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~~ ~-~~ _, <br />'~ i~(1 J t ! <br />3: 'tYse morgattar ro.awnr sad agree t(tat if he ahaR tai! to pry said isdehledaer or say part thtaeef whs <br />+ter. or rkaEl fail w ptrfarm any coreaaru or agrees~st of tlsit iaatrameet a the praunirory note seeeted !tetchy. the <br />a~R§r isdebecdseaa hereby secured shall imerediarty 6eseeee dtw payable sad eolkctible wiifinet satire, N tlfe <br />e+fliw of the tnorgtnRee er aaeipu. teFatdlesa at ntaturitr, saw Lire teertitagee or hie aesipaa.tttay bedare aai after retry <br />rrAt grid paaperty witbom appniaemextt ithe mongafCer hang waited and aasigaed to the tnonsagea art right of <br />eaaaatiarmeat t : - - <br />s ~ at jadicirl sale pa:sttaat to the prorisiaas of 2d U.$_f_ 2Q0t ! a 1 : ar <br />f R } st the optioa d the ssart6ageq either by rtaeiiw or by aotiatrtioa of sealed ~'~[er tie and <br />tax hid eaetplyin~ wit! the serer d tads anal axeaur of payment spaeiietl is tie pnbGr6ei aerilr e(raLs, itrt <br />gritty, feor wedu' notice d t~ time, terms, said place of stteh tie, by adoertitemeet sot Leo tins sore <br />deriaR each of said fear weei<a in a aawapaper pabliheef or distribatad is tit rotary is which raid property <br />is +itrred, elf stlter notice being tteretty wure~ by tie tttaetattgor f and said mast;e6na. or aey pewee oa <br />ttaiait of said aortgagea taay bid witb the ttapeid eridesnd fry said ttme). Said nab ahrii ib <br />Geld r err ere the pawpe:ty r fu .rid of at sir Federal, ew.:,. or «ty aoaethoatt ter thrr caxety is «hiah tie <br />prayertyr iaeateei. The mortaagtx is Itewby. amhoriaed m ere vte tar std on behalf of the mrtaayar eetd to <br />ddlres r tiE pte~tarr a7 suck sate a auf eisai caoreyanee at acid prvperiy. «hieb cmrayaree mail eneuis <br />tttdtatt m to the lappaaing of the dedani aped which the eaecstiaat of tie patter of safe betas greeted <br />tlepem6„ and rho es~ mairtgagar hereby eoastitutea and appuiau the saaatgaip[e ~ asy serer or ^esrety of lie <br />taert, sbe agm and atttareay its feet at said mm~ttgagr to make aaie6 trriuL aed to etreete rid <br />caeeeymr seal 6esaip aaeteastt ad sgeed that dtr recita4 w made slat! 6e e.•deetsai to her rR egtdty or <br />rttk! of rethxeptioa, bomettead, downy, sad all other exemptiotr o[ the: mortgagor, al! of which are hereby <br />espreskx waited aed cesrtved to the martgageae: err <br />!sole take any other appropriate artioa paraaant tw sate or Federal eu[nte either in state nr Federal <br />eaon or otherwise foe ttte 8ispositim of the prapeny. <br />is the crest of a sale as hetrinabare prarided. the ~R+aar er env peraoo in poaa!arion under ttte mortgagor shall <br />ties brc~tae and be tresses haMing ores sad shall forthwith deliver porerirn to ehr patehaser as aueit axle or 6s <br />sameoarilr diapasressed, it a~rordanre with ttte proviaiom of law appiirabk to tenants holdini over. The power <br />sad a{irtrec hereby panted are roop}ed wish an intreed sad are irrerocabk by death err otherwise, sad are Granted <br />r enmalatire to the raaeediea tnr coi4etiaa of acid iodebtedaeaa prmided br lat. <br />i. 7ba preaesdr ~ any aerie of said peapeety in aecerdaeae with the peeeedleg paragapia shaft bt app6isd frost <br />r pay der eery atad esptnaaee at rid rata, tlr anpass irenrreed !h the rortytpee far tie parpae of protaxtiag or maim <br />lriaiar ~:aa! property, std reaseaabk attarerr+ fees; secoridlr. to par the iadebtedeea. necnrrd hereby: sad thirdly, <br />r pro say aarplut ere career m tie parrete or peraaata ir;affv entitled thereto. <br />x. to akt e+rse ear prapasty sa asks at • padserat teraetarete .tk err parwast u t!x power of rLr ltereierbsre <br />etas. ~# ~ p are net sae rr pry tiro teas} ~ .reared by ski. m.traatest and e+ta}tereed by <br />told peomaatry errs the airrtRreae will ba aetitied to • aleieiseer pxdgtttat tar the amoeet d tie de+6rieney taifAsett <br />~~' <br />a to the eras! the aourtgagur faits to pay env Federal, .ate. err local tra aarmsment, income tax or otter ter: lien, <br />ebtrge, foe, .u other .sprees cbrrged rgamu the prnpeny, the nwntCagee is hereby authonud ax hit option w par <br />rite sagas. Any attms at paid br the eptttRagee stall Ew added m and became a pan of the principal amount of the <br />~dtlYdaaas eridaeetd b7 raid true, mbjeet to Liu same terns and raaditiona. [f the enortgsaor shalt pay and <br />dirdtarAr ibe isdebtedaeaa erideaceal br +aid pratnawtry note, aad shall psv each wtess and shall dieettaraa all taxer <br />aei Bear sad the ca+es, face, sad expeawa of makiar, enfotciaa, and exeruuae this taorlttrge, rhea thi. ta..rtgage <br />sirr/i M caaealed and sunmadeetd. <br />T. Tbt aareeaer bere;r eaaxained stall bind sad dte beamfw aml adraotaaea shall inure to the eespeeti.e rac- <br />+rrrat aatd at des prrtirr iraeas. lpbeoerer urad, doe siagdar numbtr +4aii irelyde tbs pLani, tbs phwat tlrr <br />rieRttirr, ant ti.eraf say ireitr rrR ieeleit rY eptd•r. <br />rc 'in~ ` +n"er of ary es+etetax taerein r of the obtlgatiea aaa+uaad irreiy matt at my time thereafter be irid <br />m~ lea r x_ e4 ttu iasa~ae 6r~€ or at t'~o seta saeaatr$ It€e+~k°r. <br />1r to saapiLeae wilh aaesiaa fgt, 3 € d } ai dte Rs4r seed RaYeiatitr d the Stern Bttsirs AdmieialsaRaae [t3 <br />CJ.~. tf}t1(d} j, this iea4>t•erat d to lee escorted and eadar:ed in aecardaem will appliaa6Je Ftdaral Iaw. <br />!~' 'a f+t~mrf ~' ssdex, st i bsf.BeR any ptorisire or partioe of chi. iartraaatttt invalid or aw <br />~araMYe shoi3 rtat is Gan wsy em@air w preefede tie ewheaasewe ad t!r reersiag paa~rrsiritr M partitaa of <br />eY1t lsrtrusrws. <br />son rs.r r::.s-ear .P~ a .. . <br />