$~•-~'~C~~288 SEED f)~ '1'RLFST
<br />THiS >g~HD t1F Titf.J$q' is tttade this..... 30th ................day of .... (lcrabes ........ - _ ... .
<br />14..BQ, among the Tnutor, . , Krapger' ~ ,Auto, Par t ~ ,,and, Zror} , lrq; ,, .~t;C .. , f A. N.ehxsatta. ~orpozat ion)
<br />........................... lhetein "Bor:owes"),..... ........................
<br />_ .. , ,Johsx, R; , Brownell (Attornev at. Lain) . . .... . .: . .. . . .. . . {herein `"f'rusttt"}, and the Beneficiary,
<br />.. ...............
<br />„, ,Cotmttercial ,Sa>3in&s Company, of, Grand Island , .., a corpora[ion organized and
<br />extsttn Lander *h^ lsws of Nebraska. .. ., whose address is ............... .
<br />Z~~I N Webb Road Grand Island NE b8801 ~ {herein"lender"}.
<br />....................................
<br />BoRaowex, in consideration of the indebtedness herein _*ecited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants
<br />and €anx~SaltQ Tistssxc; in [trot, wi[h power of sate, the following described property located in the County of
<br />. , _ ... - - .., . .. . . . ........................State of Nebraska:
<br />A-tracC of Land comprising a-part of the Southwest Quarter
<br />of Section "'rrity-Three (33), Township Twelve (12) North,
<br />Range mine (,)}, West of the 6th n ~! in Ha1~ County, Ne- '
<br />braska, more particularly described as follows: 3eginning
<br />at a point on the Sast ~ine of the tr1'fS472, said point being
<br />494.3 Feet Worth of the SE corner of said '.dzS::}'; ttzent:e 4ies-
<br />terly parallel to the South line of said Section 33, a distance
<br />of 1,254.2 r^eet to a point fib Feet Fast of the [Nest Line of said
<br />Section 33; thence tiortherly oaraliel to the ;lest •_ine of said
<br />Section 33, 'a distance of 435.11 Feet; thence ~asterly para11e2
<br />to the South Line of said Section 3"s, a distance of :.,254.$5
<br />Feet, to the East -_ne of said :4`+zSr~; thence Southerly along
<br />said Fast _ire o` the W~SEd ~ cistance of 436,11 :'eet to the
<br />place of beginning and containing 14.00 acres moreWor less, L,
<br />CE°T a tract of land comprising a part of *_he S;2=s of Sectio:~~
<br />'.~'r, `township tiorti, ;range 9 :rest of :he bta ? _.. i;ai'
<br />County, Nebraska, more aarticularly described as fo'.lows: .'first
<br />to ascPZt:a_^ tree poin_ of ba;i ,Wins, ,.art rite corner o:
<br />slat`: S`:ti-~; t:enc.e running vortheriy .on„ the Nest 'lne of sale
<br />5t+ri a distance of 99G.3 root Noz-t:t6of _he Southt.~Pst corner o:'
<br />t { n±nn inr+
<br />said S.i~- vh°n~-°_ o SSt,... -_ ~_,:_ _ _. ~ ~ci lip t ~:i~r t1~
<br />sasr~ SW~, a distance of 50 .eetyt;3yt he tual pint o beuin-
<br />ning; th[zneectantinuing ..asteYey a'_cr, tree zst asc._~ec tu;.rs2
<br />a st nee _ 20&'.'
<br />_ ~ u
<br />toyt:^te4lesty fine o' sa_d °ls`_ _ __ .... .. .,f u4 .,_ :env, _.. ..
<br />running ;~esterly para:.le1 to .he Soutt _`.ne o sai~ ;:'.: -~cys-
<br />taxtce of 208.71 root to a point 5G root -ast of ~hc 'mss -.
<br />of said Stikt; thence rur;ning Southerly para~'_el to the '..es' ire
<br />of said SW~, a distance of 208.71 Feet to t e AC.I'i,~ :point of
<br />'ae~iz'triing and containi:~g _,GQ acres, ,..ere OY 1esS.
<br />4R 1, Box 17°A Grand Zsland, N>s ~E02
<br />which has the address of...` ................ ...................... .. .
<br />IStrceti kCar!
<br />....................... {herein "°roperty Address"; ;
<br />[Store end 2iP Ca@e1
<br />Toclitrtt# with alE tfte improvem+:nts now or hcreaiter cr.s;tcd yin the property, anc; nil easrment>, rights,
<br />appgrtenartces, ants (subject however to the rights and authorities given herein to Lender :o caiic~t anci apply s.t~h
<br />nettzs)a royalties, mineral, oil and gas sights and profits, watrr, water rights, and water stock, s^=~ ::!" tixture> r:ow ,,.
<br />hereafter attached to the property, aif of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shat: tx deemc~ti to hr
<br />~rc~i .c=r,~,':' a 1ra.i of t„s pi c~c:Fty 4 ,~c`u wry' i,5 ;ry_ - - _,. .:.r's . ..~ _.. -~. ..._ .~- -_ • - e - ..~. ~=1h ~k u! P; € ~;iY
<br />/o_r fire te~tktild estaRe if this {*?eed cf Tru;t is :rn a leasehold) are beret[[ reienrcY to as the ~Pronerts,`•:
<br />Ttp S€t'uRt to Lettder (a) ttte [tpaynsent of the indt'utedtzess evidenc.c' by Borrower's rote dated .
<br />lxi/30f80 {herein "Vae"). In the print:ipal sum of. , FIFTEEN T1iDttSAND 3;r1L? t}t?flf}0, _..
<br />... ..
<br />(51~,4t4U.QQ) ~ ~ ... , . , , .Dollars, with interest thereon, provtd:ng for monthly ,nstallment>
<br />................................
<br />d ~ineinsl asset intxreyt- wet'k tF±e. hxlance n[ fh -- ierteizteci r„g ii ne+i s:?nncr na?d_ cine and n:ivab?i• on
<br />__-~. ---- __~~ __._ __ ,.~.~ ~ ___ . _.____-____, _...~. ___ _ r_._, _- -
<br />....... 4ceot+er ~ 30-,..1sJ81 .... . . . ....... . ..: th=_• payme.^.t vt ,il" athcr sun?s, with :rtrrest there,?.n. ,,dYan~~,+
<br />in atxxxdats~e herewith ter p[tuect the scetirity of [has flecd of Trust; and '. he tztrfarmanee c?t the cvrenant> .fir,! --~
<br />agreerrtents of Borrower herein ronxairzed.and fb) the rcptty;rrettt o€ any {;store adaanc+•L: wsth .ntcrc.t :h.r~~on, nr,r:r
<br />to grower by lender ptarsusnt to paragraph v : hcreot (ktrrcin "Future Advances" i .
<br />rsor(owcr >;t54i@It$fl3$ [leis t3LX[OwRT tS C8wfst:fy 9l:YCti 4t the L5t3ti IYerenY CGn Yrpet?ainl ha. tnt ±.g~i t0 leant .~!!.
<br />ctxtvep tits t'rup'z[tp, t`rtat t-he ?eoprrtp :s uncrtusrtfxrrd. and ;hat 8yrrv..cr sv iii -rarrars..in+; a.eftnu ::s-:irra'.~ ~..e
<br />tis,z Ya'. t~i'zF .-fEig~ttj a.~4P..3t uri ~pxr:i~s ~~& a@x,u#n..,, ,. ~E`t tG ~. }... ~........5, _.r3c r.z ni.i ~., Y..,.. ,.. -^.+ ~..v .' ~.
<br />ss'w;:t}t,ic r>{ ex;c}>rFvns to Ctavtrags in „ry t t._ --.s„r',ir c -.;4p~ - _. -s° `._. ~r 4 .~i.:-. ._ t=r.,•,c,~,r
<br />*E~~p 1,'r-S-
<br />