdrnits Lerakr to tnadce such a chsrge. Bortaaeer sad Lctsder may agree in writing at the lime of exsnnion of [his
<br />Martgsga [hat irttsrest na the Frmda shag tx prod to Borrower. utd unless atsch agreement is made nr appiicahk taw
<br />rsquirss attch inteteat to he paid, Lsoder slsai} trot ha regrtired to pay Borrows any enterer or estrange nn the Panda. tender
<br />shalt gins to Burrower, wittwut charge, as aesnw! atxuuaing vE rise Fvrrds sMwfng credits sad debits to the Ftmds aced the
<br />puspt x far which sash t~bit to tiu Ftrttds was tnade. Tat Prattle are pledged as adduionaf severity for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />tf *.FG at>.~.~x ::r' R Futtsfs Isdd by (ender. together wash the terrace rtavnebiy rmFaltmtnta o€ Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dares of axes, asseaamenta. iasruazsce preasitans and groutu! rents, shad sexed the aarwni [egtiired to pay said taxes,
<br />ate, ttesu€anae prermoms and greased rtssar ax they faR due, such txcess shalt bs, at Borrowtr`s option, either
<br />f~~PdY repaid ~ Borrower vt -rsdatsd to Borrower ten monthly inataRaeents of Futrds. [f du amount of the Fettle
<br />hotel hY tender st~l tua be 5+r1l3sAeat to pap taxes, asfs, msnraace prsmtums and graund roots at tlreq Batt Btu.
<br />13rarvaurer shall pay to L.mder wy amount ttecressary w make up [he dthaency wubrn 30 days from the date nottcs rs matkd
<br />by t.cadar en Drawer rcgtreanng payment cheroot
<br />Upon payment to fsdt of al{ xtrtns secured by Nu Rtortgagrz, t ender .halt promptly refund to Barrowv easy Funds
<br />held try Lettder. tf wader paragraph Ig hereot the Prttpeny w sour ur the Properrv ix o[hewru acquired by t.trsder, L,entkr
<br />stwR apply. rto 4affir than uatxdiatslY Pry' to the sak ~nY the Puoptrty ar ass aequss,teon by Lender, any Futrds held by
<br />I1Atder at t!~ ttmC of apptitatioa as a credit against the auras secured tae- rhrs Nungagc.
<br />3. Apptl4tloe et I'a!'~ Unless applKabie law pros rdei „t Nerve rsx. sit pavnten[s recewed by Lender under ttx
<br />VaK steal Paragraphs altd 2 hermf shall >sC appited tsv t.em#r first rn pavmcm :'s amnunis pavatrie t.s !.coder by Born~wrr
<br />untkr pattsgta{xt : feseeaf, [ism to enures[ payaNt on the tote. rhrn n> :he prtnopat o! [he yote..:nil then w interest and
<br />paiactpst seas any Fmure ,ldvaneea.
<br />~• (9argta', f.~e6 Borrower shall pat ztf ;,szes. is>essments and ,whet .ha rkcs. fx• and :rnpos[tu,ns attr:butalak eo
<br />the Praperty which may suaio a pnority over tars Mongags. and icaun.rrd paymeno .^r ground rents. d arty. us tM manrxr
<br />pravrdesr under paragraph Z hereof nt.:t rot yard rn sru-h :nanncr. M &srrower mai.rng pavatent. -+ften iltu. drrecdv to rhr
<br />rsasxs thereof. Borrower steal} t>Famatly turnastr m l-r.»sir-r ail t,>- - :,r :sm._+unn dz<,• ,_mkr that r+ •aarg3r?. a i ir. ehe es~nr
<br />Cyst rawer chaff makt patnnto[ dtt eats. Bsurnwer shalt prunaptts~trmtnh ro tender rea:<tpts r~rdertcma s,rch navmsnts
<br />~airrosnex sttslt prnatptty desctiarge an} itrn -+hrh has prron[t a . !hen !4[ortyaKr~ Crovideil. :oat Re,: rower ,hail nut he
<br />rctturtsd [n drsettarge soy such tiro <s laag as Bxruwtr shall agrtc rn ,srrt:ng te- ;ht naymen: ,,;~ [he ,sbrr¢atr.rn secured 6y
<br />xssch ~luut rn a manasr acceptabir r,+ !.ender, or steal{ m gusd fau4 ~emrrnt such hen hy.:?r defend entorcemtnt „f such Iron rn,
<br />i gal ~prrn-reatngs ~+~h+ch rspsrau to prevrst the cat r•rumene ,:t she :':_+. .., t-,ne:.a:tc :,t the €'raprrty ant ;.ar, !heratt.
<br />'d, t~lafri s`~~- Rsarrawsr sisaii loop rir r:[t;rr.,.rmrnrs n;,w *r s:c[ms „r r+trtst [rr crec red .,n the Yrnpertv rosured
<br />agauwt lass by titr, tta:Z3rds s_n!a= wrthen six term "ezttnde.:.c.se: a~.e _>~ts ::!her harardn as l ender „-.ac Pequrre
<br />amt rn s-rash amaxsrau aruf t.v ,,.~±, -,....,d. ~. t ..,a»..
<br />such :.. svcraae esers,d chat amaunt nt covtfattr ,eyr,:rN t.; pay the u,ms ,.;...rr;i h rh,v 41n«gagr~V
<br />:`€a emu!-ance cu !tar isr{t [he rnsuranr;s sash h- .hnacn ny n.ur:swer .ntr,e.t t. approval h. [ enJC•, vrdad.
<br />that suite approval shstt noe t,c ,artrsyastahi5 wrthtreW. mil prcmenms :'n rasa: asn:e t>•tirs:rra .hall he putd :n the manner
<br />prmxfrd under paragraph ~ haeot ar. =t trot paid !r, sta;R manrxr. by fkrrrr+er mrM:ng payrnem. when due, drrectty ro the
<br />usauram-s carrm.
<br />.~H tts`urarKt pUfh.aes sad rsnrwata E."Itrert shat} lm a :arm ...~eptente ra t crater .utd sn:+il :nclndc ., .randsnl mungagr
<br />clxusc m [aunt M and rn term ac:-eptabHe i.a Fender l srulce .lt.l1 Naas the r;aht r<, .,aid dse lx,Wrcrrs ..n.1 rencwei, thereof.
<br />anti Bisrrowtr sit:li promptly catenate W l.eadtr act ;tnewai ntt:tes an..t ail rrae:pts ash paid premiums fn rase ,:sent „! Irrss.
<br />&arrowsr shad srs'r prompt rto[scs so rtes rusurxm,e earner arxf Lensser i coder n,as cosec prrKu ,ri r,rsn !! nett mode pmrnpns
<br />by Borrower
<br />L=stkra i_itlskr stsd Bonasrer uthtrwut agree :n wrumg.:nsv:amc prottcds shad tfs applrod t;, ;rstureuun „r rrparr ;,t
<br />Ilse fkopertY datnagtd, pruvaded ssa:h rt. turateon or rcparr :+ .,one;mts.ads !casetsie end rtes u'cur;t ni rh;v 41:« gage :,
<br />cwt rtx•eby snspa:rsd. It iULh restotxtson ur repau rs not a snam¢ahp rrasehlr . a the sca:rns ,rt rtns •furtg:rgc said
<br />bs ,mmr_rsd, e+rt ,a,E.ararne prvrxeLs alsati bt applxd t,.....ssunss s.....rttd " Eh;sr4f.trtaage .. ~s.:css. ri aryµ i:a:d
<br />to &x nswrtr if Skirt Property rs aoanJ.,trcat hs Raxn,w ar ,~r ;; Hsir row or Lui, ,n rninmd r~, 1 rrrdcr w~rthre 4u duce tram tlsr
<br />data: rtots.'e ;s mauic.i kn l..nxftr r,! Burrower that the ;nauranc:e ~. errtrr ,;tisn :,+ settles .ran*, t.tr :,r.uranec rrnettts. 1 ender
<br />u! autttae,tssi to ~vilt;.t -vsd a~sis- tht =.rsvraus:s yrsscrsda .:t i e.e.rzr : ,rpu~:r: erthrt !o ttsio[a:n:n .~: ~~¢pvr .rE tf;c Proper=1
<br />or re sire :aan sa'*urrd rN, rhos !ftxrgage
<br />l~nisxs txr atxi Burrerwtr ,xfwrsvix .yprx ,n w:rierp, arts sus lr appir. atrnn ,,; proe.s-ids rr - s:rp.si ,hall r:,•t e.renil
<br />err postpone the duo dais et [tit rraattttxty inaWttrunts referrdf fu u: paragraphx i .rod . hereof yr strange the amount ,+i
<br />auctt rnsudi[aeakx. It unPlrr paragraph 1g beraat the Property rs acyu,rrd bs Lrmlcr. a41 rrrtht. true and u,terest at Borrower
<br />[n and to ats+ tnsuerstsv-s pu:letta acrd m xml to t}te prcxmta th¢rsot rrxwhng tram datnsge to !kit Prorxrty fin„r to the ,alt
<br />:~ .. ~- ~ :-. ,--5~ t ~~ -s T.. ::},s -s;.°a ~..~ir.=rt ' . ~.-. - f.:..,xage . ,.cu:a, : . r .. , ..n .,.re ..
<br />a&~+ei~tLa7n.
<br />i. 3'asservadw aosl 'itaintearoct ~ Pro}ertr: tewrtaaida; (' Plaasred talc tfevsbpmsrus. Horrcwet
<br />stsaii coop rhr Ptcxpsrty in *utd ry>aar aaad staalt neat aunmit waste .u pcrrnv rmparrt~m ur ,leetrtarartt)n of the Property
<br />ahd shit ~rtn[rly write the prawn of auy leas it tuts ai{ortgaytx ss „n a !<axcho!d !; r#u, No«~gc w on a mat :r. ,
<br />a'vadCantnnxa ar a plaasnrd oral zBZ+etopttatm. $nrrnw~Bt shall pari'vrm all at Bo[nawcr 5 nnhgau.,ns under rtes declarar:,,n
<br />ar e:oveaamu ,.rvattssg r,r rfsrasrmtsg ttst curuhtmrrtum ur planned ,:rat drvt{optrtent. ,rk by-taws and rcguiatran. „i the
<br />a-~axp6pat ~ Sgsd u, cies~xs'rpmera, ~d csirtatetrtna.~t soa~tm~nas !i .r .orrt;crmmtum r:r p>anrrttf ~:n,f ,irrrl„prncne
<br />- ;«..=,n. - R= rs;~.. ; -.- e~a~;c, - . ,. rants ..nd egrsemcn[, , , ,.:vas :airr
<br />abdl t,,s. tra:.sxpuraud torn uxi shalt amend a:sd svppttmemattter:viceuants ansi~agrtements .tt rhrs Afcn tangs es :( trx ::der
<br />wave a plot taJeasaf-
<br />7 P/aaas[Asu eE !..eaters 3< €t Borrowm tarts t<, ptrfnrm tht :awenrnts and apt t~meuts -..rntaucsd :, uus
<br />»artgtaj~. xu B atsY a€tma k prk>rasg rs <;rtwsnsrstazsr uhxts uaatertaily a#cirt, imams oxrsrrst sr rtK Propene
<br />trss,'iudrar~. trtet rws? tufatesd trz, rm+tyasst tkteaaHr. awtlv~y, .cede cnforL:enxtn:, a arrxnatrexna +x praxes ftrnys ~.trna
<br />taaeskrtspt Nr decrdetzt, ,~ I ca3x€!si at S_eadet's optxxa. upon ncurcx r:> &xr:vwrr, may re,aas s,x~ts apy+ear-an -es. ,Ir.hursr ,uch
<br />vt~tra ate r r as:fx=9 as p ~tiessarv ts± praatsst ttmfrr. ntca _ ',;a}tog. ',. •sot ismu<'zt ~,: ds.hursaner,: : r
<br />rs~ n_si.:.ra v`s tae. i+~ Burp ;er. p; Win'." .:.~K :^.aer°.. Sp t r.^vE` rfi. ,rr,:. ,.., rtGsis ,.,s,..r-,..v .,. ,
<br />trxadrrt~A er( nsairlag tIIC tk'aa3t rai:YB>#1 ~^ liga MnrtgagC. Btwrl~'tr titaalt pay [:tr PPemINStT!'reaj,nt'hf (.> mantas ~, wash
<br />"s.?'s ixs s'~~"t' f~'ii tieSaS "tea iti [~! ronW'~a4+N f9r EUVFr trrarV3r3~E rgra!?tsN.re` attittrdaftc-£ ^.t :Ih Rs)fnw-£r s .+..v
<br />