--_ _ _ --~.r~.~..
<br />~U-tiCi 5288
<br />(ildrFdRM Covt: rt++!~r-rs. Borrower and Lender covtnant and agrte as €at!ows: '
<br />I. Payment of Prineipat artd interest. Harrower shall pmmptty pay when due tFir pziscipal~ o€ and in tertst an !!it
<br />rruiehfedness evidenced 6y tht Nose, prepaytnen? and fate cha:gez as provided n the ;dots, -and •ht priocipaI of artd imtrest
<br />on any F;:!ure Advances sear, td by thu Dctd cf Trust.
<br />2. Fvrtds for Taxes and Insurance. Subiect to applicable !a;y or to a writttn waiver by Lender, Harrower shaft pay
<br />tv Lenda;r on the day mamh!y ins:aliments a` pnecina! and inrerest arc payable ender :ht No:e, un?ii ?he \u?t is paid rn tali,
<br />sum (herein 'Funds'") eyua! !o onotwtifth of the yearly taxes and assessments :vh+ch may attain prority over this
<br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on tF.e Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearty premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus prat-[we!fth of yearly-prem[vm instaClments for mortgage insurance, if any, a!1 as reamnabty estimated iniHa:iy and Crom
<br />erne to time by Lender or. the basis of assr:ssmen*.s and tails anti reasanablt estimates thereof.
<br />' The Funds shalt be htid in an institution ?rte deposits or accounts of which art insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency (inctuding Lender if-Lender is such an instinnion). I_cndtr shat! apply she Fundz to pay said [axes, asvssment>.
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not-charge (or so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying artd comoH:ng said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Porrower imtrest nn the Ftmds and appbcabit law
<br />permits '-ender to make such a charge. Borrowtr and Lender may agree in writing at the time of zxecurion of this
<br />Deed of Tn+s[ ttia! [n±eres! on the Fonds shat; he paid ro Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable taw
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender she!: not bt rcyuired m pay Borrower any m!eree or earnings an ffic Funds. Lender
<br />shai! give to Burrower, without charge, an unmra! accounting of the Fords showing credits and debt<s tv the Funds and !hc
<br />prrpose for which tack debit to the Funds was made. T: he Funs!s arc ofedged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />py thrs Dttd of Trust. "
<br />ff-the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly instaNmenu of Farads payable pnor !o
<br />the dot darts of taxes, assessments, inserance premiums and ground rents, shalt exceed the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rtnis-ns.;hey fa!! due, .uch rxctss she:'. be, at Harrnwer•s option, either
<br />promptly repaid !u Borrower or credited to Borrower an morrh`.y insta!!ments u' Funds, If the amount n# the Funds
<br />held t,y Lenur shat! rot he su~cit.^,; to pay taxes, ~sscs.ment;. insuranco premiums and ground rtr.ts as they fai€ dot.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount retessary to make up the deEucrey within ?0 days fmm [hc date noNer is mai!rJ
<br />by Ltndtr to Harrower rtyvestiag paymen? ?hutof.
<br />Upon paymcr.! in fait of ail sums seeurcd by this Occd of Trust, Lender shuC promptly refund ru Barrrnver any Funds
<br />held 6y Ltn der. h under paragraph +$ hereof the Prapcrry is sold or the Prapcrty s othenvist aceuircd by I_t ndcr, Lender
<br />shelf apply, no !attr hen immedra?sly prior to the s;dc of !ht Proner:y or hs ::cgois:don by i.ene!tr, any Funds ht!d by
<br />Lender at the flint of app!icatian ns a credi! against the sums seeurcd ~by this Dtcd of Trust.
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable iaa~ prnvidt; othcrwac, ell naymcnts received by !.ceder under the
<br />Note and paragraphs i and 2 htrtoi she!! 6t app':ed by Lc:tder fnt :n payment of ;mounts payah!t to ~utder !,y Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, thta to interest payabit on the !Jute, ;hen ;o :ht princ,pa! o! tit Na:c. and !hen ro imcrest and
<br />principal on any Faints Advances.
<br />4, Charges; Liens. Borrowtr shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges. fines rind :mpastl ions auribur.+ble to
<br />the Property which may attain a priority over this Dced oC "('rus[, and !eascha!d pa}•mens ar ground reins, if any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph ~ htrtof or, it net p::id in such manner, b}' Burrower ^:asi^.g ^:rymc.^.r. •s•hen due. d:rec!!y
<br />to the payee hereof. Borrowtr she!! promadv furnish to (.trader s!i notices of ama:+nts out under •. iss par :graph, and in the
<br />event Harrower she!! make paymcm direct'y,"Harrower cha!! promptly '!~. rnish :v ! ~r.der recrpts er~dc:~: u~~ a•.:ch n:r~mems.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge ar.y aen whir:^. gas pr.orr.y over the :Deed o! Tr.a:: prov:Ct.'., rya: !~ _r ;ha;.' rare be
<br />rtymred to discharge a^.y Boca lien sa !o.^.g as Borrower shaC egret in wr.::ng la the payrttn! i,` ere ~. :ea~tun secured by
<br />such ben :^ a manner aceeptab!e :o Lender, nr she!: i~t good !aiin comes! such lien by, or ;:rend cr!' ree^~rr, of Burn Set gyn.
<br />legal proctedmgs which opmatt tv a..*event the en,'orcemen: o- .._ lien or .`o r'rinve of the Prooe •!y r- :, m; cart thereof.
<br />5. Htuard insurance. Borrowtr she!' keep the imprvvtmcnts now exis!mg or htreaf:er ereccc on '^ '~r~ertp insured
<br />against loss by ..^.re, hazards `rc '_dld within :hc term "t~ttodtd revenge", and ;uch other hazar•Js as '..trader may reGU:rt
<br />and m such amours and .`ar sac`` ptrads as 'coder ntav reuu^e: prrvu€e:u.:ha::_en 'er Brae:! r.u: -eGu rc •~'^a; •he amnunl of
<br />Brach a'stT3~t-tR~ttd i~: a{ amaUnt of Ca.tr~t~t ,ec:.:I.sv t .tY .? S;;n15 ]tL'vrCG ~\• '. h'S ~C ,. -.
<br />The irr.:ranee cur r,tr p: soloing lit insurance shai; - c, hosts a, aa-rnw-er ~ •6 ec; :n +r . c :.crder, pow dtJ.
<br />that such appravai shai not be ucreasonebly •.viihhrd. ;}!i ?rc~tiwru on :mmancc nohc:es sit' ' ~a:d in t!re manner
<br />pros€d-- _ndt n aph _ htroof a:. ..... paid .,..,,.~:, ...,,... _.. ,. Horrawer .:,,n pa inch.. -..en ..,,.. ~scc .. 'ht
<br />+osuravtt carritr.~r
<br />., :cr pal:ti~ts a .'', renewals ' reL: ha-! he ac, sa'>•b;e - nr.: **d , _ - err' 'n''r:g';:=
<br />clause :n~avarJuf ana 'n a: m acctn!ab!eyto Lender :.anus-:m!' h:.vt ha rght .a ho€. .ht no t,ts' ar,d ~r.n~wa!s -',trcet.
<br />and Burrow ti prat r-., ~raish rn i,_ridrr ~-.` mn,•w.' - c --us _. _ :..- -_ ~ s .. _ _ ._>+,.
<br />Borrower sha8 grve pro n~! natict •o the :nsuTanc^ carter ~n .:rder Lent=cr •t~.ry r+_,_ ,,_. r. -ss r. ..den,, .,mp,k
<br />by 5orrawtr.
<br />Unhsx Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wri!:ng, msurancc proceeds shaC he applied !o rc;:erativn or repair o!
<br />the Propertp damaged, pravic:ed such restarauon ur rcpn:r ,, cu•num:caGy •cas:6to :rnd :ne ,ecuntc o! : , Jeed a! ~'..
<br />not thereby ,mpa:red. ;r such restoration ar repmr is our cu+num:cal!y icas:h!t or : tic securty o'~!h:; Jetd :,• l?w: ;.,
<br />be impaved, t:*.t :nsuranet proceeds shall be applied to :hc u,nr, src artd `,y •his !Decd of -!-rust, wa', rte c,ce.<.:! ;,.,}. n.
<br />to Borrower If the `.-'roperty is abandoned by Borrower, ur ~! i!crrowcr !. :. ;o <rsonnd to i:: Weer w...... '0 day; ~wm thr
<br />date nahs;r r5 ma:rr! by ' tndrr !4 9arracvtr !--at ~he acs±rante .ans. .t ~; .o set-'_ :r ci:um _. -n.-rra..,t hr t_ ,! ' endu
<br />s author,xed to cudtce and apply the inserance proceed, .u :xr.dc's eptoan ether 'u revor:+con ur repay r. •''^.r+!'•upe~s.
<br />or iq the sums securzd by this Deed of ?"rust. ~ -
<br />Unitss ;'-ender and Eorrowrr othtrw ise agree ;n wrautg, ;,ray su»h »ppb rutun u' proceeds !n prierea shat' n tetend
<br />or postporrt :he cue dart of :ht monthly :rst»!!mtnts rc!tr rnd w in nu ra_;raphs and '_ 'area: o. :rage :hr amount o.
<br />stub installments, if under paragraph ! Y htrru! :hc Pr rrty :cyu: red !•y ! ender, :, , •gh: tie »nc!~-..,. rts: v; '.
<br />m and to any insuranet polities and 'n and :u :he nroeeeds thertol rer.:(C.ne ic:.,o: damage :a the Pmpe r,} ^nor " :~,Lr
<br />or ac,t?uisitian shay= pass w Lender s ?hc extent ,:; !^r Burns secured by thes Area v! '.-; m::mmed~a'.c:c pnor •: se; h~,~Je o.
<br />acyuisitian. ~ - -
<br />b. Prestrvalion and '.NeIntenantt of Property; Leaseholds; Condominiums; Planned Unit Deveiupmrn!s. Iio•~ow tr
<br />she!! help the I'ropttt} -n gain: rrt•a,r a: d ,!`a ?u: a :, +, ..-m+tnt ur c errs^r , '`+r '. c•!~.
<br />and shat! comp:y with the provisos of any Fee-. if !hts ?'>ec„ ~ f .-rust sun :. ~~t ho:u. I '~.t_ rat ~ ..
<br />condominium w a planned unit dtvttopmtrt, Borrower sh»! pt torn a!i o!Harrowers ob0ga!:vns under ^he,'dcGa.at.on
<br />ur- covtnan!s treating or gavtrntng the condominium or planned anu devt!upmem, the 6y-laws and rego!auv;,, _„ •.hc
<br />condominium or pianrud unit development, at:d cans:.: oleo dot;:mcnu. if a arndumintun: o ^iaencd ::. _t dr:.c'n.,. n,.-nr
<br />r;dtr s executed by Borrower and rtcordtt! ?agethtr w:ih !h~+ '.~ttd u! Tra', rht .ovtnants ::nd~ ag:ecrren?, ,~.
<br />- a7raii tie ;ncurporaItd rntO and shah amend anti aappit+,,,an..._ s.. tnur,!s and ugrtemen!s c! :his L'ctu u - >, .._ - t .,~-
<br />wtre a.aart ittteai.
<br />7. Prottciean rti I.ttxler's v~'tcurity. if Borrawcr 'arts to ptrfarm the covenams and agreemen!s cuntanrd ~~n :hro
<br />geed of Trust- or i€ env action or procetdmg a coautttraad which n?etcher!} a!`ects Lender's matr~t -n :hc 'rexny.
<br />mciud Brag, but -hat !::m!td to, tmiatnt darner n. insa!vtn:}. xdc enforcement, nr arrangen,cnts or ^~.,ced•ng> .,
<br />bankrupt ar deceden*, then Lender at Lender's option, ;+pun notice to Barrawer, Wray make Boob ~npeara„~t,.:!:,*~~~ ~,t .-
<br />sunu and take such action ns is rectssaty to ototcc! Lender's :mertst, including, but hat issued : :~sSunan:cot „~
<br />rtasarub?t-nFt€?rasy's fes~ arad tni~y-?tpun toe Proper.t o - ,lee Fe:rs. ~ Ler~Jer rtu;[•te{ -.»•tC, Sc ....
<br />,nsutanet rct ,.i?ee, gn!.i such ~rnt ..> :he regv.re:ns,+•t ~#u, ,u.h insu.,rnct :er:R n,t,es ;n ~a ,s.rd..,F.. N h .
<br />t_endeds w_rittcn ag7etratnl. or appfieabte law. Borrvwts sh;rn pat :he a;naur,t u' a., mertgngc i=»u-uetc ? -.t a~t„ ~.t ,hc
<br />neanner provided um±tr paragrapS; 2 !;ertof.
<br />Avy amounts dis~urstc by anutr pursuant ;v th;s paragraph with interest the n, she: et ne '+ s+: '
<br />ins}tb+tdness af. Jurrawtr xtcurtd by this Aced of Trust. Unless Barrawer and !.enCtr agree ~ +the• , • rat r?.:yn e~h
<br />amGS;ntu sh~!1 t~ pay~rbit upon r±xrztitt ftvn>- Ltndtr [a L~rrawtr ra:;uesnng ~,+ymcpt thtrtos, :,ve s!!:=;'•hear ;artsrs+ !; „r ., ,
<br />date cf dlsbt, xmt;u at stn: tetra payable from, [izae ten tree -u „cnran- ray or: zey, :ndcr !^ tit .its; , asrnena - - -. ,
<br />aF Si1CJY rata-wain: bt cvatrary-iu app,itau'<c 'aw, ++ .»}.. ~ vc.t, ,.,,l: s. :ou rat-:: .. -:*r4. t
<br />pst=aii5is-'a?x ..ss.e; ags:,eab~::9w. -,:u,.t: rg Ca,.,,r--,.ed :,t :+t,- pe r:+zrs. h s::a~: e..id .c,_rne.., ..., ::v ;p::^,c - .aR_
<br />at4v ~,#}¢[, hsrtundtr.
<br />rt. IrFB$teti33n. Linder maY make fsr 4atFai ! s vt made rC asr~n:rb, t .+: r~2> `.nJ . a u. ~n5:x ~'..i,. • t ' 'ht f'r.,nc rev :'.,-,!,•:i
<br />t'i$...,s'nJtr h,ry', rut !i+:Jt.`GJWt! t`v4++?.: ~ pr;Jr i al}t SU::!t . v,. .. :•+y ': .. .rs,. ., ,P _. ,t S.. .~ ~il '. 4.~ ~
<br />.'.s.SftAt ,.ry '. t4i #'r6'y'tT?v.
<br />