<br />rpgt!'A{eT vdih aff ttalenlerktE, 77afx1llamanG4 and 89(Wrt bClDnl~g tlfe(cto
<br />. Tt> NASl3B APiD TO~tiit7LDtfte aftove descri6ad p:esniw~~~tb ad the privileges and appttrtenanc~ therounto belonging including.
<br />:R-ninLs,.'N{aeKandptoRts tlmmf ttattrFlettgtgae, fotewr. Apd:.f(ortgagot haaby covenants that Mortgagnr ag vsaEl atd tndy sdud a£~
<br />a-gped tick tn~ Ate preertdaa tttoee eemeyed Hr the }aav, ~bt fier#rt+ple, tun! has goad tight sae} awftd antlartty to taaaveptbe mne, ard-
<br />Fhai the title sa conveyed is clear, istt and unincttmbered excspt as otherwise noted and that Mtxtgagor vrill ftnesver vtarrant ~d~da~
<br />fend }he saute to Mottg)gee agatnst a1f claittat vrhatsoever.
<br />-. , Thta }Sortgape is pvau trl` 7dartgagvs to sewn the parforstm>r~ of each agreement contaituxi hetebt, and tosaatre_the.payuwat
<br />o€ a loan in tits asnoutu et-tht Ttstal of PaymeStts s7town-above, wtsictt-ban being evidtutced by a prorttisory Wars-timrittg.txendate
<br />taa~dth=md.wrhich.ia fwtgar dnacribrd above.
<br />.- ~ A3-.71rA~tffr, and thine pspevtts-a€e uyort lire eaysssed wndition, that if tt:a Mortga~ra ahali pry is fttR. M tha.llor6
<br />gagm6 aptvan~orytfota beashgt even dais Isercwtth isr Ate amount let iurrh atn?vc. payable to instaWnatts asrixndittg ~~tlm~terma~ thaw
<br />of ttrgettta with inierat as set (nrth tlutNn, sad shall pay all taxes and assessments teviext open odd real extattbefore thew ba-
<br />~ crane deibtgtunt, and keep the buildings :w said premises insured far a sum equal to the irtdebtednrxs tetured hereby, tats, if my, pay
<br />to the,said 6(ortgvgec, Alen theta presents to be ntdi and void, ot7terortse to be and remain in (tiff force.
<br />~ `- TNtl1 fif_ORTGAGE 49 A/,SiO TO f!E . Alit!) CAM1;t7UE T'O BE, FROM TIME TO TIbfE, SBCifIRITY FOR THE PAYt+lENT -
<br />~~ #~ ~3i:,i~ 5{fld OR. SLiftHs OF. MONfiY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME FO TifVNE IRi THE Ft771fR$ AFYANCE Td T 'EiE
<br />Ai, G/k. 1tNp ES<i ED l6Y A StiFAIdStEAKT.~1[. ivtiTE, Qik 7tK}TFS, 9UT Nt7[ TO ~CCEEi) TFIE 'i1Q1'AL U!F
<br />itlF'~~11'..,2Q~.Gt>!M"!~tl'~f£F~#' FfiR A[~V1' ADYANkCS7t' THuN[' 7MAY 71E MAS1E TQ PROTECT T1i1E S`6(:[HfYlll Q'!',.i-ir
<br />~'. C4RDAf~:E WITH TfiE Tf~6S OF TEH3 MOR'fGAG'i?.
<br />Aslydt3u2sai,Temgs atxt! Cerndattuns un ehe revetxe a(t~is agreement are made a part herenf and ~i+rcorpurated-herein
<br />:,.
<br />'IN'~''`YI'ST`IESS wll£it£OX1e, tha said Atnttgagnrs lava axecuted~ these p+csa tx artd r lust abarsa wdttan.
<br />~_ ~~~~~~~~ Mortpgo[ --
<br />~fAT~ i7i= NisBRAStR _ , i
<br />t~LL . _ __ 1
<br />hefoee tm, the tm ta<
<br />ilia 7 day..vf iFdlVFd4B~...__..__ 6~+, At) _ _ grad a Notary litblic. duly
<br />-~-~` - f r°Pr.'iYh -it'~tt£ttci ALC3SIA *iC
<br />iu7 d for atut k ~ staff and .au9ty, pctsutsa IY' artsa A __, ..~._ _.-__~_.~.,.__.._.,~'$$T.,__
<br />~~ OF'~lAC13 tlTf~'Rs .
<br />--ir7 mown to tse tkte tdanttgdsi~txr t rttttuns min:u na..x ea s,s rsanr> eta eftl~v.ed t , tha foregoing tststruosent and ac~kstmvkdgt:d
<br />ft ~.~ •;, ...ei, ~etrtas; a;.=. anref .^,arsf.
<br />~~ 'at tieat the :tav anil rear fast uMnc syrttten.
<br />6'r6NERAl NG 7AttfRL
<br />arATF Oi NtinhAP,tUt ~~~~NOTARY PUBLIC
<br />uorwe:e.
<br />aa.,we•~ ~ /
<br />Iy c ~ w .__.~LC~.._.---____ _
<br />tii,;iKb. ~tE tifUEH ~IUI:. hok ilN?t UU?~dL t'FRMS Atii~r UNIHTIUtiS
<br />Nca. es.r,
<br />URlutt+tNL
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />