<br />,-
<br />plan which i5 r'7chibit C hereto. General cnr¢trxf elements shall also i:r~lude all
<br />instaiiatia~s arr3 the sp~e necessary therefor of all cenr_ral ser°afce5 to be
<br />prided up to each suite or garage ir~ludiry electric wirzrtg, Q2umb}roc}, telephone
<br />wrirz~ aril flues.
<br />d. "Limit€d C,cammn Elements" shall include patios aril stoops:
<br />e: "Owner" shall mean oo-tuner as defined in the ~mdaainium Act.
<br />IV. LPTICiN OF R~I1~.
<br />Tite carxi~inium c:cxrsists of one;i} building which is built on
<br />.crawl. spe ar3d does not irx:lude base!vents. Tfie 6fz,:.ldimig is two. ,2} storiFs
<br />ire height,. The lxzildisx3 wi]?' ecfntain nine ('9) suites which ma}~ only be used
<br />fbt resi~irsetial r:aos~s.
<br />Flee Regime also ir!cludes fire {5} autasx~ile garages, a n rking
<br />Pe E?a
<br />azea for ~if~er: (3~} vehicles, zpecreatian~l area and larr]scapit5g. The fatal
<br />fluor aac+~a of the building fexc~.uding garage;;} aggzegates 11,959 square feet and the
<br />*-o~.-al land area of the Regime r _ ates 129,'54 s re feet. Said tauilcii s
<br />~ f'~3 4"~ ng
<br />and improvements together w*_tk~ their lacation on the land and tYfe area and lacation
<br />cff ear:ts Suite are force particu'_arly described in the plan which is attached
<br />hereto as Exhibit '~ .
<br />Each ca~+ner shall be resptrnsibl~e» tzar ttte rf~er, maintenance acxi
<br />rr~alaec~r!ent ~rf all exterior ~`.kx~rs, Incluclinct garage da~arG ann.9 the r;!echanica.l
<br />rratar~ there~;f€, a.xartflnant to ~,aicl ~~urner',;; ::u:itf^ ar 9axage: it :x~ir}y undNr-
<br />.,"tfiar~ t~+:~t t ~= 1y ai :t:.~ ::.awnte~,ar -sk u"~xtex 1,5 r ~~ir 's shall t-~ tt;e
<br />inti:~;,+~r f :~i,ahit'sy of t3;*~ ?xter,.or, ~irlat;es ther~~~.lE. Zk` tnY G-awner fai15
<br />*c' re~~a i , !sair,C';airf ;. re;?l~e kh~*, r~xt:et i;~c Fir t ie3ns aaf hiv :s;!ite «s set forth
<br />i~, ~~ ^~ ] tl~ ~ ~~: .. w~. br~*]s~, t:,e .ir.~~- rtic:^ ,~ =~cfr~xt
<br />wh_r]~, ez:~~cr_ ~ r~~w. '-i=,~,~elcr -a,~k"..pare u~ erfrce ~s c14i:~, .r~? lien
<br />therefor against the <rNner and hi.s unit _n !.ike ,^!anner. as a delinquent zssessment
<br />Eor ~ elerf~nt expense.
<br /> V1. VA[,11L.i.
<br /> TThe basic valua of each suite and garage separatel y with the percentage
<br />whie:z each suite sttal3 shar e in the expense;.; of, arxi the r.iy hts in, the ccxfu:ian
<br />e].ats'are as Follcros:
<br /> tillARl `.
<br /> SUIZR; tiY>7F7 L~. OF
<br /> VAI.LJF; IiXPENSI~ LCY:'~a
<br />~xT~ NQ, t3F'~RIF'I'ICF7 1~EtE•;A
<br />]fl i 3R - ' ~ 514.41 sc:J. fk. Ei,3511 7.2(!Y; fa75
<br />ll `t ER - 1 i3 €rb5.2S " 6,660 '7.14 Fi66
<br /> ~~t - ? l3 Ll3l.a5 " " 11,31.0 t1.u9~ 1131.
<br />
<br />14 :. F313 l~ %!)°73,{.i9 '' '' 1:,74!1 11.4tsk i<<?a
<br />i~ G x~}2 - ? IG55.],9 10,65(1 !1..3I}~ 11955
<br />
<br />1'7 €~2 - 1 it 1374. Y, 3 ., " zl, 7UU N, s2~ fl~U
<br />lR 2 Rit - 1 FS 1,3~J1,17 1.3,010 L3.4I], 13!31.
<br />