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<br />3. `Tire teretPRor eeraeanta and akreea dear if 6e she!! Sail to par wid indebtednes as any pare ttrtaef whop <br />doe, ar aba!! fait to perferwt any eovrnaM ar ageemena of tMa iaetre»teat or the promiwory ante seenred~herei'y, tie <br />~rla'arr indeiaednees hereby scoured shall iwmediateiy became dae, parable, and collectible witboat ^atiee. at fix <br />'~w• o€ the mortttaper or asai€;aa, reyaerdleae of maturity, aver! tie enortgafee er hit aasiltna trtay before er afxr entry <br />tl~ acrid psopaty without appraiaensesi Ithe mortlta~or 6aein{t wairx!r!{-atwi aasipted to the etso~ee alt ri~ltfs of <br />~wli; <br />It) at judiayal srk patwant to tie prorisiwtsof tS8 U.S.f..:ABI I•): m <br />{ n) at the optiaa d fire maeeP6w. eitlsar iy aactien ar by saiicitatioa of aeslad 6ida. for lheii~isR and <br />hart bid oastplyies wits the toter of eels tad mao>.er d payment apeti6ed as tie ptrLiiaLad ootiea a[ rak, fhat <br />pries [am weeb' notice of flee Uaae, revere, and platro of such rle. by adrertieeaxnt aw Ieaa that orete <br />dnrieg each ~ said [Derr weeks ie a aatnpsper pttblieleesi or dutribnled in tie coaety ie wiie6 add ptepertT <br />is atnaeted. air whet notiae beitt6 !tetchy welted by the mortsesttt teed acid maR6adee, w uy ptetran m <br />belrs& ~ etid ~E+fp*+. toy bid with the anpaid ittdebte~aw cvidetatrd by acid taaMS). Sadd aaie ahan tr <br />txM apt «~ ao tlta ptnperty m be sold or w file Federal, counq, or city caorehoare !or flee eoteaq in whirl tie <br />pcepsety i. 3atstcsi. ~ mett~ee u hereby asrthatiaad to -~:- for aatd au behaY ad thw ttssat;aesr surd to <br />ek#iaatr t+er the pgxtitaaee rt ssldt rk a sa®kiena coereyanee of acid property. which caeveyaaeoa scan wntaio <br />tarittda as W tie bappeaiaa of the eidaalt apoa wititde tits c:enntEaa of t!r poaser of arcs lttsefm s~ <br />dept: and that sn~ asorepftor hereby rsaatitutes uxi appbieta the mort~a;tse ,x any astmt or attsraey d fir <br />saartaa~s~, tiro and attorney is fatx ad said atortsasnr to make aruth raeitaL aced to er.eeate add <br />aarroyrtars and~~ beniby otwetlatsts ared asrens Bart alas ateitals ao aaade shrlf 6e efatRnal W her an equity or <br />rigit of tedemptian, hasmsraesd, dewae send art wlte+r aaemptiow~ oS the mnrtRasor, an oS while axe hereby <br />cxprmdy waited aad aarRoertai is doe mart{,raea; +sr <br />I alt) take any other approprirte action pnranaot to state or Fedara! auhte eider in sate or Frdent <br />r+twrt or athrnrbe for the diapasitian of the property. <br />is Use event .af a uk as hereirtabore ptorid:ti, the tanrisatter ar any person in possession under the enartpttor shall <br />ttxu 6aepee and be teaaau ttatdina once and aball forthwith deliver psaarisiwt to the pnrehasrr at ateeit oak or ba <br />srusmarilr xliapnpeesed, in areardaeee wish the prorisiarss .~f law appiirabk to tenants hotdior over. The power <br />and ascent hereby etraated are coupled with as itrterert awd arc irtrrocabk by death or otherwiac. and are Rnoted <br />r canwtlatlre r of '~::~. fee tr<rlieetian d raid itsde.~edtaxs provided br Isw <br />!. 'Site parrersuMa d say seta sd srid property to aeeaxtiattec with the peaotatias paretsraplr slat! be rpp8ed fart <br />as pay rite teats used at~nnean aJadd wit, for eapastsw irsencred 6y tie rrttrtrreate. fns ebo patgeeae of ptolastias ar areis• <br />tsiaia~ w&d p::tptrt,y. and rcrarertabtr sttornerss' tres:.eer,ndlg, to pry the entteirteritnees erx~ura.i baretry; acrd titirdty_ . <br />r pay any ~.tu:ewe vas cr~e~r to tie rxasn xer wrswrns ia~~rtFy a^rstitlr...i fitearte.. <br />~ ~'-~' ptty g acrd at a i~dt€i"at forersteaarr sale ar ptsaseaai is the paver d sale itereieaiore <br />iraMSi. aid tie prooreda err cot saieirat a pay tie twat indabrdrsaaa saoared t» tbw iwtretraat reed eride.crd 67 <br />rid ley aeraa, the tsrnsaBas will 6s artitisd u + defioiexr jwlpnam for the aatoaat of the de)6cienry asidtort <br />ra~arai b s/pterastwwr. <br />Q In tl+e mean the etottVRut trio io pay say Fedent, stale. or local tae aaruset<nt. incurtte tea or other tar lien. <br />ohar~e, fee, w~ <Nhrr axpews charged s[ateal tlx progeny, the enssrtyyRev it herrbr authortsed al hit option m pay <br />tie aama. Aay eyes w paid i7 fix tawtaasea anal} be added to aad itecwnse a parr of the principal aatonat of tie <br />MdeitlatEaces crideacyd by raid rsatc, sabptet to the sense tortes and raeulitiotr. 11 the enortaaFrsr shall pay snd <br />diacheatpe ehn indebtedtwas es ideacrxl try wiJ promissory mrte, and shall pay such esetrts aad shall dutcharse xlf taaee <br />aad (Ceps 'and tier ctwets, feaa, and taprawes at raakintt, enloreioK, aad rxrcutiseK this mortgage, then the morttgµc <br />d1rFi kn aeuekd aad {eyed. <br />'!. 7Yae catra.ata Iterate t~•-a+~eted abaft iixd and tie beeeftfs aad adrantattardtaN lento to eba rarpeetiae race. <br />atrtata anti eraipa d the tnstir baasas. Rttasesrar wad, the sin~tlLr nantisr aAaii iaaiade ter pbrsi, tits piarrel tlr <br />~'r and Uts ar~+f a+! abet! iasbads an ~rdata <br />fL !~ waiter of sty earwaat ber.iie w of *ba ot:3ipatiaa aaayrs$ iKxr.iy aban .t anT time thereafter be Fred <br />w tie . wairor of t1r tears hared or of tba awe awered iate-y. <br />A !w caeageliaaen wiLL aeatieaa t0t.l id) d thr Rolm said RaRelatrasa of tie Sawn tJwiaaea Adminirntiss (I3 <br />C.B.Ei, 18Llad)1. UUa :;AS.~r e ro tea aetattnaed pod eofaread in aeeordanre with applisabk Federal trw. <br />1~' A !~*~ d~'aa. wrier, w }rtiRatant any prariaioa ~ pvatiaa of Chia ittatrvmeat iavslid or ao- <br />~ else rte as rwy rey iaayyyr w psee4rde fir arfsaesarmt of the retwsinieg prwirioes or ponioaa of <br />tbia „ <br />vas rr.w ass rs•+se - ~ • • •.9 <br />