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~'Q... ()(i~ X34 <br />Lendcr'x written agrecrnsnt or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage inswa»ce prcmwms in fine <br />manner provided under puagrapfi 2 tureoB. <br />Any anuxmts disburxsd by Lender pursstaM to this paragraph 7, with [mecca thereon. shall become additional <br />iask[?tsd~as of Borrower aecurcd 6y this Mortgage. Unless Borrower end 1_rnder agree to aher tetras of paymem, such <br />ae_~xnts xhalf be payable upprs rtotiee from ixnder td BtNMWer requauing payment thereof. and shalt !tear iateresi from the <br />doff of disbrrrxesmast at tAe rak payaf+k from lilac to tiros on mltstanding principal [lode[ the Note s.•nlass payment of <br />interest at such rats woatd 6e comrary to applicable taw, in which evert[ arch amounts shag bqr interest at the highest rote <br />permissible wldcr applicable law, NotAirlg corttaiasd in tlsia paragraph 7 slat! regnirc Lender to incur aay eaptutse or take <br />:u1y xtion hereunder. <br />6. faspettiea. Lender may make or castle to fk marls rcasnuatde entries upon and inspectieseu of the Property, provided <br />that l..etsder shaol.l..g~i~v~e.B~orrower notice prior to any such ixapection specifyissg teasombte cause therefor ttlaled to"t.ender's <br />interExt in :.R •wr"••=F. , <br />E. Caslfeastuffoa. The protenda of aay award or claims (ar damages. direct or coluequmtial, in cotsrsactfan wfth any <br />randetrttution nr other taking of the Propnny, or pan thersed. a far conveyance in lieu of corldemnatias, are hereby a~i6ned <br />and zAatt bt paid to Lslsder. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the prctcecds shall [re appiitat to Ibe strma this Mortgage. <br />with the cs~ccss. if arty. peed to 1Sorrr?wer. In the event of a paniat taking of the Property, tmfess Borrower acrd Lender <br />otter. wise agree to writing, tfierc sfiail be applied to the seems s~urcd by this Mortgage xucb ptoportlon of else ptswe~ <br />as is tgstaf ro that prr?pr?nion wtrich the :[mount of the xurts< secured by tnis Mongage imrneduPoty prior to [fie tilsfe of <br />taking bra rs to the fa+r market valere of the Property immediatciy prior to the date of taking, with the. batartce of the-proctads <br />paw iss t3.-rrrow~r. - <br />If the Property is ahandssncd by Borrower, or it, after ntxicc by f..etyder to Borrower that [fie cnndemrsor offen~. to imke <br />:tn award rsr still: a ctarm far damages, Borrower talk to rcspnn$ o t.tadsr within 3D days aher the date ouch notitt is <br />mailed. l.crtdsr is authorirsd to collect and appfy the proeeeda. at tender's option. either to rssWration ur repair of the <br />Prnprny +sr ro the sums secured by this Mnngage,. <br />t.'nlesw C..cndar and Borrower ttlfterwist agree in writing. any such application of prctceedz to principal €hali not extend <br />+?r pns[pont the doe Sale :+f the mnmhiv installments r<ferred to in paragraphs I and '? hereof or change the amount of <br />xa:b insta36mentx. <br />40. Borrower Va Rtkaatd. F,xtensron of the time for payment nr mt?dtflcmion of amortization of the sums fiecurcd <br />t+y this Ma?[[gage gramtd by Lender t~ any xuccexsr?r +n iistersst of Borrower chaff not operate to rckaxe. in any manner, <br />fine Lshdiry of the ~,rigmai 8arrnwer and Bnrrttwer's suecessnrs in interest- i.ender shall not t+e required to commentt <br />pr ksedings against wch siticessnr nr rcfux to esisnd rime tar payment nr :+thsrwise modify amortization ni the sums <br />se.urrd Fn• chic Mnrtgagt Sy reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrnwcr's zteccexsorx in interest. <br />1 i. Forbearaece by trader \'rN a s'Yalvtr. A:+g ,ronc~arancc by lender in c<ercising env right nr remedy hereunder, or <br />nihtrwixe aRordtd by appticatrit 'aw.:haft nM ht a wawzr of ar preclude the exercise of any such right or reme$y <br />Tix procurement rf insurance ++r the ;ravmenr of !axes ar other term nr r har,~,es by t ender shall not he a waiver of Lender s <br />right u. xttcferatz tar maiurtiv ;:f :t?t rndehttdness tccurcd by th„ Mnngagt <br />1:. Reaaedks CoeroletHe. All renred+es pn,rrded m the: \f ortgage art Distinct aril cumulative to any other right or <br />remcuti unairr :n.s hicrteaRe w.-.en ny !aw ,?r coup>- .+nrt may rx crsrst tsrnrurrentiu. rndc(rendentiy or snccessirdy. <br />t3. Sarrrrsara and .\adams Gtaaf: Ioiat ated ;Revere! i.fabiiitr;s Q'aptiont. The .owrnants and ngrcementz herein <br />rata+r+rst wheel hr ,,::D tf:e :rht: hereunder she(! Inure in. !hr, rc:vptet~v~c sac cessa+rv earl a.srgns nt i.endcr and 8nrtower, <br />suhiac! :o !tic pre vrsn,rss .,r paragraph 17 hereof Aft envenanrs anal agmments of Barrnwer shall he I,,in1 and several. <br />-fPts u.+pu.nnx ar.d t?ca+nngs .,f ihr paragraphs of [hie Mortgage mr (.n' ..nnvenlrrnro on h' .+nd are not ern rte mad to <br />:rer,rrprrr .>F ttefine +t+t 1=rnv,sirms hvrrnf <br />1#. ."lrbtftc. Ps.cp^.' €or ary nmxcc required nndtr apf,ii., a+sie iaw to fill given .n an4tther manrrtr. fat any no:ice is <br />Iir;frl:wr .,. rrfcd .n + is Marrgagc shad ire ~lr n hp ma+irng .urn tnt+ue h? t:<rl'.itee! ma!t :+ddresscd l0 8nrmwer at <br />tiwr 1''raperNw +4ddr<ss ,,r at s tcA mIh<r aDdrras as E3rrrrt;rvs~er may Dtw:!lroaxe by naiee to Lender ax provided herein, and <br />!i,. wr.: Y f t:t - i r•xy,- x t*z r,,srn by ..rr,+hcxi ns~ar~ 'et .rsr-* n:s°z,pt raquesrcd. to 1 <ndtr`s address stated herein rsr to <br />-:;eh z[:er aa'~ mss a . eaSSr ° - .;e:e§nxt, Ff - ice tr, B,.rr,,.e-rr a- pre.. rdr-d hrrern Aar- nonce ~rcn-rded irtr m finis <br />M,+rtgagt shxit tx Jeemrd !:, have~hzen {even to 8orrnwer ~u 1 e!ulzr whzn g+vcn in the manner Jesigr.atsd herein. <br />t5. [!nrgoaer Mortg~r, (ioverrsiag faw: SeverabBtty. IT?h form of man a r cnmhirres uniform c <br />6 g ovaa`ifeis iw natinna! <br />uxs and assn-uniform corcnanrs ~w~nh limrtcd vuratmns ny tuncdmunn to cnnsnuxc a r:mfnrm stcuriW inetMment covering <br />era! prrpe::. This '<f. n{age shah tx governed by !hc iaw of the ;ufiut,ci+nn r .which foe in the <br />event that :wv pnwrxren or clause .+t !Ms Mortgage er the !:ate conflicts wuh applicable law curb :nnflic[ ,hail not offer[ <br />rntsrr txor nicsrrr. ,. ;hw Morr{age ~.,r the 'J oh• srh+ch s ht grve e8ect withnW nc~ crnurc ring prm•isurn_ and to this <br />auf the nr. s,snvrs .: ax Nor!gagr ,nd the WN< arc DeclareD to t*crrss, cable <br />Ie. inrrow<r`s+!'apy. Born;wer shah he frnn++hrD ., saniorrnrD y , of the Note .end of [tees Mortgage ut the Line <br />of tsccWirm nr alter rrc nrdasksn hereof <br />t7, Trawler of list Ptepeay; Aanmptian. if all ,v any pare of tfw Pn?pcrty er an ~nterrr! thtrcm is said or rransfrrrcd <br />by FAir; w,. .r+ihs+::! I.emtrr's pror unnrn .Doer n!. cxdudmg ta! the .rta!n?n nt .+ irrr• r,r znnrmnranec nD>•ttdmate m <br />rttir Mnrt{a{t, IhI the .real con ,. mhaxc money x,::rus +rtarrst :,: Nrrnrsen::lsl appt+, ., .;,frr ^v Jrri;r, <br />dt~;s°,n ur by oprureon of l„a ulxm !hc death .+f .~ ., nn r <br />I r-ndrr u?ay. at t cndtr , .+pnnn. Ar.!arc ..I. •hc ,ums ,_~ulrD by !hs Mnrfpagt to ht <br />+r5ttneJ:ntri} due -uxi txYah!r .ndtr enroll !race a r.eD ,. npur•r•.:• .+., ;air :I pn:•r ..~ the =a.i !caner er. f rnJrr <br />anal ttx p<r.val •„ uoxa the Pn+pera i, !n M sox.; nr !rnrrsfc:'raJ rrxh agrrrmcn! ~ ~nirng 'hat tt+e ,, ran .. ,e.n prnon <br />:. vaustai!.~r, t., 1 +;rd ,h,~e :he +etcrr,! pas able .gin +ne =,. red hs in ~ 4f on gage ,halt he .v r` rch rare :=tender <br />slsaq royuest It !ender has warveD the opxuar to x:rla x!e pros r.lcd +; ;rho ; aragnph ? ~ .utd d 8nrrnwcr's ,ucnxsn: :. <br />+n[erest has esnuted a wntten xssu:n,++!a'n a{rretnznt xscepted rn wnbng by t ender. t coda si,ali release 8or+.,wrr imm ail <br />otsttgatusns unc#cr Inns Murrgage xnd rbe \txs. <br />,.:>£;<~;;- sorer.-- _sh ry,: .,- -. r„ .aic+ -. iS,. ,,...:a zit ., .,, ,+ .rdh <br /> :~t !~ ,..,t lt.... :,+t,rr -h-,.. r.JC !ter,+Yt . ! .,.. ~i a,+ , .. n .. . ,.. .,~I+, ~.. ~, r+ued ~I h+n <br />whrth Ar rtowu nws r,x) 't,t •+ .}r,,-., ~., Jere 8or sw.r Iau, ,.~ ..m, r.. ,.:., r• +s ,. pnatu+n „i ,u.h p.~_„d. <br />Ixt?dex maf~, wohsn;t fuRhcr n,,usr , r =Irmand gar ~Horn,wrr- : r uz . unrdrer ix•r m-ur.t r + paragraph 1: !:oral <br />wo?t_l`^:troasa t use.a-'tits h,•::.=wrr a+W i crater further ., ,s. .r+r- ..nD ekrc.~ as !„iinwc <br />t& 4rrelrraGow: Rtmedies. Estcpt as provided in parugrepb 17 ~btreoi, upon Sorrnwei s breach of any cosenant n <br />Isglrtaeew of fSerr+mter is tM'w llon{aEr. iarhtl}ug test rareaanss ex pa: wfrrr doe say srrnw aeaa<ed b) tbds 4forr{fsrger <br />f,-~~ p:;~: ~ _ _- - .,, p.o.rdco -.. pr..iFr:p: -__ epR:fp:r.{; rii _ -_t... <br />t3> tit acl}o® rreeiref Io ease ewri breach: 13t a dpe, wel tern Iiae 311 days from Iter dq: fb< notice is nro8td to Borrower= <br />i} s<pki sorA brcaai mast 4 rsrrtfi oaf 1#t tip failww Ia rata swi bra-ask w w before tbt doh xperiiad in the notit< <br />faap rrxsdt is as eeWtsthw of lie wins sectusd Ay /frts M.ntplae, tnrariaaare br jafM•ial Isrurttdityt earl sale sd the Prttpart7. <br />'less waficr rrM11t !artier iwfwas fkvrsawer of /tY rich[ M nriwafale after asageratfosl smt the tight to aunt hl toe forxhaore <br />pntr:sediwg for saw-esittwct rd • defards w say rslMr deftaac of t3wra+ar fo aearferstioa fnreetnaun. ff the breach <br />i wu ctrrad oa w ftadan leer dose aprsiMd M Ibe uotics. i.estfer N l.taMi • ®ptien teas dm~im aN of tba woe xtruref by <br />fds Mwr~ -~ 6r [w i~<#i Rees end pa}aMe +ritflarN f~atliss dsarewd aef mew Po<rriaze iy ludtt~ Pssseteffng. 1 ceder <br />airaY be tatk!ted rw ceYert is sash pnuetfArg aM tapeerea d ferec[w.wrt, ~= bat nos 4iwlked to. ntsxsa of drxussr<nrors <br />avWwre, aisfearts aed [tell trperrts. <br />t4, $arrssvear`i ~itit to f{aiasiatt. '+:rnvrt3 .ausiar+g tewi~tr ~. a<ctisrat k+n .,t r. =..r.r. . .,.red h .r.. '~f.,rtrae. <br />A+rurz.ww sn.,t Hera !ice r~ai '•a ,wrr am pnrreslrrrH- r€guw ny t rnske +~ ._,,,, .c_ n„ hta=++gaq,r . ,.inn. m, s-dr .+. r. <br />