~~-= t~fi ~~.~:~
<br />L r1rL....epylsraa.~aaes..~tr~a....trtlim.: .
<br />trrw ~~ ~ t6s iad~hiMr evidaaaetl J-y rid praarinf•aey owe at tie limas d fa eir~_
<br />Ja lEift s8! ptq dl rasps, mwtieeew tn~ty nt[r, teas ot>ser ~teenmmtal err ataaieipd ~, floss. ere
<br />fempatfaioaa, bat trbdx6 ptttarGiae Lr •at Laeo ~ ~JrmefWeaCese, rind trill pta[aptly tle~rsv tlr eidalrteaatipw
<br />tiee~or to the acid
<br />c, He will pay such ettpemaa and feet m may 6e itscarred is the protection and maintea.aee of raid
<br />preperiy, iikindiog the fen of any attorneT employed hY the tnortRaace for the coQection of arty a aU of
<br />the imlebtednna heeebr~ secured, or for foreetomro Ly taort6a~te's rte, or aonri proeeadiaea, or in very athr
<br />fitiaatian or proeeedJnf a6eetac said prt~iees. Atiorturs' fixt remanahJy i[una[•e~ In e[ty o4![er xaT e~eJJ !e
<br />paid JrT the tnwrt~ttgar.
<br />d Fac kelter eernrily of the indebtedars hereby aacntxd, upon ttte rcq~ of tote motlatyQx,,ib a~
<br />retaotit or ani}tas, he shall eacrtrtc and dclevu a sappkmmtal rtaor4aaps or taort{}ages eoverini[ anT additions,
<br />ianprercmanta, or 6ettenaaenu made w the prr:7scrty hercinaJrnvc dtxerihed :nd aft peaperty acgrrirod by
<br />ii. after rite date Jsarott {a}} in form mtiafacwrT ter. mortRaKcci. Frtrihertrtorc, nhouFd mortgagor tail to cure
<br />aa,r defanit tlt the pavmetri of a prise or inferior cecatokranee an [ktc proparry described 6y thi. imertrmen4
<br />mnriRttRrn hereby sprees to permit morttCaaee [o cure sm~}r default, lwt mortRa;Mee in not obligated to do so:
<br />sad trash advances shall Jercame part of the indebtrdreree srrrrrcd bv' this imtrvmrn[. aobject to the name
<br />termer aid eonditiont.
<br />e. The ritdtis created by this canvrvanre shall remain in full force and effect during any pontpmement
<br />w cvtroaiaa of tf+c tint< of papimn[ of the indrbtednext r. idrn~<d by raid prnmisaorv note or any part thereof
<br />secured hereby.
<br />j. lfe writ rontinuausly maintain hazard insuranrr, of such type err types and in each amaunta ere the
<br />mart~aare mere from eimr to lime require an the improrrmrntr now ..r hPrrs/rr..-- _~:•! `re`v^~+3. a
<br />'a'i?J peg prusapGiv wiles titre anT prttmioan tbercftrr. AlJ ttwteataee shell be carrited in eompaaim acaeptabJn
<br />to arsd [ire policies and tcttewab t.betroot shall foe held bT tnort}{asee and bare attached thateto
<br />ittas pa7aitie rlatar is favor ~ and is form acrxpubk eo the menRa}lee. Ia event of ton, mori6agor will pee
<br />~-"m s xri a aart3a~er., and rsort}la~rse aaaT aissa proof of ion if trot made pramgtJT 67
<br />tatariFaa~, t~f [yeh itunrmce eantpsnT reed =,s berdrT aau`tcriaad and directed to mue aaiment fox each
<br />Jam ditr!te[f7' to mart;awe itaSCSd of to'Sw s~ moet}lagate }oin[Jy, and the inaarstrce proeeerJs,. err anT
<br />pars "~"=`~`. ~y '„s ~ ttrrr~-ia av its opoaa eitJter is rtes e•rrit_•r:ions of s_t:x sndrsttePsaas isara97
<br />sxared or to the rnsiorataaa w r[tpair of the prapariy dam:mod ur dettrap= 3. la evrart of fur+nc~nrs ~ tf~
<br />taort~e, err athar iraasfer of title to said properiT a extitaauishrecat of the iedehtedtttys secured 6errb7, afl
<br />tipbts tide, sled iatvaast d tfrr ~TTita6w m asd to my iasaraatde pelieim thin its force dull pan to flee
<br />ptrrchmer or mar[ptter or, at tJtr option of the mortRaaec, mere be surrrndercd for a refund,
<br />~. He wtll keep all b[[i}ding and utbrr improvements an said pra}terty iu Rtwri r<pair end condition;
<br />will permit. committ, cu nt[der tin waste, impairment, de-terioratian of said pruperts or anv part thereof:
<br />m the event uE failarr of the tnaetKsanr to keep the huildin~e on .card premiers and those <r«ted on raid
<br />pr•emtses, err rmprovaa[ettte tbeta+wt, in pool repair, the neorisattee may make such repairs :s in iU discretion it
<br />may deers tteevtatary for tJar proper preaervatian thereof ; end the fall amount of each and everT such payment
<br />sbalJ far imnr<diateJy due :tnd payable and shall he xcurrrJ by the tiro ad this mortpspr.
<br />h. H< wi1F not voluntarily create or permit to ter rr<ated attains! the property eubj<rt in ehis mortgage
<br />any Tian nr fietw inftrinr err au}teriar to th< hrn u( thu murtgaar wuhmtt the written rans<nt of [hr morD
<br />itsg~rr; and for•ther, lx will ke+rp and ntarntain she same free Tram the rla:m trt all perstzna supplying lobar err
<br />matarsafa far crmaltt~[ian u{ erns amf all buifdirvge ur improvementx now hreng rrerred ux to }rr <r<etnl :tn
<br />said pramt.ea.
<br />r, llr will not trot as assitett any part of the rent of said mortgaged property' or demolish, or romovc,
<br />ar n~atttetially aher anv huildmt without the written rrmarnt of the mart~am.
<br />j. ~#.} awards td damages in roanectioa yri[h any eo[edemdation for public ore of nr injury to any of the
<br />ptvtptrt77 aa#eject m this mmt4gafte err Frerrhy ttsaigterd and shall be paid to mortgages, who may applT the
<br />anae to paymmlt ad tiao ittWa}llaaan lost ante ender sasd Hatt, asd mraregagre w hereby aallwriaed, is the
<br />scree of slat tasrtgatgtrc. to <ae+ea[c and de-Jiver valid segarttaacrs thereof and to appeal Irom inv stwh award.
<br />h. The timtet}}s}cae dull stare the ritt}tt to inspect the mortgag<d prrmiaev at any reataxrabk time.
<br />- Z, ~! in-sae of tJte rxvrnants err coaditiorq of ti~ia inatnem<nt err of she nWr err loan agrermrtt4 s<curerl
<br />he+eJ~ drail tertntrtay, t}te tawrt,ya~rr's rittht sa pawcraien, czar,,, sins rn}rrvmcnt t+f the property, at ettr option of the
<br />~'r vur iris aisigru sit beiryt agreed that tJr_ mortgagor shall have such r:girr smut default t. lpon anv-sash
<br />dalardt. the nraregage» s}uft hr<atar th< owner of all of the rend sad pmtits acs-ruing after drlaalt as ereneity
<br />fart the iadrhl,rdnaas arrarrd Jrerr}ry, »i[b tJrr rtgle[ t~etastee rRPan pr;rp<rt: for the purpaa< of roiteeting aarh
<br />ttttlt}r and probe. Thw [_att_rerarst ~iaN upr~xat# as past assign-~__' of say esoteric na saw praprrty to :hat extcstt.
<br />