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<br />L T6raeet~rcer~sa~rrrtrgwsaatta~wss <br />s. Se trill pemptlg pap tie i;-de6terhrr enridaaeed hf add pensionary oo0e << the iiaer and is the <br />sts>un titeadr paovidat <br />k Ne will pug a8 roan, nrarsaw, water eaten, and abet gsverasmW or smir3pa! ~+ fios, ar <br />ispankirta, ter etdtinh ptre-ittiaa hs tart bas sails herttiabdae, aril will ptaooptig tieHvar the o~eial trtedpu <br />thr>t!x s the acid <br />r. Ne will pay each sxpdures and tea as may 6e inearred is the prateelion and maintenance of raid <br />preprrty, including the fern of nay attorney smployed by the eortgagee foe rho collection of arty or al! of <br />the iadebtedaer Itasrrby aeeured, or for foteriowre by rnortga(tee'e rak, or court proceedings, or in any other <br />litigation rw proceeding aiierting acid prmniad. Attaraerr' fees reseoaably ineamd in arty other way abn12 6e <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. Far heMrr recnriA of the iadwbtedaear hetvby scented, upon the requea[ d the mortgagee, iU aao <br />mraara or aaaiptna, hr droll rxeeatr. arui delirrr a auppkemental rnertgagc or mortgagd corering nay additioaa, <br />improvernen4, rsr bettermrrrts made to the propertv hereinabdve d~eribed :nil all property aeyaired by <br />it after the date henrsf fail is torso satistartorv ao rrtortgatesr 1- Ftuihermore, ahoald tnortgaior to care <br />try defstnt itt rhr paymert of a prior or iufrrior enrumbranee on the property described by tbu-inatrttrneat. <br />mortgagor hereby agtrra y~to_ ~permi! mortgagee Yo cure such default, but mortgagee is not abligatsd io do so; <br />.nil sorb advatates shall oOR'ome pare of the indrhtedneaa secured by this instrument, subject to tht nurse <br />terms attd eanditierts. <br />e. 'CFtr. righu rreatrd fiv this ronvrvanre shall remain in full force and effect during any paatpnnemmt <br />or eueruion u( tlm time of pagment of the indrbtednena evidenced 6v said promissory note or any part thereof <br />aeettred herehv. <br />j. fle will eoatintwusk' maintain hasard insurance, n[ Hoch n~pr or repro and in such amounts as the <br />tmrrtgagse mar irom urge to time require r.n rhr imymvrmenia uow or herrsftrr nn acid property, and <br />wit! {say prosptly wizen doe nay premiums therefor. All inaarance shall be carried in compaaiea aoseptable <br />m nail dsa pnii~ sad rtxneesak thcrvaf aitall 6e Mld by mortgatgee attd base attached ihreta <br />e a; :!~~s ®fsv~ of and :a ! axepts63e •_c Lhe Yo.-~. t.:, -;mot ^f 1~. mszt~rgtr win 8 <br />iomaaiiaa nation is writitog to saergagew cad mort+p49oe may make proof of for if nm made prosptly bg <br />ttanetyoAor, nail aaeh iaweasoe company eonxraed i s hereby anthotiaed sad directed to make pagmem for welt <br />font ditarsly fe t isaie~rd of to mortgages sad mortgagee jrriatly, and the iawteaera proeeerbn, or nag <br />ter 'erg ~ egplic4 bg ~ r it opiisa aith~v err the sciuNiea of eha irtdehtedisesa brtt~y <br />ataanrwd or ire the radar of repair of the property dam.gad or dsauo}ed. Ia evrmt ut fanxlowm of thu <br />u at$sr [trader of uric t;. said property is eztinguisltmaai of the iatieoiednaaa aerated hereby, alt <br />rigki, tgtrs. ~ iaterast.rd tba ~ rg sad to any urtuaa~ palias than ra force sht8 par to i~ <br />puerhawr or martgagre .u, at the option of the mortgagee, may be surrendered for a mtuad. <br />g. flc xif( keep all baih#iops aad rather improvements on Hold property in gorsd repair sad amdititw; <br />wiD permit, romm;:, ur nuHer oo waste, impatrmcut, detcriontion of said property ur anv part thereof; <br />in !Ir event of failure of thn mangagor to keep the brrilrlings rm said prsmisw and [hoar. ertxzed oa said <br />prratieea, oe intproverttetrts thrreaa, in good repair, the morttagee may make ouch repairs r in its dircretioa it <br />may rkrm tteavxsary (or the proper pevaerration thereof: and the full amount of each and every melt paym®t <br />chaff he irranrdiateiv dtte nerd payable and shall be scented by the lien of this mortgaEe. <br />b. fie will rant voluntarily create or permit to be crsated against the pmpertr subject to this mortgage <br />nay lies or Bert, ~ferioi w_ sttptuior to the lien trf this mortgage without rhr writtsr. ronseat of tlse mort- <br />gager!!: owl further, Ire wit) krrp and maintain the name fret frown the claim of all persoru +applying labor or <br />rnstariak. for reastnsrtioa n( anv and aU buildings w improvrmenta now Ixrng erected or to Fsr erected an <br />said prrmitset.. <br />i, He wil! not errs[ or assign any part ref thx teat r>{ said mortgageil property or dsmoliah, or remove, <br />or satatantially altar any handing without the written carseent of the mortgagee. <br />j. All awards of tiasytra in ceaAtutiaa with aer roadesaatitw for public [tae of or iu jury to nay of the <br />prapertr sabjssct €e thin mortgage ors hstmbs arigned atad shalt ha paid to mortgagee, who mtr apply the <br />antra Ls pas~arat o! the iaasta font duo wades said Hots, asri :aortgagas is hereby aathartsd, is the <br />naaac of the mortgagor, ra exerute sad deliver valid aeyuittanees tfiersof and to appeal irom any such award. <br />+6, Thu tnottgagee shall have the right to itupert rhr rsmrtgaged premiser at any reaaenable time <br />a. irafaafe w asy rsi tins cavenuia er oasaliriaa. of this iastrumeat or ref the notes tK loan agtremeni sentee+l <br />healer abtdi kta°mrrtahe the mostgagtare right io poasesaian, use, end eojovmrart of the property, a6 the option of the <br />tttM'1Jpygna or his aasytas tit being agreed that rhr mortgagor shalt have ruck right until default). Itport anv sorb <br />t~li~atttfts the nwrtgapse +hall hsrrvar thn owner of all .af the rrrtza and protitr eecrtring aGrr de(avit as arrunty <br />Fir dN indehiadar~. saenrral barrlnr, with the right to ester spun wid property for the purpaae of roliecting carte <br />[nano anti proftra. Thu its .Jtal! operant a as as at nay rentak de property to that extent. <br />