<br />lbis ttaeet~e tattda ttod iate tii. ~ `" ~ ~ dtp e[ C -'`f t' [~. r
<br />19 ~%, h! attd hetweca tlilliam E. Lawrey and Sandra L. Lawrey, husband and wife,
<br />(betaia~after trftxtad to ~ [aertgagor) a»d the Adtniaistntor of the Staall Baiaeas Adttaiaistratima, m ~7 ad the
<br />Govetsroattt o! the Littitcd States of Atnert<a f hertdaaflee referred to as tuortga~eei. who tretitstavta m ol6de awl
<br />phteadiosssat Empire State Building, 19th and Farttam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102.
<br />'IFeep. fiat !ar the etrt~eratier 6welwfoer statad. toaftfpt of trhiai b t~ ttekaewitdBad, tis
<br />ttaoetBaao~r dsw ttetaiy ttsortpga, ~ atratn, aati;a, sad corrcT ttttto tie asotetaaBre, his tlaeeanwa ~d anipt, ail
<br />tN tie b>lfow3t~ desexiied pwparty ttitwatad trod 6mayl is tie Gotat~ of Rall
<br />Stste ~ Nebraska.
<br />T'he Ear$terly Tuao iiutedred Sixty {26O) fet»t Ut: the Northerly
<br />One klundred {10t)) feet. of Lot Seven {7) in "laodland First
<br />Sul~dirviaiatt", an addition to the (:ity of Grand Island, Iebraska.
<br />7~agatitr.,r with aAtl inclucliAK ell 4utkdinKe., al! 6atufe,. iurludinµ k.ut nu/ 7irrtit<ak i+. akk t.luufl.inat. ltratiuir„ Sig#tl-
<br />Sfyt, «'rgtlladiAEt, Trlria<ralifYy'„ ipr inr rack w,y„ air rutuiili+srs+ui~ i.t nt,ra r':.,1 u~•..uu! rie, atufk ! tl:v' +uuftknKa.r #)P rel..
<br />;btv~lari:t~ tt_t~€ it , ,rt=.z.l-.! !#;-;_ =. #a€ .., ...= F.rr,•,n rrect:.;s~s~otz-:t -#[f:;l .:r „.~rrx.wu +u ha+r lair f: #xrr:r,ac.t~,~rrsl•. ete-
<br />•tallr,l a- tfurt u3 tl[r rraktr t~, au.i all inxkacus ranrfst, s„,a ,.e kf« r«•aie?`f r~a.ti u.~ iltrre..tr; ±#f xrre.Siw t;PZrt= r.t+!
<br />apptl rrettier~as [furl all 9ttNtr riahl,z IharruMO ttrtongim~ ur iA altYwfwr alrprFta[liiAtC, riAtl ItIP fe«Pr~tOft aAd rP-
<br />rarwioets, rPAtaiadar seed retnaiArtrn, all ttiaht, ut rrf#c»tptlnn. aAJ the rent., i.rur., ao.l pwr+.fi1+. ui' the wtw.t
<br />ff~wrt~hod prots<cer {pPO.ideal, ltuwesaa. ttuft tllP fuurtftzu:+=r.iral# #.r ~ut.11«l'tr. the ;x .-.<in:. ..! .aiel . ...
<br />aarl tp arilkrt seal rctftks tlee twrtR, i,r.u::.. wn,l7+rotit. uAti# <lr€su#e hrrru[ukrr# 1 i,a,r a i ,-. #.,.#~ #.r -,._,.
<br />;:fir: +:t~'.grt~c..r Sri ttse =`ttr~P~sttrs its intP+~,-t Ai isr Ar.>r€ga~r.r_ €urr.rr izt fr< •iAtttlr ur .ue~€! cstlwr SeiatP,
<br />if ttn~r, taf lti trttfteed lfcrr-tsn.
<br />rosoraata tLat hR is latr.talFr seiaad ssd paatussad of sad has tlt:: right to sell ettd <t>Ar<i saiu
<br />property; t2tat the rwtttta » free tram aft coauatiratteea a:rapt txs haraiASbaae r<ettedc att+l that ~ ktarah!f biAds
<br />biuttltsll fwd his stteeaatwurs so iaterat to >arrattt and ~fafend lbe tale sl..t<said ti.rr<to and r+<r€ #+art therrai sgaiu.t
<br />tiertef dl partma lahegpsaerrx.
<br />~lla tAwtnaawrtt is ptrrn to retur< tltr pacmeni .rl a proruiswr~ uMe rlatru -
<br />tAs4l~+mar+zl3 al:.,?tilO.€lld ,+sia_arclb_t `~i]! ids. +.. .tsca _~ ,.'r,a _. : akr<<:
<br />ir, twl,wlt..l tttetsmely.=m,
<br />-wx t...., >tr: ~ s-?t. a...,s.. t.e,,,,,,.... <+r,:.s».
<br />