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~Q~='flQ"i734 <br />Un[FOasr CovazrAVrs. Borrwvc attd l.aWer c4venaat and agree u fo6ows- <br />t. fsywsM ~ lrina^lttr ~ tatetest. Borrower shall P'""~PdY Pay when Jtte the ptmripa! of cad interest on tiF <br />itxkbtethteu evidenced by dte Note, prepayttuut and las charges as provided m the Nom, attd the pritreipai of oral intrrzst <br />an any Fmure Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />A Poatb tar Taaas and hwr~ee. Snbjtxt to appikahte Law m ro a writka waiver bq L.mdec. 8ortvsaer shall pay <br />to Lender an the day ttmnth#y itutallmenLS of pt^:ttcipal and interest are paYa6le tutdra the No[e. ttttail ehe Nos is paid let full, <br />a ram fttercin "Ftmda'7 equal to otte-twelfth of the y:arly taxes and axstastetenis which may strain priorit7 over tins <br />Marigage, and ground rtnta on ttte Property, if any. phis otte-twelfth of yearly ptemitmt iaNallettents far hazard ioattrrme, <br />phn osu-twrJfdt of yearly premium ingaiitnettn for mtaYgtye imuran!x, it any. all as teannably est6oased tttitiatly and fetmr <br />time in tutu h}' Letrosr on the traaa of ntaetameots and bilk and reastmabk rstirrtuest [hereof. <br />11te Fonds shall be^ bald in an ttutitution the deposits or accounts of which arc insured a gtmratrteed by a Federal ~ <br />stau agency rinduding Lender rf Lender is stash an institution!- Leader sha#1 apply the Ftmda to P:Y said_iases. arswntaas, <br />tttauraace pttmitttm ate gotmd rtxtts. Linder may twt charge for so holding sad app#y#ng the Foada, aaalyiiag said a!xantt, <br />or verifying and sbrnpi{ing said aacssmenb utd fulls, unless Ltartdv pays Borrower inteees[ ~ the Fuat& acct spptiaMe hw <br />permits Lender to rm(te such a charge. Borrower and Leader may ogee in writing at the ume of atrowtimt of his <br />Mortgage thst interest un tilt FtttMa sAWI 6e paid ro Borrower. Btd ut[less such agetrmetu fs made ar aPP#k+#+h Tarr <br />regnira sv.:h imt:test to Pre paid, Lender ehaG na #tt rrgwred ro {ay Borrower an}• inteta[ or aan[itgp on the Fuodt. [.coder <br />shalt give to Burrower, withom charge, an atmual attounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Ftmm and the <br />purpose for whsh each debit to [he Funds was made. The Funds att pkdgtsi as additional security tar the sums scarred <br />by this Mortgage. <br />if tfiae atnonnt of rite Fturds babel by Lender, togeehei with the fmtue monthly irtualimeMs of Ftuuk papabte prior to <br />the due. dates of taxrn, aascasrtreutx, ntsautartte prrrnirutts and geoond meta, shall excxd the amauat rt:qu#red to pay rind taxes, <br />aaagWrlatiA rmuraacc ptamiuats and gerund rams u shay fa#q due, such excess shall 6c, at. Br#rowar's aptio0. dt6er <br />prtxnptly repaid ro Borrower or credited to Borrower on month#y !natatlmants of Fttttds. If the aotLUrtrt at the F7taM <br />held by Lender she## tto[ be stt ro pay taxes, asaeaenlYats, msuraetce prantums and gthtdtad rents as they fall due. <br />Bnrrewr'ef shall pay tp h.Ynder an. amtntnr rseasasary to ma#uY up the a#¢}y~,^trrtcy within :SO dnys from the data notice is mailed <br />ray Lrtlder to Borrower teyeresttng paynxnx thercot, <br />fipoa pa5~mcut m full of a#1 sums sec uttt# h}. rhrs Mortgage. I,caJer shelf promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />hold by 1,a:rWer, I! under Paragraph Ig htrcot tt[r Prnperzy !s era#d ear !h¢ Property !s otherwise acqutr¢d by [.alder. Lrndw <br />shall apply, nxr Later tttnn unracdiat¢iy pr€pr uy rite sale of the Props:rt}~~ tx tin acquivnon ter Cruder. any Fonda Fte#d by <br />Loader at the hmY of appiffati~ as a credit against the cams secured try rhrs Mortgage. <br />3. Ap*Yratios d tiyewata. tinkas app#icsblt tow provtdea ath¢rw isY. all payments received by Lender tender the <br />Nate attd paragraphs ! amf 2 herYat shalt 6e applted by Lender first m Pay rnent of amounts payable to i.ender by Bortower <br />under paragraph Z hereof, then to mtct'nt paxnt:le pn the Noit. then to thz prncipat et rh¢ Nora and then to intereu and <br />pntxxpil eft atty Parrot Advuaxs. <br />a. Chas;er; Lkw. Borrower ,hall pay a{! taaes. ns\rs.mcntx :nd oshrr chorea., tines tnd rmpueiuuns atrnhu[aMe iv <br />the Propert}• whsle may anatn a pnority ever rhrs Mongagr, and !Yaanalti naymrnn .,r ground rents, if any, m the mentor <br />pmvsJed under paragraph 2 harrxN vt, rt nut paid :n such mann<r, n+ &rrnrwer makutg payment, when Jue. Jirecdy to the <br />psgss ttsYxYUi. isam;v>wYt _".; ptanpttp rwm.n tv t.enJer ai{ rrsruvrs nt amounts uttc under tuts paragraph, and m the event <br />h3sro€nrwe[ shall make paytn¢nt dustily. Bormwrr ahail .^,±umprty 7un±!>:h u, #sttdYr rtrripts evtdrn::rng ss~h paymestts, <br />h#xrowcr shat[ potmptfy stisclsargc arty tart wtrn'tr has cr3.unty .avrsx this M,rrtgagc. {,rovW¢J. ,her Borrower shall pot hY <br />rrqusrtd to Jascharge say sttc:h irAn w hnsg as Berrowsr snort agree in ,+~rrtasg ro the paymYtet ..t !h¢ !,hhgatir,n stcund br' <br />ssa;h uen ~.o a rtNUr!ewY accepwble ~;v L.attakr. ar shat! :n g<>u1 forth ,~s,nru~,t „C~n I.w_n hk. or .S¢1'et:.i rnt:rrcrntrr!t ,rf ,sasA Lien m. <br />9Yga: pro\ra~•.rr~ w}t!ch elevate !u prevent rhr cnturctttxm tat !!wn ;tun ,rr #ortcrturc :n :ne Preptr.v :,. .+nv part thereof. <br />x- Qtrgrd tt+saraace. B.n+•,+ser ~+na#! R3Yp rt!e .;n°;4•+~rnst +t* nr:w 1~=:sEir.g _ r `?en~lttci •_r:-.ic= :,n cur Pt:,w:ets• :nsure$ <br />a~a!n+! ills,. wi• hut. h~a,+.atd,+:n~pu3rs: •Gnhrn •na !r~~rm -tatetW<5 a..,va^.rag• anJ so.h ,.thYr hazards :tx I..cutkr may reytnre <br />a.~, ;n suck aniss•anr[ era .+r stswh ?rrst+~els .., # ynri¢r r=say rvy:r!re. ,trrts~:dar=1, :!rat ! err .•: :hx#; :+.:: r urea that tnY ama.un: v. <br />each ..cawmraas ¢rc~cad Shat~amuunt .»f - .wage rcyurrtd ru pay n?r :um. +c_:, re\1 h+ ! .s Mor:{4arfe\A4 <br />The uatuattc¢ .uttYr prer[dt.^.g ::x .asuraa4c ahatl he .huseu hs B,.rn,w-er ,nbrec~t r, approval by Len<kr-. pro,ldCd. <br />thu s.r.h approve{ +#taii nw be ,utrnsunably wnhtx{d. All prcmtutns .,n invsuarsre (x>Ih`!es +ha#1 he patJ .!z the mantset <br />prtsvtstM urpkr puagraph Z tteratt ar..t Mn p»:d rn cKh ma»rtYr. trt &:rrvwrr maitng payment, when Juc..irrt~tly to the <br />tifaafanaY Carr16. <br />A13 inaurtrtce ptytctes atxi renewals rherr,,t stroll h¢ m Ivmr acxpt:hte !o I rn.trr .mJ .hall ~. n\hrJe ., .tandani mortgage <br />ciausY :n favor at and :n form accYptank !t+ Lender. Lender +tra!i hoer mr nght t~~ h.+id !hc p.,lkrrs and ;rnewah thercol. <br />aad Bnrr~.w°¢r snail praettpr}y turnrsn n+ Lemfcr ail renewal rwu~e. an.[ .t!t recetprs ,ri paW Prenr+um, in !hr rent of fax.. <br />Borrower shat: pve prompt :tvttce :!, the rnsutance :arr!rr and !.color i rndrr mat make pr++,+! ,^; !,ws n n.•r roddr pre+rnptl+. <br />nY &srvwar - <br />Utntees Ltrtder am! Borrower otfurwrsr agree m wntutg, rn_+auan.r pnxecds shall tx applied try ee+u=ratutn or rtpau' ,+t <br />t#tr Ptvperty <irtmaged, pa,rtJrJ such rcswrauon ur rrt*an ,s e+:arrn+mu:•[h !easable~ .SnJ !hr era urns vt rh:s Mvrtgagr .~ <br />not thereby ualwte.t. #! ouch mstvrauvn ar repot as not c rnwmtcaily rras!h!r o n the .~mm of !mx Mortgage would <br />Ete rnapatred. tb¢ msuraasY prvcYeds +#taH he applied n, rncssunts sca:urcd h, !htxr Mortgage, ., .!h rhr rs;e+s, rt .rn\. paW <br />do Be-r,,,wc€ i1' the Pn•prrr•, a abettdnncwt t+v kkn n:wer . r .t &,nv+wer !.u!x n, rr+pmd +,~ 1 c:Jcr wnh±n }U {av, tram !hc <br />date nsnur n nrufYJ h+ Las\ier to Bvrttrw¢r !hat rhr msurancr ;arncr "!fro a..¢rtle ., -'. m Pt•r ~n>urancr htnefif,, 1 ender <br />~ s-~ata~-+tm: s::~ _<ai?e.:t attJ ap{Ry thY rn»urarwe pxv.:er:as at t c:ture s .,Fn:,m rnhcr t., rtsu,raaon „r repa!r ,tt the Prnprrr~ <br />:x to fine ewers vacura! r+., thu MartgagY <br />l~o!ia>a Lestder sad Fbrxvwrr .etherwtse agree ,t ~wrn_ng, any s.rch appla.auvn .•t praxeYJs !o pa rnx:rpai .halt nut rvterW <br />.st puur-nsrae the dtte Jatr of the netxuhh mstalimems te[errYd tv in paragraphs 1 anJ ~ her¢+!t yr :hang¢ the amount of <br />aaa:A =eixtalkoents II urWet paragraph ib hereof the P*uprrty ,s acyuu¢d by #,enJrr. al! eight, rule anJ +ntcttst ;,t liarr.rwer <br />u: otter fv np: ,eau:su.e pa#a~xs sad rn atW to thY Prncr.Yt#s ih¢raU1 rYSUIlsng !n,m JamaE to nc~ Property m,or n. tha• .ate <br />.a a-sttssa,:tv.a avail pa>~* .a Leader :._• tut Yucnt .=f [he +unty xtiured ny !hrs ytortgagr i:n:rtttitatct\ ptrur ;, +uch +,slc er <br />ac;•uas+txm, <br />a. lYarrt+stYoe rod 1aveaptct ut Prapsr[y; t.rasehaid~ t'asdaeeiwiaaae: !honed L'tW Fhvelupmrots. 1#orrowcr <br />art:td itsp rhr Prsgatrty to gasd repau and sM## rwt <~a+mmtt wools ur ptrmu !mpaumru: ur deteriartauun of tt€t Prop¢t•n <br />and sn,ati ;:empty w-rttt rte: prai[a~~m SJ my leave rt tuts Mst:tgagc „ on a iea:ehviJ it rhrs ^yortgage :+ m a <br /><undaoanwas ;a a p#arrard unu dave{oprtseat, &,m+wer sna0 prdorm al! of Barn~wcr s ~rh6garron> umter the Jraiarauun <br />or aovsauda crcattty yr g+tsYrmny, the cvtsdva!m!urtt ur plannrJ and drvtlupnsrnt, the trv-laws arW rcgulatMtn. of the <br />rataaarartuntwtt s p#t!anatj unit Cueve;upgtept. attd :omtilcratu .#ocuntrnrs It a candammtum .+r P{annrJ „m! ,te.zi.+nrnent <br />['a#ts tv rax:utnd cry ttarnwa~ arnt ttKartMd n,gather watt !has M.rtgagY, the :OVrtanLe and agreements of such rrJrr <br />abaft be rtr~wrpurWted [sus air! ahail amertrl atW wupp#ernetu the csssatants atW agtxatmenti et rhrs Morgagt av +i the n,tcr <br />warn a Par[ hereof. <br />Y, Msartlra xt Lastdae"s tiasaapp. lE Burr rwar tarp, ar partsxm thY .ovmatu.. auJ agreements ,~+n[an,cJ :n !hr, <br />fdsxtgapt, ire d say as;itaq su prrxeadsng, :s commamxJ w#mh rnadY:tatty adeits IcndYr~s ,nt¢rYVt an tn¢ Pnapenv. <br />rr ,`vs~~, lest t+vt btuxta3 to. Ymtttsutt dosrum, uuaiverrey- unk cnk*rcamrtu. , , ana.~tgYmtnb or prtti •edmgs voinng a <br />trrakrVpt ~ s#Orr: Y"IIMd, tjtart ].Crtdr&f at j;6G1a~4 0pi3i+n, rtptnt ItII[N:II trt jlgt tc',w Cr, ni;li mekY xlfin .Yt=1ti'.:it Ln<L.+.:1 r5tWrw.' ,lra!~. <br />ta[aws are[ dace sut.°h ar:ttjaa as is ratras+san to protect Leridet`s aNCr43t, :rrchtdttry[, but pot !tnutM tc\. dtstwtstmcof ~ ! <br />C azt+arkb€Yb tern atki entry u}wn tt# Prstpcrty to maze €epaus. #[ L.rtst#Yr myutrsd now rgagY !Snuran.r an <br />4var.3x,<tes vt toattag [fat k ttsE•+uttst she rhrs !ntruyt~e, h€rxa-=-' sna## ps} ''.-9e ?restr:; •,r, r€yu=reef €. ;r.:tara.,n -~....; <br />dyrttaa:.r in eRrta:# lintel vruft tarot av she r'=17rtr±m4ad ter atati_h :n_+,.sra~e r.t rrr;•7*atev .s, ...~±; 3zs :.x _ !t $r,: r+,urr~~. a,... <br />