<br />~: 1s..o>t~yar asses. a.i ape... f.6..et
<br />,~._~
<br />t~ ~.~' f~~ ~ ita+.btea... wrfarmced >t, ..~ pa~eteia^ery t^Me u ~ as>w .oi ;. ti.
<br />r~+~
<br />6, l3o win p., au [Huss, at^.t~n, w.ae rata., and otbee or trtttafeipd t~.rsa.. e.na. x
<br />farpa^8inq far taltieL pte~-iaiotr b.. oat ttaa. etaeda h.~bdera .nd will pre^aptfy aa;rar ~ a~ieial rat?iryrea
<br />:e tra..tid.er~.e.
<br />:•, He will pay ouch expenses and Fees u may be iaearred in tl[r protection aad maintenance of ofd
<br />property, itteiudittg the fees of am auorner employed b7 the martga}}ee [oz the ratfection of any or all of
<br />the iadcbtedaer hereby aectered, or for (Orcelwnre by mOrtRaRee~lr bale, aP Caart proeeediaaa, O? in aflY other
<br />litigation ar prrxeedin{t aBreting said premises. Attorarys' fees reaaenably incurred fe cry ocher way shaft Le
<br />paid by tfm ~ fir.
<br />eG. For batter aaeurfty of the irtdehrtedtress hereby rrxared, npnn the rerfoeal of the mo^tgattae, iU attc.
<br />uteetr^e nr u^ittrra ire abaft s?teeate and +kfirer a ^upp(emarttal mnrt~rpr or Fmrrt{}a~e^ rtrverinR any additions,
<br />imprmr.Fmimta, ar bnteemsnta madam [he pFroper^ty here€nrfwrve described :rrf all proprrry raprired. by
<br />€t after tike dam i^erenf 1 elf in form sati^frrtnrr m moriga(fer I. i'nrthrrneore. whoahl mortRa~ar (ail to Hors
<br />say ddaa.h in iba payment of a prior or inferior e.^ntmhrrnee an clue pnrprzty +iaaeniFeef ley this itFatrtrmen4
<br />~r 4te~reb7 wpzvam 6a perm;iF murtgattee to rare rur•ft .iefau}!, be+t rtyortltaper is scat obliptated to tln so;
<br />and auelt advunru shall become part et/ the mvlrbtealnres xerum. } by able irrntrx[encrtt, nubjemt to the arms
<br />[arms ffid eonditinas.
<br />«. 7'be r€a}tts rrrated by thi• rnrtvrranrehall remain in full !ores and rHert during anY posipOFle/nent
<br />ar ealension of the t[me nt pavtrunt of ?hr tndrbteJoeaa rvidrncwi by rued pmmirsury Hate nr any part Fhereof
<br />aiee:ured lserrbv.
<br />~. Hr, w+ll roetintrauals maintain bussed :asurance, of hLCi1 type nr types end in each amounts a^ the
<br />mart~aXrr msv from umr to ?tme rrgwrr nn the impmvrmrnis now or hrrra(trr on raid propem~, and
<br />tvifl par psvt_ptlr wlu,•a .foe say prmtiFZau Fberedor. Af! F~rsnm Jwll be arried in eomparoea aoeeprahfe
<br />to ~ rasa yhr pnliri..s red reaawab Fltaes^tf .haft be held by mari~agee aad burrs aatacbai tfteretn
<br />kaa pry.hle rla^ru is (avers of and is Fu^ra aaeepesbk sa the mortbalpsa. fn error of hr^a. rarr6apaz aril! pees
<br />iat+m~ia~s a[[[les m »riiioa to m+rrt~a~an, aad amrt{}^[~a^? may main proof of htw if not made (avsptly Icy
<br />tivsaar, aad e.eee inntraarr ounrpany wineeraed i^ bareby rwhoriaaei and d.frscteFf to make payaasat ftw web
<br />InnF 7 t8 isrt~siae iasdad of to rtasrtp~ and rsuxrtaa ;yaintfy,. and the ittsarraea pzotxads, err any
<br />part tft€~etnQ am3 be appfiad by marr}iagae at na erption raitbar to the raderntion of the intinbtedner hereby
<br />+aaraF~ =~ {a t~s t^^rtaretian er sepir of zfx proparip dam.~ad Ar datrayed. (a nrent of (oree'~was of a~his
<br />app oz atlyr~r Frtusder of title to usd ptwpnrty ea eatm~aa Icniert of the indebtedoeas aeeFrred hereby. aH
<br />n+it4 title, and €nperst of the atwpptHor is and to any +aw[aaiee potieies clam in (oroe shall par m the
<br />purchaarr +u reorta3aR+u ur, at the option of the muriaaRr~r, rosy ter rurrrmisred inr a refund.
<br />~. Ar will keep a31 bvildingtt and other impravrmeats +MF cud property in Roa+€ repair and canditioa:
<br />will perruit. rotaari4 err suffer no wrNe. impairment, de[er€oratton of .a+d pniprriy or any part [hereof;
<br />ra the event a( !uluro of the trtoriaaitar eo keep for buildinte. am said premises and those erected oa aid
<br />prerniasa, or impraventaaG thrresm, in Rn+wl repair, the moritaRee mar make such repairs u in its discretion i[
<br />may .iera nenrrarr !or the proper preservation Iherer.f; aad the (u E! asr+wut of curb and every wch payment
<br />s1tsA he itnmediatelp doe urn! payable and shall bt eecur+sl by the !im of tlw Fauri€tafe.
<br />h. ffe will cwt nelrmtatety create or permit to be rrrwte+l aasrlta[ the property ruhjrrt m this mars(tapr
<br />+tav li+m a liras iefrrior are wparior In lhC hen of thaw mnriaaar wrthaut the written rumen[ of the mnri-
<br />Itr^Iter: arr€ !archer, hr will keep aad mwttatn Fhr same (r+.r from the .loan of all prtwuns rupplyina labor err
<br />+aa~rtab for maser elan =.rf say aad all baildintr^ or rmpravements nuw hemR erected ur Fu frr «r«rtrd on
<br />said p^s?rauas.
<br />i. Ills wdl not rent or assirtet say part of the rant a( said morytaRed pnrprriy ur demalieh, err remora
<br />wr s+ristaetialty Sher say building witiwut the written,»nsrnt nl the mortpr€tre.
<br />j. ivi awards of datnaars in eannerriort wirh any run+(tmnaiion for puhl€r use of err rujury to roy a( Fbe
<br />¢ruperiv sabixl w this nr°ri6~ am t erelay acesgttmi and efta:f ba ra m;,rF
<br />^ta^se to payment of the tmtejfmmM last due tarter sad mute, red mariaytre is herrsbv authoriaed,'m the
<br />Haase of the mort~a{tur, to tan:utE aad dal€ver valid ace(uittwnerr thermf aad to appeal Errrm any such award.
<br />'Ir• 7Y^e ~rttfat(m +bsfl have the riRf^t to ituprct ebr, nrortKaged premises wt any rcatarabk +imr.
<br />2. ida&n!t is say of the ravenaats or <onditinas n! this rws[rumrat ,wr of the rtotr nr lean -arren*rnt secured
<br />bwrtltfs efseff tarw.inate the awart(f~rci a rtsht m passewun, use, aad rnjoymeat +rf the pmpeny. xt the op[ean of the
<br />err his asaf(yw ~. it beitea agrvsed 4hrt t},w martaatCarr slialf have Rurh naht +inttl dr(rult i. 1;pon any curb
<br />tfafatda, ilia srwtaraee sb.ll psaryrme tfsa axner of all of Iha rrota and }era€itn aecruuttt a(trr default as +eeuritr
<br />fs- t`rr unlabtada^as sacnred hereby. with the ri~lst to eater opus raid property !ar the purpwe of ralfcrtiaa such
<br />auttts atetf praEtw Yliia itmtrata~at chaff a}tatrya ors as t of say reatafa ,ri rod property m th^t cutest.
<br />