tare uttna secured by this Dead of Trust shalt canttinue unimpaired, Upon such payment and cute by Borrower, this Decd of~
<br />Trus{ atxi the obligations secured Ixreby shaft remain in full fore-and eliea as if ho acceicration had occurred.
<br />#~. Asalf{aaaewt of Rtrrts; Appointment of Receiver, fxttder In Possession. As additional security hercundar, Bnrrower
<br />tseraby_assigns to Lender the rents of -the Property, provided that Bcirrawer shall, prior to acctlcration under paragraph IS
<br />--harettf w abandonment of the Pseperty, have the right to ectl}tet and retain suchrents as they bet:atate dtn and-payable.
<br />- Upon aaeekratimt undar paragraph klt hsrrof or abandofinent aT the Property, Lender, in person, bq agentor by
<br />-.jtMlicialiy appoiroted raceiver._ shall be ant{.fed ro enter tq%ia, takeppoossession of and managa itu Prtiparty and to cotlac[-the'
<br />reins of thrProperfy including thaaa past due. Alf rents collected by Lender nr iha racaivar shalt be applied Arat to paytttani
<br />ot~tha costa-of management of the Property and coikaion of rents, inetaiding, but not limirad to, recttvet'4 fees. pteittittrts
<br />- ort:reociver's bonds and rcasatabia attorney's fees, and than to the sums sacurad by this toad 6f Trttst. Lander a{r!-the
<br />~. rteaiverehail tae liable to acrnunt Holy far those rents actually received. - -
<br />21, I<Skttex Advaana. Upon regttest of Bnrrower. Lender, at i.ender's option, prior ro full rcconvayance of the Prtipatty
<br />by. Trustee to Banawer, may make t-arure Advsncas to Bnrmwer. Sttch Future Advances, with interxst thereon, shaft be
<br />stagtn=d-by. thic t)ead of 7ntat when evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes arc secured hereby. At no lime shal3
<br />th¢ principal amoum of the indeMedness ucarrcd by this Reed of Trust, no[ including sums advan n ac ordance herewith
<br />to prottxt the s~urity of than Deed of Trust, exceed the original amount of the Nate plus US S~ 0`-5~~'e~L'..-S0..OUO. 00
<br />22. Retwgttayatste. Upon paymch[ of all sums secured 6y this Clacd of Trust, Lender shat! r-Guest Trintee trtrTeconvey
<br />the Praparty and shall surrender this Dead of T'ruu and aH nines avidancinngg indebtedness scarred by this-Daedo6Tritst-
<br />-m Trtutar_ Trwtrx dtall taeonvey the Ptapefly withtwt warranty and w'rhout charge to the person-or-peraom~~tagatly
<br />sanXhereio. 55+eh.p¢rton ~ pettsuns~.~ait y stt atests of recardaiion, if any.
<br />- -~-StarcYptis'~Me.~--4sader; at-i~5a=~stlare,-may Pmm time-tn rtme ramava Trustarattd a~-asp-~
<br />tntctee to arty Trustee apprnntad hereunder by an instrument rtcnrded in the county in which this t)eaat of Tntst is recorded.
<br />Wtthaut catveyanca of the Propam~, the successor trusses shall sucsaed to all the title, power and duties-conferred upon
<br />tht Tntstea herein and by applicable law
<br />2s1. _ fer 3Vafket Borrower regt+ssis tha{ copies of tha Hotter at default and notice of sak 6a unt to Borrower's
<br />a~rtxs is the Property Address.
<br />itt ilirygtvHSS Wtatlittcoc, Bsirrowe; hay artccutid this [mat! of Trust
<br />. • ~ Ar.r~~ ......... ..... .
<br />/ l~ `~~ i -tiorrow«
<br />!L?A?E ~ Nt38RRfilU11
<br />~~.
<br />tt)t)gftY 08 `t
<br />:'he fosegoinyq ~i.ttattuteactC traa acknowladtpad Isofaze aaaa this .~'.`~~ .da~y/of.
<br />~~. .. i4:.h`r by .~L-.~i.~G. G~. .tS~.~'f>E~. ./J:s-'.CJ. ~'f1h.E'l.Si r.~_~ .~~./`.'Fir:rC
<br />'siit~tetu aY-ttaad aiad.niaisi~ial~.t~l. at. ~~-*A~e~~'? ~s~a~t-,~•rcaf'~r _:/~,dF-'.tom, r
<br />:tt- aa.ld t:otgst.y, t:he dace aPosesa5it. .l. `
<br />~`
<br />t:~ta s t'ttC:l 3...
<br />- ~_ RY' Certt®i,at'_=~ siipl ri3st ~t°tI ~- ~ctr! I "r ~'`'~ BR11C[A. KOYtwfi
<br />tiLltfFRlli, f+tOTAR-~
<br />sttwr.
<br />STt1Td OP NHORASiG
<br />L•OMMana11 fryaea
<br />Apra t4, itr8a
<br />{tt;s?urh'T k'ti!t Wf;t:Uie vaYAtat Y.
<br />'PO R"tsSE s
<br />_ 'P ~±d±r rs~d~l tom.. •,,,t d..r of t!~~ :.offs =,r srv*=~>,E ~tst ur=-d by !!~~-f tf wed ~~f 1'r~sr,
<br />a~r~ riraa^ct ~ i~crt+)t< *r~~?otn~r v4r sly .st"f gr }€t~a~LCxednaxa ar tired try this tamed :+i YrueG.
<br />~,y ~i t~:ta a8spn pgid to =ui3. c ;r.u a•rtth)' -s re;:tra a 'an c ,a irl n4Ct c±r ngeee and ent.u
<br />"~'~.}~ Ua~d- of 'tt: tint. vhiCh art dali4 =rs'd ?eert=l~y. end ~a. raconvey, >WZ t7iout warranty, ala the
<br />'~ ~ Aataf:e nuea bald I't3' y~.i unca~c t5.ts ~t«a o[ -:roar „ tree ,;or.an :,r ~-er:~.na ;oya11} nrttied
<br />„~ ~ t:Fteratta. c~ a ~ .. _
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