<br />3
<br />~~' ~i~ ~ 2 ~~ b1ASTER
<br />CRF~tTING
<br />"8" YIi ^ R SQ[iARE C~`iI~SI:~9 PId~PEc71'Y RELINE
<br />'T'HIS bfAiIFRDP.f~ AIJD DE~LARATICx+, ;Wade this 25th day of c~tc>Cser, 3980,
<br />5Y MID-CtX~TI:~3I:7P l'~PI'EIiPRISES, I?JC., a t:ebrasxa ~rporation (herein called
<br />°Lleclarant"}, for itself, its successors, grantees and assiq_ns.
<br />I. exJ_RPG1S£ F1A'D i3A4~1E.
<br />'tYte purpose of this blaster Reed is to sutmit the lands herein described
<br />and tt:e improvements +,Arilt thereon to the conclaninium form of aanership arrri use
<br />in the manner provided by Sections 7b-801 thrcxrgh 76-823, R.R.S. "3ebraska (herein
<br />called "C~omini:ua Property Ac:t"?, and the ratoe by which this condominium is to
<br />be identified i.s "r3" riindsoe Scgrare Condomini.un Propert•~~ Rc-c7it!te.
<br />I Z , I.NVI(7,LVF-~r i'fRG7PFRT'1.
<br />The lands c'xarted ~~ the C~clarant which t:ar~+ haereb}^ ,submitted to the..
<br />r:;randca^rninium regime are €escribed as folic"ws:
<br />'..Jrrit rt~,~ (2.) , ;cat `:t~« ;2; , f~3].ock Pi<lht. a;Ei; ,
<br />Repaat, C.antine;nt~~~t1 Gard<;~n:A, z~n ttdc'l;ition tic,
<br />the City oF. Grand I51and, Hall Ccwnty,
<br />'~lebraska, as surveyed, F,iattec3 and recorded,
<br />as ire fu11v sham an Cxhibit "C" attached
<br />hereto, ,s:Ri hz. ti:i~ re.erence =rcrorrx~rated
<br />herein.
<br />ill. Dxt'fi.2'STCR:S.
<br />~a::s~t as ~r..rs ir:att_r siC;tt•d+„ ".trey et.7 i.nit:tc;n ;et tsrt:h ~r, .~ectican
<br />](i'-8t2, ?t..z. ~ . 'vel7r2r ,ca „,arl i ~xovt~rt+- ~a2~! "~la 1 ' r ("r€:~t!r'i and the OY'-Laws hereto.
<br />a. •.'~U1 t?.. -r'h~A.`-.? .mk'~:kF; ~Y[&'~ ...;_1 _:?c T'f':Fl` - 1:-). _i ~r~,`~ 'Sy ICS.' „}. ~r?a i?1~Y':€°.
<br />v-~.tu~rt~.,=;a.1 ~ ~ -_,~ 3s n3a,. _n. .W r- s~~;- ~~ ~e r.;;-~ ',. ~ -ik_C' 1.__-~ Y~ ., e~. ai, ~~;~
<br />~u_±'L ~.s P~~v nl.*ct. t; 4~~'. 4 ttt =~ _., rax~ ~t >_ r~<s ~ [i ~rir ~ r ns~r~-s~;c_rs
<br />Ur 13Il.i tS; [Y'.Yiita7N?nt ~7a5, C'tia LC Ck91. :;%UEr ~{µi c,r < }~<'t[1C h~irl'JE`(; IAC ~.Y !.115,
<br />screen.iny, wYndow cllass, f•xterior ;an;i .nt~:riur cicx~rs, irtt i:ail not include
<br />structural wads, c`CRrq~ wal ls, ir;r~*r ic;r walls, e~.~+: r,, r,c3or.~ arx3 ceili.rxls,
<br />except for the unit-sine e-uri'ac:es ther~i, o:hicY~i sha71 ~e irr_luded to the
<br />definieion "suite".
<br />!~, "CcxaicY:uni:;r;" sha21 ,+5tn t::e f~ntire cc>nde~neiniur, projcK:t ilx:iucling
<br />all bui.ldinys, land, and cattier i;~{:'rrenrertrfr;zts urxx; tt:e land as ~5e~t forth in this
<br />Master as a Fart of the ;.cv;ruminiuni reg!mr~.
<br />r.. "Ge,^^.era?. Ccxznxan Eaaxr~:~nts" ~het21 ir'ticludP: 'Ftte land ~~r't whir,Yt
<br />the bui.ldirx;s star~i, incluciiru7 ,-ill, ~':>R' th+= :?.urr<xuxlirxa Ic3rxls ~_nrbrac~ECl within.
<br />the lal ~3esctil.tic;~ri s~~itic~c3 :ru ,lrtic~lc iiWr;~F; ttx-~ :rxrndations, roofs
<br />arx: ~:rait; s.•all~ i:t.'..1tl,rn; tt;F ~~xt~=ricer ::urfc~c;e.s zf all huilciirz<7s arxi gar~Jes
<br />~~xeeltt Eon ~rea2irx; wuxia.: ~,la5s, F=xt~r<or soc;r atxi gar.acle clazrs; +~xterior
<br />w,~teY tal:s which xay '..~ _sStti, t:y: tt~= cm:r.~-c~' B,s.x,ciation for waternrx; and rrtcintenar
<br />4~ui1~'_rx~, .3~ ~ .`ar ,~ t ,.r~.,u.z,t r;st r~tcx;.>;,xr•„t:, e.i,ic.f~ ,u c= tn_r~'~~::~tti?c~
<br />sr=this tie " ui±...~, .}nc>t~'! _... "~ rnA±*_nr frrrrr_~c: r^!-err-nt~;" as shC~n +::n the
<br />