<br />~:---
<br />~~~~
<br />'I'ttat.Yre_ ery,~q,-.ate px t~r• -o-ak~ #~t'~.d:
<br />
<br />..~
<br />That tfte~]ptMga+''k tli't Oaajrr d atnd proprrty in foe aitapfe a~ hr mod riRFK atxl lawiuf aathoritY to eel} ant!"
<br />caeoeey the agge imtt tier. lira eras-li'a fYee axtd derv~d:aA3 tftm ire ~: and thr Mortgagor rviM arrant aril deftvd-itte°,
<br />- title to said prepdsts agittd tl~• bras tA'+~'ji~gta tr{&natrewser; - - .
<br />7Sa WkT xefeti dac Ytty psY9EiVr ~'~tpMd' taaea, spttN.t taxee, aPaatd- aataasmenb. ester cha
<br />. itrs tiurR¢x. and er&tes•. Itaaaa'atd chrrRen apiaa4 aatdpreperty, and aH:taage leyi«I «t fhr rkht aerarrd rge~ eetaey aerrr- _
<br />Murtga~e, ettron raqugM1, _. v9th. the mtgirtai m ¢apfieair rctxipfa thrrefor. The Mo h°rchy, aad to ftt:nctk tiae
<br />rtgsRor aRrrrs ehil there ahati 'lr atfdsd €b
<br />eacft rsamtAly grpmeat eertafrex! Iterentadrr x antler the evidence, of dent xerxtstrd hrrehy an an«wnt eatfmsled by the Mortgagee
<br />trr br na(..~b'R Spif~r'.Pftd'r"~ paY. ae they tKCmne this, alt-Gtaea, arewmanta, narl stmilantdtargse ttpan E};y'€attlla~:
<br />leas sntijeat flterato; atr±' drlitieitey Garstiee rrf for iwxtRilierxy of sxrcfi addfiinsta# psymenu sNbit tte.torthar}tR Qepeetttd-tif'rltp!
<br />Mtrtga~or wfitt the llartgaRrr uttrrr derwarod 6y th« .rr+lartgaRer. AnY default urtdrr this ~sragrapk aha{I he dermrd n rkfau#t in
<br />_ €+aytn*nY~ of /aatac, airwtlrxtnts: nr sitaelar cl+argett rtgntreri hetsatdar. - '
<br />_ 't~e.Mortgattor aRreee fiat them #wil ahn lte addM fu tattdt mnnihtY payment rd _pri:teipal asd ialereat.raquirrt# hero.
<br />under as amount ,wtimatcvt try the Mortipagtm 4r #re .rrs!lctart t» enaWr the Marfgattre tx: pay, as it hecmnea drtr. the mwrarsee
<br />larrrrxium m anY inas+rrtnra= policy drfivrred tr. the M~,rtragar. Any deficirrxcy nrcauar :d the inauitacieney »l auda add#ttrmal pay-
<br />ments afiaf! Rm ferthwiih :trpasittd ?xY ehr MaNRSa»r rnth the NortgaRar upon demand by tM Mortgatter. Any defaulfundrr this
<br />.- paragraph .hail he rh•errted s default in the payment r,f ituuTanre p •~- #f rhr paticv ur pnF~"_^ r}rpn i€r~ am as:.;. ~ tansy:
<br />ow alt oak fro31r'ira and rhr drtrsrta err inauh4cirnt to pay rthw +•ntim premium. +. he MnrtgaRrr m v apply the drpmait m
<br />'~ pay premiuma .m riekz rrgttiyrrl to ha "vatstrd iry this smrktgatRc. ~ '.
<br />' fraym:>.mur trtsdr by rhr ~t.utgw°n und.•r 1.h« atan~r parat;tmrph'+ nosy. at rM• nptiRn aC rhr Mnetgager~ he hrh# by it and
<br />- r,:rvnrmaxcslrcf with other :ar•A (unto :,r it own t+.r«Iv t:,r for 2, eme r,f »u,^h ,t«~r;xx. and ~.:lxtii w, applied, such payments err hrrehy
<br />pt«xtgad as ,er°rmty for rhr !mpaht +,9iurrce .d the morrgnrsze~ ~•arytrtdr•do-rex«
<br />yarxur+, d.etivr'.r rrv- ~ynd ;axmtam F,,. a:.• i nrtyt~ ,.i rh« Nlortrw¢<~x• ,i ;nx rhr hfe .~,~f thu mnrtgaRe = rrgfnat r_rolrc -and
<br />rem+•wakr thrrlS.[, rirhvr=red at treat ten :#aa~. }„3e,m ;ix~rx}u ratrr,r, :•l a a ,ue~h t~nh.~tr~ '::.Hsu trop' apanrst fire and ut hers ratite
<br />ha:autrdk: rrusltira, oral ranungr:a•iae r ifxr MortRaare• axaY rrq¢tirrrv, in an .mm~nnt equal to the ~ttdrlHtafttrea nerurad rhy thin
<br />A€urtRztgr,__ and rn .+urnyanira acr~rptshtr t.r rhr Me.rt€aK,.==. :..,.. - vahlc-:tauw :r, fa•..,r •.f and rn t•,:m ac~reptatJr t:. rhr ~'ortRa~
<br />%rr In tfur event nnx ;rdrcy .n Rue renrwevi -.r 6ri,:n• .: r =tam. r',. . , .~r pleat;,=n. +M• 'N„rtxarre ^. .~ ~:rrr•u n- ens r „n rhr
<br />mprnvrtnenta, pav the prrmrum Fhrretc:r .md ~,rh .. ,half t.s<,rnr rr.imt: Iv -iur and vaMr ..,th inRrr-at at tort ter, art
<br />tar#: ,n seat Hate :amri „ax€ .m,t ,hai! t,r ..i !.. ,t 1L, ,. „rtkaar ... r ~ r the }.an :~d thr~bL:rtgaa»r ..: I,:msh .urh r - welt
<br />ax aim herrm rrqutrr+: ~a tariuro ca twy an~ . ,-. +. rrnndrr x.~nntt .f t};,• •:pi+un ..f rhr Siorrragm ,_rwututr s~•irtault
<br />n<fer the rrrxn ut rM+ nr>rtaagr The :irts.rr, n11 -~u.`h r;r::i ~`. '.. ,Hatt .n :h,• .,. nt ,.f •i,•tault . _r:sr,tretr +.rn .:a+rxnnu•»I ,.( rhr rn
<br />- rarnwl #xlranrum
<br />
<br />Any wn:s retrt.-r,f ':a rF,e• ttr.rtcarrr :..: r.-nw.r. ..f !„~._ -.r .tan.aae :av,:rr:i u,ra,».t :nsv ta• =rrerr>,2 h,. •ne \#~.,rt-
<br />pagrr
<br />asxk .ap#rtiHt :,.w-anf rh+• ,. ~•t the •tr-!a ,.rrehr .nun 2 .. ., ri .„~.,., ..... .. ....... ....... ... :e, u,F r
<br />2 F= ,rw . sn wan ..a, r - nr ;t'•reeaa,=r , ..n. i :. .r t=, i ui!•f - •.s-,.~ rwtd,n !t:r, ;,iec. .r ,..
<br />Ot::er p''atftxr , ..hSia^[ xatr~.Ki»r - + ih« \t= rtq {ter .r,fl~'» 3Ae•:, r.l'r i v'i.prR .tt .1 i-;r!#aK. f-.r ihr ram„ ,t.:f::,,nt .n ,r. .. 1.. rr
<br />try rM~tNCx :R[Ct\ tM VTrlfHi'C a^vrf !,axk pta trx.
<br />.. n_:mtrti-; rrf,a,r ==-:.ts:.. - - n.:ki u:l<{ ... Ynr, r, ., .a _. the ~ xhsrh r.av !-s-
<br />,~ .'.-~~~ .,r qtr -} -. kris a t : -. _ _. ......1'. , .. ~R ...... ....: . ... „a» ,. n r „», r
<br />r.a,rm r$ . r, R.,t rtprrrtciY xuta.rr2uaat+Hx thr~, rt: I. nHn .., . ..offer , . Rf „wtul :.,, . ! nr .n„ ,r ru ,. ,.t :,
<br />- 6sa~.n=:r-rr. -... _ .-` t c~Cs .- f 't : a -- t- r
<br />_~ .-alrx:hfr. =xer ., iere'x=n,st: •,r +mt+ar:.ts :a#.rr y an) =s., -r,,.3,s.-u x, r . , ~.ga- _. n} ,e o-rx -. ... -na~ .rf,k .e.t.a-t
<br />.J rhr :t,.,rfKaamf tm.-rnrr:r~. urpt ilea :vem lhr+w.{
<br />'that xiawL# t-iar prwnt-wa .a a y twrt tPa,r,.,f tr fakrn ..r ~IarnasrY= t•. r ,_: ,+f Res, i,ubLr :mpr,.a.~n,rrrr :, ,:,rafemnnnon
<br />prorv«t,ng, =tr urstrr rhr r:aht =+ , weer rt=rmaa,. ,: anY attire manner. the 1€~rtpasrr .hsit ts..-nt,tieTl t., :,}3 ri„»xln-• anrmr~..
<br />awards, ami enY !.tfirr traYmrnt (•r mr#rd rhr rrh,r acrd shall tec rnlit#rd. at its rpttun n, rn m«rree. np{x.ar rn and pr<weeeuie in its
<br />awn same am aruwe ur prurmhnaz.: r t» make ar.y :r,rx,tr.ranrar .: ,ett!„nx•nt a ,. ret un .soh ,uch raktnp ,:r =4rmage \II ,uch
<br />rmatpatarotiaK atrar.6a. rtarsegts, rtgha W aatum aai p+uxaraidat era heretrY aananed to ,the Mautaaare. who ma)', otter deduct, nR
<br />tt+ara:hant alt it-~eapatNee, taierea atMt weitaye eta tarrervad by ft ar rtpWx the aentr e=a any ,ntebterlrrerw se,cuaed hetriry. Tor Mmt-
<br />tWWtr aRtaes tc,, r,aw,uta anaia Eurt#wr aeatatta ,d +ay caaniM*naaLurr. awaxdr., =isanartrs Heal ngtrW »f art#rm and pranewla w rhr
<br />Mtxttptpr elrp- arc.
<br />Thai ,n r.wr u( iaxlnn is pwi+,rm say .,t ttw =x»r,wntn hr r«+n. rhr \{urtsaXer mey .iu ,.n rhr• \7nrtgaaur's hrhait ever rthing
<br />m sasaeaaaead; :tiro the `4rxiitaRea maY aka t&e asy set ,t n m r+r~r"awry i.. ,rurv:i the lira thrrre.i, that rhr
<br />-i°v ''"" - - [ M»rtaattur aril
<br />tepRtr u(•wur tlemald tray tnuaa,ys {lair{ nr dsxhnraad M~ rhr Mmtgaarr+hx anY rd rhr alawr Pu trusts and such rrkrttrya u,gethrr with
<br />itrtraast therene et the rate Da.nadert tw aftd rtaAs shad lsrtwr s+a much ar)thtiornd inrlat,terlnet« hrwhy arcurrd and rtrar tar in
<br />r#arJrd in „_
<br />any ,teen S. -tm?nt eh.. sr~ he : yxd ..wt „! ?t • r His .r S:rrav.a}a ,d .str rd +ard pr,=m+a.-s of out orhrrwrar
<br />paid; that at ahdt oat he u,triiptury utxat ttwt LtrxtiRt~re ku ;nt}utm torts rhr =~airdrty ,.f aav Iten: rnr+emisranc.~. or rlarm tn sd-
<br />v+tasNtlF taoutYa ac aharre authurxaai, fast rtuiktna iraean vmtttatnad aftaFi )x xanxslramd as rtquutng tlw Murteagru to advaatat any
<br />iaitlrtdafae say-atabh-latslrase area sa'~a~ aqr age-hwrttader; and that Mattgper aha8.rtat Hanle any {.eta.arwl lrahdity hecausr rat any.
<br />MileR'-N.tatstir des as twW, m des hatewa/ae.
<br />'~-~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,n iaa pays oat .d serf tra€al3mrmt, as rrryuirad by tM Nutr sreumd hereby, err
<br />~ 3ha . arfst:nanca . f the uhtftLat in this xn..riaattr a=r to tta. nuts assured thrmtry, rhr \inriRSyrr .atrail k,! entrtlyd b, ,Itx--tam rhr
<br />xisi4 #aerrstt taroehy der and taayah{r wttfauttt nW.iz, and rhr Mmtttager shall tas enrtttad at ,t:c .grtron. wrt€w:uf n,ettsv. «rthrr by rtarll
<br />oa 44! a aetsti€wr t+r Nr a'J!Fwnbad try the court them+f, eta! withrwt regard to t{te artequacy »t any ratrunty Inr tnr iratettMrtraran +r
<br />- ~i ~r Wtart atUd-4Nte ~ ref ilfa =asrigtf~d-ptenrlser, and €o ,.rrlket arwi recxtvr rhr r«nir. issues std pre6ta
<br />tYaeaesG-ttad~'apyty the eras; Rats eoata of s~peraitrttt rxu7 rv{€eee3an. open ttie indskssdruse wrr.red try thin ntnnrtaase. said r+nta,
<br />(areas and prtaiRS ~R' hawim aas9prA is the PRnrfaag+s r tusiher atehiriry for tlpr pay+n+mt of aIt irntebMditeae eerurrd hmvir'y
<br />taw,: teaitrtR-the aattth xxailRatti the remta, rlkeaxtw sad awe • ,7 ~_:® :• ...__ ,-_- .__ _„a puFtrrr :.# r~naxnryt aaai pmm~
<br />m/ awd the ttataa awl sf '•~'~ attd4it may `tray uai~`rf sanl rncxutor d rtprr ,ravrrrrt ,rs rrnt-
<br />rsaattRLt1( etjaE the i+matds ttrrrdrtaw 't°ha 6Nananr mmeimne. rt any. +Ptalt tar .atp)1»d toward rhr
<br />r d. HII tea/t/tipp. ~. '€'hle ttmrM :e tr taemmtxtr araf trey<anr nu9i eau! .~uxf uptrn r.,feass t,! ihi+r merrttaar.
<br />
<br />