`~-~ !)~? X659
<br />L.anckr's written agneeretrnt ar appt{cahle taw. Borrower slral{ v the amoum of all ran tasurartce mma in the
<br />mam+ar provided order paragraph Z hereof. ~ rtgage prtmr
<br />Any arrtourxs dtsM€taed by letttct pwsusnt to tiffs paragraph 7, with intertat thereon, shad isecortx additional
<br />itdebtedeess a£ Borrawsr secured by this Mortgage- Lfnlals ]serroaer anti [smiler agree [o other arms of payment. sttch
<br />amatms shs{i ht }myah}t u}xm tratizae from [.ender to Borrower ra}treating payment thereof. std shah bear interest from the
<br />date of dis6ursertreat at the tau payable ttrsm time m time on autatanding prittcipa{ order the Nou unless uaynrerr2 of
<br />erroestaz at ouch tau would be contrary to applicable law. in which evert[ :[tilt atrttrunts aha11 tzar interest at the highest rage
<br />ptxtassdbk tstder appfieahk {aw. Aioth{rtg contained is this paragraph 7 shill require isrrdar to irxvr arty eapatsse or take
<br />ry aretraas harerrttder.
<br />g. FaegaeHatr. f.erttlcr may make or setae to be made rrursonebie eotrirs upon aed inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that 1-ender shat{ gsvr Barrrrxer rroritt: prier ro any wch trrspeetion specifying reawnabk cartse therefor reFated to L.ender'a
<br />inuRm in the Property.
<br />4. CaadeasasNsa. T`he pr€,reeds -f any award or c{aim for damages, direct or cortsagrrmtial, in sonntenion with any
<br />cos€demraf{on or MFter inking crf the Property, or part chermf, ar far conveyance in lieu of coademnatim, are hereiry amigned
<br />and she}{ t+t paid to ltnsfer.
<br />In the event ctf a irrtaF tskir€g of the Property, the proceeds shaft be appliaf to the nrma sauced try this Mortgage,
<br />with the excev. if any, paid to Borrnwrr. In the evert of a partial taking of the Properr, zmkss Borrower and Ltmtfer
<br />mherwist agree in writing, there shaft tst app{ied to ttre soma secured by Mis Mortgage such pNportion of the praueda
<br />as is equa3 to tttxt prapartian vetterh the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgagt imrttediatety poor to the date of
<br />t~ a his x_ ?w ta,,• ;.ra•.k_. '°•„e ~ .4t prpzrty imT.adiattty price m eta date rA taking. wit}r the halartce of the pisx-eads
<br />paid ra ~rrmrer.
<br />if r!u Pz~c,perty is a{wrdanact by Bartuwtr. ar if. after nrxiae !sy Lender to Borrower riot the cotrtkmeurr offers to make
<br />an award . r sttt~ a stolen for damages, Borrrwrr tai}a to respond to Lender within 3U days after the date stxh rtatia {x
<br />rtraiied< L.ttrder is atrtiarirsd to etsNat aril appty the proceeds. at l.eetdar's rypfiMt, either to rettoeati+wr or rcu_ air of tlt¢
<br />Pen}xrry ur to rht, umss stsursd try this Mzmgagt
<br />L,`-nkss tsmLrr nerd Borasver otherwise agt[x to writing, any ,such appiicatian of pnu~erds to principal shall not extend
<br />or p€nrporta [hr dra: daft .+E the martthty testa{Invents rtferrrd to to paragraphs i and ? heneaf ur change Cho amount a}
<br />s;reh :ns~tailmerCs.
<br />Ig. tMrtavaer ."Vat Adssend, l:xrrnxtesn of the time far pavmtn± ar mzdiRcation of amartizanon of the sums secured
<br />by r{rtx Mortgage dranitd }:y lsrxfer to any ssratta'xx rn inures[ of Banower shall not operate to rekate. in any manner,
<br />the liahziity ~+f zht csrigrnat Rorravxr aril $nrrowrr's successors m interest. itnskr shalt ern tx regn{rcd to commence
<br />praretdings agarrta stxh vuactsun ar retest to rxtend Went /ar payment nr ,nhrrwsse mzdih~ amamzatian of the sums
<br />snared by xtris Mortgage hY rtasan rrf any demand made by the origma{ Borrower arxf &xrowri s sncctasan in interest.
<br />1 }. /wb in ssrder 4M a Waiver. inv Eorhearatnr by i.rnrkr in rcercrstng env right or rerttedy hereunder, ar
<br />vthetw-tsc aflotdW by appticat+{e Saw, vhatl rent tx: a waiver of or prttiudt the extrix of arty such right or remedy.
<br />T1se praeurtrutnt at inauratsct 'v the payrrttnt ssf tears or •:nher Srtnx or ;hargts by Esnder chart rtm he a waiver t,f [-enrkr's
<br />nghr t,? accrktstt She masazrity rsf the mdrMtdtress stcurtd hq this Mortgage
<br />l2. itelrtsWs Cetariallat. .4}! trmesties pmv+ded m this Aiartgagt art distinct and .~mrutative ?o any other right or
<br />remC=iY under 'Ctrs MM5aaljt .~r ar7i,rded hY taw a?F crtlntY. anti may He ^_atrcisra ttxrturR:rlty. anat}re1K#Crt?ly M xUCCrsattitty.
<br />la, s ~-' -~sf@m ° e_._. and •'latrrat l.i; t'aptlara, ?Zrc :acenaats aril agrtenrerts herein
<br />..~ma,naat etra{t hind, and the rights {ttrtrrnder tha7t :nuts [n. the ztsiseeuve successors and assigns ai i.ender std Borrower.
<br />sub~r* tr, the pr=>visus~ ;,". puagrapn !? hers! .U. awenams and agreetntnts t>F Borrower shall he inter and uveral.
<br />"t"he ca etzr:•?-n ~tt€f __ r- -__ ~ tr ~ • _ nr •t,: - - ,~ _ ~ . _
<br />d rtT ~agr_,:.r ,,..s I+tnrt;,aae err `.. .,,:.v~icrrcr .,,. .., ., are err z..e used tcs
<br />antamrcq u- def+.rx i{re ptssv;sf::cvr fttrzxf,.
<br />l+k ':~ rs.,--f- r _ 'mod :mrgz
<br />-.. - .4 a°: `mss = ~t=~ aprEic_hs taw in ht ~i.=^s ;n anoG•rrr ma:urtr, °; .;»y r.:nik ;a
<br />Bcxrrtyvar provided t r ;n ttti. `d~igar shat{ tar gtvrn by marlins such ut,ucc by r~rtufied mail addressrd to Boerawer a[
<br />uw -}=nv a€srt.. •.r - x,.~r a;~rr£, ~ ~•~:rc sr >st „eit.;<na - 'tcz -= fvnd€= t -- Wit; herein, acrd
<br />!Yrl xnw nr-ucr Lrrdt_ h {3 t+r a=vet` hr •trulkst mx:t~rtrea n 2: try ted_ tt -nd€r's ~tm s,aiPd h?*P:a :sr tg
<br />sszer. ^*';rr ad-'+,•ess as }s,.~: ma} ;; esxg;;a€e by ncaRr to B.urc.r,vr as pmvu{ed herein 4nv ?xrrn:e provrded for :n this
<br />M.xigagt ahai{ !sr deemed t~+ ha-.e Lxxn given to Iksrrower rtr t corset when gavtn in the manrttr dea{gnattd herein.
<br />t't. L`nltorar Mars¢ag4S tiuverat`ag [~; SescraiYllt. ih,. form r,/ martgagt .nmhurp umfc+rm covenants for na[ionai
<br />use and rxxr-unttinm ,nvtnanrs with timitrd varza.r.ms by ir,rtsahtitton tt+ tonatuutt a uniform rtcttrrty irtsrr,•arrnt cavtring
<br />tea} preprrev 7tu.s Mc•rigtgr, sha{i kx aa'.err,xd M• the law .>f rhr ;urtsdretn,n in which the Properly :s incattd !n the
<br />oven: +har env prrt~s~tsitxt .*r iiau~[ ,:t chat M<xtjagr :rr tht Nnt< : mrlicts •.vith app{icahtt Saw, such canfltct shat{ eat afferi
<br />,3if€tr -..-.arz~ ..t rh,s 3¢crtgagt u: :hc "lcxr which pan he gr.tn sr7tcr without iht contlzcting provixian, std to this
<br />etd zhe pro,tynxrr of thr Mottgagr and the titotc are declared a, tx aver:bk
<br />t6 Sa+swwwer'a <:.ap;.• Betrsnct v;€a{{ be furn,shel a _~xxtfarmtd copy ~+i She Nmc and of this IAangage at the time
<br />of axe,,atxn .~ after rciv+rduian htrenE.
<br />17. Ttsar+fer ref tit Property; Aaraptiar. :f x}t of ant part of the Property nr an ,nuttaf thereto is told nr rransEtrred
<br />by Berr'oavr wrttunrr Larmltr'r oror wrrtten .«,:rstat rxciudmg ~xr lh! crcatwn of a Izen irr ent~unrtrranct xuMrt Jrnatt to
<br />tins iiar?gagr. thS the ~rrarn'm ,mot a puhhasr m.xery sccuruy ,erecter ir*r housrha{d appliances, rci a trartsftr by drviar,
<br />dtxurnt tN~ ht svprrauan .>t 3aw upset tare dea!h .,t ., inter tenant rn .J. the gent of any }caaehaid intertat of three years rr less
<br />rrsq iotuautsnt} art .grsut::,: r+;rr:frast. { ertdtr nx>, ar t rndet's oper,x,, tfeclarr a3F the sums secured by rho Mortgage to be
<br />trtxac;;zare,v dt~ .+~ pate:,{[ i.tmdtr •hail hay-t warvtd s•,t.vh nptu~n u• .sceeierau !f. prior t.> [ter sale nr rtanafer- E.emkr
<br />and .}z prr'aswf a: w-h,mt the ?rveperty i•: so trt wt.3 ~x transferred rta:h agrttprrrnt rn w~riutr` rhos the strain of au~h person
<br />rs satis7eL'tar4 tr, {srtyer aril thaz ?{sr znuresi paya.Hr .xz the swen sa card by this Mort;age shag be a[ such rata xs Lttrder
<br />alra{3 rtxdrrat. tf i,trrdrr rtes waeved thr nptran to accs{ers[e provtdad in tMs rengnph 17. std if &>rrower't stt(:Caaaar in
<br />ietarseat [qtr tattcxrtad a written aasruftptton agreeratettt accepted 'n wrmng br Lenskr. Lender shall rekaar tkvrrowar from aB
<br />s3taystnrra ;;o.`.Fr t;,ts sasangy}a a„d t#a Nate.
<br />If ? sit r>:srciscs s,eah oPtean tc ac'Htr'att. I trde-r she}I mail &xtawer rraya.r uE xceltrahan rn accarefancr wuh
<br />b'artgrap{r i4 hrrsas[. .''!iY'.h erutzce 1sa33 arovrrie a prruss{ rrf mu ;±~ than err .,tats r«wt tr;t a,re :tx eater is mai:ad •anh:n
<br />w{siclz tlar:,rwar :na} pa: ent ,urns Jtsiartd errs. }f Brxrrasvrr farts to pay sash >; rttp Kr:arr to the expiraucr +,f serch pentxt,
<br />Lander essay, w-tthxwt fatttsrr mater r=r :tenwtrd rrn Ikttra.trr. ;nvsr{re any rsmrdiea ptrmtttad by paragraph Ig item f.
<br />:`:i3ts-Utsts'ssxu t.~rnr~natsrs ~xrower and }.rtx3er furthrr covenant and egret as ftsikrws:
<br />lg. •.rtasetaiiaar ltarredka. Faexep r 6t+vMisd is }prgargri i7 tara~f. upd SaaaHat'9 basaei M ry cevetaasr nr
<br />.s Rarrta+er ~ 9ie ilaritpge. twaiaikaa the ravtrgla to py wtsa t!r set agar erected by ttaY ~.
<br />liatr`ar gatart m attesaneaa sine teat au~te w g:ws~ewar w graviders d ssatfra*ts it iate+f 'atAg: ell ria tfrtacb:
<br />tYJ ilia aciirw ura-sYtN is toes area tsrerciq t3! a dada. oat let tit Jg dye [raw tie done t-a aslke it rriied b 6orsrwer.
<br />#g wstbese earls lanari trtwP la rsred: aril t4i for fallen its crate aaai berek w w btrlaae fit bale speasisd it tie aodre
<br />w+J cork 6a a~ileaAaa ns tie awry accreted ig tW MwMettN. leaecMaan bs ladltint l~~Il acrd zrdc d tit Rtrprtrt7,
<br />M`it trp~ rkrN sargizee {Mawr tiarrawrr d ~e AIFM ro rtetaadpe [titer arcdtratba aM tie rig1M to assert ~ tie fw,teisarro
<br />aasasab~ra of 3 diliitit m ap a~ Aataaae ~ JlaifBrtir ~ aarYlalaOlo! sad ft)ralbaUl't. ~ doe braari
<br />is tact tread vra at iafate tktt dads apar!!ad Y ®re aalia'e. I.tugfN w fsada+"s eghas try da<trs ai rd flat atera aaa~rai b]'
<br />~ ix ~ doe ~ t~ rxtii~ Caait.a ,sari sad wa7 ftsanisas it )wi+stial }t*Kwiae• t-aarita
<br />~' ..- n a;~ ~ ~ ~-• aB ; M f~, ;~,, twt est ieritdatsi ao. sew of dacerer/ary
<br />sasdrtart, adaaeaeta rd chit .agate
<br />l~, IRtaawes lit ae r,tst'!aill»taathrt•t [cedar's acxginwrnac :.. ,~ ;casts sesvrsd by fhi, Mrxtrave
<br />Earrsrarr sRal{ 3+asa the r~W t:f have env r.rix~.rr_d+ngs t+rgan by I rrf#. t-• rr: t.~~_r ih•=. stsrsagr disi:vrtir.4d 'at env itmr
<br />