<br />L*•traat~ Covettarrra. Hortrrwxr sad L.mtder covenant std a~ta ~ fWlorvs:
<br />i. M'tnass a[ FrWei}a1 aai faessaa. Borrower shall t#~P4tY PaY wFtett due ttte principal d and inmrsat on the
<br />iHd tbtedricse evfdensed hY the Note, prtpagmeat astd use charges as peovided in the Note, amt ttte principal of sad iogtESt
<br />rn say fhatrre Adrttaccs tcetvaf hY ttrg Mortgage.
<br />3 Ftraiis far "[Casa serf fasasea. St4bjai is sppiitabie law or to s xvtittett Wainer hY Leirdef, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender rm the day monthly imttdtmrnh at prisegrat sad itnetest arc WYSak trader the Nixe, remit the Note is paid in frill,
<br />a farm tlrotetn "Fuab`~ etFtisl to mio-taeffltt a# the yaarfy rues sad apeptoenb which tray attain priority ovtt then
<br />Mottgwge, and ground tens as the Property, if my, pttu asno-iaefftir of ywly prmtiimr imtatltaatts for itsrard irsemaace.
<br />phn om-twatfth of cgeiy premium irntaUatenta for fetoetgfga insrranee. if arty, sU as reasonably tsgssated iaitiatty sad from
<br />tsars io tmcte trY Leader ua the horses d aaewmem and bills and r'eaaatabk eatimsaes thaeot.
<br />The Ftttrda shall fx held is ere itatitrnion the depoisu m aomnata a[ which are insured or guaranteed tsy a Pelletal or
<br />mate agenR { including l.rasder if tender is such an ititteatteoa ). (.ender shaft apply tree Ftrtsb to pay said tttxw, asawmarta,
<br />etsatuar4ee pmmiams aad ground realer. [,alder map sat cRtsrge fa w hokting and apptyiag flee Fttob. analysing said account,
<br />or vertfyitrg sad sanpfing said auessawsm sad bif6, unkas Lesttlm' pagc Bnrmwrer imetat on the Fetab and applicable Isw
<br />permrts Lender to malts such a charge. Borrower and Iander istay agree in wrifeng at the tuna of execsrteou of this
<br />Mortgage thu inrernt oa the Prefab shall be paid to Borrower. sad uidess tuch agrewttcat is made or applicable law
<br />requires sock ittarert to be paid, Linder shall nrn rte regstived to pay Borrower any iaterast err earnings on the Ftttrb. tender
<br />shall gix to Borrower. without rbarge, an annul araxrtmirsg of the Funb xlwwing credits std debiu to the Funds and the
<br />p~pme Ior which each debit so the Fuitb was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the soma aensred
<br />try tha Mer[pgc.
<br />if the amarrnt of zha Riisn~t Raid by letsder. togaxha with the hours isanthty mstaUreems of Fuitb payabk prim to
<br />the dos ifuea of taxes, nsaeasnieaa, ttisarance psemetsem eta! ground rents. shall ettcud the amount required to pay said ta.aa,
<br />aaaeataents. imurra:rre ptetaiums and ground rants as they fall dos, .sash excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />proiptly repaed to 8ornasaer or creditsxi to &rrtxtrrar oa nttatthly inatailmenta of Ftmb. Ff the aritount of [he Ftatds
<br />held frY S:cndzr shall not be ntdBclmt to pay taxes, essaa+trmera, insurarta prarrmms and ground rents as they fall dtx,
<br />Bormtner shall pay an Lender any arrtswm necessary to make up t~ ristkmnsy within 30 days from the datz notice ea maikd
<br />RY feadar m Bore~ower rcaptastang payrarnt thereof.
<br />li~ftitm paymaa rn full of all crams uauted by tRrc Rtangaga. f,.radsr shall promptly refund to Borrower cry Fonda
<br />Reid by £.eraSer. if unader partsgra~ f g hsuwf the Property rs wd err the Pr€rpcrty rs rnherwise asqutrcd by Leoda, Lender
<br />shall a;rpdy. rte )Ater than ttamedeately prior so th[ sak of t}x Propetzy r~tr ra acquisition Fry Lends. any Funds held by
<br />fetsdcr az ilx tatter of appiecatnrr a: a credit against the stems teetered by rh:s Mortgage.
<br />3. Aypfieardw d tagasesar, 4:nless applicable law proviaks vtherwiu, all paymems recctved by Lender under the
<br />h~n4a aid parrtgrapRs t and a hares( xhall he appiial Ry t_et~r fifer .n payment ,.f amounts payable to Isndtr by Borrnw~er
<br />under pangrapR ~ hereof, shoo to mtemt payable on the ~i:ne, then to the pnnupai ut the Nate, and then to interact and
<br />pnxtpae nn any Fattue .~lrhatscea.
<br />a.. C-tttgeas 13soa. &trrower ,haft par- all faits.- assescmcnts aid other charges. fears and rmpmiuans attnbutabk to
<br />the Pnrpettq which tray attain a prsosity aver rhea Mortgage. std Irmehold payiriaas nr groutd rents. if any, in the moaner
<br />provi€kaf trotter puagtttph 2 Rereat err..[ nrn paid m strsh manner. Rv Borrower rnaktng payment, when due, Jtratly to the
<br />:::: ~. - -: _ ` r•- s' .... _ ,r n.as r i..r nn~. sh.:. naratraoR.:wd in the eatat
<br />r~Y °
<br />Litsrtosrsra .R~fl r€aa~ ,.+~yaitm A,t~:#fy- ff.-+rrawcr shall prvsrtptiy turn>3h to ?t^dar receapts ^_vtdatK':ng susR paym_cns.
<br />t#rsrmrrzar xhdl pra[~(,n[y 3»charge any Itaa which hers prenrvty over this Mnngage, prantkd. shu Harrower shall net tee
<br />requited to Jtachsrge say sstch lien +e tong as Harrower hall srgrsa sn ;,.Hung ux tRe pattaant :,i the ahltgatron xreured by
<br />stiff freer rr, a raaa~ttsr acsapt,^~hke p: tit, ox' s?tall to gasai sauh .:oatr~ ~h hoer .^-y, .ir Jttfsrad _.nfune- s=u of su:'h !im us,
<br />ldgai any-=.__e.=:~ wrath ttperatt tai )xsvent site etdursement u[ site hen :sr torteature :ri the Prapeny ,x ant pan thereof.
<br />c E!°~-' ` 2':<--~~. ~ _'~-~-1) ~~ .:t€ smp~-arrts~xts --x - ~ ~-~sg .
<br />• ~,•.®,~, _,.,,. - _ .. ,:t,' e_r_~,_ or rte= *t-r erg to ett •:_re P ~+prrty r~ur?d
<br />agaiiut l:sr err fete, ftar:artts trtcitxteai vsithtn tRc Ierlrt "satrrtrhrd a:urrragr' and such :rifler itts'tnrtb as i.ender may rettuira
<br />___.. ,._ ~u.rn ~,,: tar r~ ~r€ob~ _ v:akr : y :u:a'F: -tvt~ci. ,R;tt d 'af: as;s Y~aure that :Re »...ouu; :tee
<br />such .:s:c'Craga ey:srr3 €ftat arstzwnr~d ~•av¢rasey'¢o•.et>xi sc, Herr the ,uxns tccurr<! t,y rRrs xMastsaxe.
<br />Tex u€suraase .:arrar psu.•dtrig she rrauraacs sluts tea s: tnrssa M Bui'ruwzr sutrpect su approval ny IsttJsr. prov-tddl,
<br />that xtsR appnartd shalt nor he unreasonahfy waRtteld. .+sU Prammtm on msru ante palteesa shall rte Mid ,n the rrenriiu
<br />prorn#ar3 under paragraph : hsrerrl vr. ,f tar[ pa.d to such tttamter. M' &rrruwrr making payrittnt. when due, :ItrecUy to the
<br />iissvnntte tauter.
<br />1U itrauarxe ptda:ees and retsewais 7haM1 shall tx m form .rte-rpreb&: ru lsnrtrr .roil ,hall incluJe .. +tnndard mortgage
<br />clause m favor of and to farm ascepfabin ro i.ender, iett+ta +Rah rota the right :u hed the policxs and rertcwaLs thrrsoi.
<br />aed $turower snarl r: aXC:~!y furmtsh tee ixstder ail rttcwal nouns :mJ ail resrrpts ,d pad premium, !n ttte even of Ices.
<br />Borrowtr shall give prompt tarlx't to the rnautams carrier std I.emkr !.make !Hale make praot ,rt lataa vl not matte prnntpely
<br />6Y Bunawer:
<br />l;a&w I.aatakr apd Bortvwar rutterusxe agree m u-Hung, rnwrarx:e ,rrw;eeals shall lets appliat su testwaUVn .,r rcpsu of
<br />ttw Pn~arty :iamsysi, pravttksi >ta:h rearanUtz3a err repiut .s ecsuxuna:aily fcatuR# sad the am-uruy o! the: Mortgage rs
<br />exit eharcir} unpausd- tf such rsatnrauant or :bpalt' s nos nvnontwatly trar+hk or ,t tRt sscuray r+f dw Mortgage would
<br />La: ratpauesi, tftc raaurata-a Frascceslx shall tat applied :u the surm securcd by this Mortgagz, wrth she excess, tf :my, part
<br />to Hatniwrr 17 the i'h+partti rs attata]wtetd tr!r Uarrvwar, .x ri 8orrawar testis !a raspotd to 1_emltr wRhur .31! Jeya tram rhr
<br />dais rcettta'c m .uadW t: ixadcr to ttarrn,wsr that the rawrarrer .:arner c>tlr~ w sstrie n i'.atm for msurancc t+erte@ts, I.rnJer
<br />is atdta.xrreJ tar .xaitact serer apply trier rraurtu5i.e proceada at isrrder a ~pucro tither tv Yaataratran nr :spur rf the Pmpeny
<br />err €n ,ter swats xv~~trid by r,aa hfartgts~.
<br />Utdtas fettdar and Borrows-r +iklrerware agssx m ~+r:utyf. any soh ,typiw~.suart ,ri prur;sads to prna:rpal ,fNdl nut cxteral
<br />err paapane the dos 3au of :hs ratxsdety enstal{metsts refasrred so to paragraphs t and . Rereof err chnngc the amount ut
<br />sash taataUmeasa. 1[ stndw patagrstytR !g )tretapf tb Property u asquirsd by reader, all nght. bile and mtateat vt Btu newer
<br />en :tad fv eras €t>bneamx pdwaa and to and to the prta:teits tftaaztf readnag Ircxn teamatta to fhe Proptrry prior to .he .ale
<br />err a&:aurer2rau shwit p4er to i.eader to {Ire extent :d tea sotto xm:utsd !ty snit M11<trtgagc :rnaiMistriy' prior r:. ,uch .ark yr
<br />aGqui811ix#I.
<br />b. Pswserra~ ass Mtr~saass of Pegtsrty: lrssaisahirt t: t'lasaa! Urals Ike<SefwreuW. iurrrower
<br />snail kxep the Property ra gaxd rtgair and sbatl mr cuttxetit waste .~r permrt rmpatrment or tktsrsorativa o1 tRe Prapnrty.
<br />sod snarl :aunpty wrth tfw prrnris€+krts u4 any leers rf tRts Martgagx rs no a laaschoisl. !f :his Mortgage sx vu .. amt n
<br />C?tdsarim err a ptitaiaai amd dsvsioptacnl. Horrors shat! pertarm alt of Borrc er"s ub}tguwnx tuttkr she deslarsuon
<br />of atvstaanta rrsatrag, ur guxuaiag ttvr ~ra~rm€mtim or pianrx'a! :tor[ akreioprnsni, she Ry~laws alit trgulatuurs ,rf the
<br />cs.nahtmrrtittm err platltssd trait 3araSey+ment. and •~.orntitwent Jacumenis- if a ,atwommetim +„ ptamred .rn,s .h:vctnprstrm
<br />rsder ?a +<aaettied R8 $Oituwei sad rcrcrasked together with rhxt Martgagc, the ~c»~snanu :red agteementx of arch -rake
<br />s9sall 3!e rnsarpusased tote ar€d snail ssuand sad auppisrrssm the toratnanu amt agreentenU ul ihrs Mortgage as ,t +ht enter
<br />roseate x pen hesastf-
<br />7, fArkwstias of iearl}er's }aaateiq. It #krrre. ~cr earls tv prrlortn tRa ~uvanarMS anal ngreeatrats ..rmtarm~al ~n tR.a
<br />littr'sg~ge. ,u' +f any :enia7o .p prorxeshtag .x ,ter,zmratxsf ritrch matsriatdy aUax.ts fcrtJer's sttterrst in the P*opena
<br />snstsdistg, but cwt iresttest zu. e4mtreat deemaas, rnxsiVaitsy. ,:stda en4r+reErstrm. ~+r at rangsnrcnis ,>r pirarradin~c mauls-rag
<br />6edcrxsps tx des>rafwtt. (Ran i.are"st u Lauisu's .xp€,ca:. apart narfsC:¢ t~, fka~rawur, rtutY maker ,sts.R appeatatn:ra. 4teimrss tuuh
<br />sterns sass tats arch acttvtt as xs nesasaark us praeait Larder"s mtsrert. rrtc{uJrrig, cwt ;,as limttetf m. +hsRursenienf :~-i
<br />assasraha ssr~y s ~ .€id es€ry stpu€t store Prrsgserrt tar merit rcparrs- If 1 e:rd€r r~utrN musnfage ,nsuran.-e av
<br />~r:.t._ --_ '-"'i'-sue .~ •~-~,.~. ~ `-h:, moist Bt'•i ~€t ==ai-' --- cyan ~s:xrrl :-_,-st~,n -.><..
<br />'ire -. eihr._.mtu ors T___ - -. -, ,raaaag~q lest sip#a ,_.~-*:.N ._,. .a~e.__ ,. t,....h~^ys;z;•e ..,,r Br::z w.... a;J
<br />