<br />-` _~::
<br />,~ ,
<br />'fl'Lis !taort~e grade aad catered taro this v J`day of ! t c'r~+1--E~w-ire-r_.
<br />39 ~ ~yfby and betwcea Dean S. Grantham and Gertrude D. Grantham, husband and a-ife, y
<br />{hereinafter referred to as raorigagor } aad the Admitustra We of the Small Bttanw Adminatratiaa, an agency of the
<br />Government of the United States of America thereinafter referred to as mortgagce), who maintains sn o6tce aad
<br />plsoeofbasiasatrmpire State Building, 19th and Farttam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102.
<br />~r!!fffiSE1'At, that foe the coaaideration hereinafter stated, rceei}tt of which is hereby sclcamttled~d, the
<br />mott6agor does hereby mortgase, sell, yRaaat, attai6u, and convey Onto the mottga6ee, his itaeCeasera aad i a}i
<br />of the followittg described Property attuted aad beirq} in the Cottaty of Hall
<br />5te¢e of Nebraska
<br />,T.at ;?ive 15; i.n Block one hundred 'Fhirtysthree (133) in union Pacizic Railway
<br />Company"s Second Addition to the City of Graxtd Island, Hail County, Nebraska,
<br />1'oget}ter with and ineiudirtt5 all buildings, all fixtures inaludinK 1>ut net limited to all plumbing, !testing, iigi:t-
<br />ing, venlilatin~, refrigeratinu,. ineineratixtq; air eondetionina apparatus, a:td elevator- t, !!ie tnuel~awor lxeael>v
<br />declaring !list it is rntended the! the ltetn+ herein enutxie rated +hail lse. tleented to !rave been pernsatten€ly in-
<br />stalletl as part of rite realty), and all irnpraceuteni+ no» or hereafter existing therean; the heristlitamettt~ anti
<br />sppurteiw>tees attd all n{}ter rights iher-euuto ltelonging, ur in anywix appertaining, and the rever+ion anti re-
<br />versiuns, reiualnder aatd ren>sinders, aLl right of reden€ption, and the rent., issues, and prulit+ of the above
<br />describer} fir; merit' tnruvedezl, !a;>tx_eaa=, s..„. ,ue .,. - - -- -- - . .. . .
<br />- is ;t` :""-. e„3+gus ~ 3att i;t" eft€tt;etl tU i!€C fn>.+re+.+i[itA ()i Fdtitl }>ri)}H:riy
<br />and to rr11}es! attd retain thc_ :"ents, ::cues., and+},rafit+ until default hereunder i . `ic !rave and to tt.>}.t r}tx, ,,
<br />unto the tnortgagce and the +urces>ors in interea.t of the anartgagee farev er in fee .•itn}>le or +urh oilier a+tate,
<br />it any, as is stated herein.
<br />"f`he tttort~toz rovenanis that he is !awfully seised and potiseased of xud }tea the right to ,el! sad t:onvey said
<br />Property: if€at the name is free €rom all a_nct€trtbraneza earep# ss ltereinabove recited: and that he l€ereby hinds
<br />9timael£ sr{d his saccestora in iater+cst to harran# and tlefead the ti{Ic aforesaid thereto sad every part thereof mains;.
<br />ter elai oP all personas wEtomsaaever.
<br />'f`itia iueirumeot is given ti> axcure the payment of s pron>issory na#e elated .. ~ ~, ,
<br />iu 4pritc+rztial sssa>:.t3 ,.i#1F+. OO ~...y b, l;~an a. .<as;5ac: .t.v ~,e ~~r.,.,e ,rssntl .,~r., nte.et,and
<br />Ali r~.4-=.~~z = ;.
<br />~tr:n +a,m. s_, ~ ~>sr r:-.~.i.,:., utuo.« .., os.*,t,.,.
<br />