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<br /> .ut��tantialiy eyuieatent mart►��}.:insur�ncc c�,�•er�ge is nut:��•ailablc. &»z•uw•rt�h:dl{��� to l.cixlcr c�h nM,ntl►u►wn cyull ��► �
<br /> une•tNeltih of the yearl}� nwrtg��in�urzncc prcn�ium tking paiJ by &�rr��w•er wtkn tha incuran.�cu�rr�gr la{'K;�..`r•�K"
<br /> be in efF��t.I.c�xt�� will ac:.Ft, us�a.�re�ai�i thesc�vment�:�� a la�s reserr•e in lieu of nx�rt�age in�ura���. �-•
<br /> �Ynxnt�nuy rx�lunger be requirai. :►t the option uf l.c�nler. �f moti:F�Ee invursm�ci��era�c(iu tlk:utx�ant:itul Cnr titir�k n�Kl
<br /> tl�t[.c►xirr reyuire.l pr���idai hy�u� inwn:r appruvcd by Laul:�•rFain beconx.availahlc;uxl i� abwi►x�1. B.�rraw•c�.lull �!' .
<br /> the premiunt�r�yuired to nuii�tain nx.rtSade inaur�rue in cftcYt,ar to proviJe a loss rrscn•c,until the rcyuir�nknt ti�r tiw�n�ayr '
<br /> i►uurancc ends in accardancc w ith any writtcn�greenxnt bctw'ctn Bocrow'er and l.cnder��r applicablc law'.
<br /> q, �u�pection. Lendcr or its agent ii�y mal:e�easunahle entries upon atxl i«�pections uf the Propeny'• Le�xlcr st�l� 6��'e ��
<br /> gp�uu•:r�xuiee at the cime of ur prior to�inspection s�if}:ing reaconable cause fo�the inspection. ,
<br /> IQ. C��pnatia�. The procec�s of any uu•ani �r�lu�m fu� aanwge.`, Jimct or consequential, in rnnn�:tiun with an�• �'°��
<br /> c o t r d e n u r r t i u n o r o thc�taiin g at'un y p a r e ol the Prapc�:y,ui 4'��r cu�n•cyanre in lie��f condcmnatian. Am 1►ereby tusigntvl a�xl ;-__
<br /> slwll be�id co Lcnctcr. �°��'
<br /> 1n ti�e evenl of a toi:li tal:i�g nf tltic PmPert�,the pttkeed�shal{ be upplied to the sums securcd by this Security[nstrument, �;,..
<br /> whethe�• or not then due, with any excess pzid ta BorroN•er. ln the e��ent of a panial taking of the Property rit which the f;iir
<br /> market value of thc Property i:iui�ediatclY bcfore the taking is equal ca or greater than the amounr.of thc su�lzs�ecumcf by r.l�i�, �-
<br /> Se�:urity Instrument inunecliately before thc ta�;ing,unless Borrowcr and Lender otherwise agrce��r�rieing.thc sunu se:urcci L'•
<br /> this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount aF the proceeds multiplicd by the !%al4�rin� fraction: (a1 the �`•T�<.d. �°`
<br /> � unwunt of the �ums secured immediately be,°ore the t�µing.;�ih�bnt of a par+�:r1���:rking of the P operc���w,��h��^z1'c �.'�;!..::
<br />� befom the taling. Any balance shall be paid co Born e
<br />- market vulue of t�Property immccl�atcl�•beforc the taking is les�than thc anxwri.�;'.�:1e sums recurcd imnx�J.�::,'.} Cxtvre't'�c ��`_
<br /> taking, unless Bon'ower a�id l.e»der oiherwise agrcx in writing ar unle:s applicab:�iaw otherwise provides. :1::�;.^.a�xis�'ull __-
<br /> �applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or�:the sums are then due. — ,
<br /> �f the property is abandoned by BorroH•er,or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the c�ndenuwr offers to ma{ce aa
<br /> award ar scttle a cluim for damages, Borrower fails to respc�nd to Lender within 30 days after the date �°����o the�vsurns �_
<br /> Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its option. either to rex�*•��twn or rcpaic af the Prapx'••,:
<br /> � ����s�xl h;thes Security Instrument, whether or not then due. . _ �
<br /> Unless Lender and Bottower othcrw-ise agree in wriiiug, o��"�`•���,�2`���e t�he am un of�auch payments.tend or
<br /> � postpone the due date oi'the monthly pa�M��:`cs refern'd to in paca�r,�,•I*> • • S -
<br /> I 11.Borrort•er 1`ot Rele�sed:For6e�nu'�ace BY l.��r Not a�Qaa�at'a'.£tiY=r;��`n of the time for payment or modificution
<br />_� �:;'•�ortizat'ton of the sacns v.:4ared by tA:��:�rin�?,���nt gra.*�:�°�+}'i.e:rc�:r::,any successor in intere T� .dBorrower shall �!:
<br /> n�•c E,�er�te tk►ralease tke fr:;I,ti?aty of the c�?:�r.a1�Ser':u'�T�'r B°n�"'`r'S�`'�`�'`'°T`."interest. l.ender sha:.. n�t be required to
<br /> �''':,-
<br />=a' cUm;ne;ece�ac�ec.�lings ab�^»:t nny sLC�`-:•��i�e iotere�:��refuse r.? ��a:�' tir.r 'i�,;,�uYment or othenvise r.kkjif�+amortizatiun ,,;.--
<br /> - • uf the s�urs.� �:k^ed by th�s Sece:ir� 'I:�.::..�::�nt by reacon of a�.��� ...:�nd r^.a... by the original Borrow�� rr Borrow-:r's
<br />-- successors�in in.eSCSi. t�Il} fOTI1C3�.-^.�.t�_�i�.enci��in exercising�r� :i.,:at ur scr.�rdy shall aot be a waiver c+f ur prec�u���ww
<br /> = exercise of,>�^���rhs or rerx�e. reer.�enis�>f;his
<br /> aZ. �.�� ;�.•��-;�,-� �ound;Joint � S2vera1 Liz6ility; Cwai;.,auvs. 'I'he covenants ac�d r� .
<br /> _ �.�.�urity �us�.�-._.-}.enc �'1.�JJ!����°rS and bee�t t ree.�:��.`� be Q g and sever.�ll.�y IioaQV►er wh�o v��,�:�F�:s S�°r:s� , '
<br /> ['„r',�gr.�Fr A'". Tc�r.ow•er's co�•enarns a€
<br />�r Ir.tscnz:tucrcyt+::wxs'not�exeeateK urni�r t),:;tesm.�vt:'t11��`_'`�curit��Un.i�sumen�r�l?�aoi per.x=.��J�.I.o�li�rzuai���i}�tl'n=4w�.�
<br />=-�� &.Tnvv►er. �....-est p� Y rees�it�.c L��ur.��snd:r! vtlt��r 13r}rt�:�er rt�ay�,re�=t?S ext::tui.. m.tii�.t�_fixl`u.����
<br /> '� "�,�red by this Security lnstrun�ent; an�i t�)a8
<br /> _ ��ny accpmmodatioo:-witA regard to the terms of th6s Security InsirumLant_or iJi�:'.�ote wuhout that Bom3w�+.�+����tia»��=•
<br /> 13.Loan C6arges•Zf clne loan secured by this Security Instrument is subjec¢cU a law which sets m+xi�rurr'-I�*:�u dt%u'�!-''•
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collecte�or to be rnllected in t��e C�ha��'g�e
<br /> loan eacad the pern►itted limus.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amoan�t�S will be refundecl to
<br /> to the permitted limic' and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which execeded pe
<br /> _ iwrrt�wer. ix,R;e� ���} c�:.::.e te .� rti�c rPfi�nd by reducinR the prineipal owed under che Nou or by maicing a direet
<br /> Payment to Borrower. If a rcfu�xl reduccs principal. the roduction will be treatai as � Paru�i N�c�J���r�: ::i �' '-3Y
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notloes.Any noNce to Bottawer provided for in this Security Instrum�nt shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br />- - it by first ciass mzil unless applicable law requires use of another method. 7'he notice s}�ll be directed to the PropertY Addcrss
<br /> or any other �ddress Bonower designates by notice to l.ender. Any notice ta Lender shali be given by firsi cl�s mail to
<br /> i.,ender's�ddress stated herein or any otlur address 1.��der designates by notioe to Barrowu. Any notioe providod for in this
<br /> J Saxtriry Insttument sha11 be ckemod to fiave�becn�urity Instrument rst�all�be governed by fede�la� and�che�of ttu
<br /> 15.Governiag I.s�w; Severability.
<br /> - jurisdiciion in which ¢he Prope+lY is�ocated. In tt:e event thaz�ny Provision or clause of this Security Inst�vmeac or the Note
<br /> conflicts with applicable l�w.such�nrovision�To this end the ppo sions of this Secu'rtY Ii���N���
<br /> given effect wtthout tbe oonflictia8 P
<br /> w be severable. vf the Note aad of this Security Inurument•
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one confom�ed copy of the property o�.any interest in it
<br /> 17.Transfer of We i'rope�'�y or a BeneC�ctaO Intere�iq Borrower.If all or anY P�
<br />-- is sold or transferrod(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or tr�u�sferred and Borrower is not a oatunl perso►►)w+�tlsoue
<br /> Leoder's prior written cunsent. Lxnder maY• zt its option, require immediate paYment in full of all sums setured by this
<br />— Securiry Instrument. However.this option s}�all not be exerc'�sod by Lender if exerc'�se is pn�hibitod by federal law as of t4e date
<br /> — of this Sav»ry Instrumeat-
<br /> If(,ender exereises ttu;s option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of aoceleration.'fhe notice shal�Pinvide a p�n°d o not
<br /> � �ess than 3Q days from the date tt►e noti�r is delivered or mailed within which Borrower mast pay all sc�ms secured by this
<br /> Secairiry It�suument. If Burrower faits to pay tliese sums p*ior to the expiration of this period. Lender maY invoke any eemedies
<br />-� pcmutte�hy this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> --- lg, �orrpwer's Right to Reiastate. If Borrower meets certain canditions. Borcower shall have the rieht to have
<br /> ' enforament of this Seruci:y Inctrument discontinued at any time priar to the earlier of: (a) 5 days for such other period as
<br /> _° applicable law may sgecify for reinstatement) befon sale of the Property puc�uant to any power of sate coniained in this
<br /> � Security Irutrument•or(b)entry of a judgme:u enfor�.�ing this Securiry Instnimettt•Those cond�ti°iu��BOnOWer.(a)pays
<br /> _=� Lender all sums whi�ch then would be due under this Securiry Instniment and che Note as if no acceleratuw had occurred: (b)
<br /> "'-� cures�ny d;,fassti af any other cc+�enants ar agteernents; (c) paYs a1l expenscs incurral in enforcing this Security lnswment,
<br /> � including.but not limited to,reasonable attomrys' fees: and(d)takes su�h action as Lemler may rzaso:sablY se9t��n t°��re
<br /> �!• that the lien of titis Security Instrnment.Lender's rights in the ProPerty and B°rr°w'er's obligation to pay the sams secural by
<br /> � this Securiry Instrument shall continue unchangod. Upon reinstatement by Bonower. this Security Inurument and the
<br /> `—°��� obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as iF no accelenstion had occurred• However,this right to reinstate sf�all
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17•
<br /> ,�•� 19. Sale of Note; Change of IIaan Se�'vice�'• Th� HO�-� °� a P��� �nterest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> � Instrument)may be so�d one or more times without prior notice co Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(�rnown
<br /> 1�� ��}�•i.oan Servicer"1 that collects monthly payments due ander dte Note and this Security Instrument. There also maa�be one
<br /> or more changes of the�,Can Servicer unrelate.d to a sale of the l�ote. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrow�'r wil�be
<br /> �r given written notice oi�fie change in accordance v�'iclt para8ra�h i4 above ar✓.t�licable(aw.The notice v.ilt state the narr►e and
<br /> address of the new l.aan Servi�>t's��d the address io whuh pa}me.nts st'.o+;!u iae made.The notice wifl :�cunr.zin sny oclier
<br /> • information roquired by applicable tax.
<br />�,- 20. Hazudoati Substaace�. 13arrower shall not cause or�•:-c'�t the Fresence. use. d��sal. sta*r.�z. or rel�e of any
<br /> ��- }lazardous Substar►ces on or in t;�z Property. Bonower shal� :�:r do. nuc �t3ow anyone e�se to du. :�n.�ttung affeciing the
<br /> ;� Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The pre�.i:��ewo �="•tences shall not apply tv�ier�pre a���
<br /> =; storage on tne Property of sma11 yuantities of Hazardous Substances tte�t are 's`����Y «�8nized to be �p p
<br /> , icsidential uses and to maintenance af the Property.
<br /> � wqe,3 a• � Form 3028 9190
<br />