Utttt=aatsf CAVExxtrra. Ba'rower and Lender ,wvatan[ and agree as folkrws; ~V~. `J t v J (t7
<br />L. lhgaw! d frehseipd anti StrlatsM. Bortow'er shall ptvmptly pap when due tM principal of attd inures[ on the
<br />fndebtadoe>s evidenced b3' the Nate, prepayment end lau charges as prorided in ttu Nota, and the principal of and in4tat
<br />tm uty Perture Advanesa sacve8 try this Mongsge.
<br />?.. lresi far Tus aad ktsrae. ~tbject to app)icabtc law tar to a written wsiver hY Lertdttr. Borrower shall pay
<br />to I.emkr on thr das• mrmthiy ftWaitmenls of prftxipat and itttereat are paystbk under t[se Ntxe, urrti! the Note is paid[ in f+d1,
<br />a stmt (ttttrein `"Funds'? equal to anetweif`.h of the yearly rues rigid asaasmath which troy attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage. and grated testis oa the P:npttriy, if any, phtc true-twretfth of Yearly prueium iastaNmrnti fa hoard iruurance,
<br />ptm otssewdfrP+ of yeaAy premium ituWimdtta f+x ttuxtgage iraurwse, if atty. ad as reasombty estimated irtRially and from
<br />time to rjrry,e try Lender on the basis of aspsgttents std bilo and rsamtsabk dtirnaea thereof.
<br />".he Ftutds shill 6t 6eid in as institution the daposfb cu accamb of w!+ielr ue irtstttad or gaarantxd Fry a Fedtxd or
<br />state agtrxy f incttding Lander if I.tnder is such an it»Eitution), lsrdtr wail apply the Funds to pay tall tun, ataaamenb,
<br />irgpvatsce premiums std ground rants. f.aatur may trot charge for se irniding and applying the Ftrads, attalytiog said aeeemtt.
<br />ar verifying and carnpilfng said astveamrnta and 6f1h. unless I.®de~ pays Borrawsr fateteri oa the Ftmda and applia5le taw
<br />permits Letrder to [[rake such a clstvge. Borroacr aM Lender tray agree in writing at the brae of eaecution of rho
<br />Mortgage that imernt on fhe Fund shall 6e pad to Bonnwer, ahd [[[[less salt tsgrtxsoeat o made or appliaMe taw
<br />tnquira such inttrst to tx paid, Lendm shall not bt rrquired to pay 8orrowar any inures[ or esraings oo the Ftmrh. Letader
<br />shall glue to Hnrtowa, mttarwt charge, an annual nceoumiag of the Furls showing cridiU std debits m the Foods and the
<br />purposr for w-htch aad[ ddatt to the Futds wet rook. ltte Furth arc pledged as additional eewtity far the sums scatted
<br />by this Martgagc.
<br />ff the aatarmt :,f she Feccas htrbi h'i Lendss. togs'u`rer with :ba funtrc moathty i:sst:lltsxats of Fonda payable prsor to
<br />tits drat leas of taxes. xssessmrnu. itsttrartcc prrnaimts xrrd grtwad rents. shelf txcted the amount required to pay said taut.
<br />araseasmenu. vasttrauu premiums and ground rents ns they Pali dtse, such eztxss shall tx. at Borrower's option, eitltm
<br />promptly t~eiraid to ikamawer or credited co &vrosrer va rriorv[hty rmtalttttarn of Ftrrrds. If the arnotmt of the Fuada
<br />6e9ti 3sy fsmkr shil9 na be sutRoent to pay tuts. asatsmrettts, imura.=au premiums and gmuad rtms as they faB due,
<br />Bart>oartr shat? pay to Lsrvkr any amount nacnsan• to make up the deficierxy within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lander m Borrower requeaursg payrttenr thereof.
<br />Upon pavtrxm in full nt all stems secured by this Mongage. t.ader shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held 1'y L.trttter. If order paragraph f g htreoi the Property is sold ar the Propery is txherwiu acquired by Letdsr. Letttkr
<br />ahaB apptY, na lour rtmn imrnedutciy ptwr to the .ale of the Proprsty or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds trtdd by
<br />Lamter a the tirrg e.f uppfiartitm as a :rsdit against the sums stew-ed by this Mortgage.
<br />3. A}pihatioa of P'spsssad. Unkcs appltcattk law provtdas otherwise. a41 pavtrtents rtt~eived by I.tnder under :he
<br />Neu attd paragraphs ! and ~ ttrteaf shall P,e appitcd 6y Lentkr fiat :n paytrsem of amtwna payable to Lerrdsr by Bnrrowtr
<br />uadtr patagtapn ? trtnrof, tGett to rrsternt payable on the tiote. than ro tfx principal of the Nott, and then to inures[ aad
<br />pnttctpil art arty F+rttm Advattr.ea.
<br />•. C i6er` Burrower shall pay all tuxes. asxssments and other charges, fines and imposiuurs attnbutable Io
<br />at.o ,~r:,.,R}• which racy anaiet a pnurity over [tits Mortgage. acrd feasete;dd payrnenex or gmutd rents, if any, in the manner
<br />pruvrdtd ,tndtr paragraph 2 titres! or. ~f na pod to such manna. by Nnrrowtr making payment. when dcre. directly to the
<br />payee tl~ren7. tis~rawtr shaft promptly [uratsh tv Lander a!1 euttcea ul arrtaunts doe under tMs paragrapL, std in [tit evaat
<br />Bortuwer sftaii moles irayrtrcnt directly, iiortawer .halt pmmpsty furnrxh to Lender rtcefpts evrdenerttg such paymtota.
<br />Barraxaar shaft prtmrpitp utsrnargt say Iran worth has prumty over trot horgage: provtsied.:hat Cwrn+wtr sbxii tan be
<br />rsquntd to aracharge anY such Ifen w i:arg as &>rrt»ver shall egret m wntmg m the payrtxm of the obligation secured by
<br />xx°.h lien ~n a manner atrnptahie rn Lender. or shed! in gtxd faith <orttest such lien hy, or defend enforcement of such Ilea in,
<br />isgurj prrxetdtrr8. wiucfs „pirate to prevtar the entnrcat:ant ut the ittn or fntfatvure +,{ [ire Prt+pertY az anY part roam!.
<br />~. i>~md iaaarasss< iiormwtr shat) keep tut tmprmerrnnta now exrsttrtg or hcrcatisr €recrod or. the Property uvurcd
<br />atlbiur„t !~~ tty tfrc.:^-tvarto prelatfed wnhta the term "ectcrrded rvvrrnge- . and askh ,+ttxr t:arzrds nz l.cndtr mxy rea;uut
<br />a>Ll +?! r.ea~h ~mun?atx „ed f.it ~_ uric v. I,.n.re•r may rpTu!tE: i ayrL ;, !flat !t_e._Iwr +ha!f !N+! :~!.Ef€ thy[ the ~ma!,nr al
<br />u<7n .. overage exctaf chat amount of sovsrngt rcyurrsd iu paY the +urtrv v aced by rhrx Mnngagc
<br />', at :~taratrce ~arr~r pravuiiceg e'rs rrisurrrnvx shall he ch;rsen trv Borrower >ubtsct vo approval by i.tniser: pravtdad,
<br />the: welt approve) >hali oat 9t uvrtasurrafrly wuhheW. All prcmrums un inwrartct prifictm shill he paid m the manner
<br />provtdtd un+ur pat agrsph ~ [[seas ur, ,f :rot paid m such mtmtter, fw Bnrrowtr making payment, when due, d: rccgy to the
<br />iosuratsa carrxr.
<br />Alf imurancs pohtrts arW renswafs rtxttuf shah Fee m inrrrt xcceptxblc ro Lender and sftail inchuia :. +tandxrd mortgage
<br />c)arue to laver -d' aced to form xcesptatrk tv Lerafer. 1_trakr +ha5f have the ngM rn MrW ttx policies a,sd renewals thereof.
<br />and Borrs>wat sha11 promptly ttutaa4 tv Lander nil retiewat twttces and aft rtxxrpts of pail prcmrunu. 1n the event of toss,
<br />Borrower sifxif gave prompt ttcxtce w flu ttaurutu-t canter and i,.ender. 1,grider may make prrnct of has tt nut made pmmptl)
<br />by Borrower,
<br />Untarrs Ltndd- aad Boreowtr atherwrst agrsa to wnung. rnsvrurte pn.,ceeds shall he npplted to reswrxttrnt ,•r tepee of
<br />the Prapttry dunaged, pravrrbd such rr-tvrauon or repair re ccarMatta:aitY fcautNe acrd the scv.unty ,rf 1Ms Mot [gage n
<br />ttrrt therrtby itapavted. tf sta.h Itsiarxtntn ar rtp+ur n Hell rconotnri.afl) trasrMe ut ;t rho sm:uruy ~d inn Martgnge would
<br />~ !xnna:rtd, the tt»~~rtub.:c pr:r,;ttds sltatl be app!ie:! to aht st;$tu ser.ursd try tf:;s Mdngagt, uh !fx ex+x~, tf .^.>, paid
<br />la Bar nwrar. If tM lsn,ptnv n atrattdontd by Btu rower, or it Borrwrwer ix,is io itapond to ixrwtr walhrn }0 days irwn the
<br />laic noteuc ,s mntfad *± f.snder to [sorrower that the uaurant~ carnet otiets to settle a clntm for mstunuct ncoetits, I.atdtr
<br />u xuttr<•rrxsxl tv ~v!lnt.t and apply the arwtuatuc tuutxedt at Lcrulet a oprtor. rather to resiurarsaa .,, repot ;+t the Protxnv
<br />or to tlt€ sums stxured np this Murtgagu-
<br />Uetstss ?.[rater aad f3anuwer otherwise agree :n wr,stny, any such applkatratt .,t prstieeds tv pt,ac.:pxi ,hail cwt estcatd
<br />or pttstptax the dot dart of the trrrmthly ittatailmems referral to ua paragraphs 1 atuf ~ lreraut or cturtge the uewum of
<br />aitth ussudfnssnis. li ustttfe pstagrrpta I g Iretw+f the Propany a acywred try [.eadtr, art nght, utk and marts[ ul Hnrnwer
<br />its alai to wry rttsutarxe palates ud in arM to the prucetaL theroa! ruuluug from dunage vo the Pn+pany puns to the talc
<br />--,r,_--:u=° ~_: ; t>r 1,-: `l, ifs ~3i„t .-t .'~ _utra ;uz=rt~f :n. th!3 :Aartgag;< <~t' aiefq ;=te.:- ==rah Wit= ..,
<br />r~ it~Y.~r:.
<br />to lssaar+atlae +usi air~tW.te ut Pragstsyt l.eaasAaidk t:tstNaiWaFurwt Piamwd liwY i)esaLsgtraewta. tiormwcr
<br />dfadi kt~ tier Property in gtxai repair aad chard rt[a crrtnntit want; or psrmtt ,rnpairmant <n detwwruttm of the Pntpert)
<br />,tnd sitaif .;otxrpiy u'tth the ptavtarsSfrS of any Ices[ rf this blur-tgagz ~s oa a teas~aboid. If [tits !sfortgage ,s :, [trot En
<br />tundomiwum <x a ytantrrd roan cuvaiapmant, Brtrrvwtr shnit ptrtann xlt .:,f Brn~rowtr s attfegatitsns wider the declaration
<br />or cvvtnants creating or gavarniag the erutt)orntnsttm or piuartttl unit devcfaprnent, ttw bY-4ws wet regulutMO ,ef the
<br />cmiaium :x edamisd Brad dtveluptawot, .uxl :vttuitueul doc:wttenes. it a cwtdomenitmt or pfnnmd :xat .ftvrh~nttar+i
<br />- = - -.eicr .... -- ,>FV.~aa~. - E.-_ --' __- ngr-v«~R..-. - .- r, -
<br />srtatf fst :nwrpuruaf ,nto .end shall artsuttd wW supplr:tmrnt tba cvvs:ttnnts and ngrsvrrtwtu ui this Marrgtsgt xa .~ ;its trdet
<br />vsrts s part Ltsraxd.
<br />7, Mswseciias a:R Lttaierh :+autrHry. If Fianc+wsr [suit n, ptrtnrm the cavcturtu nrtd ngreesntnts .timtwrnd :n rho
<br />b1w'tYaB*+, us S airy a.tuxt ca Wrr!ii a ~maxtratcr-:i which maiertatly nflr -ts F,tnrdsr's :ntere3i m [fit Ps..ptrty.
<br />iresinki[tf{; hrrt tun Limitrsd err, nvttttrxru rhtaain. itssrrtvera:y, Ludt tnfatctasent, c+t nt rangtnttnW a:v pnxredusgs :.tvofvurg x
<br />bttshaapf i<"r ttettxiaatt. rltca f.syaki ar L,easbar's optasn, upon nau€r to Baxrower, may make tucly apPeararstn, d,sts+trae xvc,h
<br />..~.,. :.ud tale= =~.h asd.WU as .s eratsssssy vo prt'a~t Lar~r's ,rcereat.. ;t;r;ted:nft, but r!># i+mtfsd tc, .iasRutseuatnt ,,,
<br />__ _____-may-s r as ~ rk. Prr!y r~ ._._.Te :=Pyn. ,f !_:u+at rettuftrd :..:,.r8a. rts:iro -:_ x
<br />xoattiitara •.rs` rsakurg [tae itswt [scored r,-t}• area Mor'tgngs, Fiprrrtwes strafl pay the prat [nmu. tequ+rni to tnaudatn so.h
<br />vart~ is ~°s :writ vrtrit crms as t`.ie epgtwetaoist nor sows utcuarscs reran+oarts :.: a~as~errr wtrh fNtrn+woiv and
<br />