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<br />In the City of Grand Island Nebraska
<br />Johnson Land Company, a Nebraska corporation, hereinafter
<br />called the Subdivider, as owner of a tract of land comprising a
<br />part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W~NE4) of Section
<br />Twenty-two (22}, Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (4) West of
<br />the 6th P.M „ City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, and more
<br />parti4uiarly descgibed as follows:
<br />Beginning at the Southwest corner of P1eaasant View
<br />Sixth Additicn to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />said corner also being on the west line of said West
<br />Half of the Northeast Quarter (W~sNE'-;,); thence southerly
<br />along the West line of said F'~e5t Half of the Northeast
<br />Quarter (WANES) a distance of seven hundred one and
<br />eight-tenths {7p1,$} feet to the Northwest corner of
<br />Hilligas Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Nebraska;
<br />thence easts:rl_y along the North line of said Hilligas
<br />Subdivision a distance of one hundred thirty (13~)
<br />feet to the Northeast corner of said Hilligas Subdivision;
<br />thence northex•.ly along the West Line of Pleasant View
<br />Drive a distance of seven hundred two and one-tenth
<br />{;0.'..3) feet to the Southeast corner of i.ot Five (5}
<br />«f said ileasant View Sixtri :addition; thence westerly
<br />a distance o£ cjne Rundred C:hirty {1311} £eet to the point
<br />cf y>=ginning, :end .,.,::tai..%nh ?.09 ~i4..r~sLL,,. more or less,
<br />(le tb"l,[eS tl7 eiave Gtl'f~(r? ~1QeQ :.. ~ yu[?a Z.4 .I ion tole e?i)vi iie C•~e.E'i4 Abed
<br />tract of land ;~hieh i s l~~=ir~r1 ,~_~-}_ .= t!2_ e:?rpczr4to 1x...~.,.z : £ the
<br />City of Grand island, Nebraska, and herehy submits to the City
<br />Council of such City ior. acceptance as provided by lacy an ctecurate
<br />map and plat of such prcaposed subdivision, to 6e known as Pl.Er15ANT
<br />VIEW PtI&"TH SUBDIVISION, designating explicitly the land to tie
<br />laid out ~nd rtr..ular.t_ de~cribin~; the i.ats, streets, rsud
<br />easements belanging to such subdivision, c.~ith lots designateii h~f
<br />nutni~ers, streets by names, and easements by dimensions, and
<br />propozres to cau,,e the p}.at of ~:uch subdivision whin rinali~:
<br />approved F~"+y Iiie Rehirnu i'lunri L-nv ~[7tL22;i S51t7it art tl `, ite i,? t •, t:~+x trt~
<br />tt~ he acknawledge:i r,•v such ot,r~ier, ec~rttiie:.s ,v:; accue:}c: • <~t
<br />strrvey by a re~,istered land surveyor, and to cont.tin a tiedi.cation
<br />o#' ;streets to th€ use oT the public forever and ~~£ rho e~as~:me~nt~ tt>
<br />pssblic utiLi.ties. In ccinsideration of t}se ~ecceprancs• ~~r the: ;its?.
<br />of tsctid Pla:~t:+ane. 's'iet~t i3irstt2 Ss_tbdivisirn, t:he ~1ut?divic:er hereh
<br />L:t7CttiL_+Cl ~:s at2=4 ~{~rai~s. f~i r{: !z~ ,:.,- •,ii t,a ra c_u _- --fats:. ic.V_3:%X3, Lil.'.C
<br />it -~i1 fv~=x-,11.
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