<br />9, feradearaatfas. ~flxe procrv;ds of any award or c#atm for damages, Direct ar consequential, in connection with env
<br />a~nJemnatian or other taking of the Property, ar part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to tetsder.
<br />in the evnnt of a natal taking of the Property, the proceeds shall lu applied to the sums secured by this Dead of Trust.
<br />with else excess, if any. paid to Harrower. Tn the rtvem of a partial taking of the Property, unless Harrower and i.ender
<br />atherve,sr agree in writing, there shall lu applied to the sums secure) by this Llred of Trttst such proptxtion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amaurtt of the sums srcurcd- by this f'xed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking !nears to the fair market value of the Prnpeny imrnediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Harrower.
<br />tf flee Property is abandoned by Dnrruwcr, or if, after notice by Lender to Harrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award ar srttx a claim far damages. Harrower fsils to resporu{ m Lrndtr within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, t.eitder is authorized to a?#ltot and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restorntlan or repair of the
<br />Pmpery or to the sums srcurcd by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless 9.ender and Harrower ottttrwisr agree in writing, any such appiicatirnt of proceeds to principal shall oat extent
<br />ru pnsipont the due date of fhe rnanthty installments :efcrrcd to in paragraphs 1 and Z hereof ar change the amount of
<br />such installnxnts.
<br />ft), Harrrowrr Riot (released. Extemion of the umr for paynxnt or moaiiticatinn of amortization of the sums secured
<br />ht' rhos ikrd of Trust granted by Lenrkr to anp suru:vur in interest of Harrower shall not operate to release, in any manner.
<br />rtie tiahdity n6 the original Harrow'rr ant &rrrswtr'v stur~scr+rs in interest. Lender shall not he required fo commence
<br />proceedings against nteh successor e?r refuse to extend tinte fur fur}•ttum or otherwise modify amortization n( the sums
<br />inured by this Dterf ai Tntst by reason of auq JrmanJ mate by the origins! Dnrruwcr and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />7 F. ~Fwiransare iy Leader 1VM a Racer. An} forMarancr ny Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />ntlr¢twise afforded by applicable law, shalt rzQt iu~ a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />Lhc prcuuttmrnt of insurance or rite payrocm of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender
<br />right to atxekrate the maturity c€ the +ndcbtedness secured hr then Deed of '1'rttst.
<br />12. Retrtedies Ctrattrlativr. Aii remedies pnn•uied m th+s Ihrd o{ Trust arc Jisunct :md cttmulative to any other right
<br />or rrrtttd} under this i2ced of Teus[ or etfurded by law or rquhy. ant may t,r raercisrJ eaeteurrettf!v, indspenJenaly or
<br />st.:.ccsivefy. -
<br />I3. iacrttiwxs sad Assieus !carol; Jaart reset 5rrera! iJabitid)p; ('apfioas. Tht covenants and agreements herein
<br />crcrntained shall hind, and the rights lxrcunJrr shall more ta, the resparhvr. suece>wrs and «vssigtts of l coder and Harrower,
<br />stlAfajasl to the provtstans of paragraph !; hereof Ati covrnatus and ;tlinu menu of Harraw•cr shall Lu joint and several.
<br />T'ha captions and ttcadings of the putragrapfss of this 6ecei f>t Trust arc I'ar convenirnee only and are oat to lx used to
<br />itaierprct ar dtRne for prrvrsions htreraf. .
<br />7J. :Votlas. T: xctpt for any tsubce requ,rrd itnJer ap~plicalslr d~aw to tx given in another mantue, fa) any native to
<br />H~orrrrwer praa•tdrd for in thix Decd of Trust shall he given M+y rriaiiing atach Hotter by tcrtifSt6 mail addruwsed to Barrou•er ut
<br />tie Preparty Address or ai such i+tber address as &>rruwcr in~iay ar~~~t,f#ttate. by notice qo #.rndcr as proviJrtt herein, and
<br />tlfi'I any trotiax to 6.endrr shall etc given by cc7rllfied mad, return tecri.pt rr;aftrestrJ. u, Lender's address state) herein ar 10
<br />aurh other address as Isanier may dcsigtuit by noice tsv Harrower as prnv,ded herein. Any notice provide) for in this
<br />Dead a# True shaD tx drrnxd to have bete, given to Hurr.,war c,r Linder whin g,vrn in the manner designated herein.
<br />76. L'ritarn Qrtd ~ Trash fureraiarR I aw; SererriWty. Tltrv form +~P JerJ r+f tool combines undorm awrnants for
<br />nauenai use acrd ;eon-uniform envenoms w-nh ttmned var,ntrons by !urrsdtct!on to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />overirig Hai property. This Dtcs9 of Toast shall ere gnveraea3 by the taw of the #urtxdn'uon .n which the Properly is locale).
<br />Tn the event that any p(ovisean or darrse of thin Teed ei Treat nr ihr More as,Dtas wrth appl+cahle law, ouch conflict shall
<br />na aRnt otlter pravasicvns of thn L~trd of Trust er the Na_tr whxh can !x g+vrn etiect ?tnhuut ilre conflicting provision.
<br />and to thin end the t3ravissaas of itu Ueetf of Trust amt the Vote arc )related to he severable.
<br />ti. Eaavrerr i Crpy. Horro-wrr shat! be furmshcd a contormrd aupr al the Non• and of this DeeJ at Tnist at the time
<br />i?t rn:~.b't @r att,~: r~tc`3t a..~;e1, tiFu°tdf.
<br />t7, l~lrr a~ the Ers?Btlralft Armor. _ t! a!i sr -y Hart it the € -s+pa - r --- ' r 6 fMrt r:n es aald r~r :rats{errs
<br />Rr+ers,x.e~- r w•ethoui Fsnr7ltr's Aria=r wrnttn -.e~eett. v hrtimg t , i the areattan of t f en r rncumhaanw wl><rdmate to
<br />this T9tad of Toast, iC) [ht cteatzon of a pu2haae ruunty seau.rEy mfe rest ter iFattxha,id ap~i+nncrs, ii! a transfer by drviae,
<br />daai.ara a by operation of taw upmt the death nt a ;cost tenant or d4ri,,:ha ptutari _ - - -
<br />- __ t rr,dex mss ai 4 e:eder a apt acs its ~~ae . ## tttr ones _-u td 6v chi feed nI Trust to he
<br />eta J•~.;~ -=w - .~. Lc :vier sfia t'a'r +a:. --tan ap n.n i~+ aacererarR tt attar i? ihr aatt t t:art_ter itndtr
<br />sn. t'R ~ .0..n .~ .rtt.,i are ~rvt,rriS ,a do oe solo at er,artxitrs cd tta~n itgrrceau't:! t': wru ng tka, tkte tdr, of - h t ra+u
<br />t9 attisfat{afy Ea l,rndtr attJ lint tilt ,atrtesl pat-ahlQ Un lhC aunty t~.,u ¢~rv I+v rh t. [)re,l ;,I '1 e~,a; .hAJ! I ~, ~~ .. t; ro_ ~ a~
<br />?dr` °~" ~qt=~f. '-r a -a,><ra u~. a ^t t+ i - -e crate {-r , -Be 9 °~ P p e' g t h i', ,nu ti D eruwrr a sv r
<br />`» at-t~t has rx~ r~ - rrrrct~n urs.~Tu ~ ~ n. ~.~yyrv # ...~ ...rte , :tor... cn3cr airail rc+rast Harrower iron
<br />s## a:<.ir~tu :_ unai:r, then T3etaf of Trust and rht 'veer -
<br />[t Lttaier tstr¢tses such option to ac<cieratc, tender ,half tna;! Horr.,.s rt vaxrcr ni accrlrrai+un ,n a sordance won
<br />f?aragraph td t,er«u. Sea~h twbre sltaH pror+dc s !veers) at ua~t kvs than 7rt ,lays tro,u the date ihr nultcc .. n,aded wuhtn
<br />whri~ Harrower ma} pay the >unsa a{i^artrd duce !t Dan.vwcr i.ul, n• p,. ,ueh ,u,ov pt~:rt ;~,, ihr eaina,u,u:.,{ such pennd.
<br />IxnJer rnay, w,tha?ut !unite ntH is:e ur dannuJ a~, Harrower'. u,+,~lr any rcnKd~a•o- penuutcd h} p.a agrlph I!{ httcuf
<br />\cu+-U N1t C4tM t. taa'titiAtnrs. Hoerowrr not 1.4ndrr further cr,vcnattr .,,,vi agree :„ !a!!nw,~
<br />f8. Arcekratkaat ttrnrsdks. Tixctpf as pruaidrd in parayrap4 !'.' bettor, upon (Sarrower's breac4 of any cuartrant or
<br />agrreurrwt ut Hureaarsr it tie fYeed of "fnrzL iuxfudfng tMe cuarnaals to pay when dot any snttss secured by this Qead
<br />xat 't~ruzt, leader prior au it>:rafrratfaea aiadi sasaii wwrra to Yarnrwrr m praatdrd is pargirnph l4 hereof specttyl»g: It) Ihr
<br />bstw h; try tit ariiua nyeuted to can such trrracia tat a Jae, nw tesa ties }G clays frutx the date ihr ttuti:e mailed lu
<br />Hurrsrwat, 8y w~ri sw~h brrwh ratpit it carad« sad ftf riot itrifarr in cxrr aurh brew6 on ur heturr the dart speciHrd
<br />la tRar aWfer man rtxult is as•selrratL.a of t~ suumr ~c~e9 is lids !teed ed frost and ssir aT ihr Pnaprrty. ~i-be Holier
<br />shrdt further intrsrm Harrruutr of the tigit !u reiroztait otter ucreirratfnru oral the ritth! to br£nq a mm~ arUou to assert
<br />ffx two-txisMroa~e rt n datnuH ur wy gbrr Jefavrsc rat Wrrruwrr to w~arlrrWitw and sttk. it the breach is out cured
<br />ua~ or berate tit darn aprrfird fn ih€ autfce, I.ruder at Irnrtrr'z option may den lore all ad the anntz secured by thin 1?ltd
<br />of 't'rust to >ar ttnrroediateiv due sad psyshit wk•Saui furrier demand and awy fnantna ihr power u( sett and wy atlMr remedies
<br />perrrfttrd iy apptiraik #aw. t.radcr atrtdf be rtuittrd to ru#Mert aD reaauaabk arwta sad rapeases ittrarrrd in pnryuitry Ihr
<br />rrmsdks prate idcd lea i#ia parr;rapi f4. iaciadirq, bat Hui Harked tu, rlaaunriie altarney'z errs.
<br />H itce laawrr ul sale it ins roped, Ttwttre shall record a troller o! da-twit is etch county ix whki the I'nrparty or .urue
<br />,pat! iicnuJ k itrrattd nerd alattD aaaB rapfex ut ruoA rkrsler in ihr rnanaer preu riberl ha appllsaWc few to Harrower sad to the
<br />,+tier pr'raaaz preaeribed he apa+lia able law. ,i<lter the lr}~ar ,at .ueh titter a• may 6r rewired bs 'ai-'(dh~als+r law, Trtv~?Rr zb~t
<br />err ~ wFirr sf sate re sir prrxxrus sad to tit atanrter Pttzcritard by appiteatNr law. fruz#rr. withrtut da utand un
<br />acr.±wtr. stall sell tie Prtrpt#y at PuWic° anrtiou t+a ti€ ht-s bidder at ita• tietr =nd p!_cr a+;d u-.a~r-r flee tarots da,.tauirfr:t
<br />is ttu r of vadr ire one ar aacrrx para'tls at,d by suv6 utter rs Tnutee ursy drirrutina. Truatre may p+aatpuaa sale ut alt
<br />cu nay parcel rat tit YrapeHJ is public anrwuas-e tarot at ihr Haar atrot place ar oat peen iooyly utrrdufed sale. t.eudrr avr
<br />1xr> Aesq{tw, may ptttti tsar the prarperty ul soy safe.
<br />t.tp+ta rtrtfpi~ pttaairat rd ti: price taW, rrusltr shell :triisrr ru tt+e puxrhusar tt~uzk~t'. Herd conacyinK the Propcna
<br />srrfd. Itw recftats fa the 't~naefre', der+f shall br prima Paa~ir r+idnac of Ifir tnuh of the sialrtuenh nritdr thrrrlu. Truatre
<br />~~t~.P{yfy ihr-s?tv't#cesta s~ t~ sad to t ft~uw# umr, tat to all rea+anattit a tnt+ rod rvprm,a•. of ri+r .slr, lnr.iudhag, hu!
<br />am.a trm_:3rzt et. 'rs~~:~~.._ ~z ~..u-- .i_ 4 .., r
<br />-~. *.* - . - vs i `~ of ifae gross vue pro c, reaanmstslr allot err?`, frrv ;.nd a..,ts ref
<br />ikir nidtaxr, ihM to aft sistas srrnreiS try this freed uP trust: auJ trf the escrsy, if mnv, m the prrsaut ur pen.+ns legally entitled
<br />tPs_ tHu.
<br />f4, Harrawrr s Wght to Hrtralatr 'J -Ind,ng ! emir! - - ;ct.te,,,-, +, ad h, ~ , [}r.d , t ru„
<br />tf. t ?K±. Y .a.. -. t - .+ i ..t s.. tat_ : i i a ace t, a ~ r ~ Ev. f .x t ~ 1 ., u i at
<br />{~rrar e.na~ ! t. r t ,tsa ~v ! r r t -, a .: t - } rh ~ t ( I ~ ,t
<br />a
<br />er, !n,v fk..t f,lstrot ley .ass -f gat-m-+.-ts ruu„,t is tkaa-, l+u.t :. :.t ,S, u.-,.: ,h-ale +, ..,n„
<br />~ rhea d,:z en,;.. et- fr cJ ! - .., 'd„ •;d r t ~, . _
<br />P aJ
<br />"t t,r st.~:v~ , ._ r.,. { - 4Y 't.. _`1- - n .... .__ IA.~~ r -.
<br />- F eta ~,. ,, t r - ,_ i -.~
<br />