t~~--- # ~ i { :~ ~3 ~ 4
<br />L 1'i..~o.~.Rtu atro..d.a.a ttpte.. as ~awi
<br />a >3s «itll peaeaptiy py tie ;tttdebtedsea. e:eidaaeed by .aid protai.ee~ note at tJse tittaes ..d ias the
<br />tr...ar tlaeeda ptet+idad
<br />b• $. tr~ri ~ .If tttaaar asae~tar •~' ntaa..~ otLar ~ er mmic3pad ehtaeRae, 3Gatsr, or
<br />dnaloaitiaor fiat tttfttk! paesdsteA ta.s ttwt iittvs tttitia hswsltdaa4 aa+td trill Ps~PUy deldrer tie aided ttettdpta
<br />tltetdatr to tYs acid aroattRyse.
<br />c. Ile wilt pay srtrh rxpearra and frra as may be itteaered tut the pratettion and munut+anm of raid
<br />prsprwty, inelndinR thr fete of any attorney employed by the moreRa}Cee Cor the wikrtion of any or all of
<br />tie ~ hereby rernted, or for feraclosare by ttxerrttyaRee'a axle, or cwtrt peoeeedin~, or in any ot6ar
<br />litiRatim ar proceedin}t aQcetinq[ said pteaniaea. Aeterneyt fees rcaar+nsbly i«vrnrd is anrr other way.hafl be
<br />P~ by tbs aatn•tK~*•
<br />d Fnr betur ttecurity of the indebttdne» hereby reeured, upon the rr~ttaat of the mortga}ter, its alto
<br />r:earpn or aaaipa, he shall rxecute and delivrr a-supplemrntaf tnortRage or mor•t{tafes rroverityt any additima,
<br />irttpruvetrara+h, or betterments made to lase property htrrinaLx+vr siearriixd ~ nd ail proprr"ry acga:r~d h
<br />it altar ifaa date hrseaf lall in form ratufactary irr mart~a}cur?. Funhrrmore, rlwuid moet~s}tor fail to cure
<br />asky dafainlt fn the psymcnt of a prior s)r nnfr_riar anrumbranr~a un sltc prcrprrrty dracnbttd by this insiruatan4
<br />trrort~aRor htrrbp a{cree-~s to per»nit mort~,tatRer to rarrr ench ,#e[aufs. E~wn murtgaptrr in not e)hEi~atrd to do so:
<br />and aatarh adw~anecar altall 6rcumc part of the imdrintednetsr ~.rrrs:rrd bw this instntmrnL rubject to the came
<br />tertamt and eanditbarra.
<br />a•, 'Tbr. ri}iitte cnvtrd by this remwryanr•srt mhiaBl rr+nrsi~.n i~rr lusll fcrrmr and rtlfrrt during snv puatpanament
<br />ur extettaion of the timr r C,pavmrnt o{ tlx indrhtrdnere r+rrtercrd in- fie:ri }rrnmtrrorv Hutt or anv part lhe+raf
<br />rcurrd berth).
<br />j. Hr will rrmtinuvurl+ maimatu hazard tnruranrr, .d *urfi is{>P nr tsprr and in •uch amuuntr ax the
<br />mort}sa}trw may irnm amt to Ume reyurrr on the rmprourmrnir n .tr herraitrr no .std }.rroprrtv, sad
<br />•rill ;t•y pramptlr ahm date say preminrna thecefar. AEI ituorstwe shall 6a carried in armpattier aeaptabie
<br />to eMrt~a6ae attd the policies stud reuewaL thereof shall be held by moriRa~ee and have attached tlteieto
<br />pavalsde r}anraa !~ tavav of sz~ is farts aoaeptabk to the mr.rr~ -, fn want crf Iww gtorl;a[cor will give
<br />i~a_tatad~}rtr tt~im it1 writitut to uwatltRaRrx, and snariatrgcrt maw retake pnwf of lase if cot made paomptl7' bq
<br />tnaa7gaipta~, sad exlt irancr c~anpaay e~cr+aee-need is hrrrby autlworeasd and dai~rtad to make payment far rnak
<br />less directly to ttrart~sResa instead of to mart«rRar sad rtta~r~ef}af}ar joi~~atly., ttnri tare iittatratase praaee.dx, ar any
<br />t-wtrt #t~tmrsmm#. easy F:e a{rp&kd kiy taaostRayle+e at its upttms «.wtt~re to t.kir: rrtitaciis~t of t5ie irdcbted~ncaa lacreb±
<br />;~1 .'~' ~ _~ s~~ati~ rx r-lsair sd ,?~ p•_•s~-;res_ •!arna~+wad •,r ~@•xxrmvr~ YB .v ~.t ut ia+rn~itiagre o3 titL
<br />eaorttttt+,aa, gar other ttrnafar rrf txtia 20 aaEd prapartt in extxn}italssltmenn uC tE+e. indebtcdnaw ~neernrer{ -terYSiry, ai9
<br />n~ltr, r~itltt+ atad totereat of if6c ntartttr}que is and is) any kaaauratorat' irarlic)ss than Mu terra rbail pear io the
<br />pstta:-ls~:er r.; n:.°)si~3rsr€ :>r, as the aptzsa of the =*_•s „ „ -. -_a4 t_.r -alt rft-r Jrrrs in, a rriund,
<br />~. Ne wit} krrp a}1 huiidinetr and other impst:.rn+rnsa un +a#d pra}tcrty sn cenwl rrpasr .rrd cuntitttan:
<br />will permit, trm+n)it. err o-uffrr no warty, impairenrnt, detrrturauun u( read pr~•;=+•rts rrr ant part therruf;
<br />to the esrnt of tailurr of thr murttCxttur to i.rep thr bue3durKr w+ easel pn•mrrro- end tther rrrrtrd on raid
<br />premtrr:. .x impruvr)t+ens± thrreun, in }to[rd rrpair, the tnurtgr}trr mar enrltr ,uch rrpairn ar sn itr d+arre•ttan it
<br />may drrm nerraarry Sur the }rruprr prrarnat+on th:•rrxe! . and .;tr toll aa+uunt of reels and rrerv o-uch payn+ent
<br />theft br rmmrtl+atrh due an<t pavaFrie and .hall tx• x-r urr.i lr+ shr irrn .,C shr., onortaagr.
<br />h. Itr Brill n.)i vuluntarsly . rratr :.r p.-rmst so kw ~ rratr,i as,sruxt rche^ prupors. ~-as E)je. t s.x :he.. r=:urs~r~e
<br />~s liiy+ u± liens inferior att rulrrnor to the heir u£ Ihtr uwrsY"aXe wtYhuut strr wintrn ~rmw.ut .d the snare-
<br />stattrr; and further, hr wrtl k.•rp and m:tintakn afar ~amc (rrr from skirt rlaym ut a}! }.w rrarnr, eu}.}.iytny, ialxrr ar
<br />nsricnaEa fur rtntetrurltutt of am and all burldinRo- of tmprorrn+rmn a~aarw irtag rrrrtrd ,~r s.. br .~rr, trd u:.
<br />.rid ptwm+rrA.
<br />u. felt wtlE aui rent ur asa>in rns par# of thr tyro cri .rkd a ur tt2rKcal pruirrr tr +:r denxwtatt, ut r><•saarea:,
<br />sx subaiawtially skier atsy build i:u~+r tabour the wrritrn runrrnt oC thr murt~altrr.
<br />s!t ~~- Wt rf~sa ~ m___xcttimt ~•ith ~.~ r^n=famnas,,n for etF)li,• __- ..C or __ c se sus nt the
<br />rpm : - « ~~, i.:r t....t.a=s= .r. h :.--..s R.,t.r,.,..u .... _,.F ...b. }_..3 ta... .~~Y=. ~f ~ , _ #pp
<br />r t+) parm~rnt*exa the rurtadlsact).tr Fart dst€ utsdar aatd uutr., and snurtw;_a~r•e is }tr:rrhv rut-hurtarrif, try the
<br />ctamr ut tl+r murigrsFt•«e. to rxrruie and dell+rr .rlirl a<~yurtt err; r~ tlsre rruf ara.i ta: apttrrl Crum arts tech award.
<br />k. `f`lag murttysger rhr91 ha+r the nKht to it+spr.-t thr n.urtaaKrd turmro-er at aa+y rraas)k+alrir time.
<br />2, flafauk to rot ut tE+r ru+rnaatr ur cornlitwru of this enstrursrr)+i ur of tEkr Hoar .u tuan agrretrvrnt xrcurrr!
<br />harshly dtall uxminatr the owrtgabar'r rt{tltt to purmeaat+rn, urr, scot ru)ua corns o£ dry pruprrts, at thr ••puuu ut the
<br />atrrtaagre ar hta aaxiyna lit heityg rKresd that the meriRa,Srtx whalt ha)r .u. Cx rtKlst cartel ,Crtauls ~ t ixrn art: saris
<br />defaalt, tltc srtsrt~sgrr theft hrce:nr ihr ,.w::r: ut all ut tlx rrne- ar*.=s ;.:rsitt- a<sruiaK start •ErC,tult a..>Ernrrts
<br />fie alas indrbtederns aerurrd F+errby, +ruh sEtr n~ht to ernes uputr +asd pro}rcrt+ Car shr parpuar of cuEEeatu+a such
<br />tstt~ >md pro$b. "Cftm insirtnx shall oprsata as ae +~ysaaeat of xu3 rrattia rus read p+supxrtt to skirl rxtrrxt
<br />