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.~'LJiii <br />-~ - 3. 'fhe mertaa(per sesreatsnts and a(t+ees that if he shad fssil ~ pay acid indtbtedtsas or say gaff tb@reni whert <br />inn, ar abail tail to perform asy cotenant d +ilreemeet of gbia inatntmeat or S~e ptmniasory. aete slxo~ the <br />riildits indebtedness hereby seeltrnd altsll immedi:teiy bomome dne:~ ~swabk, read ro#kctihie w#thant ne1#ce at the <br />of the ronpeee m aeai{pta, reRardkr of matnrHy, cad the tttmiRaFre or hia aatitCteJ may before oCtefiN salty <br />tltt~tr#d prepetty withon!-appen~letrt tthe twonAagor hating xs~d a¢drwn~tt~ftlte ~rtgrgee a#} i7~1t9e of <br />.~tttaement i <br />- - ! t i at judicial wk punusat to the prnvieioas of 281;.S.C_ 300i 1 a } : or <br />(tt } m tL tsfrtiaa ad the tttort~se, either Ey atreiitan or by wlieititieu et seahtd hida,'far the ad° <br />.bat bid tetaaptying with the tetma of ask coed sawn of paytttlyee ttpasiSed ~ the ptdaCabed twice steak, 6ni <br />eying toot weeks' ttmier of the tune, terms, and place of sneh aa#i, 6ry ~dvesf#temant cot laa:~titsa once <br />- dnt~ each of said tour weeita w a newspaper ptrblirahed or distributed in the county in which aa~preperty <br />is axtuxnd, ail ether rtaate bash #tereiary waned by the tnengagnr fated rid tnortgager, ~ say petaoe tm <br />bebaN of rid saeelga~e, may b~ eritb the tmpaid i erideoetd by sad ewe). Said rk shall fee <br />hrH = sr t:s the g.-epp<,ny ~. #t@ saki or si the Federa4 eannty, ar ciiy terartboase for the county in witie$ the <br />property is boated. 7'be mottpagee is hereby anebarimd to execute for and an behalf of the tnongager cad !o <br />deliycer to the ptsrrhaaer at aoch oak a -tdKcient can«eyaacx of acid propetry, which caoreyataee ahaU coatsia <br />tetdmh r M the happeniag of the defanit npaa which the rxeeution of the power of oak herein granted <br />depssafa; std the staid startgagar bendy eonpitafea and sppilinu the mortgagee or any agent ae atteraey of the <br />roet~ee, the agenkn and attarnry im fact of said teangagor to make stscb recitrbr red to eRec9te aid <br />eMnaayatltta~ attdhvehy cara',nairta sal# agtad tlta~t the retitake a mad! shall be t~ecenai to bar all egaity or <br />right. of redrmptayn, homeatrad, dower, and ail rst her rxr~mptinne of the mvntryaar, ail of which are hereby <br />exprrw#y wai«ed aatd rarsseyed to the ~rtRaiter: ar <br />~ ttt t take atrr outer appropriate action pursuant to Mate or Fedtrai etstute either in state or Federd <br />cenrt w Wberxiae tw the despositinn et the ptoprnr. <br />Fn the runt vi a tie » hereinabovr provided. the monaaaor or any perxrn in posxssion under the mortgagor shall <br />then bttotne cad 6r tetrnu AeMitgt aver and shall tonhw»h deli«er posereetnn to the pnrchaxr at each oak or be <br />wy~,vat« ~seer±rasrei. in aPee~dae_r with the orovieivns of law appiicabir to [enant+ holding cert. Th< power <br />and agetary hereby Rtarued aft eoepkd with an inerreat am# are irrrrocsbk by death ar othrrwier, sad arc ~tanled <br />r eenruiatioe to therarw.dies fa rniler#isa of rid irtdebtedsrcal prorided by (:w. <br />f. 't4tr. ptaeeeda a( say wk of acid property w acnrdanae whit fire preceding paregrapha ahaA 6e applied Srat <br />la pay iha twsu apd t:psnety of rid cafe, the espemnt ine:nmd ley ¢~ mnrt{aegde tos the. prupeae of protecting tx main• <br />taiatirtg raid pra~p;rto. asd reas~suah#r sdtuaey.' foes; ver+mdfy. to pav the indebtednr.~+ ~rrvrrd herby: acrd thied}s, <br />to par arty surp#os ctr txrtree to the persntt yr Ixrsulls tettatty rntitird thrtrev. <br />S. is tFr scent said pneperty M acid at a judicial foeee(uwre sak tx pursuant to the powat of rk hereinabe.e <br />t{ra*tad, atal the pr+aeeds ere not ast~aiEat to psy the total ipdebtedtter aeeored by this iaatrvment :ad e«ideaced by <br />rH preelirsry tram, the saortgegaa will be eetitled ps x deficieoer judgment (ar the amovat of the de(iciarey tttitfreet <br />repaid to +pprnisaaauwt. <br />p. lp the rYCpt till nrerigage.r (alit in pay say Federal, italr. Ur Ivcat lax aaarMmrnl, InCOrYM ta; ,}r l>t#Irr IJx iltn. <br />chores, ire, or vihrr expeltae rharyted aRalrnt the prupert v, the martaaXee is herebv suthnriud st hia option to pay <br />the atsara. Aey coma ro paid by flu marteasae ahaU br added to and become a µan of the prineipat amount of ehr <br />indrbtedltare rvidtmced by wid racer. eubjett m the asea+ trrma and cartditilsne. (( the mortgagor eha8 pay and <br />dkehargr fist indebtrdnrse rvidrneey# by erir# promiayory nou, and shall pat aucbt cum; and shall discharge all W:ea <br />and (toter rwd ttu recta, tees, and rxpetyar of making, enforcing, and r;routing this mortgage, these thin mortgage <br />+M116irc raecr#ed stsd aurreatkted. <br />7• Tba t~ptgnlt htlntiw centeiated aitel# hied aed the banefxs end advsnfagaa akadl ~trrr w the peapeet#ve stta <br />std ari6se ai-the ptsttias hwtr, AAeatrsr axed, tM aingnhr camber dlelF itnelade the phtra4 fire phual tM <br />cad the tw of as3r lttwder ahal# #neisde all ttatadean <br />16 !YO waiver et ~y eerenant #lerck w td the ebligatilm tutored hereby shall at say time thereafter be heN <br />M he a wai«et of the lerwa hereof or at dr emtc es~tuted berebr. <br />f:.iP:$. att.#se_R3skaaft~# RegttLrttiop. rat fbe Sanrt3 C#tusearr Adminsatraffw [i3 <br />--_ °-°~ ^. -~-~•waeaasee sae etgereq to saeerdaoee with uppfiesbk Federal htx. <br />~' ' ~H: ex jedparat hekliwg any pesvisioa or portico of thfi itaxirurent in«a(id or es- <br />~ shad stst in aey y+ jr tm}ssir w p~rae,#nde tbt tatnrrameat of s#se rattain4~ preyatiotfs or <br />d4U iaYa!mneaf, panieau of <br />sir tsnel art la>:tt :. ..: ,. <br />