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<br />1. '1'7~a ~trt~a~ar coataanta sad ~ follows: <br />a. He will Pr~PHy pal the indehtedtxas evidet~ by tstrid protaiaeory ~ at the times atad is the <br />taaaaer shraritt. presided <br />b. I$e will pap all razes, assesameats, water retea, and other governmental or mtmicipal ~ar6mt finea, of <br />imptrsitsorst, for which prwfaioa hoe ~ bees made heteinhefoee, and will promptly deliver the aerial receipts <br />therefor to the mid mortgagee. <br />c. He wilf pay xuch ezpeoaea and fees as may ~ incurred in the protection and maintenance of said <br />property, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee For the collection of any or all of <br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or for foreclosure by martgagec'e sale, or court proceedings, or in any other <br />]ftigation ar proceeding affecting said premises. Attorneys' tees reawnably incurred in-any other way shall be <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby aecttred, upon the regnest of the mortgagee, its sno- <br />ceseors or assigns, he shall execute and deliver a sappir_mental mortgage or mortgagee covering any additions, <br />improvements, or iteitermenu made to the property hereinabove describnl :nd all property acgnieed by <br />:t after eke .tar. h..ewi (all in fa,-m m...ixf~ taro •., ....: - Furthermarr _ ___ <br />Fagg ). riKagaP fail to CeirE <br />any default in the payment of a priorror infector encumbrance on the property,desctabed by this irnst.rament, <br />mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to cure such default, btrt mortgagee i_= not obligated to do so; <br />and such advances shall become part of the indebtedness secured by this instzt;ment, subject to the same <br />flerma and conditions. <br />e. T7te rights created by this tronveyance sttal? remain in full force anti effect during any postponement <br />or extension of the time of payment of the indebtedness euidencerl by said promissory note or any part thereof <br />secured hereby. <br />f. He will eontinuaush~ maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and in such amounts as the <br />mortgagee may (rent time to time require an ibe improvements now ar hereafter on said property, and <br />will pay promptly when due any premitutsa therefor. AFI iaettrance shall be carried is rnmpataiea aexptahk <br />to mortgagee sad rite policies and renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto <br />lose payable claasrx in favor of sad in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of lose, mortgagor will give <br />immediate ttotitx in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of love if not made promptly by <br />mortgagor, sad each inauraace rnmpany concerned is hereby antharised and directed to stake payment for sash <br />lam dir~tlp to mortgagce ittatead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and rise inettranae proceeds, or sap <br />part thereof, may hn applied by mortgagee at its aptioa either to the reduction aF tit-. +'adebteda~ hereby <br />sees:end or tea the r~r.enti~ x r~~_ :,f t-t+.. ~_- - `'-= - '? ar dam:. ~. la ,.:~.,, of fo. - urn of this <br />tr~rtga,, az cstht<r tress[€sr of tine t~`aaid pt'ep~ny in eatinbaa:isfltment of the indebt;=dtt~ ss:,^ttr~d ,zzr,';,`.y, all <br />riglst; title, attd later~t ai rite. *_srtgacar =.n serf to any inaura pofi:.iea than in farraa sSaL' pis to'`~ <br />pn;ohas~-r of ...o ~ -~ --. ar. a. ,z.r -,---un .,f il.e s>zo_ _~agae. Wray b_. _ ,rrenda~.l f_. _ _efasnW <br />¢. lie will keep ail huildingx and other impzavetnents. ar. said pralnerty in good repair and coaditioa; <br />will permit, commit, or suffer na waste, impairment, detertioratian of said property or any part thereof; <br />in the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings an raid premises and those erected on said <br />premises, or improvements thereon, in goad repair, the mortgagee may make each repairs ax in its discretion it <br />may deem necessary fur the proper preservation thereof; and rite foil amount of each and every such payment <br />chart tae due and payable and she]? rte secured by the Lien of this mortgage. <br />h. He will sat voluntarily create or permit to be created against the property subject to this mortgage <br />any lion or liana inferior or superior 4a the lien of this mortgage without the written consent of the mort- <br />gagee; atuf further, he will keep and maintain the aama free from the claim of all persons supplying lalwr or <br />..,ateriala far cansittieiian of an}' and ail buildings or improvements rmw being erected or to be erected on <br />na:u' premi~a. <br />i. He wit? nag rent ar assign any part of the rent of said mortgaged property or dentalix , ar rsmave., <br />or subt:YsatialIy slier any building without the writteat consent of the mortgagee. <br />j. All awards of damages in connection with any condernnation £or public use. of or injury to any of the <br />property subject do this mortgage are hereby assigned aatd shall tae paid to raaetgagcc, who may apply the <br />:ass .o pa i of tu.~ iztssal.`-rar<nts lax: dn€ un ". ~atai rru ,anti maztgager is lterebv autitarized, in tfac <br />name of rite mortgagor, W execute and dehvez slid ac;uittances titereaf and ra apps,] fees, ae:y -act: award. <br />k. The mortgage[: shelf have the right to inspect the mortgaged premises at any resaonabie time. <br />~= I'Jefanlt is any of Elte eavrnaatx or conditions of ibis instrument ar of the note ar loan ageeament secured <br />itereny shall tetsnirtate the mortgagar•s right to passeesion, use., sad enjus~meat of the property, at the a}%iian of tine <br />morlgagtx or his assigns (it izcing agreed that the ntortgagar shaft leave such right until default ~. I'pon env such <br />dtfaolt, lire mortgagee shall heconte kite owner of al? of tine, rents and loot[[ aa: color after default an security <br />for lire indebtedness scented hereby, with the right to entr_r ap:m said prolx~rty far the purpss,-ee of coflec!tng Hoch <br />casts sad profits. This instrument shall operate as an assignment of any rentals oa said properly to that extent. <br />