~;~-.... !l C~ S r ~ 1
<br />Ixader's written agrcemeRt a app}icable law. Harotatr shall pay the amoum of a8 mortgage ittstttance ptxmiuma in *M
<br />mam-+er pt'ovidcd u.-uier paaagraph 2 hereof.
<br />Aay attsattnts distwrstd try Lender pursuant to thin paragraph 7, with interest thereat. shall btcotne ariditianai
<br />inddxedttras of $orrowtr secreted by this Mortgage. tlatess Borrower and [.ender agree to Driest ierets of payment, such
<br />amettttia shalt M payafdt upon twelve from [.,order to Borrower rmueuing payment thereof. amt shall bear interest from rJte
<br />date of ~abmamattrt a9 the me pxyaMe from time to time oa tamstatttBng prittcipil under tIx Note tmtess paytttent of
<br />intarest at such rote wrarki M contrary to applicable law, in which everts such amounts shall Fear interest at the highest rate
<br />permiadbk under applicable law. Naffing cottnirted in this paratgraph 7 altall require Lender to incur any eapetee or take
<br />arty action hereunder.
<br />6. t-ender may main rn cause to be made reuooaWe entries upon and inapecliorta aF the Property, provided
<br />that 5 seeder shalt give Harrower naive prior to any such inspectism yxcifying reaxsrtabk cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />fn[e[taf IR the laroperty.
<br />~. Coa&otaatMa- Tht prr+c~ds of any award ar claim for damages. direct or cortsequential, in connection with any
<br />condetrtnation ar other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or fw conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are Ixr~y aaagtrcd
<br />and shall tae paid En f,etttkr.
<br />In the event of a trnar taking rat the Property. the proceeds shall M applied to the strtns severed by thin Mortgage.
<br />with the euesa, i( any, pard to Bwrawer. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />ethnwise agree in writing. there shall i>t applied ro the stems smtred by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that prrspnninn whic?t the amatant of the rums secured by this Mortgage immediatety prior to the date of
<br />:sting bean to tM fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />r_ std to Ifarowcr.
<br />Ft the Property is ahando+sed by Bcrrowtr. or if. afar notice by lxnder to tic+rrc+wer thu the condemrtor oRers iR make
<br />an award •~r settle a clam for damages, Bnrrerwer fails to rtspcrrai to Cettder within 34 days after the Batt such naive is
<br />mailed- fsrukr is atnharirnl to milect and apph' the preceeda, at Lender's option. either to rearoretion or repair of the
<br />Property or so the sums smusd by thn Martgags•
<br />i,'nttss i.c.•xier and Harrower oMerwtse agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall na extend
<br />or p, s!panz the dart dart ~+t the mnmhis instaPlmenis referred to in pnragraphs i and 2 hereof or changt the amount of
<br />star :nataliments.
<br />ig. Berroetr Nis Rekmd. Eatenaion of the trme for payment <rr modification of amortization of ;he sums secured
<br />by thrs Atartgage granted by Leetsicr to any eu zevcaar m interest of harrower shall na apente fa reksse. in any manner.
<br />the iiabilirv of the cmiginal Borrower and Borrower'c svccesvan in interest. tender vhall not he required to commence
<br />pro-ctdiRgs aganKSt sus:h stu:stsaar .~r rzfuse to extend ttmz tnr pa ~rtem or otherwise modify amortization nE the soma
<br />ststrred by this Mrrtgage by rzaxorr of any demand made by the origmai Borrower and Borrower's succesuws in interest.
<br />lt. Fnr4earaee by [radar ."'let a Wdvtr. Any forbearance by Lender in tsercismg any right ar rcrr:tdy hereunder. or
<br />altxrvvtse atYordsd by appticahk raw, shsif rant he a waiver +rf or ptectude the exercise of am• such right er remedy.
<br />The prasvrcraent r>( insurara:r ar the paytnent of taxes or ,ether liens nr charges by Lender shall not t,e a waiver of Leodtrs
<br />right to aCrtkrate ttu muurity of [he ,ndehtedntss soured by this Mortgage.
<br />i2 i3toaedks faaoattadse. Art rcmedtrs pro.rded rn this Martgagc arc :tistinct and cumulative to any other right nr
<br />rtmtdy under rho Mnngagt r,r atfardtd by !aw or ruuin~. and :nos l+c exercrsrd consurrrntly, mGependently or zucsessivefy.
<br />t "!_ 5stte9eta ataA A.idgin 6at>xd: Jalmt std 9eveesd l.iak~y: f:aftk:. The ,:uvsnants and agrztrtscnts herein
<br />Camanrft! Snail "qnd_ anfl sett nQt[a neTeutrr~r +haii ell u, ihC :y;ilSCi l.:c a..~.c.. .a; :inns ~ f 1.2n~£r »^.d Har.'r+W!T
<br />subttx'i to the plnyrsranY •~f paragraph !'" herea{ •ttlrcovtaants and agrcemcnty .~i Burtnwzr shall he tome and several.
<br />The :.aptian ansi hta+irnRs 3f [ht paragraphs ai !his Mvngagz are for ,nnventetxt <+niv ,,nd arc not to he used ra
<br />rote; prtt nr define tfti prnrsq+ns hzrea+f.
<br />tit, NlfftlfE. gaiet:Ft ti+r dAT R[:i tt tCµ:nrsYi uiS(kf #p{+itCahlC t~~' ;c; hC 5nvpn ~n intitliiP minntt, ia1 sly rtOtiCt to
<br />~r ..rrt~w~r ,^.rfiv!:itd ra::n ;nn Nceregattr shall Em ire'rn hY maifinst vvcfa nnvsr by .crntled mail addresxd to Borrower at
<br />rt!^ prs>t~rty `!iL!r^= ~- at s;:ch :ehtr ~.idress as &xr~wer may dcsrgna:r by rmicz to Lertdtr as pn>vidrd hcreir•. and
<br />fb+ a t,•r~+ ;h~[I err h., ..x;.:.t ,,,a.l. .. rrs:e:N ! z....~. , s~drtss srs:ed to
<br />s,M'h Mirinw nddr.sr :u i~rttder may ~dc±Igmte .hr nattce tn+Borrowtr ar prnnded hereto. „~4nv natter provided for ^in ,this
<br />Rfvr~gage shah %x deeanto io ha+c fixer, trvtn :n fiexrerwer +rr fi udder when g+s~rn in the manner drvignated heroin.
<br />!3. L'aYrsttw Mortgots; C;everoisgt t,aw; Severabiky. -1'hts krrm of menFage cnmhiRte onrform covenants for national
<br />vas amt rn,xr-unr£arm tz,xenants with limited vsnanoxu by iunvdretarn to conaUnnc a antfomr sexunfv iusiturnznt covering
<br />real propens Thn Mortgage shalt hr tn, ,yrrrrtd by the law :,t the lunxdra:tmn .n which the Property iv fixated. In the
<br />event !hat any txuvtaam or .asuse .rf this Mertgagt nr the !wait conflicts with applicable law. such rnnfiici shall nut atTect
<br />when !~rostxtons ;>< this Mortgage «r ttsc Voh• whuh pan he green effect without the conflicting pnrvixion, next to this
<br />ernJ the provnivts of +hc \feftgage and tM V xc are dectart~ to f±e vtvtrable
<br />14 itarvwers Cady. Barnvwcr shalll t±t turnrvhtd a ::onfutmed copy ,>f the VMe and cl this Mnrigage at the tiros
<br />of rxea:vtian rtt after recordation hems!.
<br />f7. Ttsraafer et the Prvsgatty; Aworptlaa. It all of anv part of the Properir tx an rntzrest therein is said nr tramterred
<br />by Borrower wetia:.nt [_cndu's .^. rot wrstttn consent, cauuding ±ai t!x creation of a litn ar rncumbram;t subordinatt to
<br />thts Merigage. rb: tits c2aticm ,,f a purchase money vesurity interest ter househaid appliarvces. ?e} a transfer by devise.
<br />+-scr.<._.:.t ~::r by : rata; :~! ,.... n t ry :;tall; .:£ .: ;.xm: terart or .,,> thz grsm +:f anY Itasthald imtrrst o tttret years ur less
<br />rare a:ntainsRg,xn optlru, h, pun.haaz. [.ender rosy. at Ixnder"< upusm, declare all the sums stt:urcd t+y !his Mortgage to ht
<br />irratsri,atelc due .Ind ; a}atrlr i ender chap hs.r waived weh ,ryvrrn tlr aa:ekrate rf. prior to the salt or transttr, l.endtr
<br />aesi t?ss r~:rwn t., whs;,m ihr Property Is to he said ..r transferred reach :sytecnttni rn :++ratrng :hat the credit of such person
<br />ss sa[isfactory ?~+ t.zndet and that the rotacst pa}ahk ,N, the scm'., stcurad by ihi-s Mortgage shall 6c at such rats as Ixndtr
<br />sha.i rzgsaai tf . order has waived the ++pifnn to aceritntr prrnrdzd .n thn paragraph 1?, arwl it Barrowzr's wcseaux rn
<br />ittttrrx has raecuttd a wr+tttm aawtnprwn agrertrtent accepted in wrivrtg try tender, [.ender shall release Borrower lrom s71
<br />asbiigntom under rhss Mertgaga and the Hart.
<br />tf l.zndar ~xercisas such u{rttan to asctkratr., tender +hall mat} Harnwrer nsxttee of .nstkrahnn m assordartce wtth
<br />:.=s~rsp _ = R=. -_` ~._t _ _ - __c.`ra'-.t a };c~,z~ s: -~M ttss t"a:, 7 claf. tram the 3a:e the nnicj is nrafltd within
<br />whw~ ~n:•~u zrtay p.a~, t~ -uma dacisrel Guz f Borra,scr fsds +c pay such coins prior to the rxpiratirm of vetch pert r!1,
<br />l.xsrskr may. wtthuut rurthtt nrx,ce :*r ~kzmaml :+n'fM?rrower, ~.nvakc any rcmrdtes perm,tttxl by paragraph ! g hereof.
<br />!~~.-i?±.ta•xura f'os??>Y.k rs. Hstrs+wtr gnat tender further casenasar acrd agtrr as tcNknes ~.
<br />tg. ,tcedarttfuar, Retaedks. M'ssrttl tts pwsMind !at pttraFa~i i 7 Aesaaf, r7+a HassawePn faraarh of soy cenMist ar
<br />agneaaau t6 Betrrarer ~ Nis *Aastttrtgt. incfstd~ the rnseatsrd fo pay wbq doe soy satoa sasarad M tbk ;Norte.
<br />4aatee p#as 4s ~ akd4 otoi aaHee m loero+rar as prariried lea posagsaPb t4 btaed aPeeYy6tg; (tl Hm fsegarht
<br />r#>~~- -- ___
<br />F .wow ]i ~a f
<br />by reYlcb sasA krgacfi roost 4e eater anti IJ)xtbot Fagast to ewe asttk bextat- asn ar ttofere the dale aPacNed is the nMtee
<br />aasg eaaait a as~rskrNioa et tbg arssst aecrtM bS tMia Maeyytge. ttist)wora by i~ l+rnt'sediag noel oak of Ike Ptopeny.
<br />'!fie aotks akdl foetus kstatn ltarrsrwer d tba rjRkt a salasetaU aEW arrtlaraHtw sM the rtgYg to arose ks ttx fxugeMtsors
<br />i++a'waait dsa ow+attaaorr al a ddaarit as +wy star dataass of Don'ewsr to atts3tratlmt rtl fararktwae. If eke btrarA
<br />Y tsar rasgd na as bafatr teen daga spaesiiM to the notion, taxstlsr q l.eadtu's option nasty derket aq of Me stntr tttceaW 6y
<br />f48; lrbatlplHa 6a 6r £-; M noel PMYd+is wlNsatK lttrlftss dearad W tray fararWe by jYirisl psos~er Yog• lraMr
<br />sigX tan aotkAad sa es~4aet w saaeA pewssrikg aY ealsrr ad faradaree, + rigs oat 13aWad ts, cam ad doroaleaewy'
<br />asgdeaw, aMrelraer and tYia ryax'r.
<br />tA, Wtnrwafis to Rwel>•te.. Votwitisatrrxting i.xrder~c au:ctetatwan ssf the srrmv s~urtd by rMa Mrvrigage.
<br />- --' F, =--'s ~- ~ _ ~- .y I`-r- ~ +e: h` _. s - . - :t .isn it^rty ~ ,iiss+rt,usttti at any ;rns<.
<br />